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SOCI-101 Cultural Analysis Assignment

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Instructions of SOCI-101 Cultural Analysis Assignment

Independent Learning Assignment – Cultural Analysis

  • Due May 12, 2023 by 10pm
  • Points 45
  • Submitting a file upload
  • File Types pdf


The purpose of this assignment is to take a look at your own culture and think about the material and non-material representations present, as well as the values and symbols within your own culture. and then compare it to a culture that is different from your own.

Please Note: 

In this assignment, you will use Google Docs in several different ways. Please be sure you are familiar with using Google Docs with your bryanhealthcollege.edu Google account. Here are some step guides if you should need them. You will need access to Student Help & Resources to access these guides. Please submit a help ticket with EDTLinks to an external site. if you do not have access to Student Help. If you need help using Google, contact Jawad Qudus

  1. How to Authorize your Canvas Account to talk to Your .edu Google Drive
  2. What is an Automatic Copy Link? (Click option #1 under the ‘2 Types of Assignments‘ section)
  3. How to Add collaborators/editors to a Google DocLinks to an external site.
  4. How to Download a Google FileLinks to an external site.


This assignment has 2 parts. First, from the options posted below, chose 1 cultural video to watch. Next, compose a 2-3 page APA formatted paper discussing the prompts below. 


  1.  First, select one of the videos available on this Cultura|||||||||l Videos page. Currently, cultural studies are limited.  You may watch all of the segments if you would like but only should write about one of them.
  2. Log into your bryanhealthcollege.edu Google account.
  3. Next, make your own copy of this Independent Learning Assignment – Cultural AnalysisLinks to an external site. template. (DO NOT REQUEST ACCESS. This is an automatic copy link, for more information, see option #2 above)
  4. Keep in mind
  • Your total response should be 2-3 pages
  • Use APA format (12 pt Times Roman font, 1-inch margins,  double spaced, both parenthetical and a list of references for citations) 
  • Compare and contrast the culture in the video to your own
  1. Once complete, download your work as a pdf (see option #4 above for more information if needed), and upload it here. 


Independent Learning Assignment- Cultural Analysis

Independent Learning Assignment- Cultural Analysis




 This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSOCI101_02 Identify the basic elements of culture.

threshold: 8.0 pts


10 pts

Student correctly names and elaborates on all of the applicable elements of culture exhibited in a given scenario or situation.

8 pts

Student correctly names most, but does not elaborate on the applicable elements of culture exhibited in a given scenario or situation..

5 pts

Student names few of the applicable elements of culture present, but does not elaborate on any elements exhibited in a given scenario or situation.

0 pts

Student does not name or incorrectly names elements of culture exhibited in a given scenario or situation.


10 pts

 This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSOCI101_03 Determine differences and commonalities within diverse cultures.

threshold: 8.0 pts


10 pts

Student correctly identifies subtle and overt similarities and differences in diverse cultures.

8 pts

Student correctly identifies overt similarities and differences in diverse cultures.

5 pts

Student correctly identifies some overt similarities and differences in diverse cultures.

0 pts

Student misidentifies or does not identify any similarities and differences in diverse cultures.


10 pts

 This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSkill_Principles and Concepts

threshold: 4.0 pts


5 pts

Student consistently implements relevant concepts, principles, and vocabulary accurately.

4 pts

Student sometimes implements relevant concepts, principles, and vocabulary accurately.

2 pts

Student seldom implements relevant concepts, principles, and vocabulary accurately.

0 pts

Student fails to connect any concepts, principles, or vocabulary.


5 pts

 This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSOCI101_01 Examine sociological theories and their applicability to the study of society

threshold: 8.0 pts


10 pts

Student accurately explains the complex and basic applications of sociological theory to society.

8 pts

Student accurately explains the basic applications of sociological theory to society.

5 pts

Student inaccurately explains the applications of sociological theory to society.

0 pts

Student fails to explain the application of sociological theory to society.


10 pts

 This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSkill_Writing Quality_02

threshold: 8.0 pts


10 pts

Assignment is free of spelling and grammar issues and is presented neatly. Assignment has fewer than three spelling and/or grammar mistakes. Page requirement is met without reducing margins or increasing font size.

8 pts

Assignment has fewer than 4 spelling and or grammar mistakes. Page requirement is met.

4 pts

Assignment has fewer than 4 spelling and/or grammar mistakes. Page requirement is not met.

0 pts

Assignment has more than 4 spelling and/or grammar mistakes. Page requirement is not met.


10 pts

Total Points: 45

Step-By-Step Guide on SOCI-101 Cultural Analysis Assignment

Introduction to SOCI-101 Cultural Analysis Assignment

In the realm of sociological studies, particularly in SOCI-101, students are encouraged to delve into a comprehensive analysis of diverse cultures, comparing and contrasting them against their own. This SOCI-101 Cultural Analysis Assignment serves as an exploratory bridge in understanding sociological theories and their applicability to real-world scenarios, enhancing students’ grasp of cultural dynamics. This SOCI-101 Cultural Analysis Assignment provides an opportunity to critically evaluate material and non-material aspects of cultures, fostering a deeper understanding of sociological principles.

First, select one of the videos available on this Cultural Videos page. Currently, cultural studies are limited.  You may watch all of the segments if you would like but only should write about one of them.

Selecting a Cultural Video

In this section of the SOCI-101 Cultural Analysis Assignment, we will discuss how to select cultural videos.

  • Visit the Cultural Videos page linked in your course resources.
  • Choose one video segment to focus your analysis on. While multiple segments are available, concentrate on one to maintain depth and clarity in your analysis.

Log into your bryanhealthcollege.edu Google account.

Setting Up Your Google Docs

This section of the SOCI-101 Cultural Analysis Assignment will discuss how to set up Google Docs.

  • Log into your bryanhealthcollege.edu Google account.
  • Use the provided link to make a personal copy of the “Independent Learning Assignment – Cultural Analysis” template. Remember, do not request access—use the automatic copy function.
  • Familiarize yourself with Google Docs tools, as they will be essential for document creation and collaboration.

4) Keep in mind that your total response should be 2-3 pages. Use APA format (12 pt Times Roman font, 1-inch margins,  double spaced, both parenthetical and a list of references for citations)

Formatting and Writing the Analysis

In this section of the SOCI-101 Cultural Analysis Assignment, we will discuss formatting and writing analysis.

  • Ensure your document adheres to the APA formatting guidelines: 12 pt Times New Roman font, double-spaced, with 1-inch margins.
  • Write a comprehensive 2–3-page analysis. The analysis should open with an introduction to the culture depicted in the video, followed by a detailed comparison to your own culture.

Compare and contrast the culture in the video to your own.

Comparing and Contrasting Cultures

  • Focus on identifying both material (such as artifacts, tools, and clothes) and non-material elements (such as customs, norms, and languages) in the culture featured in the video.
  • Compare and contrast these elements with those of your own culture. Discuss the sociological theories that explain the observed cultural similarities and differences.


Cultural Analysis: Amish Culture vs. Contemporary Urban Culture

In the exploration of diverse cultural landscapes, understanding the Amish community provides a profound contrast to modern urban cultures, particularly when examining both material and non-material cultural elements. The video segment detailing the Amish rite of passage, “Rumspringa,” serves as an invaluable case study to explore these differences.

Material Culture Comparison

The material culture of the Amish is defined by simplicity and a rejection of contemporary luxuries. This is one of the defining characteristics of the Amish culture. The fact that the majority of their modes of mobility are horse-drawn buggies is indicative of a conscious decision to restrict their ability to engage with technology. It is common for homes to be free of power and electrical devices, which is consistent with their values of simplicity and physical work. A modest, handcrafted, and uniform approach to clothing is taken to discourage vanity and cultivate community equality.

My Own Urban Culture: On the other hand, urban cultures are characterized by the development of contemporary infrastructure and technical breakthroughs. A fast-paced lifestyle and a high emphasis on time efficiency are reflected in the fact that vehicles and public transit systems are considered to be the most popular modes of personal and public transportation. Home and public places are outfitted with cutting-edge technology, and there is a wide range of fashion options available. This provides individuals with the opportunity to show their unique identity and status, which is frequently encouraged.

Comparative Analysis of Non-Material Culture Amish Culture The Amish community has a non-material culture that places a heavy emphasis on religious commitment and community over the individual. Collective norms, rather than individual desires, are frequently the guiding force behind decision-making. The Rumspringa practice itself, even though it appears to be a period of freedom, is ultimately a test of faith and communal relationships. This is because it culminates with the decision to either leave the community or commit to the community more profoundly by getting baptized.

It is common for urban culture to laud independence and personal accomplishment. My own urban culture encourages these values. Educational and professional accomplishments are frequently given priority, and there is a great emphasis placed on personal choice and independence, even in the absence of a widely held consensus among the community. In general, religion does not govern the lifestyle and decisions of the larger group in the same way that it does in Amish civilization. However, religion does have the ability to impact individuals.

Sociological Theories in Context

Functionalism: From a functionalist perspective, every aspect of Amish culture, from the avoidance of technology to the practice of Rumspringa, has a role in maintaining the social order. These traditions ensure that those who choose to remain in the community are committed and willing to abide by its rules, thus preserving the Amish way of life.

Conflict Theory: Contrastingly, conflict theory would interpret the Amish’s restrictive practices as a struggle between power and resistance. Rumspringa offers a brief respite from the community’s stringent controls, which could be seen as a means to either reinforce conformity or provoke a subtle rebellion against the status quo.

Symbolic Interactionism: This perspective highlights how symbols (like clothing and buggies) in Amish culture communicate a collective identity that starkly contrasts with the diverse and often individualistic symbols evident in urban cultures. The decision-making process during Rumspringa reflects deeply ingrained teachings that guide young Amish in their actions and interactions, contrasting with the more diverse and individual-oriented decision-making processes in urban settings.


The comparison between Amish and contemporary urban culture reveals fundamental differences in how societies prioritize values, from community versus individualism to simplicity versus technological advancement. Such an analysis not only deepens understanding of the Amish culture but also provides a mirror through which to view and assess the complexities of one’s cultural norms. This exercise in cultural analysis, therefore, is not just academic but also personal, prompting reflection on the societal values that shape behaviors, relationships, and community dynamics.

5) Once complete, download your work as a PDF (see option #4 above for more information if needed) and upload it

Finalizing and Submitting the Assignment

In this section of the SOCI-101 Cultural Analysis Assignment, we will discuss how to finalize and submit the assignment.

  • Review your analysis for coherence, grammar, and adherence to the assignment guidelines.
  • Download your completed document as a PDF file from Google Docs.
  • Submit the PDF file through the designated submission portal in your course.


Upon completing the SOCI-101 Cultural Analysis Assignment, you will have developed a nuanced understanding of different cultural paradigms and their sociological implications. This exercise not only reinforces theoretical knowledge but also hones your analytical skills, which are essential for sociological inquiry. Always ensure clarity, accuracy, and critical engagement with the content to fully leverage this learning opportunity. In the upcoming module of SOCI-101, we will explore Socialization Discussion.

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