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Instructions of QSO 321 7-2 Project Submission



In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies:

  • Recommend operations management methods and techniques to increase value for customers
  • Evaluate how operations management generates value for an organization
  • Explain local, national, and global sustainability in relation to functional areas of business


You work as the chief supply-chain officer at the large international corporation, NationaliTeas. NationaliTeas manufactures and sells tea worldwide. Its motto is “Keeping people and their taste buds awake (when they want to be awake).” Its mission is “Make the world more awake through rejuvenating and refreshing beverages and sustainable practices that uplift workers, communities, and souls.” Its vision is “to be the most respected tea manufacturer across at least three continents for our tea and our actions, which will be driven by a commitment ethical sourcing, minimal waste, and empowerment of our employees.”

You would like to establish an operational goal of having your corporation apply for a B Corp Certification within the next two years. You believe this would add value to the organization and help it to prioritize a stronger focus on sustainable operational practices. You have conducted a preassesment based on the recommendations for applying for B Corp Certification, and you’ve evaluated the corporation’s current strengths and areas for improvement.

Now you need to develop a proposal for the board of directors that explains why prioritizing the triple bottom line (TBL) through working toward B Corp Certification has organizational value. You must also propose three high-impact initiatives to help strengthen the corporation’s commitment to people, planet, and profit based on your evaluations.


  1. Part One: Justification of Benefits: Justify the value of working toward more intentionally incorporating the TBL framework into organizational decision making, specifically how ethical business practices regarding people, planet, and profit can benefit society, the environment, and the company’s profit. Specifically, address the following:
    1. Key Components: Explain the three key components of the TBL framework and how each component benefits businesses and society.
    2. Organizational Value: Provide a justification regarding the value and benefits of using the TBL framework to inform corporate decision making, and explain connections between the organizational mission and the organizational vision.
    3. B Corporation Benefits: Briefly describe the organizational benefits of attaining B Corp Certification.
  2. Part Two: Operational Recommendations: Read through the Preassessment Evaluation Summary (located in the Supporting Materials section) for each aspect of the TBL (people, profit, and planet). You will need to provide a detailed description of the initiatives that will create the needed improvement. You should note the organizational and societal value of the initiative along with the operational management techniques recommended to plan and complete each initiative. For each of your three initiatives, address the following:
    1. Organizational Impacts: Describe the organizational benefits of each initiative, specifically noting the expected positive impact of completing each. Examples of positive impacts include better alignment to the organization’s mission, vision, and culture statements; increased amounts of funds or resources saved; and improvements to the organization’s brand.
    2. Societal Impacts: Describe the societal benefits of each initiative, specifically noting the expected positive impact of completing each. Examples of positive impacts include increased community building and positive environmental impact.
    3. Customer Impacts: Describe the consumer benefits of each selected initiative, specifically noting the expected positive impact of completing each. Examples of positive impacts include increased alignment to target markets, improved product access and availability, and improved customer satisfaction.
    4. Business Risks: Explain the business risks associated with prioritizing, planning, and resourcing each initiative and how these risks will be considered and monitored.
    5. Operational Management Techniques: Recommend an operational management strategy or technique (e.g., project management, lean manufacturing, or Six Sigma) that is appropriate to implement for each selected initiative, and explain why.
    6. Defining Requirements and Scope: Define the requirements for the successful implantation of each selected initiative as well as the scope of each. Describe how changes to the requirements and scope would impact timelines, budget, and risk.
    7. Roles and Responsibilities: Explain the key internal and external stakeholders who would be involved in planning and implementing each selected initiative, as well as why each identified stakeholder is needed to successfully implement the initiatives.

What to Submit

To complete this project, you must submit the following:

Submit your project using one of the two formats listed below. Please note that your submission should include both Part One and Part Two of your project. For either format, sources should be cited according to APA style.

  • Written Report: Submit a 1,500- to 1,700-word Word document. Use APA style.
  • Slideshow Presentation: Submit a 10- to 12-slide presentation with speakers notes. Your slideshow should be submitted as a PowerPoint or PDF document. Example tools that could be used to create your slideshow include:
    • PowerPoint
    • Canva
    • Prezi

Supporting Materials

The following resource support your work on the project:

Reading: Project Preassessment Evaluation Summary PDF
This document presents the results of NationaliTeas’ preassessment for attaining B Corp Certification.

Step-By-Step Guide QSO 321 7-2 Project Submission

Introduction to QSO 321 7-2 Project

This guide provides a structured approach for students tasked with developing a proposal to integrate the Triple Bottom Line (TBL) framework into NationaliTeas’ operations, aiming for B Corp Certification. The guide covers the justification of TBL benefits and outlines operational recommendations for impactful initiatives. Part One: Justification of Benefits

Explain the three key components of the TBL framework and how each component benefits businesses and society.

Key Components of the TBL Framework

We will start Part One of the  QSO 321 7-2 Project Submission by explaining the three key components of TBL. People: Focus on the well-being of employees and communities. Demonstrate how ethical treatment and empowerment lead to a motivated workforce and positive community impact. Planet: Emphasize sustainable environmental practices. Highlight the importance of minimizing waste, using sustainable resources, and reducing carbon footprint. Profit: Discuss how ethical practices and sustainability can lead to long-term profitability through brand loyalty, innovation, and operational efficiencies.


The Triple Bottom Line (TBL) framework emphasizes People, Planet, and Profit, guiding businesses toward sustainable success (Zaharia & Zaharia, 2021). By prioritizing People, companies ensure ethical treatment and empowerment of employees and communities, fostering a motivated workforce and generating positive social impacts. Focusing on the Planet, businesses adopt sustainable practices, minimizing waste and carbon emissions, which benefits the environment and enhances corporate responsibility (Molthan-Hill et al., 2020). Lastly, Profit derived from ethical practices and sustainability secures long-term business viability through increased brand loyalty, innovation, and operational efficiencies. This holistic approach advances business performance and contributes to societal well-being and environmental preservation, demonstrating the interconnectivity of corporate success with broader societal and environmental health.

Justify the value and benefits of using the TBL framework to inform corporate decision-making and explain connections between the organizational mission and the organizational vision.

Organizational Value

Next, we will discuss the values and benefits of using TBL in organizations.  Link the TBL framework to NationaliTeas’ mission and vision. Illustrate how adopting TBL can enhance respect and reputation globally, contribute to achieving the vision, and reflect the company’s commitment to ethical sourcing and minimal waste.


Adopting the Triple Bottom Line (TBL) framework aligns closely with NationaliTeas’ mission “to make the world more awake through rejuvenating beverages and sustainable practices” and its vision to be a respected leader across continents (Burgess & Matar, 2023, page number). By integrating TBL into decision-making, NationaliTeas underscores its commitment to ethical sourcing and waste reduction, enhancing its global reputation and respect. This approach directly contributes to achieving its vision by promoting a sustainable operational model that equally values people’s well-being, environmental stewardship, and financial health. It reflects a strategic alignment between the company’s day-to-day operations and broader ambitions. It showcases a genuine dedication to ethical business practices that resonate with consumers and stakeholders, fostering a sustainable and profitable future.

Briefly describe the organizational benefits of attaining B Corp Certification.

B Corporation Benefits

This section of the  QSO 321 7-2 Project Submission revolves around our understanding of the organizational benefits of B Corp Certification. Outline benefits such as enhanced brand credibility, access to a like-minded business community, improved investor relations, and alignment with consumer expectations for ethical business practices.


Attaining B Corp Certification significantly benefits an organization by enhancing brand credibility through demonstrated commitment to social and environmental responsibility. It grants access to a community of like-minded businesses, fostering collaboration and shared growth opportunities. Improved investor relations stem from the certification’s rigorous standards, attracting investment from those prioritizing sustainability and ethical practices (Villela et al., 2021). Moreover, aligning with consumer expectations for ethical business practices, B Corp Certification helps to meet the growing demand for transparency and corporate responsibility, reinforcing customer trust and loyalty. This alignment enhances the company’s competitive edge in a market increasingly driven by conscious consumerism.
Part Two: Operational Recommendations For each initiative, consider the impacts on people, planet, and profit, and address operational strategies for implementation.

Describe the organizational benefits of each initiative, specifically noting the expected positive impact of completing each. Positive impacts include better alignment to the organization’s mission, vision, and culture statements, increased funds or resources saved, and improvements to the organization’s brand.

Organizational Impact

For Part Two of the  QSO 321 7-2 Project Submission, we will discuss the organizational benefits of these initiatives. Discuss how each initiative aligns with the company’s mission, vision, and values. Estimate potential savings and brand improvement outcomes.


Implementing a product guarantee program aligns with NationaliTeas’ mission to “make the world more awake” by ensuring customer satisfaction and trust, enhancing brand loyalty, and potentially increasing sales. This initiative supports the vision of being a respected tea manufacturer through ethical practices, reflecting the company’s commitment to quality and customer care (Marschall, 2023). Additionally, acquiring quality certifications like Organic or Fair Trade directly supports the mission of sustainable practices and uplifts workers and communities, aligning with the company’s values. These certifications could lead to brand differentiation, opening new market segments, and improving the brand’s reputation. Both initiatives promise cost savings through efficient resource use and waste reduction, contributing positively to the organization’s profitability and brand perception (Villela et al., 2021).

Describe the societal benefits of each initiative, specifically noting the expected positive impact of completing each. Examples of positive impacts include increased community building and positive environmental impact.

Societal Impacts

Next, we will discuss the impact of B Corp Certifications on society.  Describe how initiatives will contribute to community development and environmental sustainability. Examples could include local employment opportunities and reduced environmental degradation.


The product guarantee program fosters a culture of trust and reliability, indirectly promoting community building by setting a standard for consumer rights and corporate accountability. It encourages other organizations to adopt similar ethical practices, contributing to a more consumer-friendly market environment (Villela et al., 2021). Quality certifications like Organic or Fair Trade significantly benefit societies by supporting fair labor practices and environmental sustainability. These certifications ensure that farmers and workers receive fair compensation, fostering community development and economic stability in producing regions. Moreover, they promote environmental stewardship by reducing chemical usage and degradation, contributing to healthier ecosystems and sustainable agricultural practices. Both initiatives enhance NationaliTeas’ societal impact and set a precedent for industry-wide responsibility towards communities and the environment.

Describe the consumer benefits of each selected initiative, specifically noting the expected positive impact of completing each. Examples of positive impacts include increased alignment with target markets, improved product access and availability, and enhanced customer satisfaction.

Customer Impacts

After discussing the business and Social impacts, in this section of the  QSO 321 7-2 Project Submission, we will discuss the customer impacts of B Corp Certification. Explain how initiatives will meet customer expectations for ethical products, possibly enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty.


Implementing a product guarantee program significantly enhances customer satisfaction by ensuring that the tea products meet or exceed expectations, fostering trust and loyalty within the consumer base. This initiative directly aligns with customer desires for high-quality and reliable products, boosting confidence in the brand (Munyoro et al., 2023). Obtaining quality certifications like Organic or Fair Trade meets the growing consumer demand for ethically produced goods, resonating with environmentally and socially conscious customers. These certifications improve product access and availability for niche markets seeking sustainable options, enhancing customer satisfaction and loyalty. Both initiatives underscore NationaliTeas’ commitment to ethical practices, aligning closely with target market values and expectations and likely leading to increased customer retention and brand advocacy.

Explain the business risks associated with prioritizing, planning, and resourcing each initiative and how these risks will be considered and monitored.

Business Risks

Now, let us describe the risk associated with B Corp Certification. Assess potential risks such as financial implications, market reception, and implementation challenges. Include risk mitigation strategies.


Prioritizing the product guarantee program and quality certifications presents risks, including financial burdens from upfront costs and potential market resistance. Implementing the guarantee could lead to increased returns, impacting short-term profits. Quality certifications might face hurdles like high certification costs and stringent compliance requirements. Continuous market analysis will ensure alignment with consumer expectations to mitigate these risks, while phased implementation can help manage financial outlays (Borden & Mead, 2023). Regular audits and feedback loops will monitor market reception and operational challenges, enabling timely adjustments. Risk mitigation strategies involve setting aside contingency funds and leveraging marketing to educate consumers on the added value of these initiatives, ensuring a positive reception and sustainable implementation.

Recommend an appropriate operational management strategy or technique (e.g., project management, lean manufacturing, or Six Sigma) to implement for each selected initiative and explain why.

Operational Management Techniques

For this section of Part Two, we will discuss different operational techniques and strategies recommendations. Recommend strategies like Six Sigma for quality improvement or lean manufacturing for waste reduction. Justify each choice based on its suitability for the initiative.


Implementing a Six Sigma approach is recommended for the product guarantee program due to its focus on reducing defects and improving quality. Six Sigma’s data-driven methodology will ensure that any issues leading to product returns are systematically identified and rectified, enhancing product reliability and customer satisfaction (Condé et al., 2023). Lean Manufacturing is the suggested strategy for obtaining quality certifications. Lean’s emphasis on waste reduction and efficiency aligns with the goals of quality certifications like Organic or Fair Trade, which often require sustainable and efficient production processes. Lean Manufacturing will streamline operations, reduce waste, and ensure compliance with certification standards, supporting the initiative’s success and sustainability objectives.

Define the requirements for successfully implementing each selected initiative and its scope. Describe how changes to the requirements and scope would impact timelines, budget, and risk.

Defining Requirements and Scope

This section of Part Two  QSO 321 7-2 Project Submission defines the requirements for implementing the selected initiatives. Detail what is necessary for each initiative’s success, including time, budget, and resources. Discuss how changes might affect project outcomes.


Success for the product guarantee program requires a clear policy, training for customer service teams, and an allocated return budget. The initiative’s scope encompasses all tea products. Changes in scope or policy could extend timelines for training and policy adjustments, impacting the budget due to increased operational costs (Agarwal, 2021). For quality certifications, requirements include audit fees, modifications to production processes, and employee training. Expanding the scope to include more certifications or products would necessitate additional time and financial investment, potentially elevating the risk of project delays and budget overruns. Effective project management and contingency planning are essential to mitigate these risks and ensure adaptive change responses.

Explain the key internal and external stakeholders involved in planning and implementing each selected initiative and why each identified stakeholder is needed to implement the initiatives successfully.

Roles and Responsibilities

Now, for the last section of Part Two  QSO 321 7-2 Project Submission, we will discuss the roles and responsibilities of stakeholders in implementing the initiatives. Identify internal teams and external partners crucial for implementation. Explain their roles and why their involvement is critical.


For the product guarantee program, key internal stakeholders include the customer service team, which is responsible for managing claims and feedback, and the marketing team, which is tasked with communicating the program to customers. Their involvement ensures efficient execution and awareness of the guarantee. External stakeholders might include third-party logistics providers, vital for handling returns and exchanges swiftly (Darko & Vlachos, 2022). For quality certifications, the production team is crucial internally for aligning manufacturing processes with certification standards, while external certifying bodies are essential for granting the certifications and providing credibility (Shi et al., 2020). Both sets of stakeholders are critical for successfully implementing the initiatives, ensuring operational alignment with objectives, and enhancing brand reputation.


By following this QSO 321 guide, students can craft a compelling and coherent proposal demonstrating the value of integrating the TBL framework into NationaliTeas’ operations, aligning with the company’s ethical, environmental, and profitability goals.


Agarwal, A. (2021). Investigating design targets for effective performance management system: An application of balance scorecard using QFD. Journal of Advances in Management Research, 18(3), 353–367. Borden, D. S., & Mead, T. (2023). Rural Small and Medium Enterprises: Maximising the Value of Benefit Corporation Certification. International Journal of Rural Management, 19(3), 456–472. Burgess, A., & Matar, E. (2023). Team-Based Learning (TBL): Theory, Planning, Practice, and Implementation. In D. Nestel, G. Reedy, L. McKenna, & S. Gough (Eds.), Clinical Education for the Health Professions: Theory and Practice (pp. 1325–1353). Springer Nature. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-15-3344-0_128  Condé, G. C. P., Oprime, P. C., Pimenta, M. L., Sordan, J. E., & Bueno, C. R. (2023). Defect reduction using DMAIC and Lean Six Sigma: A case study in a manufacturing car parts supplier. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, 40(9), 2184–2204. Darko, E. O., & Vlachos, I. (2022). Creating valuable relationships with third-party logistics (3PL) providers: A multiple-case study. Logistics, 6(2), 38. Marschall, T. C. M. (2023). The global relevance of Afghan migration: A state-of-the-art review and repository. Molthan-Hill, P., Robinson, Z. P., Hope, A., Dharmasasmita, A., & McManus, E. (2020). Reducing carbon emissions in business through Responsible Management Education: Influence at the micro-, meso-and macro-levels—the International Journal of Management Education, 18(1), 100328. Munyoro, G., Makotore, D., & Zingunde, M. (2023). The Role of Brand Equity in Enhancing Customer Retention in Buying Tea Products in Zimbabwe: A Case Study of Ariston Holdings. ADRRI Journal of Arts and Social Sciences, 20(1 (8), January 2023-March, 2023), 1–36. Shi, Y., Waseem, R., & Shahid, H. M. (2020). Third-Party Logistics. Transportation Systems Analysis and Assessment, p. 45. Villela, M., Bulgacov, S., & Morgan, G. (2021). B Corp certification and its impact on organizations over time. Journal of Business Ethics, 170, 343–357.

Zaharia, R. M., & Zaharia, R. (2021). Triple Bottom Line. In D. Crowther & S. Seifi (Eds.), The Palgrave Handbook of Corporate Social Responsibility (pp. 75–101). Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-42465-7_2

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