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Instructions of SCMG 501 Week 6 Assignment Three Papers

Course Objective:

  • CO6: Diagnose cyber vulnerabilities of systems that support an organization’s supply chain.

Research recent cyber breaches that have occurred with different companies. Select a company that had a cyber breach and consider what happened and what could have been done differently (examples include Sony, Maersk, Saks, Lord & Taylor, Sacramento Bee, TicketFly, Panera, Facebook, Target, Under Armour, and Equifax). Given that cyber breaches are more common, write about the importance of cyber defenses and organizational hardening for an organization’s supply chain. In your paper, consider the government requirements that are currently in place and how these might apply to commercial organizations. Consider using the outline below to better focus your paper on this complex topic:

I. Introduction

II. Review and discuss the organization that had a cyber breach.

III. Explain the importance of cyber defenses as it relates to the cyber breach under discussion.

IV. Discuss the applicable government requirements.

V. Conclusion


  • Label your Word document as follows: yourlastname.docx (ex: Johnson.docx).

  • Essay format; not bullet format

  • Minimum 4 full pages of content (Word Document) of strategic material (does not include cover page, abstract, nor reference pages)

  • All charts, graphs, and pictures are to go in the appendix (not a substitute for content).

  • Resources and citations are formatted according to APA (6th edition) style and formatting.

  • Refrain from excessive use of quotes in your response (less than 5%).

  • Once you submit your document to the assignment folder it will automatically be loaded to TURNITIN.COM within the course. Your similarity scan score must be 20% or less (the following will be excluded: headers, bibliography, etc.) prior to the instructor grading the paper—focus on the content of the scan percentage

  • Plagiarism will result in an automatic zero for this assignment.

  • There are no late assignments accepted after the last day of the course.

Step-By-Step Guide SCMG 501 Week 6 Assignment Three Paper

Introduction to SCMG 501 Week 6 Assignment Three

This How-To SCMG 501  Guide is designed to assist you in understanding and analyzing the cyber vulnerabilities that can affect supply chain management systems. Through a focused examination of a past cyber breach, you will explore the vital role of cyber defenses and the implications of government regulations. The SCMG 501 Week 6 Assignment Three Paper is crucial for developing robust strategies to protect organizations against future cyber threats.

Cybersecurity and Supply Chain Management

To solve the SCMG 501 Week 6 Assignment Three Paper, we will establish the paper’s context and highlight cybersecurity’s relevance in supply chain management.

  • Start with a general statement about the critical nature of cybersecurity in today’s interconnected world. 
  • Briefly mention a few high-profile breaches to set the stage for the detailed case study.


In the modern global economy, the susceptibility of supply chains to cyber threats has become an urgent concern. As enterprises increasingly integrate their operations through digital platforms, the risk of cyber-attacks grows substantially. The infamous cyber breaches at major corporations such as Equifax, Target, and Sony illustrate that no organization is safe from such threats. These incidents highlight the severe consequences of cyber-attacks, which not only lead to the loss of sensitive information but also disrupt operations and the flow of goods along supply chains. This situation underscores the critical need for companies to implement stringent and effective cybersecurity measures to protect their assets and ensure continuous business operations.

Research recent cyber breaches that have occurred with different companies. Select a company that had a cyber breach and consider what happened and what could have been done differently (examples include Sony, Maersk, Saks, Lord & Taylor, Sacramento Bee, TicketFly, Panera, Facebook, Target, Under Armour, and Equifax).

Review and Discuss the Organization That Had a Cyber Breach

Here, we will provide a detailed case study of an organization that experienced a cyber breach.

I am choosing the SONY Cybersecurity Breach, April 2011. 

  • Choose an organization from the provided list based on its impact or the uniqueness of its breach. 
  • Summarize the incident, focusing on how it affected the organization’s operations.


In the current digital landscape, cybersecurity emerges as a crucial priority for every organization, a fact starkly underscored by numerous high-profile cyberattacks, including the significant breach suffered by Sony in 2011 (Twingate, 2011). This incident had devastating effects, with around 77 million user accounts compromised, leading to the exposure of personal and financial information. The repercussions of this breach were severe, not only in terms of operational disruptions but also through extensive reputational damage and economic losses estimated in the millions (Quinn & Arthur, 2011).

Sony undertook a series of measures to strengthen their security framework in response to the crisis. The company revamped its cybersecurity protocols to seal the exploited vulnerabilities and took steps to mitigate the damage to its customers by offering free identity theft protection and credit monitoring services (Lee, 2014). These actions were essential in restoring customer trust and stabilizing the company’s standing in the market.

This incident highlights the critical need for organizations to maintain rigorous cybersecurity practices. It serves as a stark reminder of the potential consequences of security lapses and the importance of being prepared for and responsive to cyber threats. Effective cybersecurity is not a one-time setup but a continuous process of adaptation and improvement.

Organizations must implement comprehensive security strategies, including advanced technological defenses and thorough training programs for employees to recognize and respond to security threats. Regular audits, updates, and the implementation of stringent security policies are essential to safeguard sensitive data (REUTERS, 2011). Additionally, staying informed about the latest cybersecurity trends and threat vectors plays a crucial role in defending against evolving cyber threats.

The Sony breach teaches a valuable lesson on the necessity of proactive security measures and constant vigilance in monitoring security systems to prevent similar incidents. It also emphasizes that cybersecurity is a critical aspect of strategic management, vital for protecting not just the operational capabilities of a company but also its public image and relationships with stakeholders. In an increasingly digital world, the integrity of cybersecurity measures is fundamental to maintaining trust and confidence among consumers and partners.

Since cyber breaches are more common, write about the importance of cyber defenses and organizational hardening for an organization’s supply chain.

Importance of Cyber Defenses Concerning the Cyber Breach

For this section of the SCMG 501 Week 6 Assignment Three Paper, we will analyze the cyber defenses in place during the breach and propose enhancements.

  • Discuss the pre-breach cyber defense measures and identify their shortcomings. 
  • Suggest realistic improvements or strategies that could have mitigated the breach.


The Sony cyberattack highlights the urgent necessity for robust and preemptive cybersecurity measures. Before this breach, Sony’s cybersecurity protocols faced criticism for several glaring deficiencies, notably the lack of data encryption and the inadequate segmentation of network areas. These weaknesses allowed attackers to infiltrate critical segments of Sony’s infrastructure and access sensitive information.

To counteract such vulnerabilities, organizations must implement a multi-layered security approach. This involves consistently applying updates and patches to all system software to close any security loopholes that cybercriminals could exploit. Moreover, integrating sophisticated threat detection systems is essential for early identification and swift response to abnormal activities within the network, potentially preventing data breaches.

Additionally, the human element of cybersecurity cannot be overlooked. Regular and comprehensive training programs for employees on cybersecurity best practices are vital. Such education helps to minimize the risk of breaches caused by human error as employees learn to recognize and avoid common cyber threats. This combination of technological updates, advanced threat detection, and employee training forms the cornerstone of a proactive cybersecurity defense strategy, aiming to safeguard sensitive data against increasingly sophisticated cyberattacks.

In your paper, consider the government requirements currently in place and how they might apply to commercial organizations.

Applicable Government Requirements

Next, we will examine how government cybersecurity regulations apply to commercial organizations.

  • Research and summarize the relevant government cybersecurity laws and regulations. 
  • Analyze their applicability to the chosen organization and suggest how compliance might be improved or could have prevented the breach.


The Sony breach has brought to light the significant influence of government regulations on shaping corporate cybersecurity strategies. In the United States, many regulations and standards are in place to direct the establishment and maintenance of cyber defenses (Lee, 2014). The Cybersecurity Framework developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) stands out. This set of guidelines offers a comprehensive strategy for managing and minimizing cybersecurity risks, particularly critical infrastructure.

For companies like Sony, complying with these regulatory frameworks is crucial. Not only does adherence enhance their cybersecurity measures, but it also ensures they meet legal standards that could reduce potential liabilities in the aftermath of a cyber incident. The implications of these regulations extend beyond mere compliance; they also influence the public’s perception of the company. A solid commitment to cybersecurity signaled through adherence to such standards can significantly bolster a company’s reputation in the marketplace.

Given the dynamic nature of cyber threats, corporations must continually assess and update their cybersecurity protocols. Staying aligned with evolving standards like those proposed by NIST is not just about asset protection; it is a critical component of strategic risk management (Quinn & Arthur, 2011). Companies must proactively integrate these guidelines into their security strategies to safeguard against the ever-growing spectrum of cyber threats. This continuous alignment protects the companies and assures customers and stakeholders of their commitment to maintaining high standards of security and trustworthiness.


  • Summarize the main insights from the analysis and reinforce the importance of proactive security measures.
  • Recap the key points discussed in the paper. Emphasize the need for ongoing vigilance and adaptation of cybersecurity strategies in the face of evolving threats.


The Sony cyber breach analysis uncovers a complex scenario marked by insufficient defenses, advanced cyber-attack tactics, and the crucial importance of regulatory compliance. This case study underscores organizations’ need to adopt a forward-thinking approach to cybersecurity. This includes regular system updates, comprehensive employee training, and strict adherence to regulatory frameworks.

As the landscape of cyber threats continues to shift and evolve, corporate strategies must adapt continually to counter these threats. Cybersecurity must be seen not merely as a technical safeguard but as an integral component of a company’s strategic management. This proactive stance is crucial for protecting critical operations and preserving stakeholders’ trust in an environment where digital interactions are increasingly common.


This How-To Owlisdom Guide provides a structured approach to understanding the complexities of cybersecurity within supply chain management. By dissecting a real-world incident and exploring related defenses and regulations, students will gain a deeper appreciation for the necessity of comprehensive cyber defenses. Proactively managing these vulnerabilities is beneficial and essential for safeguarding modern supply chains’ operational integrity.


Lee, T. B. (2014, December 14). The Sony hack: How it happened, who is responsible, and what we have learned. Vox. https://www.vox.com/2014/12/14/7387945/sony-hack-explained 

Quinn, B., & Arthur, C. (2011, April 26). PlayStation Network hackers access data of 77 million users. The Guardian. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2011/apr/26/playstation-network-hackers-data 

REUTERS. (2011, April 27). Sony PlayStation suffers massive data breach. Reuters. https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE73P6WB/ 

Twingate. (2011). What happened in the Sony data breach? | Twingate. https://www.twingate.com/blog/tips/sony-data-breach

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