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SOCI-101 Social Stratification Discussion

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Instructions of SOCI-101 Social Stratification Discussion

Social Stratification Discussion

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Task: Create an original post following the prompts below, then respond to 2 peers.  


  1. After reading Chapter 7 and watching the two videos please respond to the following prompts: 
  2. Discuss at least two concepts or facts that you took away from the videos. 
  3. Think about Structural-Functional Theory vs. Conflict/Critical Theory, then respond to the following prompts:  
  • Compare the theories. In what ways are they similar and different? 
  • Which theory you feel is the most accurate, provide examples and rationale/reasons
  1. What impact has social stratification had on health and healthcare?
  • Is there equity in how COVID-19 and its variations have been applied to society?  
  • Treatments?  Hospitalizations?  Quarantine and work related absences?
  1. Lastly, have you felt the impact of social class differences?
  2. Citation:
  • Cite from at least 1 assigned resource from this week
  • Use both parenthetical and a full APA reference list
  1. Peer Response
  • Respond to 2 peers. 
  • Comment on the post and use the person’s name.  
  • Your response should blend/add what you have learned on this theory with what your peer has posted. You can do this by adding to their post by using examples and/or relating how your post compares/contrasts to theirs.

Step-By-Step Guide SOCI-101 Social Stratification Discussion

Introduction to SOCI-101 Social Stratification Discussion

In the SOCI-101 Social Stratification Discussion, we delve into the concept of social stratification and its profound impact on various aspects of society. This chapter focuses on understanding the disparities in resource distribution and the resulting class divisions within the United States. Through a detailed examination of money and its societal implications, students will explore how social class shapes individuals’ lives and societal structures. The accompanying videos provide a visual representation of these concepts, enhancing comprehension and facilitating a deeper discussion on the topic.

Discuss at least two concepts or facts that you took away from the videos.  

Video Content Analysis

This SOCI-101 Social Stratification Discussion section will focus on Video Content Analysis.

  • Watch the two provided videos carefully.
  • Summarise at least two key concepts or facts from the videos that enhanced your understanding of social stratification in the U.S.


The “10 Chairs” videos provided a stark visual representation of wealth distribution in the U.S., powerfully illustrating the substantial disparity between the wealthiest and the rest of the population (Wealth Inequality in America. 2012; POLITIZANE, 2013). The visualization that just a few individuals control a significant portion of the nation’s wealth helped emphasize the tangible impacts of social stratification, making the abstract concept more accessible and impactful.

Think about Structural-Functional Theory vs. Conflict/Critical Theory, then respond to the following prompts:  Compare the theories. In what ways are they similar and different? Which theory do you feel is the most accurate? Provide examples and rationale/reasons.

Theoretical Comparison: Structural-Functional vs. Conflict/Critical

This section of the SOCI-101 Social Stratification Discussion will discuss Structural-Functional vs. Conflict/Critical.

  • Review the definitions and key points of Structural-Functional Theory and Conflict/Critical Theory as described in Chapter 7.
  • Compare and contrast these theories, noting their similarities and differences.
  • Decide which theory you believe more accurately explains social stratification, providing examples and rationale to support your choice.


The Structural-Functional theory suggests that stratification serves a purpose by placing the most capable individuals in the most crucial societal roles, thereby ensuring societal stability. On the other hand, Conflict Theory presents stratification as a tool used by the elite to maintain control and exacerbate inequality (Ritzer, 2019). This latter perspective, particularly in light of the increasing wealth gap demonstrated in the videos, seems more pertinent and reflective of current societal dynamics where the elite manipulate structures to maintain and enhance their power, often at the expense of lower socio-economic groups.

What impact has social stratification had on health and healthcare?

Social Stratification’s Impact on Health 

In this SOCI-101 Social Stratification Discussion section, we will understand Social Stratification’s Impact on Health.

  • Discuss the influence of social stratification on health and healthcare access. Consider how different social classes experience disparities in health outcomes and healthcare services.


Social stratification profoundly affects health outcomes, with lower social classes experiencing reduced access to healthcare services, higher exposure to environmental health risks, and greater mental health stresses. These disparities highlight how societal position influences not just economic stability but fundamental human conditions and quality of life.

Is there equity in how COVID-19 and its variations have been applied to society?  Treatments?  Hospitalizations?  Quarantine and work-related absences?

COVID-19 and Social Equity

  • Evaluate the equity of treatment, hospitalizations, and quarantine measures during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Reflect on whether social stratification has influenced the management and impact of the pandemic across different social groups.


The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the inequities in health related to social stratification. Lower-income and marginalized communities have faced higher infection rates, less access to healthcare, and greater economic disruption. These disparities demonstrate how public health crises can exacerbate existing social and health inequities, calling for targeted interventions to address these vulnerabilities.

Lastly, have you felt the impact of social class differences?

Personal Reflection on Social Class

We will discuss the Personal Reflection on Social Class section of the SOCI-101 Social Stratification Discussion.

  • Reflect on your personal experiences with social class. Have you felt the impact of social class differences in your own life? Provide specific instances or observations.


Reflecting on my own experiences, I recognize the subtle but significant influences of social class. Attending a university with a diverse student body highlighted the different opportunities available to students from various socioeconomic backgrounds. Whether it’s access to technology, educational resources, or professional networks, the advantages of higher social positioning are clear and impactful, shaping not only economic prospects but also social interactions and personal development.

Cite from at least one assigned resource from this week.


  • Ensure all points are supported with citations from Chapter 7 or other assigned resources.
  • Use APA style for both parenthetical in-text citations and the full reference list at the end of your post.



POLITIZANE. (2013, November 19). What the 1% don’t want you to know [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPKKQnijnsM  

Ritzer, G., & Murphy, W. W. (2019). Introduction to sociology. SAGE Publications.

Wealth Inequality in America. (2012, November 20). Wealth Inequality in America [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QPKKQnijnsM 

Respond to 2 peers. Comment on the post and use the person’s name.  Your response should blend/add what you have learned on this theory with what your peer has posted. You can do this by adding to their post by using examples and/or relating how your post compares/contrasts to theirs.

Peer Responses

  • Engage with two peers’ posts.
  • Comment on their analysis, particularly their views on the theory comparison or the impact of COVID-19.
  • Enhance the discussion by relating their posts to what you have learned, using examples or contrasting points.


Peer Response 1

Thank you for your insightful analysis. I particularly appreciate how you connected the theoretical frameworks to real-world implications of wealth inequality. Your point about Conflict Theory resonates strongly with the visible social disparities highlighted in the videos, underscoring the urgent need for structural changes.

Peer Response 2

For your second response, continue engaging thoughtfully by adding new perspectives or examples to another peer’s post, enhancing the ongoing discussion.


The SOCI-101 Social Stratification Discussion serves as a vital component of understanding how deeply entrenched economic and social divides affect every aspect of societal interaction and individual well-being. By following these Owlisdom guidelines of SOCI-101 Social Stratification Discussion, students will be able to construct well-informed, analytical posts that contribute meaningfully to the discourse on social stratification. This assignment not only bolsters your grasp of sociological theories but also encourages a critical examination of how these theoretical frameworks apply to real-world scenarios, particularly in understanding and addressing inequalities. In the next module of SOCI-101, we will explore Deviance and Crime Discussion.

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