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QSO 321 2-2 Discussion: Cultural Comparisons and the Triple Bottom Line

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Instructions of QSO 321 2-2 Discussion

2-2 Discussion: Cultural Comparisons and the Triple Bottom Line

In this module, you have learned about the ways organizations support their people, whether it be within the workplace or the local community. In this discussion, you will evaluate business practices that are not considerate of employees and communities, brainstorm reasons why the practices may have been established, and consider how they can be improved.

For your initial post, select one of the following practices to evaluate:

  • Employee pay is low.

  • Employee training is limited.

  • Employee benefits are minimal; there is little paid time off or sick time available.

  • The workplace culture is described by employees as stressful, competitive, or alienating.

  • A business doesn’t give back to the local community in any way.

  • A business outsources many of its suppliers even though many local suppliers are available.

In your initial post, evaluate your selected practice by addressing the following questions:

  • What general factors may have contributed to an organization or business implementing this practice?

  • What are some potential negative repercussions of the practice on employees, the local community, or the business or organization?

  • What benefits might employees, the local community, or the business or organization experience if a more people-friendly practice was incorporated?

In your replies to at least two peers, address the following questions:

  • What specific initiative, practice, or change to your peer’s evaluated practice could improve community or employee support?

  • What are the benefits and risks of implementing your suggested initiative, practice, or change?

  • If you were the primary decision-maker, would you implement your suggested initiative, practice, or change? In other words, do you feel the benefits outweigh the risks? Why or why not?

To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric.

Step-By-Step Guide QSO 321 2-2 Discussion: Cultural Comparisons and the Triple Bottom Line

Introduction to QSO 321 2-2 DISCUSSION

Welcome to the How-To Guide QSO 321 2-2 Discussion: Cultural Comparisons and the Triple Bottom Line. This task will discuss the cultural comparisons and the triple bottom line. This QSO 321 How-To guide will provide brief and descriptive guidelines to solve the QSO 321 2-2 Discussion post and a dummy solution for each section. I will equip you with strategies and insights to tackle all the queries related to Triple Bottom Line. Let us begin with the guide.

Introduction to the Issue

For the QSO 321 2-2 Discussion: Cultural Comparisons and the Triple Bottom Line, we must choose one of the issues given in the instruction guidebook. I chose the issue “Employee pay is low” for this discussion.  I selected the issue of low employee pay because it directly impacts the well-being of workers and the local community, reflecting a significant challenge within business practices today (Diener & Seligman, 2004). Addressing this issue can enhance employee satisfaction, community welfare, and a more sustainable and equitable business model. 

To start with the guide, let us start by understanding that low employee pay can affect the workforce, the broader community, and the organization’s sustainability.

What factors may have contributed to an organization or business implementing this practice?

Factors Contributing to Low Employee Pay

This section of the QSO 321 2-2 Discussion: Cultural Comparisons and the Triple Bottom Line will discuss the factors contributing to low employee pay.

  • Consider the broader economic pressures, such as the desire to minimize operational costs or competitive pricing strategies, that might lead businesses to adopt lower pay scales.
  • Analyze specific sectors or case studies where this practice is prevalent to understand its roots.


Several factors might contribute to a business implementing low employee pay. Economically, businesses often aim to minimize operational costs to enhance profitability (Chen et al., 2023). Companies might lower wages in competitive markets to offer competitive pricing and maintain a cost advantage. This practice is particularly prevalent in sectors with high labor supply but low demand, such as retail or fast food, where the abundance of entry-level workers allows for lower wages. Additionally, a lack of union representation or weak labor laws can make it easier for businesses to adopt such practices. Understanding these dynamics requires looking at the specific industries and their operational challenges alongside broader economic pressures.

What are some potential negative repercussions of the practice on employees, the local community, or the business or organization?

Negative Repercussions of Low Employee Pay

For the next section of the QSO 321 2-2 Discussion: Cultural Comparisons and the Triple Bottom Line, we will look into the negative repercussions of the issue we selected above, i.e., low employment pay.

  • Discuss how low pay can lead to employee dissatisfaction and high turnover rates, potentially affecting the local economy due to decreased spending power.
  • Reflect on the potential for these practices to harm the organization’s reputation and long-term sustainability.


Al-Qathmi and Zedan (2021) state that low employee pay can have several negative repercussions. For employees, it often results in dissatisfaction and a lack of motivation, leading to high turnover rates. This impacts the business through increased recruitment and training costs and affects the local economy due to decreased worker spending power. Furthermore, consistently low wages can harm an organization’s reputation, making it difficult to attract talented individuals. In the long run, these practices might jeopardize the company’s sustainability as public and consumer perceptions shift towards supporting businesses that treat their employees fairly (SimanTov-Nachlieli & Bamberger, 2021). Ultimately, low pay undermines employee well-being and the broader health of the community and business.

What benefits might employees, the local community, or the business or organization experience if a more people-friendly practice was incorporated?

Benefits of Improved Pay Practices

In this section of the QSO 321 2-2 Discussion: Cultural Comparisons and the Triple Bottom Line, we will shed light on the benefits of improved pay practices in the workplace.

  • Explore how fair wages can improve employee morale, attract talent, and enhance community relations.
  • Consider the potential for such practices to contribute to a positive brand image and long-term financial success.


Incorporating fair wage practices can yield significant benefits. It boosts employee morale and job satisfaction, fostering a more motivated and productive workforce (Sorribes et al., 2021). This, in turn, attracts higher-quality talent looking for employers who value their contributions. From a community perspective, better pay increases workers’ spending power, benefiting local businesses and the economy. Fair wages can enhance the organization’s reputation, strengthening community relations and customer loyalty. This positive brand image is crucial for long-term financial success, as consumers increasingly support businesses prioritizing employee welfare (Bennett et al., 2021). Adopting people-friendly pay practices can lead to a virtuous cycle of benefits for employees, the community, and the business.

In your replies to at least two peers, address the following questions: What specific initiative, practice, or change to your peer’s evaluated practice could improve community or employee support? What are the benefits and risks of implementing your suggested initiative, practice, or change? If you were the primary decision-maker, would you implement your suggested initiative, practice, or change? In other words, do you feel the benefits outweigh the risks? Why or why not?

Replying to Peers

We must respond to peers for the last section of the 2-2 discussion. 

  • When responding to peers, propose specific initiatives, such as implementing a living wage policy or profit-sharing schemes, to address low employee pay.
  • Discuss the benefits, such as improved employee loyalty and community support, against the risks, like increased operational costs. Conclude whether you believe the benefits outweigh the risks, justifying your stance.


I appreciate your evaluation of the low pay issue. An initiative like a profit-sharing program could significantly improve employee and community support by directly linking company success to employee compensation. Increased spending could foster a more engaged and motivated workforce, enhance the company’s reputation, and stimulate local economies (Diener & Seligman, 2004). However, the risk lies in potential fluctuations in profitability that affect consistent employee earnings. As a decision-maker, I would implement this change, believing that the benefits of increased employee engagement and loyalty outweigh the risks associated with profit variability (Tkalac Verčič, 2021). The key would be clear communication and setting realistic expectations.

Resources for Peer Response

Diener, E., & Seligman, M. E. P. (2004). Beyond Money: Toward an Economy of Well-Being. Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 5(1), 1–31. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.0963-7214.2004.00501001.x

Tkalac Verčič, A. (2021). The impact of employee engagement, organizational support, and employer branding on internal communication satisfaction. Public Relations Review, 47(1), 102009. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pubrev.2021.102009


This How-To Owlisdom  Guide will assist you in addressing low employee pay by implementing fair wage practices that enhance worker satisfaction, attract talent, benefit the local economy, and bolster the organization’s reputation and financial success. I hope you smash QSO 321 2-2 Discussion: Cultural Comparisons and the Triple Bottom Line.
You can also read our QSO 321 next module 2-3 Assignment Maintaining Supplier Relationships.


Al-Qathmi, A., & Zedan, H. (2021). The Effect of Incentive Management System on Turnover Rate, Job Satisfaction and Motivation of Medical Laboratory Technologists. Health Services Research and Managerial Epidemiology, p. 8, 2333392820988404. https://doi.org/10.1177/2333392820988404 

Bennett, N. J., Blythe, J., White, C. S., & Campero, C. (2021). Blue growth and blue justice: Ten risks and solutions for the ocean economy. Marine Policy, p. 125, 104387. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2020.104387 

Chen, Y., kumara, E. K., & Sivakumar, V. (2023). RETRACTED ARTICLE: Investigation of finance industry on risk awareness model and digital economic growth. Annals of Operations Research, 326(1), 15–15. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10479-021-04287-7 

Diener, E., & Seligman, M. E. P. (2004). Beyond Money: Toward an Economy of Well-Being. Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 5(1), 1–31. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.0963-7214.2004.00501001.x 

SimanTov-Nachlieli, I., & Bamberger, P. (2021). Pay communication, justice, and affect: The asymmetric effects of process and outcome pay transparency on counterproductive workplace behavior. Journal of Applied Psychology, 106(2), 230–249. https://doi.org/10.1037/apl0000502 

Sorribes, J., Celma, D., & Martínez-Garcia, E. (2021). Sustainable human resources management in crisis contexts: Interaction of socially responsible labor practices for the wellbeing of employees. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 28(2), 936–952. https://doi.org/10.1002/csr.2111 

Tkalac Verčič, A. (2021). The impact of employee engagement, organizational support, and employer branding on internal communication satisfaction. Public Relations Review, 47(1), 102009. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pubrev.2021.102009

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