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SOCI 324 13,14-2 Communication Assignment

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Instructions of SOCI 324 13,14-2 Communication Assignment

Do: Communication Assignment

  • Due Apr 14 by 11:59pm
  • Points 15
  • Submitting a file upload

For this assignment you will complete an assessment of your communication skills.

Please keep in mind: this is just a way to learn about your communication skills and it is just one assessment.  It is not the single indicator of how well you communicate.  Keep this in mind as you view your results.  Also remember that communication is an area that most of us can continue to grow in.  Please use the following link to complete the assessmentLinks to an external site..  Once you have completed the assessment please answer the following. 

  • Discuss what you have learned about in regard to your communication skills. 
  • Discuss your biggest strengths in regard to communication (please provide at least 2 strengths).  How will these assist you as a healthcare provider?  How will they specifically assist you in serving culturally diverse patients.
  • Discuss your areas of growth in regard to communication skills (please provide at least 2 areas of growth).  How can you purposefully work to grow in these areas. 
  • Discuss how empathy relates to communication.  How can you work to possess empathy as a healthcare provider.

Step-By-Step Guide on SOCI 324 13,14-2 Communication Assignment

Introduction To SOCI 324 13,14-2 Communication Assignment

This SOCI 324 13,14-2 Communication Assignment assignment focuses on a thorough self-assessment of your communication skills, identifying strengths and growth areas, particularly in a healthcare setting. Through the assessment, you will reflect on how effectively you manage responses to ambiguous situations, your ability to actively listen and facilitate dialogue, and how you can further develop empathy in your communication practices. This Owlisdom guide of SOCI 324 13,14-2 Communication Assignment will provide detailed instructions to explore these areas deeply, enhancing your ability to communicate with patients from diverse backgrounds.

Discuss what you have learned about your communication skills. 

Communication Skills Assessment

In this section of SOCI 324 13,14-2 Communication Assignment, we will discuss communication skills assessment.

  1. Analyze how you handle unclear or ambiguous information. Recognize situations where you may react impulsively and identify the consequences of these reactions in healthcare settings.
  2. Discuss the importance of clear communication in ensuring patient safety and the potential risks of miscommunications.


I have learned that although I possess foundational communication strengths, there is considerable scope for development, especially in how I manage my responses to ambiguous or unclear information. The assessment has illuminated my occasional propensity to react impulsively when faced with incomplete information, where I tend to adopt a ‘wait and see’ approach instead of actively seeking immediate clarity. This reactive approach can result in misunderstandings or missed opportunities for more meaningful interactions, which are crucial in healthcare settings. In such environments, the ability to communicate clearly and effectively is paramount to ensure the safety and well-being of patients. Miscommunications or delays in understanding can compromise patient care, lead to errors, and diminish the quality of the healthcare experience. Therefore, improving this aspect of my communication is not just about personal growth but is essential for maintaining high standards of professional practice in all my interactions within the healthcare field.

Discuss your biggest strengths regarding communication (please provide at least two strengths).
How will these assist you as a healthcare provider?  How will they specifically assist you in serving culturally diverse patients?

My Biggest Strengths Regarding Communication

This section of SOCI 324 13,14-2 Communication Assignment will discuss My Biggest Strengths Regarding Communication.

  1. Detail your strengths in active listening and facilitating dialogue before expressing your own opinions.
  2. Explain how these strengths play a crucial role in understanding and addressing patient concerns, especially in culturally diverse environments.
  3. Discuss how active listening helps build trust and ensure patients feel valued.


Two of my most significant communication strengths are active listening and the ability to facilitate dialogue before sharing my views. These skills are especially advantageous in the healthcare sector, ensuring comprehensive understanding and consideration of all patient concerns and viewpoints before any decision-making. This is particularly vital when interacting with culturally diverse patients, as it allows for acknowledgment and respect of their distinct backgrounds and specific needs, thereby promoting a more inclusive care environment. Through active listening, I not only gather complete information but also demonstrate empathy and respect, which are essential for building trust. This skill enables me to adapt my communication approach to suit each patient’s unique situation, ensuring they feel genuinely heard and valued. Such tailored communication is crucial in healthcare settings to provide effective and compassionate care across diverse patient populations.

Discuss your areas of growth concerning communication skills (please provide at least two areas of growth).  How can you purposefully work to grow in these areas? 

Areas Of Growth Regarding Communication Skills

In this section of SOCI 324 13,14-2 Communication Assignment, we will discuss areas of growth regarding communication skills.

  1. Focus on enhancing patience with slow or unclear communicators and managing stress in conversations.
  2. Outline how engaging in mindfulness practices and participating in conflict resolution workshops can improve your communication skills.
  3. Describe how practicing these skills in simulations can prepare you for real-life scenarios in healthcare.


One of my primary areas for growth in communication involves enhancing my patience with individuals who communicate slowly or unclearly and improving how I manage stressful conversations without succumbing to defensiveness. I am committed to incorporating mindfulness practices into my daily routine to address these challenges. These practices are designed to cultivate patience and better emotional regulation by focusing on being present and reactive in a measured, thoughtful manner. I plan to actively participate in stress management workshops and conflict resolution training programs. These structured programs will equip me with the necessary tools to maintain composure and communicate effectively, even in tense or high-pressure situations. Simulation and role-playing exercises provide a safe environment to practice and refine my responses. This training will be invaluable in real-life healthcare settings, where the ability to communicate clearly and calmly can significantly impact patient outcomes and the overall effectiveness of care provided.

Discuss how empathy relates to communication.  How can you work to possess empathy as a healthcare provider?

Discuss How Empathy Relates To Communication

This section of SOCI 324 13,14-2 Communication Assignment will discuss how empathy relates to communication.

  1. Define empathy in the context of healthcare and discuss its importance in patient interactions.
  2. Propose methods for enhancing empathy through emotional intelligence training, such as recognizing non-verbal cues and employing reflective listening.
  3. Highlight the importance of seeking feedback to continually improve your empathetic communication.


Empathy is indeed the foundation of effective communication, particularly vital in healthcare settings where interactions often have significant emotional and physical implications for patients. Empathy extends beyond merely understanding or sharing someone else’s emotions; it involves an active demonstration of that understanding through thoughtful communication styles and responsive behaviors. In my practice, enhancing empathy will mean cultivating advanced emotional intelligence skills. This includes keenly observing non-verbal cues, such as body language and facial expressions, which often communicate more than words. Adjusting my communication style to align with the emotional needs of my patients is crucial. Techniques like reflective listening, where I echo the patient’s sentiments to show understanding and validation, affirming their feelings, are strategies I plan to implement routinely. Additionally, seeking regular feedback from peers and mentors will be instrumental in continuously refining these approaches. This ongoing development effort will ensure my interactions are empathetic and effectively support patients’ emotional and healthcare needs, fostering a supportive and healing environment.


By completing this SOCI 324 13,14-2 Communication Assignment, you will better understand your communication abilities and learn how to enhance your interaction with patients. This reflection and development are crucial for any healthcare professional aiming to provide compassionate and effective care. Your efforts in refining these skills will benefit your professional growth and improve patient outcomes, making this an invaluable exercise in your healthcare career development. In the next module of SOCI 324, we will explore the 13,14-3 Cultural Communication Discussion.

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