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SOCI 212 Week 5: Assignment 3

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Instructions of SOCI 212 Week 5


Go to this Humans of New York site and explore several of the Series featured under the home page “Series” link. Address the following in a 2-page essay.

1) Summarize the Series article you chose (ONE article). 

2) Explain how the Series feature related to a sociological issue/problem in either health and medicine or sexuality that you read in your text or lessons from this week. Be sure to incorporate at least 3 key sociological concepts and/or theories in your description. 

3) Be sure to format your paper using proper APA. Don’t forget to cite the Series article you chose as well as the textbook. 

4) You will only use two sources: one article and the textbook 

General requirements:

  • Submissions should be typed, double-spaced, 1″ margins, times new roman 12 pt font, and saved as .doc, .docx, .pdf.

  • Use APA format for citations and references

  • View the grading rubric so you understand how you will be assessed on this Assignment. 

  • Disclaimer- Originality of attachments will be verified by Turnitin. Both you and your instructor will receive the results.

  • This course has “Resubmission” status enabled to help you if you realized you submitted an incorrect or blank file, or if you need to submit multiple documents as part of your Assignment. Resubmission of an Assignment after it is grades, to attempt a better grade, is not permitted.

Step-By-Step Guide SOCI 212 Week 5: Assignment 3


In the previous week’s discussion, we either had to choose a sociological perspective or the balance of job preparation and education in critical thinking. I provided sample solutions to both topics. 

This week, we will write an essay on our analysis of an article from Humans of New York. This article will help us explore social problems.

Introduction to SOCI 212 Week 5 Assignment

This How-To SOCI 212 Guide is designed to help you navigate and complete your assignment on analyzing a specific series from the “Humans of New York” website. The SOCI 212 Week 5: Assignment 3 requires you to choose an article, summarize it, and critically analyze its relation to sociological issues, specifically within health, medicine, or sexuality. Following this guide, you can construct a well-informed essay that integrates key sociological concepts and theories, enhancing your understanding of the social issues in the chosen series.

Go to this Humans of New York site and explore several series featured on the home page’s “Series” link.

Choosing a Series Article

For the SOCI 212 Week 5: Assignment 3, I am choosing the ‘Pediatric Cancer” series.

  • Visit the “Humans of New York” website and click the “Series” link on the home page.
  • Browse the available series and select one focusing on health, medicine, or sexuality. This selection should interest you and have rich content for analysis.
  • Ensure the chosen article has enough depth to incorporate sociological theories and concepts.

Summarize the Series article you chose (ONE article).

Summarizing the Article

For SOCI 212 Essay Two, I will use the Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (Humans of New York, 2016).

  • Read the selected article thoroughly.
  • Write a concise summary capturing the main events or stories told in the article. Focus on the key points that relate to the series’ overarching theme.
  • Keep the summary brief, aiming for no more than one-third of your essay length.

Explain how the Series feature related to a sociological issue/problem in either health and medicine or sexuality that you read in your text or lessons from this week.

Identifying Sociological Issues

After choosing and reading the article thoroughly, we will identify the sociological issues mentioned in it.

  • Analyze the article to determine which sociological issue or problem it addresses. This could relate to health disparities, medical ethics, sexual identity, gender roles, etc.
  • Clearly state how the issue is represented in the article, providing specific examples from the text.

Include at least three key sociological concepts and theories in your description.

Incorporating Sociological Concepts and Theories

Next, we will incorporate sociological concepts and theories to write our essay. 

  • Identify at least three sociological concepts or theories that apply to the issue discussed in the article. These could include, but are not limited to, conflict theory, functionalism, symbolic interactionism, sociological imagination, or social constructionism.
  • Explain each concept or theory briefly and demonstrate how it helps to understand the sociological issue highlighted in the article. Use evidence from the article to support your analysis.

Writing the Essay

  • Organize your essay with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Use the introduction to set up the topic and your chosen article. The body should include your summary, analysis of the sociological issue, and the application of sociological theories.
  • Summarize the key insights from integrating sociological theories with the article’s content. Reflect on the broader implications of these insights for understanding health, medicine, or sexuality.



Pediatric cancer, as represented in a heartfelt narrative from the “Humans of New York” series, provides a window into the profound challenges and resilience exhibited by young patients and their families. This essay delves into the story of Alex, a child battling cancer, to explore the sociological dimensions of health, medicine, and the human experience. Through the lens of sociological theories and concepts, we gain insights into the broader implications of this devastating illness (Humans of New York, 2016).

In the narrative, Alex’s childhood is markedly different from his peers due to his ongoing battle with cancer. Described through a series of poignant vignettes, his life is a patchwork of hospital visits, chemotherapy sessions, and moments of mundane joy where he finds respite in video games and family gatherings. The narrative starkly portrays the physical and emotional toll of the disease, not only on Alex but also on his family, who navigate this journey with a blend of resilience and despair.

Sociological Analysis

The ordeal of pediatric cancer, as experienced by Alex, encapsulates several sociological issues (Von Werthern, 2021). At the forefront is the issue of health inequality. Despite advances in medical technology, access to healthcare remains deeply unequal, influenced by factors such as socioeconomic status, geography, and insurance coverage. Alex’s story underscores the struggle many families face in securing and managing treatment, pointing to a broader critique of the healthcare system’s ability to serve the vulnerable.

Theoretical Perspectives

Symbolic Interactionism 

This perspective helps us understand how pediatric cancer alters a child’s self-concept and social interactions. For Alex, his identity is partially shaped by his illness, influencing how others perceive and interact with him. The narrative highlights moments where his condition isolates and engenders deep connections with family and caregivers, showcasing the complex interplay of self-identity and societal expectations.

Conflict Theory

From this angle, Alex’s situation illustrates the disparities in health outcomes based on social and economic inequalities. The financial burden of cancer treatment on his family reveals the systemic inequities within healthcare that prioritize profit over patient care (Ndeche & Iroye, 2022). This theory invites a critical examination of how capitalistic drives in healthcare can exacerbate suffering and hinder equitable access to necessary treatments.


In examining the functions of social institutions, Alex’s narrative reveals the healthcare system’s role in maintaining societal stability (Vink et al., 2021). However, the story also questions the effectiveness of this system in fulfilling its function when it fails to prevent the disintegration of family stability due to financial and emotional strain. This discrepancy calls for a reevaluation of healthcare policies to serve better families dealing with pediatric cancer.

Alex’s journey through pediatric cancer, as shared in “Humans of New York,” is a microcosm of the larger sociological dynamics in health and medicine. The story sheds light on the personal struggles associated with the disease and reflects broader societal issues, such as healthcare disparities and the impact of illness on social identity. Integrating sociological concepts and theories enhances our understanding of these complex interactions and how social structures influence individual experiences. This analysis deepens our empathy and reinforces the need for a more just and compassionate healthcare system.


By following this How-To Owlisdom Guide, you should be able to craft a comprehensive and insightful essay that summarizes a “Humans of New York” article and deeply analyzes it through the lens of sociology. The SOCI 212 Week 5: Assignment 3 Essay will enhance your ability to apply academic concepts to real-world scenarios, enriching your understanding of sociology and the human experiences shared through these stories.


In the next week’s discussion, we will explore the vast topic of Drug Abuse and Criminal Justice. We will choose one topic related to Drug Abuse and Criminal Justice and discuss our understanding.

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