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PSYC 2002 6-2 The Impact of Nature and Nurture on Human Development

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Instructions of PSYC 2002 6-2 The Impact of Nature and Nurture on Human Development


Most of us have been raised to believe that our parents play one of the most important roles in our lives. Traditionally, developmental psychologists (e.g., Freud, Erikson) have placed a great deal of emphasis on the impact of parents. But what if parents are not as important as previously thought?

More recent theory and research has challenged the assumption that parents are not as important as previously thought by suggesting that individual biologically based characteristics (e.g., temperament) and forces outside the family (e.g., peers) are also important in shaping development. How does this new information challenge your previously held beliefs? What do you think of the relative impact of nature and nurture on development?

In this Assignment, you will analyze the relative impact of parents and other factors on development.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this Assignment.

Required Readings

Required Media

To prepare:

  • Review the Week 6 readings and media.

  • Consider the arguments of Harris in Gladwell’s blog post, “Do Parents Matter?” and the experiences of the two women in the podcast, Switched at Birth.

  • Consider the aspects of nature (e.g., temperament) and nurture (e.g., attachment) covered in the course and in this week’s Required Readings and media. Select two developmental concepts related to nature and two related to nurture for this assignment.

The Assignment (4–5 pages):

Write a paper that addresses the following:

  • Select two aspects of nature (e.g., temperament) and two aspects of nurture (e.g., attachment) that you have determined to be most influential on development. Define each of the aspects you selected, and then explain why you think they are most influential.

  • Describe the research in the area of each aspect you selected.

  • Summarize your ideas on the relative impact of nature and nurture on development. Be sure your response incorporates and responds to the issues and concepts raised in the learning resources.

Note: Support the responses within your Assignment with evidence from the course Learning Resources. Provide a Reference List for resources you used for this Assignment. Title page and Reference List do not count toward the 4- to 5-page paper length. Use APA style for in-text citations and references.


Submit your Assignment by Day 7.


Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft, access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area. 

  1. To submit your completed assignment, save your Assignment as WK6Assgn_LastName_Firstinitial

  2. Then, click on Start Assignment near the top of the page.

  3. Next, click on Upload File and select Submit Assignment for review.


Congratulations! After you have finished all of the assignments for this week, you have completed the course. Please submit your Student Evaluation of Learning and Teaching by Day 7.








This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDefinition of aspect #1 of nature and explanation why it is most influential on development, including description of research.

20 pts


Response is complete and accurate; contains sufficient details and/or explanation; includes supporting information from the Learning Resources.

17 pts


Response is complete and mostly accurate; contains some details and/or explanation; includes supporting information from the Learning Resources.

15 pts


Response is somewhat complete and/or is somewhat accurate; and/or does not contain sufficient details and/or explanation; includes some supporting information from the Learning Resources.

13 pts


Response is incomplete or is mostly inaccurate; lacks sufficient details and/or explanation; does not include supporting information from the Learning Resources.

0 pts


Response is incomplete or not provided; answers are inaccurate and/or not explained; does not include supporting information from the Learning Resources.

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDefinition of aspect #2 of nature and explanation why it is most influential on development, including description of research.

20 pts


Response is complete and accurate; contains sufficient details and/or explanation; includes supporting information from the Learning Resources.

17 pts


Response is complete and mostly accurate; contains some details and/or explanation; includes supporting information from the Learning Resources.

15 pts


Response is somewhat complete and/or is somewhat accurate; and/or does not contain sufficient details and/or explanation; includes some supporting information from the Learning Resources.

13 pts


Response is incomplete or is mostly inaccurate; lacks sufficient details and/or explanation; does not include supporting information from the Learning Resources.

0 pts


Response is incomplete or not provided; answers are inaccurate and/or not explained; does not include supporting information from the Learning Resources.

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDefinition of aspect #1 of nurture and explanation why it is most influential on development, including description of research.

20 pts


Response is complete and accurate; contains sufficient details and/or explanation; includes supporting information from the Learning Resources.

17 pts


Response is complete and mostly accurate; contains some details and/or explanation; includes supporting information from the Learning Resources.

15 pts


Response is somewhat complete and/or is somewhat accurate; and/or does not contain sufficient details and/or explanation; includes some supporting information from the Learning Resources.

13 pts


Response is incomplete or is mostly inaccurate; lacks sufficient details and/or explanation; does not include supporting information from the Learning Resources.

0 pts


Response is incomplete or not provided; answers are inaccurate and/or not explained; does not include supporting information from the Learning Resources.

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDefinition of aspect #2 of nurture and explanation why it is most influential on development, including description of research.

20 pts


Response is complete and accurate; contains sufficient details and/or explanation; includes supporting information from the Learning Resources.

17 pts


Response is complete and mostly accurate; contains some details and/or explanation; includes supporting information from the Learning Resources.

15 pts


Response is somewhat complete and/or is somewhat accurate; and/or does not contain sufficient details and/or explanation; includes some supporting information from the Learning Resources.

13 pts


Response is incomplete or is mostly inaccurate; lacks sufficient details and/or explanation; does not include supporting information from the Learning Resources.

0 pts


Response is incomplete or not provided; answers are inaccurate and/or not explained; does not include supporting information from the Learning Resources.

20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSummary of ideas on the relative impact of nature and nurture on development, incorporating issues and concepts raised in the learning resources.

10 pts


Response is complete and accurate; contains sufficient details and/or explanation; includes supporting information from the Learning Resources.

8.5 pts


Response is complete and mostly accurate; contains some details and/or explanation; includes supporting information from the Learning Resources.

7.5 pts


Response is somewhat complete and/or is somewhat accurate; and/or does not contain sufficient details and/or explanation; includes some supporting information from the Learning Resources.

6.5 pts


Response is incomplete or is mostly inaccurate; lacks sufficient details and/or explanation; does not include supporting information from the Learning Resources.

0 pts


Response is incomplete or not provided; answers are inaccurate and/or not explained; does not include supporting information from the Learning Resources.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQuality of Writing

10 pts


Writing is clear and organized with few or no errors in mechanics, usage, grammar, or spelling (MUGS). There is a preponderance of original writing (i.e., use of own words and proper paraphrasing). Information from the Learning Resources is fully provided and correctly documented with citation(s) and reference(s) in correct APA style.

8.5 pts


Writing is mostly clear and organized with few MUGS errors. Writing is original (i.e., use of own words and proper paraphrasing). Information from the Learning Resources is mostly provided and correctly documented with citation(s) and reference(s) in correct APA style.

7.5 pts


Writing is somewhat clear and organized with some MUGS errors. Most writing is mostly original (i.e., use of own words and proper paraphrasing) but may rely on the use of some direct quotations. Information from the Learning Resources is partially provided and/or incorrectly documented with citation(s) and/or reference(s), and/or citations(s) and reference(s) do not follow correct APA style.

6.5 pts


Writing is mostly unclear and disorganized and/or contains many MUGS errors. There is an overuse of direct quotations and/or ineffective paraphrasing. Information from the Learning Resources is significantly lacking and/or is incorrectly documented and/or citation(s) and reference(s) do not follow correct APA style.

0 pts


Writing is mostly unclear and/or mostly disorganized and/or contains many MUGS errors. There is an underuse of original writing and an overuse of directly quoted content. Information from the Learning Resources is absent and/or is not cited or referenced in any way.

10 pts

Total Points: 100

STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE on PSYC 2002 6-2 The Impact of Nature and Nurture on Human Development


This Owlisdom How-To guide of PSYC 2002 6-2 The Impact of Nature and Nurture on Human Development assignment involves analysing the roles of nature (genetic and biological traits) and nurture (environmental influences) in human development. The goal of PSYC 2002 6-2 The Impact of Nature and Nurture on Human Development, is to understand how these factors interact to shape developmental outcomes, using concepts such as temperament, genetic predispositions, attachment, and parental influence. This analysis will incorporate significant societal events, like the COVID-19 pandemic, to illustrate the dynamic interplay between nature and nurture.


We will discuss the introduction of PSYC 2002 6-2 The Impact of Nature and Nurture on Human Development.

  • Start by introducing the core focus of the assignment: analyzing the roles of genetic and environmental factors in human development. 
  • Briefly mention the main aspects to be covered, such as temperament, genetic predispositions, attachment, and parental influence.


The longstanding debate between nature and nurture in developmental psychology has traversed from classical theories emphasising parental influence to contemporary perspectives considering a broader spectrum of influences. The discourse has evolved with the introduction of compelling arguments by theorists like Judith Rich Harris, who suggests that external factors such as peer groups might outweigh parental impact in shaping adolescent and adult behaviours. In exploring this debate, this paper delves into the respective roles of inherent biological traits and environmental factors in human development. It examines the foundational concepts of temperament and genetic predispositions under the lens of nature, alongside attachment and parental influence representing nurture. Through this exploration, the paper aims to illustrate the intricate interplay between an individual’s biological makeup and their experiential interactions, especially in light of significant societal events such as the COVID-19 pandemic. The analysis will demonstrate that development is a dynamic process influenced by both genetic and environmental factors, converging to shape the unique trajectories of individuals across their lifespans.

Select two aspects of nature (e.g., temperament) that you have determined to be most influential on development.
Define each of the aspects you selected, and then explain why you think they are most influential. Describe the research in the area of each aspect you selected.


In this section of PSYC 2002 6-2 The Impact of Nature and Nurture on Human Development, we will discuss nature and its influence on development.


  • Define temperament and explain its importance in development. 
  • Discuss its influence and support your explanation with relevant research.

In developmental psychology, the influence of nature pertains to the genetic and biological predispositions that shape human development. It includes aspects like temperament and genetic predispositions, both of which have been extensively studied to understand their roles in shaping an individual’s growth from infancy through adulthood.

Temperament refers to the biologically based tendencies to react to the environment in certain ways, which remain relatively consistent throughout one’s life. Temperament includes dimensions such as activity level, regularity, initial reaction, adaptability, and intensity of response. These early temperamental traits can influence a wide range of developmental aspects, from attachment styles and interactions with caregivers to later social and cognitive development. For instance, a child with a more adaptable temperament may handle transitions and new situations better than a less adaptable child, influencing their social experiences and learning opportunities. Feldman (2022) reinforces this view by discussing how genetic factors contribute to these temperamental traits, emphasising the role of nature in shaping early developmental pathways.

Genetic Predispositions

  • Define genetic predispositions and their impact on development. 
  • Explain why they are influential and provide supporting research.

Genetic predispositions are another significant aspect of nature’s role in development. These are the inherent genetic traits passed down from parents to children, which may predispose individuals to certain behaviours, health conditions, or psychological characteristics. Many aspects of human behaviour and development, including intelligence, personality traits, and the risk of developing mental health disorders, are influenced by genetics. Research from the National Human Genome Research Institute (2018) elaborates on how specific genes can be linked to behaviours and traits, underscoring the powerful influence of genetic endowment on developmental outcomes.

Together, these elements of nature—temperament and genetic predispositions—play critical roles in the developmental process. They not only establish the initial conditions under which environmental factors exert their influences but also interact continuously with those factors to shape the unique developmental trajectories of individuals.

Select two aspects of nurture (e.g., attachment) that you have determined to be most influential on development. Define each of the aspects you selected, and then explain why you think they are most influential.


In this section of PSYC 2002 6-2 The Impact of Nature and Nurture on Human Development, we will discuss nature and its influence on development.


  • Define attachment and its role in development. 
  • Explain its significance using relevant theories and research.

Within the context of nurture, attachment and parental influence are pivotal elements that shape human development, primarily through environmental interactions.

Attachment theory, as formulated by John Bowlby and expanded by Mary Ainsworth, underscores the emotional bonds between infants and their primary caregivers. Bowlby proposed that these early interactions form a “secure base,” crucial for the child’s future social, emotional, and cognitive development. Ainsworth’s research, particularly her “Strange Situation” assessment, categorised attachment styles (secure, anxious-avoidant, and anxious-ambivalent), illustrating how these early experiences influence behaviour and relationship patterns into adulthood.

However, the influence of attachment is contested by Judith Rich Harris, whose views are discussed in Malcolm Gladwell’s critique. Harris argues that external social influences, particularly peer groups, play a more substantial role in shaping adolescent and adult behaviours than parental interactions. She suggests that while attachment impacts early development, its significance wanes as children’s social circles expand (Gladwell, 1998).

Parental Influence

  • Explain the role of parental influence in development. 
  • Discuss traditional and contemporary perspectives, including Harris’s arguments.

Traditional developmental psychology emphasises significant parental impact on child outcomes. This view posits that parents profoundly influence their children’s behavioural, academic, and social outcomes. However, Harris challenges this by pointing to studies like the Colorado Adoption Project, which indicate minimal long-term correlations between parental behaviour and children’s adult behaviours. These findings suggest that external social environments and peer influences may override the effects of parenting styles (Gladwell, 1998).

Incorporating Harris’s critiques into the broader discussion of nurture, it becomes evident that while early family environment and parental styles are influential, their long-term impact might be less deterministic than traditionally believed. This perspective encourages a broader examination of how children adapt to and are shaped by their broader social environments, highlighting the complex interplay between various nurturing factors beyond the home.


  • Compare and contrast the impact of nature and nurture. 
  • Discuss how they interact to shape development, citing relevant research and theories.

The debate between the influences of nature and nurture on human development has evolved significantly, highlighting a complex interaction rather than a simple dichotomy. Nature encompasses the genetic and biological predispositions that shape an individual from conception, including temperament and genetic vulnerabilities. Nurture, on the other hand, involves environmental factors such as family dynamics, educational opportunities, and cultural influences that interact with biological predispositions throughout an individual’s life.

García (2021) emphasises that neither nature nor nurture alone can fully explain the variances in human development. Instead, modern understanding suggests a synthesis where both elements are interdependent and continuously interact to shape a person’s development. For example, a child’s genetic disposition (nature) may predispose them to high intellectual potential. Still, the realisation of this potential largely depends on the educational resources and parental support they receive (nurture). Similarly, a genetic predisposition to anxiety might not manifest without specific environmental triggers.

The integrated perspective recognises that developmental outcomes are not predetermined by genetics alone but are significantly influenced by individuals’ life experiences. Thus, the modern approach to the nature versus nurture debate acknowledges the essential contributions of both genetic makeup and environmental context, each constantly influencing and modifying the other’s effects on shaping individual development.


  • Apply the nature vs. nurture debate to a real-world scenario, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. 
  • Discuss how genetic predispositions and environmental changes interact.

The COVID-19 pandemic provides a profound case study for examining the interactions between nature and nurture in shaping human development. The global event has caused significant environmental changes that have impacted children’s and adolescents’ behaviours and psychological health. The pandemic has led to notable psychological impacts on children, including increased anxiety and stress due to disruptions in their daily routines and social interactions (Tomlinson et al., 2021). These changes represent a substantial shift in nurture factors, where the typical environmental supports like school structures and peer interactions were dramatically altered.

In addition, the nature aspect, including children’s genetic predispositions and temperaments, played a critical role in how they responded to these changes. Children with resilient temperaments might have adapted more quickly to the new norms of social distancing and remote learning, whereas those with less adaptable temperaments faced greater challenges. The situation highlights the complex interplay between genetic predispositions and environmental changes, emphasising how external events like the pandemic can interact with innate characteristics to influence developmental outcomes significantly.


We will discuss the conclusion in this section of PSYC 2002 6-2, The Impact of Nature and Nurture on Human Development.

  • Summarise the key points discussed. 
  • Emphasise the importance of considering both genetic and environmental factors in understanding development and their implications for practice and policy.


The exploration of nature and nurture in shaping human development reveals a complex tapestry where both genetic predispositions and environmental influences intertwine to forge individual developmental paths. The paper has demonstrated that neither biological nor environmental factors solely dictate developmental outcomes; rather, their interaction is pivotal. The case of the COVID-19 pandemic has further exemplified how external crises can accentuate the dynamic interplay between nature and nurture, affecting psychological and behavioural adaptations in youth. Through this analysis, it becomes evident that understanding human development requires a multifaceted approach that appreciates the nuanced contributions of both inherited traits and experiential factors. It is crucial to consider the broader implications of this synthesis for educational practices, parenting strategies, and policy-making to support optimal developmental trajectories in changing societal contexts.


By following these guidelines of PSYC 2002 6-2 The Impact of Nature and Nurture on Human Development, you can comprehensively analyse the impact of nature and nurture on human development, providing well-supported and clear arguments throughout your assignment. You can also read PSYC 2002 complete modules to ace the course!


Feldman, R. S. (2022). Child development (9th ed.). Pearson.

García, J. D. (2021). Nature versus nurture debate. In TomlinsonSalem Press Encyclopedia.

Gladwell, M. (1998, August 17). Do parents matter? Judith Rich Harris and Child Development. The New Yorker. http://croker.harpethhall.org/Must%20Know/Psychology/ParentsGladwell.pdf 

National Human Genome Research Institute. (2018). Genetic disorders. https://www.genome.gov/For-Patients-and-Families/Genetic-Disorders

Tomlinson, M., Richter, L., Fleming, W. (2021). What the science of child and adolescent development contributes to understanding the impacts of COVID-19. South African Journal of Science, 117 (1/2). https://doi.org/10.17159/sajs.2021/8876

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