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SSGS 500 Week 4 Assignment: Literature Review on a Theory

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Instructions of SSGS 500 Week 4 Assignment

Writing a Literature Review

Most research projects include a literature review to determine what knowledge exists on the subject under study and to develop the theoretical framework that will be used in the study. The literature review sets the context for the entire research project by explaining what others have found in researching the same or similar specific research questions. Literature reviews are also done to help summarize the current state of knowledge on a topic and the current knowledge gaps up to this point. In this format, they are often published as a pure literature review within peer-reviewed journals. One example can be found here specific to the literature  Distance Learning; here is another example that will help break it out for you: Critical Thinking Lit Review. Students often have a hard time writing literature reviews because it seems like a foreign way to organize information, however, in a way you can equate the way that an essay is written to that of a literature review. In an essay, one will bring in numerous references within each paragraph, the same would be the case for a literature review in that literature reviews are organized thematically. NCSU has a fantastic video (https://www.lib.ncsu.edu/tutorials/litreview/) that helps explain what a literature review is and how they are written at the graduate and professional levels, I recommend taking a look as it will help give you some additional perspective on how these are written. For some additional information on how to organize your theoretical framework into your paper, check out this USC Library guide on Theoretical Frameworks.

A literature review begins with an introductory paragraph in which the writer frames the research topic and its significance, or the puzzle or topic area that the researcher is addressing. To do that, the writer will summarize the major relevant arguments on the research subject, highlighting the main issues and how schools of thought might differ. If there are key terms to be defined, the writer would also do that here if the literature review is part of a larger research paper.

The body of the literature review tells readers what others have found in their studies about your specific research question or topic under investigation (the extent of existing knowledge on your specific research question/current state of the research on a particular topic), critiques what is right or wrong with these other studies, and discusses how the body of knowledge needs to be moved forward (and/or how the work is distinguishable from the research study you are proposing). Your review should organize material by theme or method or what makes sense for the project.

The conclusion should summarize the primary “sense of the literature”, encapsulating for the reader where the existing literature ends and if carrying out a study, where your research will start.

Assignment Instructions:

This assignment serves as a building block for your final thesis proposal. For this literature review, you need to select a substantive theory, either something that we discussed in the lesson, or something outside of the course, and focus your literature review around that theory. Your theory selection should make sense with the research question you intend to assess within your final research proposal. Since this is a literature review focused on a particular topic (i.e. the substantive theory) you will need to discuss the current state of the literature specific to that theory (for example, deterrence theory, social identity theory, etc). You’ll want to start with a discussion on the early conceptualizations of the theory and how it has developed over time. Your conclusion should include a discussion of where the research on that theory needs to go next. What are some questions that remain? What new ways should it be applied?

Format: Standard academic format will suffice: 1-inch borders on all four sides, double-spaced, with times new roman 12-point font. As with all academic assignments (unless otherwise specified) you must include a references section and list your references.

This literature review should include a critical review of at least 9-10 scholarly/peer-reviewed articles.

Since multiple writing styles are in use within this course, on your title page, please note which style you are using within your assignment. This will help me cater my comments to the style you are using. The style you use needs to be the one that is used within your program of study.

Total pages: 5 complete pages in length not including title page or references.

I have also attached a synthesis matrix that should help you organize your notes as you go, as well as the grading rubric for this assignment.

Use the filename (no spaces): yourlastnameW4.doc to upload this file to the HW4 assignment.

Note: As mentioned above this assignment is a building block for your final assignment. In your research proposal in addition to synthesizing the literature on a theory, you will also need to synthesize the literature surrounding the topic you are looking to explore as well. This will serve as a preliminary literature review that helps to demonstrate the importance of the topic and show that it has not yet been addressed within the literature.


synthesis matrix for literature review.pdf

Step-By-Step Guide on SSGS 500 Week 4 Assignment: Literature Review on a Theory

Introduction to SSGS 500 Week Four Assignment

The SSGS 500 Week 4 Assignment: Literature Review on a Theory will help you develop a comprehensive literature review on a substantive theory relevant to your final thesis proposal. This Owlisdom How-To Guide of SSGS 500 Week 4 Assignment: Literature Review on a Theory will be a foundational component, demonstrating your understanding of the theory, its evolution, current debates, and future research directions.

For this literature review, you need to select a substantive theory, either something we discussed in the lesson or something outside of the course, and focus your literature review around that theory. Your theory selection should align with the research question you intend to assess in your final research proposal.

Theory Selection

To start the SSGS 500 Week 4 Assignment: Literature Review on a Theory, we will select a theory.

  • Review course materials and external sources to identify a theory that aligns with your research question.
  • Ensure the selected theory provides a robust framework for exploring your research topic.
  • Justify your choice by discussing its relevance and applicability to your research question.


For this literature review, I have chosen the Social Cognitive Theory (SCT), a prominent framework developed by Albert Bandura. This theory aligns closely with my research question, which investigates how social environments influence individual behaviour changes. SCT offers a robust framework by integrating personal, behavioural, and environmental factors, allowing for a nuanced exploration of how individuals learn from and are influenced by their social contexts.

I revisited the theories covered in my course materials to identify the most appropriate theory. I supplemented my understanding by exploring external sources, such as peer-reviewed journals and academic books. This comprehensive approach ensured that I selected a theory that aligns with my research question and provides a solid foundation for my literature review. SCT stood out because it emphasises observational learning, imitation, and modelling—critical components in understanding behaviour change in social settings. The theory’s focus on self-efficacy—individuals’ beliefs in their capabilities to execute behaviours—directly ties into my research objectives, which aim to explore how social factors boost or hinder behaviour modification.

You’ll want to start by discussing the theory’s early conceptualisations and how they have developed.

Early Conceptualizations of the Theory

Next, in SSGS 500 Week 4 Assignment: Literature Review on a Theory. We will discuss the early conceptualisations of the selected theory.

  • Start by exploring the origins of the theory and its initial conceptualisations.
  • Discuss the critical scholars and seminal works contributing to the theory’s foundation.
  • Provide a timeline of how the theory has evolved, highlighting significant milestones and shifts in understanding.


Understanding the early conceptualisations of Social Cognitive Theory is essential to appreciate its current applications and future directions. SCT originated from Bandura’s work on social learning theory in the 1960s, which posited that learning occurs through observation and imitation. Key works include Bandura’s seminal book “Social Learning Theory” (1977) and his article “Self-Efficacy: Toward a Unifying Theory of Behavioral Change” (1977). These foundational texts established the basic tenets of SCT and highlighted the importance of cognitive processes in learning.

Albert Bandura is the primary scholar behind SCT, and his foundational works set the stage for its development. Subsequent influential studies expanded the theory to include the concept of self-efficacy, which plays a crucial role in behaviour change. Over time, SCT evolved to incorporate cognitive processes, recognising that individuals actively interpret and integrate observed behaviours. Significant milestones in the evolution of SCT include integrating self-regulatory processes and acknowledging reciprocal determinism, where personal, environmental, and behavioural factors continuously interact. This evolution has made SCT a versatile and adaptable framework for understanding behaviour change across various contexts.

Current State of the Literature

Here, in SSGS 500 Week 4 Assignment: Literature Review on a Theory. We will explore the current state of the Literature.

  • Summarise the significant findings from recent studies that have applied the theory.
  • Discuss the primary debates and differing perspectives within the literature.
  • Highlight how these findings and debates contribute to the current understanding of the theory.
  • Critically analyse the strengths and weaknesses of the existing literature.
  • Identify any gaps or limitations in the current research.
  • Discuss how these gaps might impact the overall understanding of the theory and its applications.


Examining the current state of the literature reveals the strengths, weaknesses, and gaps in applying Social Cognitive Theory. Recent studies have applied SCT to various fields, such as health promotion, education, and organisational behaviour. Key findings indicate that self-efficacy significantly predicts behaviour change and observational learning remains a powerful mechanism in behaviour adoption. These findings underscore the practical relevance of SCT in real-world settings.

However, debates within the literature often focus on the relative influence of environmental versus personal factors in behaviour change. Differing perspectives also arise regarding measuring self-efficacy and its impact across diverse populations and contexts. These debates contribute to a deeper understanding of how SCT operates and highlight areas where further research is needed.

Despite its strengths, SCT faces critiques regarding its broad applicability and the potential oversimplification of complex behaviours. Identified gaps include the need for more longitudinal studies to understand the long-term impact of social learning and self-efficacy on behaviour change. These gaps present opportunities for future research to refine and expand the theory’s applicability.

Addressing the gaps in the literature and exploring new directions for Social Cognitive Theory will enhance its applicability and relevance. Key remaining questions include how SCT can be adapted to digital learning environments and how it interacts with emerging social phenomena. Understanding the role of cultural differences in the application of SCT is also an essential area for future research.

These questions are vital as they can shape the development of more inclusive and context-sensitive applications of SCT, ensuring its relevance in diverse settings. New ways to apply SCT could involve integrating technology to create interactive and immersive learning experiences. Mixed-methods research and longitudinal studies could address existing gaps and provide deeper insights into SCT’s mechanisms.

The literature review reveals that SCT provides a comprehensive framework for understanding behaviour change through social influences but also highlights areas needing further exploration. SCT’s focus on observational learning and self-efficacy directly contributes to my research question, offering valuable insights into how social environments shape behaviour. My future research will build on these findings by exploring new applications of SCT in digital learning environments and addressing cultural factors, thereby contributing to advancing knowledge in this field.

By carefully selecting and thoroughly analysing Social Cognitive Theory, this literature review sets the stage for a robust and insightful exploration of behaviour change in social contexts, providing a solid foundation for my final thesis proposal.

Your conclusion should include a discussion of where the research on that theory needs to go next. What are some questions that remain? What new ways should it be applied?

Future Directions

We will identify and discuss future directions for this section of the SSGS 500 Week 4 Assignment: Literature Review on a Theory.

  • Identify and discuss the key questions that remain unanswered within the literature.
  • Explain why these questions are essential and how they could shape future research.
  • Suggest new ways in which the theory could be applied or developed further.
  • Discuss potential methodologies or approaches that could address the identified gaps and unanswered questions.
  • Provide a concise summary of the main findings from your literature review.
  • Highlight the critical contributions of the theory to your research question.
  • Discuss how your future research will build on the existing literature and address identified gaps.


Addressing the gaps in the literature and exploring new directions for Social Cognitive Theory will enhance its applicability and relevance. Key remaining questions include how SCT can be adapted to digital learning environments and how it interacts with emerging social phenomena. Understanding the role of cultural differences in the application of SCT is also an essential area for future research.

These questions are vital as they can shape the development of more inclusive and context-sensitive applications of SCT, ensuring its relevance in diverse settings. New ways to apply SCT could involve integrating technology to create interactive and immersive learning experiences. Mixed-methods research and longitudinal studies could address existing gaps and provide deeper insights into SCT’s mechanisms.

The literature review reveals that SCT provides a comprehensive framework for understanding behaviour change through social influences but also highlights areas needing further exploration. SCT’s focus on observational learning and self-efficacy directly contributes to my research question, offering valuable insights into how social environments shape behaviour. My future research will build on these findings by exploring new applications of SCT in digital learning environments and addressing cultural factors, thereby contributing to advancing knowledge in this field.

By carefully selecting and thoroughly analysing Social Cognitive Theory, this literature review sets the stage for a robust and insightful exploration of behaviour change in social contexts, providing a solid foundation for my final thesis proposal.


The SSGS 500 Week 4 Assignment: Literature Review on a Theory is critical in building a solid foundation for your final thesis proposal. You will demonstrate a deep understanding of the theoretical framework underpinning your research by thoroughly examining the selected theory, its evolution, current debates, and future directions. The critical takeaway of this How-To Guide is to show how your research will contribute to advancing knowledge within the field, addressing existing gaps, and proposing new applications for the theory. In the next module of  SCGS 500, we will explore the Week 5 Assignment on Qualitative Research Methods.

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