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SOCI-101 Independent Learning Assignment: Experiencing Diversity

Here you can read our free detailed guide on the SOCI-101 Independent Learning Assignment: Experiencing Diversity and its Solution.

Instructions of SOCI-101 Independent Learning Assignment

Independent Learning Assignment- Experiencing Diversity

  • Due Jun 23, 2023 by 10pm
  • Points 40
  • Submitting a file upload
  • File Types docx, doc, and pdf


  • This assignment has several parts. 
    1. Read this poem entitled “Behind the Color BlindLinks to an external site.” by Nordette Adams.  Consider the words of Adams as you progress through the rest of the assignment. 
    2. Schedule and complete a diversity experience (select from an approved list, linked below)
    3. Compose a 2-3 page APA written assignment


  1. Schedule your experience.
    • First, review this Experience CriteriaLinks to an external site. document (view only, feel free to make your own copy if you’d like), to ensure the experience you are interested in will count.
    • Experiences not on the list can be approved by notifying the course faculty in advance for approval.
    • If in doubt- ASK!  I am more than happy to help.
  2. After you have completed the experience, compose a 2-3 page APA formatted paper. Be sure to include all of the following in your paper:  
  1. Provide a summary of the experience, including when & where the experience took place. You are welcome to insert pictures of your experience as this adds a personal perspective if you’d like but it’s not required. 
  2. Explain your feelings during the experience:
    • What did you feel throughout the experience, was it uncomfortable?
    • If so why do you think it was uncomfortable?
    • Do you think it was uncomfortable for the others involved?
  3. Reflect on Diversity Insights
    • Why did you choose this experience? 
    • What insights about diversity have you gained through this experience?
    • Have you learned anything about your know personal biases?  If so, what have you learned?
  4. Think back to the poem you read in the first part of the assignment (linked above).  
    • Do have a new perspective on this poem?  
    • Do you agree or disagree agree with the words of Adams?  Please explain.  
  1. Citation – use APA parenthetical citations and provide a reference list


Independent Learning Assignment- Experiencing Diversity

Independent Learning Assignment- Experiencing Diversity




 This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSOCI101_03 Determine differences and commonalities within diverse cultures.

threshold: 8.0 pts

10 pts

Student correctly identifies subtle and overt similarities and differences in diverse cultures.

8 pts

Student correctly identifies overt similarities and differences in diverse cultures.

5 pts

Student correctly identifies some overt similarities and differences in diverse cultures.

0 pts

Student misidentifies or does not identify any similarities and differences in diverse cultures.

10 pts

 This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSOCI101_04 Apply key aspects of socialization and interaction with others.

threshold: 8.0 pts

10 pts

Student attributes both the direct and indirect social influence(s) to explain most behavior(s).

8 pts

Student attributes either the direct or indirect social influence(s) to explain some behavior(s).

5 pts

Student misattributes either the direct or indirect social influence(s) to explain behavior(s).

0 pts

Student omits attributes to both the direct and indirect social influence(s)(s) to explain behavior(s).

10 pts

 This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSOCI101_05 Recognize how social structure influences social interactions.

threshold: 8.0 pts

10 pts

Student correlates social interactions to most of the correct structural influences.

8 pts

Student correlates social interactions to a few of the correct structural influences.

5 pts

Student correlates social interactions to the incorrect structural influences.

0 pts

Student fails to correlate any social interactions to structural influences.

10 pts

 This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSkill_Writing Quality

threshold: 4.0 pts

5 pts

Assignment is free of spelling and grammar issues and is presented neatly. Assignment has fewer than three spelling and/or grammar mistakes. Page requirement is met without reducing margins or increasing font size.

4 pts

Assignment has fewer than 4 spelling and or grammar mistakes. Page requirement is met.

2 pts

Assignment has fewer than 4 spelling and/or grammar mistakes. Page requirement is not met.

0 pts

Assignment has more than 4 spelling and/or grammar mistakes. Page requirement is not met.

5 pts

 This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSkill_Principles and Concepts

threshold: 4.0 pts

5 pts

Student consistently implements relevant concepts, principles, and vocabulary accurately.

4 pts

Student sometimes implements relevant concepts, principles, and vocabulary accurately.

2 pts

Student seldom implements relevant concepts, principles, and vocabulary accurately.

0 pts

Student fails to connect any concepts, principles, or vocabulary.

5 pts

Total Points: 40

Step-By-Step Guide SOCI-101 Independent Learning Assignment: Experiencing Diversity

Introduction to SOCI-101 Independent Learning Assignment: Experiencing Diversity

The SOCI-101 Independent Learning Assignment: Experiencing Diversity, is designed to deepen students’ understanding and awareness of diversity through active engagement and reflection. This Owlisdom assignment challenges students to step out of their comfort zones, engage with different cultures or communities, and reflect on their experiences in relation to sociological theories discussed in class. By integrating direct experience with academic reflection, students are provided with a holistic understanding of diversity in contemporary society.

Schedule your diversity experience.

Preparation for the Diversity Experience

In this section of the SOCI-101 Independent Learning Assignment: Experiencing Diversity, we will discuss the Preparation for the Diversity Experience.

  • Review the Experience Criteria document to ensure the experience you are interested in will count.
  • Experiences not on the list can be approved by notifying the course faculty in advance for approval.
  • If in doubt, ask for help from the faculty to clarify any uncertainties.

Provide a summary of the experience, including when & where the experience took place. You are welcome to insert pictures of your experience as this adds a personal perspective if you’d like, but it’s not required.

Documenting the Diversity Experience

In this section of the SOCI-101 Independent Learning Assignment: Experiencing Diversity, we will focus on Documenting the Diversity Experience.

  • Provide a summary of the experience, including when and where the experience took place.
  • You may insert pictures of your experience to add a personal perspective, although this is optional.


For my Independent Learning Assignment on Experiencing Diversity, I chose to participate in a cultural festival hosted by the local Vietnamese community. Held on the grounds of a vibrant neighbourhood park on July 1st, this festival was a celebration of Vietnamese culture, featuring traditional music, dance performances, and a variety of culinary delights. The decision to attend this event stemmed from my curiosity about the rich cultural tapestry of Southeast Asia and a desire to deepen my understanding of a community that plays an integral role in the multicultural makeup of our city.

Explain your feelings during the experience: What did you feel throughout the experience, was it uncomfortable? If so why do you think it was uncomfortable? Do you think it was uncomfortable for the others involved?

Feelings During the Experience

In this section of the SOCI-101 Independent Learning Assignment: Experiencing Diversity, we will cover the Feelings During the Experience.

  • Describe what you felt throughout the experience and discuss any moments of discomfort.
  • Consider why it might have been uncomfortable and whether you think it was uncomfortable for others involved.


The experience was both enlightening and, at times, slightly uncomfortable. Throughout the festival, I was immersed in a sea of unfamiliar sounds, sights, and smells. The air was filled with the melodious tones of the đàn bầu (a traditional Vietnamese instrument) and the lively chatter of families enjoying the festivities. I participated in a workshop where we learned the basics of Vietnamese calligraphy. Here, I felt a distinct sense of being an outsider, struggling to manoeuvre the brush with the same fluidity as those around me. This discomfort was not due to the welcoming nature of the hosts but rather a personal realization of my lack of exposure to such rich cultural practices, which initially made me feel out of place.

Reflect on Diversity Insights, Why did you choose this experience? What insights about diversity have you gained through this experience? Have you learned anything about your know personal biases?  If so, what have you learned?

Composing the Reflection Paper

Now we will cover Composing the Reflection Paper section of SOCI-101 Independent Learning Assignment: Experiencing Diversity.

  • Explain why you chose this particular experience.
  • Discuss the insights about diversity you gained through this experience.
  • Reflect on any personal biases you might have discovered or addressed.


Reflecting on these feelings, I believe they stemmed from my own insecurities about engaging with a culture so different from my own. It was a powerful reminder of the internal work required to approach diverse experiences with an open mind. I also pondered whether my discomfort was mirrored by the participants, possibly in anticipation of how their cultural expressions would be received by someone like me—an outsider. However, as the day progressed, shared smiles and encouraging nods from my workshop peers helped ease these feelings, highlighting the unspoken connection that shared experiences can foster, even among strangers.

This experience significantly broadened my perspective on diversity, particularly the importance of cultural celebrations in preserving identity and fostering community solidarity. It challenged my preconceived notions and highlighted unconscious biases I held toward cultural expressions that were not my own. Prior to this, my understanding of Vietnamese culture was superficial, limited to cuisine and broad historical knowledge. Engaging directly with the community allowed me to appreciate the depth and significance of their cultural practices and the pride with which they share them.

Think back to the poem you read in the first part of the assignment (linked above).  Do have a new perspective on this poem?  Do you agree or disagree with the words of Adams?  Please explain.  

Relation to Literature 

  • Think back to the poem “Behind the Color Blind” by Nordette Adams.
  • Discuss whether you have a new perspective on the poem after your experience.
  • State whether you agree or disagree with Adams’ words and provide explanations for your viewpoints.


The poem “Behind the Color Blind” by Nordette Adams, which I revisited after my experience, resonated with me on a new level. Adams’ poignant words on the superficiality of claiming colourblindness in a world rife with diversity struck a chord (Adams, 2005). Initially, I interpreted the poem as a critique of ignoring racial and cultural differences under the guise of equality. However, post-experience, I perceive it as a call to embrace and celebrate these differences actively. I now agree more profoundly with Adams’ perspective, recognising that true appreciation of diversity involves engaging with and respecting cultural differences, not overlooking them.

In conclusion, this diversity experience was invaluable, serving not only as a cultural immersion but also as a catalyst for personal growth. It taught me the importance of stepping out of my comfort zone and approaching different cultures with humility and openness. Such experiences are crucial for anyone committed to personal and professional growth in an increasingly globalised world. They remind us of the richness that diverse perspectives bring to our understanding of the world and of each other. As I move forward, I am committed to seeking more such opportunities, continuing to challenge my biases, and promoting inclusivity within my sphere of influence.

Citation – use APA parenthetical citations and provide a reference list


  • Use APA format for parenthetical citations within the text and provide a complete reference list.
  • Ensure all sources, including the poem and any theoretical frameworks you discuss, are accurately cited.



Adams, N. (2005). Behind the Color Blind (poem) by Nordette Adams. https://www.writingjunkie.net/colorblindpoem.html


This SOCI-101 Independent Learning Assignment: Experiencing Diversity guide provides a structured approach to your Independent Learning Assignment on Experiencing Diversity. By actively engaging in a diversity experience and reflecting critically on this interaction, you will enhance your understanding of diverse perspectives and challenge your preconceived notions. This assignment is an invaluable part of your educational journey, fostering a deeper appreciation and respect for cultural diversity. In the Upcoming module of SOCI-101, we will explore Independent Learning Assignment: Film Analysis.

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