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SOCI 324 3,4,5-3 Systems Discussion

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Instructions of SOCI 324 3,4,5-3 Systems Discussion

Do: Systems Discussion

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You learned a great deal about systems in this module.  Please take some time to reflect with your peers on the following:

  • Discuss what you have learned about systems.  Be specific and share at least two specific areas you learned about.
  • Discuss how various systems can cause individuals to experience barriers to healthcare.
  • Discuss one specific system that you learned more about.  How does this system impact people on the individual level?  How does this system impact healthcare providers? 
  • You read, listened to and watched how systems impact various cultural groups.  Discuss one of those specific cultural groups.  How does this change your thinking about this cultural group?  How will this information inform your work as a healthcare provider?

Please respond to the discussions of two other students.  Please reflect on what your peer shared and discuss your thoughts about their discussion. 

Understanding Bias (weeks 6 and 7)

Watch: Understanding Bias Lecture

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Watch: We all have implicit bias. So what can we do about it?

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Watch: Implicit Bias how it affects us and how we push through

Step-By-Step Guide on SOCI 324 3,4,5-3 Systems Discussion

Introduction To SOCI 324 3,4,5-3 Systems Discussion

This Owlisdom’s SOCI  324 3,4,5-3 Systems Discussion assignment delves into the multifaceted nature of healthcare systems and the impact of systemic barriers on access and quality of care. Students are expected to explore the roles of cultural brokers, and the effect of institutional policies, and specifically examine how these systems affect Indigenous populations and the usage of electronic health records. This SOCI 324 3,4,5-3 Systems Discussion aims to understand better how layered healthcare systems interact with cultural and technological elements to shape patient care.

Discuss what you have learned about systems.  Be specific and share at least two specific areas you have learned about.

Understanding Of Systems In Healthcare

We will discuss the Understanding Of Systems in Healthcare in this section of SOCI 324, 3,4,5-3 SYSTEMS DISCUSSION.

  • Research and Define: Start by researching the different layers within healthcare systems. Define key components like healthcare providers, insurance systems, and governmental policies.
  • Identify Roles: Discuss the role of cultural brokers within these systems and how they aid in bridging gaps between healthcare delivery and culturally diverse populations.


The readings emphasized the multi-layered nature of healthcare systems, highlighting two specific areas: the role of cultural brokers and the impact of institutional policies on patient access. Cultural brokers, often healthcare professionals with deep insights into their patients’ cultural backgrounds, serve as crucial intermediaries. They facilitate communication and advocate for cultural competence among healthcare providers, which is vital in bridging the gap between healthcare delivery and culturally diverse populations.

Institutional policies, particularly those that inadvertently erect barriers to access for specific populations, were another focal point. The systemic challenges posed by policies that do not account for cultural, linguistic, or socioeconomic diversity can lead to significant disparities in the quality of healthcare received. Understanding these policies’ frameworks has been an eye-opening aspect of my learning.

Discuss how various systems can cause individuals to experience barriers to healthcare.

Barriers to Healthcare from Various Systems

In this section of SOCI 324, 3,4,5-3 SYSTEMS DISCUSSION, we will discuss the Barriers to Healthcare from Various Systems.

  1. Identify Systemic Barriers: Explore various systemic barriers such as insurance limitations, operational inefficiencies, and cultural misunderstandings.
  2. Analyze Impact: Analyze how these barriers affect the accessibility and quality of healthcare. Use examples to illustrate points, ensuring a clear connection between systemic barriers and patient care outcomes.


The readings illustrated how systemic barriers manifest in various forms. One prominent example is the insurance system, where eligibility criteria and coverage limitations can disproportionately affect marginalized communities, especially those facing language barriers or lacking legal documentation. Additionally, rigid healthcare systems in their operational hours and communication methods often fail to accommodate those who might have different cultural norms around timeliness or communication methods, further alienating them from receiving adequate care. Furthermore, educational systems within healthcare also pose significant barriers, particularly when training programs lack emphasis on cultural competence. This deficiency leads to a workforce that may be ill-prepared to effectively engage with and treat culturally diverse populations, thereby exacerbating disparities in health outcomes. These systemic educational gaps underscore the need for curricula that are diverse in content.

Discuss one specific system that you learned more about.  How does this system impact people on the individual level?  How does this system impact healthcare providers? 

Impact of a Specific System: Electronic Health Records

This section of SOCI 324, 3,4,5-3 SYSTEMS DISCUSSION will discuss the Impact of a Specific System: Electronic Health Records.

  1. Explore Benefits and Challenges: Outline the benefits of EHRs in improving continuity of care and the challenges they present, particularly in privacy concerns and data integrity.
  2. Propose Improvements: Suggest strategies for enhancing the effectiveness of EHR systems, focusing on cultural competence and data security.


Delving deeper into the (EHR) system has been particularly enlightening. On an individual level, EHRs can significantly enhance the continuity of care by providing healthcare providers with comprehensive patient histories. However, if not implemented with cultural sensitivity, they can also pose privacy concerns and misunderstandings about consent, especially among populations wary of data misuse.

EHR systems offer immense efficiency and informed decision-making benefits for healthcare providers but require substantial training and adaptation to manage effectively. Misunderstandings in data entry or interpretation due to cultural differences can lead to misdiagnoses or inappropriate treatment plans, emphasizing the need for cultural competence in handling such systems.

You read, listened to, and watched how systems impact various cultural groups.  Discuss one of those specific cultural groups.  How does this change your thinking about this cultural group?  How will this information inform your work as a healthcare provider?

Impact on a Specific Cultural Group: Indigenous Populations

This section of SOCI 324, 3,4,5-3 SYSTEMS DISCUSSION will discuss the Impact on a Specific Cultural Group: Indigenous Populations.

  1. Research Contextual Background: Provide a detailed background on the unique healthcare challenges faced by Indigenous populations.
  2. Integrate Cultural Practices: Discuss the importance of integrating traditional healing practices with conventional medical practices to offer culturally respectful and effective care.


Focusing on indigenous populations, the material shed light on how systemic inadequacies, such as geographical barriers and the lack of culturally competent care, disproportionately affect these communities. Learning about the specific challenges faced by Indigenous people in accessing healthcare that respects their cultural practices and social structures has profoundly affected my perspective. It underscores the importance of integrating traditional healing practices with conventional medicine to provide holistic care.

This understanding compels me to advocate for and implement practices that respect and incorporate indigenous healing traditions within the broader healthcare framework, ensuring that these cultural practices are acknowledged and integrated into the care process.

Please respond to the discussions of two other students.  Please reflect on what your peers shared and discuss your thoughts about their discussion.

Reflection On Peer Response

We will discuss the Reflection On Peer Response in this section of SOCI 324, 3,4,5-3 SYSTEMS DISCUSSION.

  1. Engage with Peers: Review and reflect on the discussions shared by peers regarding the impacts of healthcare systems.
  2. Provide Constructive Feedback: Offer insights or alternative perspectives that could enhance understanding or propose different solutions to identified problems.


Reflecting on the discussions shared by my peers, I found Jane’s analysis of the impact of language barriers within the insurance system particularly compelling. She highlighted a critical aspect that often goes unnoticed in policy discussions but has a tangible impact on non-English-speaking populations. Her suggestions for incorporating multilingual support within healthcare systems could significantly reduce these barriers, promoting greater equity in healthcare access.

Similarly, Tom’s exploration of the EHR system from the perspective of elderly populations exposed another layer of complexity. His observation about the digital divide affecting older adults’ interaction with modern healthcare practices was insightful. It adds to the discussion of systemic barriers and suggests areas for technological adaptation and support.


Completing this SOCI 324 3,4,5-3 Systems Discussion assignment provides critical insights into the complexities of healthcare systems and the significant role they play in shaping health outcomes across diverse populations. By understanding and addressing these systemic challenges, future healthcare professionals can contribute to more equitable and effective healthcare delivery. This exploration not only enhances academic knowledge but also prepares students to engage thoughtfully with real-world health issues, emphasizing the importance of cultural competence and systemic awareness in their professional journeys. In the next module of SOCI 324, we will explore the 6,7-1 Video Assignment 2.

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