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SOCI-101 Socialization Discussion

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Instructions of SOCI-101 Socialization Discussion

Socialization Discussion

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Let’s take a little deeper look into the importance of socialization by looking at one specific case.  The case of Danielle is a fairly recent one and a very sad one.  Danielle was rescued at the age of 6 from an extremely neglectful situation.  

Task: Create an original post by following the prompts below, then respond to 2 peers. 


  • Watch the following 6min video
  • Next, discuss all of the following prompts:
  1. What are your initial thoughts about the case of Danielle?  
  2. How can the components of socialization discussed in the text be applied to Danielle’s case? (be sure to use the specific terms listed in the text)
  3. Now, apply one of the theories in the text (such as symbolic interaction and development of self or the “I” and the “me”) to Danielle’s case. 
  4. Lastly discuss the nature vs nurture debate as it relates to Danielle, and which side can be supported by the information learned through this case?
  • Citation:
  1. Cite from at least 1 assigned resource from this week
  2. Use both parenthetical and a full APA reference list
  • Peer Response
  1. Respond to 2 peers
  2. Comment on the post and use the person’s name.  
  3. Review your peers response to question #4 above, then state if you agree or disagree with your peers’ answer, support your position


Organizations, Society and the Global Relationships

Step-By-Step Guide SOCI-101 Socialization Discussion

Introduction to SOCI-101 Socialization Discussion

In SOCI-101, understanding the complexities of socialization is crucial. This SOCI-101 Socialization Discussion assignment dives deep into the effects of socialization—or the lack thereof—by examining the distressing case of Danielle, a young girl rescued from extreme neglect. Through this analysis, students will apply sociological theories and engage in a discussion that explores the profound impacts of socialization on individual development. This exercise will not only enhance understanding of theoretical concepts but also provide insight into the practical implications of these theories in real-life situations.

Watch the following 6-minute video.

Video Analysis

What are your initial thoughts about Danielle’s case?

Initial Thoughts and Reactions

In this section of theSOCI-101 Socialization Discussion. We will discuss initial thoughts and reactions.

  • Reflect on your immediate reactions to Danielle’s story. Consider how her experiences made you feel and what thoughts surfaced about her social environment and upbringing.


How someone could so blatantly ignore a child was my immediate reaction when I heard about Danielle’s story. Live their own lives, obviously ignoring the infant in the adjacent room. Danielle has lost out on so much growing up, and for that, I feel horrible. As Danielle has shown, a youngster can fall years behind if they don’t have family support. Despite being raised by a caring family, Daniella still struggles with certain developmental delays and is not as mature as other children her age. For example, she has been said to still wreck a kitchen in search of food.

Now, one of the theories in the text (such as symbolic interaction and development of self or the “I” and the “me”) should be applied to Danielle’s case. How can the components of socialization discussed in the text be applied to Danielle’s case? (be sure to use the specific terms listed in the text)

Application of Socialization Components

In this section of theSOCI-101 Socialization Discussion. We will discuss the application of socializing components.

  • Identify and discuss the components of socialization mentioned in your textbook that are relevant to Danielle’s case. Use specific sociological terms and clearly link these concepts to aspects of Danielle’s life and experiences.


Danielle’s upbringing caused her to lose out on several developmental phases in childhood, which made her socially behind because she was unable to interact with either adults or children. Anticipatory socialization was one of the social systems that she was not exposed to. In order to “prepare children for the important developmental changes they will experience,” parents should “teach children what will be expected of them in the future” (Rizter, 2021). Danielle never had a loving parent who could meet her fundamental requirements and support her development when she was a young child. Rather, she was always in fight or flight mode in her mind. Ensuring that she never crossed the bounds that the neglectful parents had established.

Apply one of the three sociological theories to explain your cultural traits.

Theoretical Framework Application

In this section of theSOCI-101 Socialization Discussion. We will discuss theoretical framework application.

  • Apply at least one sociological theory to analyze Danielle’s situation. Whether it’s symbolic interactionism, focusing on the development of self, or another relevant theory, explain how this framework helps to understand her socialization or lack thereof.


Danielle’s looking-glass self was created to reflect her surroundings because she was reared in such a toxic atmosphere. “The idea that as humans we develop a self-image that reflects how others see and respond to us—based on that, we develop some sort of self-feeling,” according to Ritzer (2021), is known as the “looking glass self.” Because she was abandoned in her filth, Danielle developed animalistic tendencies. She also didn’t seem to learn how to interact with people because she was never talked to. A child’s initial social interactions are with their parents, who also establish the standard for what is acceptable and inappropriate behavior in social situations. Since Danielle’s original parents never showed her any affection, she was taught that people were just useful for sometimes carrying food and drink. Because no one offered Danielle the opportunity to socialize with others, she was never able to learn its value as a young child. She was able to adjust and develop after moving in with her new family, who helped her understand the value of social contact and right and wrong.

Lastly discuss the nature vs nurture debate as it relates to Danielle, and which side can be supported by the information learned through this case?

Nature vs. Nurture Debate

In this section of theSOCI-101 Socialization Discussion. We will discuss the nature vs nurture debate.

  • Engage with the nature versus nurture debate as it pertains to Danielle’s development. Discuss which aspects of her case may support either side of the debate, using evidence and information gleaned from the video and your course materials.


Daniella’s biological parents did not provide her with any nurturing. She was never exposed to the experience of growing up in a loving home and experiencing it from an early age. Rather, her early years were spent in a filthy room with an undetermined quantity of food and diapers. The adults who “raised” her never showed concern for her needs as a child. “We are human because of the way we are…raised by other human beings who teach us what it is to be human” is the tenet of the nurture theory (Ritzer, 2021).  Given her genetic makeup as a human, Danielle might subscribe to the nature theory, which holds that “we are born to be the kinds of human beings that we ultimately become” (Rizter, 2021). No matter what conditions she faces, Danielle has everything it takes to become the perfect person. In Danielle’s instance, the absence of false information prevailed, and she adjusted to her new surroundings. Danielle didn’t receive the care a small child needed to develop; instead, she was left in her filth. She was also food aggressive, but her new, loving family made her realize that she didn’t require food aggression. Danielle discovered that her upbringing was no longer the way she had to live in the supportive setting of her adopted family.

Cite from at least one assigned resource from this week, Use both parenthetical and a full APA reference list.


In this section of theSOCI-101 Socialization Discussion. We will discuss citations.

  • Ensure all your points are supported with at least one citation from your course materials. Use APA style for both parenthetical citations within your text and a complete reference list at the end of your document.



Ritzer, 2021. Essentials of Sociology. (4th ed.) Update on Daniell’s Horrific Story of Child Neglect. (2014). YouTube. Retrieved May 14, 2023, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_IBGS1FQw4&ab_channel=OWN.   

Respond to 2 peers, Comment on the post, and use the person’s name. Review your peer’s response to question #4 above, then state if you agree or disagree with your peers’ answer and support your position.

Peer Responses

  • After posting your initial analysis, read and respond to two peers. In your responses, address their perspective on the nature vs. nurture debate specifically. Mention each peer by name, state whether you agree or disagree with their views, and provide supportive arguments for your position.


Peer Response 1

Hello Tanja

I also mentioned that I believed Danielle’s life was more influenced by nurture. That phrase, “her childhood needs were never meant by those adults who ‘raised’ her,” struck a chord with me, and I wholeheartedly concur. It’s incredible how, given the right circumstances, a person will perform well nine times out of ten. However, if we replace that with a bad environment, they are more likely to adapt and make decisions that may not be in their best interests. They may not be aware of that, though, as such were accepted actions in the environments in which they were reared.

Peer Response 2

For your second response, continue engaging thoughtfully by adding new perspectives or examples to another peer’s post, enhancing the ongoing discussion.


Completing the SOCI-101 Socialization Discussion on Danielle’s case requires a thoughtful examination of socialization theories and their real-world implications. By critically analyzing Danielle’s circumstances through various sociological lenses, you will deepen your understanding of how significantly early social experiences shape individual development. This assignment is not just an academic exercise but a profound look into the human condition, emphasizing the essential role of a nurturing environment in human growth. Use this guide to navigate through the assignment efficiently, ensuring a comprehensive and empathetic approach to understanding the impact of socialization. In the upcoming module of SOCI-101, we will explore the Discussion of Organizations, Society, and Global Relationships.

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