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SOCI 212 WEEK 2: Assignment 1

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Instructions of SOCI 212 Week 2

Choose one social problem relevant in some way to racial inequality, ethnicity inequality, or gender inequality. Find a recent (within the last two years) news article related to your chosen issue.

> Do not select or include a journal article or an article from the “Series.” 

> Sources: Only one news article and the textbook. 

Provide a 2-page summary and analysis of the article and social problem in general. Do not submit more than two pages of content.  The cover and reference pages do not count. Be sure to incorporate at least four social concepts from class into your analysis to support your key points. Use proper APA formatting. You must include a cover page, subheadings to identify the sections (summary and social concepts), in-text citations, and a reference list. Please start with a brief introduction, then the summary of the article, and the section on social concepts.  

General requirements:

  • Submissions should be typed, double-spaced, 1″ margins, Times New Roman 12 pt font, and saved as .doc, .docx, .pdf.

  • Use APA format for citations and references

  • View the grading rubric so you understand how you will be assessed on this Assignment. 

  • Disclaimer: The originality of attachments will be verified by Turnitin. Both you and your instructor will receive the results.

  • This course has “Resubmission” status enabled to help you if you realize you submitted an incorrect or blank file or if you need to submit multiple documents as part of your Assignment. Resubmission of an Assignment after it is graded to attempt a better grade is not permitted.

Step-By-Step Guide SOCI 212 Week 2: Assignment 1


Previously, in SOCI 212 Week 1 Discussion, we learned how to introduce ourselves as a personal introduction as a presidential candidate. We also chose a social problem to analyze through the lens of Social Conflict. We discussed how the theory helps explain the causes and impacts of the social problem within the narrative.

This week, we will focus on reading an article related to a social problem, analyzing it, and reflecting on it.

Introduction to SOCI 212 Week2

Welcome to the SOCI 212 Week 2: Assignment 1. This assignment revolves around your understanding of different social problems. I will provide brief and descriptive guidelines to solve the Week 2 Assignment and a dummy solution for each section. This How-To SOCI 212 Guide will equip you with guidelines to tackle all the queries related to the SOCI 212 Week 2: Assignment 1. Let us begin with the guide.

Note: I have selected “Racial Inequality” for this assignment.

Provide a 2-page summary and analysis of the article and social problems in general. Do not submit more than two pages of content.  The cover and reference pages do not count. Be sure to incorporate at least four social concepts from class into your analysis to support your key points.

Address the Problem

Start by briefly describing your understanding of racial inequality and the importance of addressing this social problem.

  • Understanding Racial Inequality: Begin by defining racial inequality, emphasizing its implications on society, and the importance of studying it to promote social justice.
  • Importance of Addressing Racial Inequality: Explain why tackling racial inequality is crucial for achieving societal equality and harmony.


Racial inequality refers to the unequal treatment and opportunities afforded to individuals based on their race, deeply ingrained in societal structures and institutions. This systemic issue affects access to education, employment, justice, and healthcare, perpetuating cycles of poverty and marginalization. Addressing racial inequality is crucial for fostering societal equality and harmony, ensuring all individuals have equal opportunities and rights, thereby promoting social justice and cohesion within diverse communities.

Selecting a Relevant Article

Select a relevant news article to support your arguments in the Week 2 Assignment.

I have chosen (Jun et al., 2022) for this assignment.

  • Criteria for Selection: Choose recent articles (last two years) highlighting instances or studies of racial inequality. The provided link refers to a survey of racial disparities that fit these criteria.

Summarizing the Article

Next, we will provide a detailed summary of the article we chose for the Week 2 Assignment.

  • Key Points to Identify: Look for the article’s main arguments, evidence provided, and conclusions drawn about racial inequality.
  • Structuring Your Summary: Present a concise summary, starting with the article’s objective, key findings, and how it relates to racial inequality.


The article from the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2022) Investigates the systemic barriers to racial inequality in the United States, focusing on employment, healthcare, and education. Through quantitative analysis, it reveals significant disparities affecting minority groups, particularly African Americans and Hispanics, highlighting the role of institutional racism and socio-economic factors. The findings underscore the persistent gap in opportunities and outcomes between racial groups, advocating for policy reforms to address these inequalities. The study emphasizes the importance of targeted interventions to dismantle systemic barriers and promote equity across all societal domains.

Analyzing the Social Problem

In this section of the SOCI 212 Week 2: Assignment 1, we will discuss at least four social concepts mentioned in the article we chose for this assignment.

  • Identifying Social Concepts Related to Racial Inequality: Find at least four social concepts discussed in class that relate to racial inequality, such as systemic racism, privilege, discrimination, and social justice.
  • Connecting the Article to Broader Social Issues: Discuss how the article’s findings exemplify broader societal problems of racial inequality.


The article (Jun et al., 2022) Provides a compelling examination of racial inequality through the lens of systemic racism, privilege, discrimination, and social justice, offering poignant examples that underscore the depth of these issues. Systemic racism manifests in employment disparities, where minorities often occupy lower-wage positions and in healthcare, evidenced by the significant gaps in quality of care and health outcomes for African Americans and Hispanics (Lewis, 2024). The concept of privilege is highlighted by the differential access to educational opportunities and professional networks, predominantly favoring white individuals. Discrimination is vividly illustrated through racial profiling by law enforcement and the historical practice of redlining, severely limiting minorities’ access to housing and financial services. The study’s call for policy reforms advocates for social justice measures aimed at dismantling these deep-rooted barriers, underscoring the urgent need for societal change to address and rectify the pervasive impact of racial inequality on various aspects of life.

Incorporating Social Concepts

This section of SOCI 212 Week 2: Assignment 1 will incorporate the examples and findings from our chosen article.

  • Explanation of Social Concepts: Briefly define each social concept selected for the analysis.
  • Applying Concepts to Your Analysis: Illustrate how these concepts are reflected in the article’s findings and the broader issue of racial inequality.


The article (Jun et al., 2022)  dives into racial inequality, showcasing systemic racism through entrenched employment, healthcare, and education disparities that disproportionately affect African Americans and Hispanics. These examples embody systemic racism, where institutional structures perpetuate inequality. Privilege is evident in unequal access to education and jobs, favoring predominantly white populations. Discrimination surfaces in practices like racial profiling and redlining, limiting minorities’ access to fair justice and housing. The article’s call for policy reforms mirrors the social justice concept, advocating for changes to dismantle these barriers. These findings not only highlight the article’s alignment with social concepts of racial inequality but also stress the imperative need for comprehensive actions to combat these deep-rooted societal issues.


Sum up the essential findings and provide a conclusion of the arguments and discussion.

  • Summarizing Key Findings: Concisely recap your analysis and the article’s contribution to understanding racial inequality.
  • Reflecting on the Importance of Understanding Racial Inequality: End by reflecting on how this knowledge can contribute to addressing and mitigating racial disparities.


The article presents compelling evidence of systemic racial inequalities in the United States, pinpointing significant disparities in employment, healthcare, and education primarily affecting African Americans and Hispanics. It underlines the crucial roles of systemic racism, privilege, discrimination, and the urgent need for social justice. Understanding these inequalities is pivotal for devising effective policy reforms and interventions aimed at dismantling the barriers that perpetuate racial disparities. This knowledge is indispensable in fostering a more equitable society where equal opportunities and justice are accessible to all, regardless of race.

Writing Your Analysis

After gathering all the data and examples necessary to support our argument, we will structure our assignment according to the SOCI 212 Week 2: Assignment 1 outline.

  • Structuring Your Analysis: Organize your paper into an introduction, main body (summarization, analysis, application of social concepts), and conclusion.
  • Supporting Your Points with Evidence: Use specific examples and data from the article to support your analysis.


This How-To Owlisdom Guide offers a structured approach to analyzing racial inequality through recent scholarly work to help you solve SOCI 212 Week 2: Assignment 1. Following these guidelines, you can dissect complex social issues effectively and contribute meaningfully to academic discussions on racial disparities to solve the Week 2 Assignment like a pro. 


In next week’s assignment, we will choose a social problem and start to explore research that has been conducted on the topic. We will choose one social problem to solve SOCI 212 Week 3 Assignment.


Jun, S., Chow, R. M., van der Veen, A. M., & Bleich, E. (2022). Chronic frames of social inequality: How mainstream media frame race, gender, and wealth inequality. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(21), e2110712119. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2110712119 

Lewis, T. L. (2024). America’s Black Homelessness Epidemic: Rooted in Systemically Racist Public Policies and Administration.

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