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SOCI 324 3,4,5-2 Analyzing System Assignment

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Instructions of SOCI 324 3,4,5-2 Analyzing System Assignment

Do: Analyzing Systems Assignment

  • Due Feb 2 by 11:59pm
  • Points 15
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In an effort to understand systems better we will focus on Indigenous populations within the US.  The history of Indigenous people within the US shows how powerful systems can be.  Please note that there is a great deal of history within the videos that you will watch that might be new to you and will be difficult take in as Indigenous people have been oppressed in the US since Europeans first arrived and this is what has led to generational trauma and many other consequences such issues with substance use disorders.  In order to understand the history of Indigenous people within the US you will start with a video that explains colonization.  Next, you will learn about an issue that happened right here in Nebraska and was fueled by various systems within Nebraska.  Lastly, you will get an update on these issues by listening to a podcast.  Once you have viewed the videos and listened to the podcast please answer the following questions:

  • Discuss the term colonization.  Describe what this term means in your own words.
  • Reflect on what was happening in White Clay Nebraska prior to 2017.  Discuss your thoughts and feelings about what was happening.
  • Identify and discuss the systems that enabled the beer stores to continue to operate in White Clay Nebraska.
  • Discuss the health concerns that the people of Pine Ridge experienced.  What barriers to healthcare were present to the residents of Pine Ridge. 
  • Discuss how the change at the systems level (closing the beer stores) impacted the Pine Ridge community. 
  • Discuss how the system level change impacted the health outcomes of the Pine Ridge residents. 
  • Identify and discuss the long term consequences (both health related and non-health related) that the residents of Pine Ridge experienced and are still experiencing due to the beer sales that occurred. 

Step-By-Step Guide on SOCI 324 3,4,5-2 Analyzing System Assignment

Introduction To SOCI 324 3,4,5-2 Analyzing System Assignment

This SOCI 324 3,4,5-2 Analyzing System Assignment focuses on the profound impacts of colonization on Indigenous populations in the United States, with a specific examination of the systemic issues that have affected the community near White Clay, Nebraska. Through this analysis, students will explore how localized systems, such as the operation of beer stores, have perpetuated harm and influenced the health and social outcomes of the Pine Ridge community. This Owlisdom guide of SOCI 324 3,4,5-2 Analyzing System Assignment will help you to systematically address each aspect of the assignment, ensuring a thorough understanding and analysis.

Discuss the term colonization.  Describe what this term means in your own words.

Understanding Colonization

In this section of SOCI 324 3,4,5-2 Analyzing System Assignment, we will understand colonization.

  1. Investigate the historical context of colonization in the U.S., focusing on how European settlement affected Indigenous populations.
  2. Discuss these colonial actions’ socio-economic and cultural ramifications, emphasizing their long-term effects on Indigenous cultures and societies.


Colonization, as applied to the context of the United States, refers to the historical process whereby European powers invaded, settled, and exploited the lands traditionally inhabited by Indigenous peoples. This involved not only the seizure of land but also the imposition of foreign governance, economic systems, and cultural practices, which systematically undermined and eroded Indigenous cultures. The colonizers often justified their actions with ideologies that portrayed Indigenous peoples as needing to be civilized, thereby legitimizing the widespread disruption of native societies. The impacts of colonization are still evident today in the form of socio-economic disparities, cultural disintegration, and ongoing challenges in health and education among Native American communities. Understanding this context is crucial for addressing the systemic issues that perpetuate inequality.

Reflect on what was happening in White Clay, Nebraska, before 2017.  Discuss your thoughts and feelings about what was happening.

Historical Overview Of White Clay, Nebraska

In this section of SOCI 324 3,4,5-2 Analyzing System Assignment, we will discuss the historical overview of White Clay, Nebraska.

  1. Provide an overview of White Clay’s geographical and operational significance to the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation.
  2. Explore the socio-economic impacts of alcohol sales in this region, particularly the health and social issues that arose from these operations.


White Clay, Nebraska, has long been controversial due to its geographical and operational proximity to the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. Historically, the area was notorious for its liquor stores, which exploited the alcohol ban within the reservation by selling large quantities of alcohol to its residents. Klucas and his colleagues (2021) mention, “I was in disbelief that so much cultural destruction came from this one little area.” The exploitation was glaring, considering White Clay’s minuscule population contrasted against the disproportionate number of liquor outlets. The prevalence of these stores fueled severe social and health issues among the Pine Ridge residents, including escalated alcohol dependency and associated disorders. White Clay’s situation is a stark example of how localized economic interests and lax regulatory environments can exploit vulnerable populations, leading to profound and lasting social impact.

Identify and discuss the systems that enabled the beer stores to continue to operate in White Clay, Nebraska.

Systems Enabling Operations In White Clay

This section of SOCI 324 3,4,5-2 Analyzing System Assignment will discuss the Systems that Enable Operations in White Clay.

  1. Analyze how legal and economic systems facilitated the operation of beer stores, contributing to local and state economies at the expense of public health.
  2. Discuss the lack of adequate political representation for Indigenous interests and how this influenced policy decisions regarding White Clay.


A confluence of legal, economic, and political systems supported the continued operation of beer stores in White Clay. Legally, lax regulations allowed these stores to exist near a population vulnerable to alcoholism. Knapp (2021) mentions that “those stores sold millions of cans of beer each year, mostly to residents of the officially dry Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, just across the South Dakota border.”  Economically, the significant profits from alcohol sales incentivized local and state authorities to overlook the moral and health implications. Politically, a lack of representation for Indigenous interests in decision-making processes meant that the detrimental effects on the Pine Ridge community were largely ignored or minimized by those in power. This systemic negligence underscores the need for more inclusive and ethical policy-making processes.

Discuss the health concerns that the people of Pine Ridge experienced.  What barriers to healthcare were present to the residents of Pine Ridge? 

Health Concerns And Barriers In Pine Ridge

In this section of SOCI 324 3,4,5-2 Analyzing System Assignment, we will discuss the health concerns and barriers in Pine Ridge.

  1. Detail the specific health concerns exacerbated by the proximity to White Clay, such as increased alcohol-related diseases.
  2. Evaluate the barriers to effective healthcare faced by the Pine Ridge community, highlighting resource limitations.


The Pine Ridge Indian Reservation, near White Clay, Nebraska, faces significant health concerns exacerbated by its proximity to the former liquor stores in White Clay. High accessibility to alcohol led to elevated rates of alcohol-related health issues, including liver disease, alcohol poisoning, and fetal alcohol spectrum disorders. These health problems were compounded by inadequate healthcare resources on the reservation. 

With high accessibility to alcohol, the community saw escalated rates of alcohol-related health issues, such as liver disease and alcohol poisoning, which were compounded by inadequate healthcare resources. The nearest healthcare facilities were often under-equipped and understaffed, and the pervasive poverty in the area made it difficult for residents to afford care. Mental health services were particularly sparse, which is critical given the psychological impact of alcohol dependency. These barriers to health exacerbated the community’s struggles, creating a cycle of illness and inadequacy that was hard to break.

Discuss how the change at the systems level (closing the beer stores) impacted the Pine Ridge community.

Impact Of System-Level Changes In White Clay

In this section of SOCI 324 3,4,5-2 Analyzing System Assignment, we will discuss the impact of system-level changes in white clay.

  1. Reflect on the closure of beer stores in 2017, exploring how these changes were advocated for and implemented.
  2. Discuss the immediate social and health impacts observed following the policy changes.


The shutdown of the beer stores in White Clay in 2017 represented a pivotal shift in systemic policy, directly addressing one of the core sources of the community’s challenges. This closure was a result of extensive advocacy by community leaders and activists who highlighted the stores’ role in perpetuating health and social crises. Following the closure, there was a notable decrease in alcohol-related incidents and a gradual improvement in community morale. This change also freed up resources and attention that could be directed toward recovery and rehabilitation efforts, illustrating the positive effects of community-centered systemic change.

Discuss how the system-level change impacted the health outcomes of the Pine Ridge residents.

Health Outcomes Following System Changes

In this section of SOCI 324 3,4,5-2 Analyzing System Assignment, we will discuss the health outcomes following system changes.

  1. Examine the public health and safety improvements within the community post-closure.
  2. Discuss introducing or enhancing community health initiatives that have emerged due to these changes.


Following the systemic closure of the beer stores in White Clay, the health outcomes in the Pine Ridge community saw substantial improvements. With the reduction in alcohol availability, there was a significant decrease in alcohol-related medical emergencies and hospital admissions. This decline facilitated a broader focus on community health initiatives, enhancing preventive care and increasing participation in wellness programs that foster physical and mental health. Additionally, the community experienced a notable improvement in overall public safety, with reductions in alcohol-fueled violence and accidents. These changes contributed to a better quality of life and a heightened sense of community well-being, illustrating the profound impact of targeted systemic interventions on public health in vulnerable populations.

Identify and discuss the long-term consequences (both health-related and non-health-related) that the residents of Pine Ridge experienced and are still experiencing due to the beer sales that occurred.

Long-Term Consequences Of Beer Sales

In this section of SOCI 324 3,4,5-2 Analyzing System Assignment, we will discuss the long-term consequences of beer sales.

  1. Analyze the long-term economic and social consequences of alcohol sales on the community.
  2. Explore how these sales have affected cultural identity and contributed to generational trauma.


The long-term consequences of the beer sales in White Clay are multifaceted, affecting the Pine Ridge community economically, socially, culturally, and psychologically. The economic impact is evident in the ongoing struggle against poverty, which has been significantly exacerbated by decades of dependency on alcohol sales. This economic stagnation hinders community efforts towards sustainable development and diversification of local economies. Socially, the community fabric has suffered due to the high rates of alcoholism, leading to broken families, increased domestic violence, and weakened communal ties. Culturally, the pervasive alcohol sales disrupted traditional practices and roles within the community, leading to a loss of cultural identity and heritage. Psychologically, the generational trauma induced by these disruptions continues to affect new generations, manifesting in mental health challenges and social disengagement. Addressing these long-term issues requires sustained, holistic, and culturally sensitive interventions that go beyond mere economic solutions, aiming to restore and rejuvenate the entire community fabric.

The case of White Clay serves as a powerful illustration of how systemic issues can profoundly affect marginalized communities, particularly Indigenous populations. By understanding and addressing the historical context of colonization and its modern manifestations in places like White Clay, there is potential to rectify past injustices and improve the lives of Indigenous peoples. This requires a multi-faceted approach involving legal reforms, enhanced healthcare services, economic support, and cultural revitalization programs. Through such efforts, the long-standing cycles of disparity and disadvantage can be broken, leading to healthier and more resilient communities.


Completing this SOCI 324 3,4,5-2 Analyzing System Assignment assignment offers crucial insights into the complex interplay between systemic oppression and public health within Indigenous communities. By understanding the specific case of White Clay, Nebraska, students will gain a deeper appreciation of how systemic decisions can have profound and lasting impacts on marginalized populations. This analysis contributes to academic knowledge and fosters a sense of responsibility toward advocating for systemic changes that promote health equity and cultural respect. This assignment underlines the importance of holistic and informed approaches in addressing public health issues within socio-politically complex environments. In the next module of SOCI 324, we will explore the 3,4,5-3 Systems Discussion.


Klucas G., Miller V., Schrage S. & Banset E.,(2021) Research at Nebraska – 2016-2017 Report, https://research.unl.edu/annualreport/2017/#nebraska-research-at-a-glance 

Knapp F., (2021), Some Want Whiteclay to Be a Healing Place, Nebraska Public Media, https://nebraskapublicmedia.org/en/news/news-articles/some-want-whiteclay-to-be-a-healing-place/

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