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ASB 301 MODULE 5 DISCUSSION: Clash of Continents

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Instructions of ASB 301 Module 5 Discussion

Discussion Prompt

  1. Choose a topic discussed in the module and use the ASU Libraries website to locate a scholarly research article that describes the results of a study related to your chosen topic.

    • Use this library tutorial for help locating a scholarly research article in a research database. (Additional tutorials that may be of interest for other class projects are available here.)

  2. Using your own words, briefly describe (1) the purpose of the research study described in your chosen article and (2) the conclusions of the study.

  3. How, in your opinion, does this research study contribute to our understanding of the impact of historic processes of globalization on health risks and responses?

  4. List the citation and URL link to your chosen article.

Directions and Grading Criteria

Post #1 (10 points): In response to the prompt, students will make one Discussion Post (approximately 50–150 words).

  • This post should be in its thread.

  • To earn full points, posts must (1) adhere to the word limits, and (2) be relevant to the discussion topic.

Posts #2 and #3 (10 points total): Students must post a response to two other classmates’ initial posts that are no more than 50–100 words and engage in critical or substantive ways with the initial post (e.g., exemplar, critique, question).

  • These responses are graded on a pass/fail basis.

  • To pass and earn full points responses must (1) adhere to the word limit and (2) engage critically or substantively with the initial post to which it is responding.

Step-By-Step Guide: Introduction to ASB 301 Module 5 Discussion on Clash of Continents

In the ASB 301 Module 5 Discussion: Clash of Continents, we attempt to increase your understanding of the field of global health history through the analysis of a scholarly research article relating to a topic covered in the module. On the ASU Libraries website, you will find a relevant article, describe its purpose and conclusions, and explain why it contributes to our understanding of how globalization affects health risks and responses. You will also interact with your classmates through thoughtful peer responses.

Choose a topic discussed in the module and use the ASU Libraries website to locate a scholarly research article that describes the results of a study related to your chosen subject. Use this library tutorial to help locate a scholarly research article in a research database. (Additional tutorials that may be of interest for other class projects are available here.)

Choosing a Topic

To start the ASB 301 Module 5 Discussion:


For deciding the subject to discuss in this discussion, I have opted for historical pandemics with reference to the impact of 1918 Influenza Pandemic on global health (Taubenberger and Morens, 2020). There is an impressive scholarly research base on this topic, and great detail on how pandemics have shaped health responses and policy world wide. I searched the ASU Libraries website with filters to be sure that the articles were recent and peer reviewed. I used keywords like 1918 Influenza Pandemic, global health impact, and historical pandemics to limit my search.

Using your own words, briefly describe (1) the purpose of the research study described in your chosen article and (2) the study’s conclusions.

Describing the Research Study

Next, we will look at the results and discussion section of the article.


The chosen article is “The 1918 Influenza Pandemic: Back to the Future?” by Unwin and Robert J. (Unwin, 2021). The purpose of this research study is to identify the worldwide effect of the 1918-1919 Influenza Pandemic also known as the Spanish Flu (Taubenberger & Morens, 2020). The researchers aim to learn the mortality rate, how the disease has spread, and how responses were made by public health.

We conclude that the 1918 Influenza Pandemic had a hugely disruptive global effect, killing an estimated 50 million people. The research showed how global transportation networks helped the virus quickly spread and how there were not enough medical interventions. In this context, the study underscores the role of the pandemic in molding existing public health policies and responses to future health emergencies.

How, in your opinion, does this research study contribute to our understanding of the impact of historical processes of globalization on health risks and responses? List the citation and URL link to your chosen article.

Analyzing the Study’s Contribution



This research study greatly expands our knowledge of the effect of historical globalization processes on health risks and responses. The example of 1918 Influenza Pandemic notes, by early twentieth century the world was already closely interconnected and the virus spread quickly enough to showcase vulnerabilities of the global health systems (Unwin 2021). The studies found that international cooperation and strong public health infrastructure can blunt the impact of pandemics.

This study examines the effects of the 1918 pandemic, analyzes the global impact, and provides valuable historic information for current health policy and responses. It underscores the need for preparedness and co operation in relation to maintaining health in a more and more globalized society. Moreover, the research offers insights into the long term impacts of pandemics on the structure of economic and societal arrangements, which again illustrates the need for the elaborate health strategies.

Finally, the research on the 1918 Influenza Pandemic gives a very important point of view on historical processes of globalization and how they have influenced health (Unwin, 2021). The study also improves our knowledge on previous health crisis, and informs public health strategies at present and in the future. Examining historical pandemics help us to prepare for and respond to global health threats in an interconnected world. Participating in scholarly research and using it to make informed judgments about the subject matter of the worldwide history of health creates a much more nuanced and detailed historic understanding.

Students must post a response to two other classmates’ initial posts that are no more than 50-100 words and engage in critical or substantive ways with the initial post (e.g., exemplar, critique, question).

Peer Responses

Responding to peers is one of the vital parts of the ASB 301 Module 5 Discussion: Clash of Continents.

  • Respond to their idea via example, critique, or question.


Response 01

Hi Ben, great post! What I like about your post is how the impact of the 1918 Influenza Pandemic on global health was glaringly shown. An especially insightful focus on the propagation that is quickened by global transportation networks and which soon afterward, forms the basis of modern public health policies. You are right to note the necessity of international cooperation and robust public health infrastructures to be prepared to fight future pandemics. As with the rest of health strategies, this study’s historical perspective enhances our understanding of current health strategies and their development. It gives a valuable context in which we can examine contemporary health crises. Excellent work!

Response 02

There are two peer responses we are supposed to write. In one of my responses I have already dealt with the instructions given. After following these instructions, you’ll be able to write your peer responses to Module 35 Discussion effortlessly.


The ASB 301 Module 5 Discussion: Clash of Continents enriches your research skills and lays out how to interpret the impact of globalization on health. Through engaging with scholarly articles and your peers you will understand better historical health processes and their contemporary implications. Don’t forget your perspectives and opinions are important when contributing to a discussion. Following this How-To ASB 301 Guide will prepare you to complete the assignment successfully and learn a lot about global health history.


Taubenberger, J. K., & Morens, D. M. (2020). The 1918 influenza pandemic and its legacy. Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Medicine, 10(10), a038695. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/338146500_The_1918_Influenza_Pandemic_and_Its_Legacy 

Unwin, R. J. (2021). The 1918 Influenza Pandemic: Back to the Future? Kidney and Blood Pressure Research, 46(5), 639–646.

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