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PSYC 2002 5-2 Parenting Styles and Adolescent Sexuality

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Instructions of PSYC 2002 5-2 Parenting Styles and Adolescent Sexuality


In the United States, the pregnancy rate has been steadily declining over the past decade; however, the U.S. teen pregnancy rate is still among the highest in Western societies (CDC, 2021). There are other risks besides teen pregnancy associated with early sexual behavior, including sexually transmitted infections and negative mental health outcomes.

Consider the following hypothetical example:

Sally is your daughter who is in her early teens. She has been a good student. She has had a close relationship with you and a good relationship with her dad. She currently is interested in politics and is on the student council. She is active in many school events and is expected by all of the adults in her life to go to college. As her mother, you begin to suspect that she may be engaging in sexual activity. She stays out later than her curfew, and she has a steady boyfriend. There have been a few times when you know she had opportunity for sexual activity. You are an authoritative parent. You want her to know about pregnancy risks, sexually transmitted diseases, and you are concerned about her early development of relationships. You also are aware that in today’s world, teens do not really date as in previous generations. They tend to engage in serial monogamy. As an authoritative parent, what would you do? What would you do if you were an authoritarian or permissive parent?


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021). About teen pregnancy. Reproductive health: Teen pregnancy. https://www.cdc.gov/teenpregnancy/about/index.htm

For this Assignment, you will explore known factors that delay the onset of intercourse and prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this Assignment.

Required Readings

Required Media

Optional Resources

To prepare:

  • Review the hypothetical example from the lead-in.

  • Review Chapters 14, 15, and 16 in your course text.

  • Review the article, “Stakeholder Education for Community-Wide Health Initiatives: A Focus on Teen Pregnancy Prevention.”

  • Think about Baumrind’s parenting styles. How might authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive parents respond differently to the hypothetical example of Sally?

  • Consider risks of sexual involvement including (but not limited to) pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.

The Assignment (2–3 pages):

Keeping the above example in mind, as well as other factors that are known to delay the onset of intercourse and prevent pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases:

  • Explain the potential risks of sexual involvement for Sally if, in fact, she is sexually active.

  • Explain how parents, with each of the three parenting styles (authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive), would respond to Sally.

  • Provide specific examples of parenting behaviors that include limits for Sally and consequences if the limits are not followed.

  • Conclude by explaining your own thoughts on how to best respond if Sally was your daughter.

Note: Support the responses within your Assignment with evidence from the course Learning Resources. Provide a Reference List for resources you used for this Assignment. Title page and Reference List do not count toward the 2- to 3-page paper length. Use APA style for in-text citations and references. 


Submit your Assignment by Day 7.


Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft, access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area. 

  1. To submit your completed assignment, save your Assignment as WK5Assgn_LastName_Firstinitial

  2. Then, click on Start Assignment near the top of the page.

  3. Next, click on Upload File and select Submit Assignment for review.








This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeExplanation of the potential risks of sexual involvement for Sally if, in fact, she is sexually active.

15 pts


Response is complete and accurate; contains sufficient details and/or explanation; includes supporting information from the Learning Resources.

13 pts


Response is complete and mostly accurate; contains some details and/or explanation; includes supporting information from the Learning Resources.

11 pts


Response is somewhat complete and/or is somewhat accurate; and/or does not contain sufficient details and/or explanation; includes some supporting information from the Learning Resources.

10 pts


Response is incomplete or is mostly inaccurate; lacks sufficient details and/or explanation; does not include supporting information from the Learning Resources.

0 pts


Response is incomplete or not provided; answers are inaccurate and/or not explained; does not include supporting information from the Learning Resources.

15 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeExplanation of how parents, with each of the three parenting styles (authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive), would respond to Sally.

15 pts


Response is complete and accurate; contains sufficient details and/or explanation; includes supporting information from the Learning Resources.

13 pts


Response is complete and mostly accurate; contains some details and/or explanation; includes supporting information from the Learning Resources.

11 pts


Response is somewhat complete and/or is somewhat accurate; and/or does not contain sufficient details and/or explanation; includes some supporting information from the Learning Resources.

10 pts


Response is incomplete or is mostly inaccurate; lacks sufficient details and/or explanation; does not include supporting information from the Learning Resources.

0 pts


Response is incomplete or not provided; answers are inaccurate and/or not explained; does not include supporting information from the Learning Resources.

15 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSpecific examples of parenting behaviors that include limits for Sally and consequences if the limits are not followed.

10 pts


Response is complete and accurate; contains sufficient details and/or explanation; includes supporting information from the Learning Resources.

8.5 pts


Response is complete and mostly accurate; contains some details and/or explanation; includes supporting information from the Learning Resources.

7.5 pts


Response is somewhat complete and/or is somewhat accurate; and/or does not contain sufficient details and/or explanation; includes some supporting information from the Learning Resources.

6.5 pts


Response is incomplete or is mostly inaccurate; lacks sufficient details and/or explanation; does not include supporting information from the Learning Resources.

0 pts


Response is incomplete or not provided; answers are inaccurate and/or not explained; does not include supporting information from the Learning Resources.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeExplanation of personal thoughts on how to best respond if Sally was your daughter.

10 pts


Response is complete and accurate; contains sufficient details and/or explanation; includes supporting information from the Learning Resources.

8.5 pts


Response is complete and mostly accurate; contains some details and/or explanation; includes supporting information from the Learning Resources.

7.5 pts


Response is somewhat complete and/or is somewhat accurate; and/or does not contain sufficient details and/or explanation; includes some supporting information from the Learning Resources.

6.5 pts


Response is incomplete or is mostly inaccurate; lacks sufficient details and/or explanation; does not include supporting information from the Learning Resources.

0 pts


Response is incomplete or not provided; answers are inaccurate and/or not explained; does not include supporting information from the Learning Resources.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuality of Writing

10 pts


Writing is clear and organized with few or no errors in mechanics, usage, grammar, or spelling (MUGS). There is a preponderance of original writing (i.e., use of own words and proper paraphrasing). Information from the Learning Resources is fully provided and correctly documented with citation(s) and reference(s) in correct APA style.

8.5 pts


Writing is mostly clear and organized with few MUGS errors. Writing is original (i.e., use of own words and proper paraphrasing). Information from the Learning Resources is mostly provided and correctly documented with citation(s) and reference(s) in correct APA style.

7.5 pts


Writing is somewhat clear and organized with some MUGS errors. Most writing is mostly original (i.e., use of own words and proper paraphrasing) but may rely on the use of some direct quotations. Information from the Learning Resources is partially provided and/or incorrectly documented with citation(s) and/or reference(s), and/or citations(s) and reference(s) do not follow correct APA style.

6.5 pts


Writing is mostly unclear and disorganized and/or contains many MUGS errors. There is an overuse of direct quotations and/or ineffective paraphrasing. Information from the Learning Resources is significantly lacking and/or is incorrectly documented and/or citation(s) and reference(s) do not follow correct APA style.

0 pts


Writing is mostly unclear and/or mostly disorganized and/or contains many MUGS errors. There is an underuse of original writing and an overuse of directly quoted content. Information from the Learning Resources is absent and/or is not cited or referenced in any way.

10 pts

Total Points: 60

STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE on PSYC 2002 5-2 Parenting Styles and Adolescent Sexuality


This PSYC 2002 5-2 Parenting Styles and Adolescent Sexuality assignment explores how different parenting styles influence adolescent behavior and decision-making regarding sexual activity. The focus is on understanding how authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive parents might respond to a teenager suspected of being sexually active. The PSYC 2002 5-2 Parenting Styles and Adolescent Sexuality guide will provide insights into the potential risks of early sexual involvement and suggest strategies for effective parenting in these situations.


We will discuss the introduction in this section of PSYC 2002 5-2 Parenting Styles and Adolescent Sexuality.

  • Introduce the purpose of the assignment and outline the key areas of focus. Explain briefly the significance of understanding parenting styles in addressing adolescent sexuality.


Parenting styles significantly influence adolescent behavior, particularly concerning sexuality and decision-making about sexual activities. The scenario with Sally highlights the complexities that parents face when addressing teenage sexuality. Each parenting style—authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive—would likely lead to different interactions and outcomes based on their unique approaches to discipline, communication, and warmth.

Explain the potential risks of sexual involvement for Sally if, in fact, she is sexually active.


We will discuss the potential risks of sexual involvement for Sally in this section of PSYC 2002 5-2 Parenting Styles and Adolescent Sexuality.

  • Discuss the risks associated with early sexual activity, including pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), and emotional consequences.


If Sally is sexually active, she faces several risks common among teenagers, including the potential for teen pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention notes that despite the decline in teen pregnancy rates, these risks remain significant. Additionally, early sexual activity is often associated with negative mental health outcomes, such as increased stress and emotional instability, which could affect Sally’s well-being and academic performance.

Explain how parents with each of the three parenting styles (authoritative, authoritarian, and permissive) would respond to Sally.
Provide specific examples of parenting behaviors that include limits for Sally and consequences if the limits are not followed.


In this section of PSYC 2002 5-2 Parenting Styles and Adolescent Sexuality, we will discuss parenting styles and responses to Sally’s situation.

Authoritative Parenting

  • Describe how authoritative parents balance warmth and structure, focusing on open communication and setting clear expectations.

Authoritative parents, like Sally’s mother, are known for being responsive yet firm with set boundaries. This parenting style is balanced with warmth and rational, open communication. In this scenario, an authoritative parent would likely address Sally’s suspected sexual activity by initiating a supportive yet serious conversation. They would discuss the importance of safe sex practices, the implications of STIs and pregnancy, and the emotional aspects of relationships. An authoritative parent would set clear expectations regarding behavior while also providing guidance and support for contraceptive use and safe sexual practices. For example, an authoritative parent might put a curfew and explain the reasons behind this rule, emphasizing safety and responsibility. They would discuss consequences for missing curfews, such as restricted outings, but also offer a process for earning back privileges through trustworthy behavior. Additionally, they would provide resources for sexual health education and facilitate access to contraceptives if appropriate. According to Finley et al. (2018), comprehensive community-wide health initiatives that include stakeholder education play a crucial role in reducing rates of teen pregnancy. These programs emphasize the importance of clear communication between parents and adolescents about sexual health, which aligns with the authoritative parenting approach that balances warmth and structure.

Authoritarian Parenting

  • Describe how authoritarian parents focus on obedience and impose strict rules with less open communication.

An authoritarian parent, in contrast, would likely take a more punitive and less communicative approach. The style is characterized by high demands but low responsiveness. The focus would be on obedience and adherence to parental rules. If Sally were suspected of being sexually active, an authoritarian parent might impose strict curfews, limit interactions with her boyfriend, and enforce consequences without providing much explanation or support for sexual health education. For instance, an authoritarian parent might demand that Sally end her relationship or forbid dating, with strict penalties for non-compliance, such as taking away her phone or other privileges without discussion. The approach could lead to secretive behavior from Sally, as the environment might not feel safe or supportive of open talks about her sexuality (Feldman, 2022, Chapter 15). The method might suppress open communication and push adolescents towards secretive behaviors, increasing risks rather than mitigating them. 

Permissive Parenting

  • Describe how permissive parents are lenient and lack firm boundaries, focusing on being supportive but not setting clear limits.

Permissive parents are typically warm and accepting but lack firm boundaries and discipline. If Sally’s parent were permissive, they might acknowledge her sexual activity but fail to provide the necessary guidance or set limits. The approach might include casual conversations about sex and encouragement to “be safe” without specific strategies or rules. For example, a permissive parent might offer minimal restrictions, perhaps only asking Sally to inform them if she plans to be out late. There may be no specific consequences defined for not following this loose guideline. While this environment might encourage open communication, the lack of clear guidelines might not adequately prepare Sally to make informed decisions about her sexual health. It could potentially lead to higher risk-taking behaviors, as adolescents may not have a clear understanding of boundaries and consequences.

Conclude by explaining your own thoughts on how to best respond if Sally was your daughter.


  • Share your perspective on the best approach to addressing adolescent sexuality, incorporating elements from the authoritative style.

If Sally were my daughter, I would adopt an authoritative approach, emphasizing open communication and education about safe sexual practices. It’s crucial to discuss not only the physical aspects of sexual health but also the emotional and psychological impacts. Providing a supportive environment where Sally feels comfortable discussing her feelings and questions about sexuality would be my priority. The approach fosters trust and understanding, which are essential for guiding adolescents through the complexities of sexual development and relationships.

When considering strategies for preventing teen pregnancy and promoting safe sexual practices, it’s beneficial to look at evidence-based approaches that involve both the teen and their community. According to Finley et al. (2018), comprehensive community-wide health initiatives that include stakeholder education play a crucial role in reducing rates of teen pregnancy. These programs often emphasize the importance of clear communication between parents and adolescents about sexual health, which aligns with the authoritative parenting approach that balances warmth and structure. Implementing such strategies can help in effectively guiding adolescents like Sally through the complexities of their sexual development.


We will discuss the conclusion in this section of PSYC 2002 5-2 Parenting Styles and Adolescent Sexuality.

  • Summarize the key points discussed and reflect on the importance of understanding these influences to better support adolescent development.


Parenting styles deeply influence how adolescents navigate their sexual development. An authoritative approach, blending firm guidelines with supportive communication, is most beneficial for helping adolescents like Sally make informed and safe choices regarding their sexuality. By understanding and strategically addressing these factors, parents can create an environment that supports their children’s healthy development into adulthood.


Feldman, R. S. (2022). Child development (9th ed.). Pearson.

Finley, C., Suellentrop, K., Griesse, R., House, L. D., & Brittain, A. (2018). Stakeholder education for community-wide health initiatives: A focus on teen pregnancy prevention. Health Promotion Practice, 19(1), 38–50. https://doi.org/10.1177/1524839917734521 


This Owlisdom How-To Guide of PSYC 2002 5-2 Parenting Styles and Adolescent Sexuality hones your skills and prepares you for future academic endeavors. In the next module of PSYC 2002, we will explore the 6-1 discussion.

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