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SSGS 500 Week 4 Discussion: Substantive Theory and Its Role Within Research

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Instructions of SSGS 500 Week 4 Discussion

(Optional) Substantive Theory and Its Role Within Research

This week you were exposed to an array of theories that should help to jump start your research.  What theory have you chosen to help you answer your research question?  Please take this opportunity to practice discussing your theory in detail by explaining why you think it’s a good fit for the research project, the level of analysis it operates at, the variables it acknowledges, whether it seeks to explain or understand, and if it supports prediction.  Your discussion should demonstrate a reflection upon the peer reviewed literature.  (No grading for this, but a good opportunity to rehearse ideas with the class for your final project.) 

Step-By-Step Guide on SSGS 500 Week 4 Discussion: Substantive Theory and Its Role Within Research

Introduction to SSGS 500 Week Four Discussion

The SSGS 500 Week 4 Discussion: Substantive Theory and Its Role Within Research focuses on integrating theoretical frameworks into your research design. You will choose a theory that aligns with your research question and provide a detailed discussion on why this theory is appropriate, including its analytical level, variables, purpose, and predictive capabilities. This Owlisdom How-To Guide of SSGS 500 Week 4 Discussion: Substantive Theory and Its Role Within Research aims to give you a clear view of substantive theories and their role within research.

What theory have you chosen to help you answer your research question?

Choosing a Theory

To start the SSGS 500 Week 4 Discussion: Substantive Theory and Its Role Within Research, we will choose a theory to discuss first.

  • Review the theories in your course materials and identify one that resonates with your research question.
  • Ensure your chosen theory provides a robust framework for exploring your research topic.


For the Week 4 Discussion: Substantive Theory and Its Role Within Research, I have chosen the Social Cognitive Theory (SCT) to answer my research question on the impact of social environments on individual behavior change. This theory, developed by Albert Bandura, provides a robust framework for exploring how individuals acquire and maintain certain behaviors while considering the social context.

In detail, explain why you think it’s a good fit for the research project, the level of analysis it operates at, the variables it acknowledges, whether it seeks to explain or understand, and if it supports prediction.

Detailed Discussion of the Theory

Next, in SSGS 500 Week 4 Discussion: Substantive Theory and Its Role Within Research. We will give a detailed description of choosing the theory, analyzing it, and discussing whether it supports the prediction.

Justification for Theory Selection

  • Clearly articulate why you selected this particular theory.
  • Discuss its relevance to your research question and how it aligns with your research objectives.

Justification for Theory Selection

Social Cognitive Theory is an excellent fit for my research project as it emphasizes the interaction between personal, behavioral, and environmental influences. This aligns perfectly with my research question, which seeks to understand how social environments influence individual behavior change. SCT’s focus on observational learning, imitation, and modeling provides a comprehensive framework for examining how individuals adopt new behaviors based on their social surroundings. By incorporating the concept of self-efficacy, SCT also addresses how personal beliefs in one’s capabilities affect behavior, which is central to my study’s objectives.

Level of Analysis

  • Determine whether the theory operates at a micro, meso, or macro level of analysis.
  • Describe how this level of analysis is suitable for addressing your research question.

The theory operates primarily at a meso-level of analysis, bridging individual and societal factors. This level is suitable for addressing my research question as it allows me to examine individual behaviors and the broader social contexts that influence them. Focusing on the meso level will enable me to analyze interactions within social networks and communities, providing a more holistic understanding of behavior change.

Acknowledged Variables

  • Identify the critical variables that the theory considers.
  • Explain how these variables will be measured or observed in your research.

SCT acknowledges several critical variables, including personal factors (e.g., self-efficacy, outcome expectations), behavioral factors (e.g., actions, skills), and environmental factors (e.g., social norms, observational learning). These variables will be measured through surveys and observational studies, assessing participants’ beliefs, behaviors, and the social contexts they interact with. For instance, self-efficacy can be measured using standardized self-report scales, while environmental factors can be observed through social network analysis.

Purpose of the Theory (Explain or Understand)

  • Determine whether the theory aims to explain phenomena (causal relationships) or understand phenomena (descriptive insights).
  • Justify how this purpose aligns with your research objectives.

The primary purpose of SCT is to explain phenomena through causal relationships. It seeks to elucidate how social environments and personal factors causally influence behavior. This explanatory purpose aligns with my research objectives, as I aim to uncover the causal mechanisms through which social environments impact individual behavior change. Understanding these causal links will provide valuable insights for developing interventions promoting positive behavior changes.

Predictive Capability

  • Assess whether the theory has predictive power.
  • Discuss how this predictive capability will be utilized in your research.


SCT has significant predictive power, particularly regarding behavior adoption and maintenance. By identifying key determinants of behavior, such as self-efficacy and social modeling, the theory allows for predictions about how changes in these determinants might influence behavior. In my research, I will utilize this predictive capability to hypothesize how modifications in social environments (e.g., increased exposure to positive role models) may lead to behavior changes. These predictions will be tested empirically, providing evidence to support the theory’s applicability to my research question.


The SSGS 500 Week 4 Discussion: Substantive Theory and Its Role Within Research underscores the importance of selecting and justifying a theoretical framework for your research. By carefully choosing a theory that aligns with your research question and discussing its components in detail, you strengthen the foundation of your study. The key takeaway is that a well-chosen theory not only guides your research design but also enhances the validity and reliability of your findings. In the next module of  SCGS 500, we will explore the Week 4 Assignment on Literature Review on a Theory.

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