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FIN 320 3-2 Project One: Financial Analyst Job Aid

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Instructions of FIN 320 3-2 Project One

3-2 Project One: Financial Analyst Job Aid


In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency:

  • Describe the purpose and function of financial management in an organization


You’ve been an entry-level financial analyst for six months. Your supervisor plans to fill another entry-level financial analyst position on your team. Your supervisor has asked you to create a job aid about the financial analyst role. The purpose of the job aid is to help the new hire move smoothly into the role. The job aid must describe the responsibilities of a financial analyst. It must also describe the impact the role has on a business.


Create a job aid for a new hire to an entry-level financial analyst position. Your job aid should be thorough. But it should also be easy to understand for someone new to the field of finance. You’ll use the Project One Financial Analyst Job Aid template (linked in the What to Submit section) to complete this assignment.

In your job aid, you’ll give a general overview of financial management and its importance to a business. Specifically, you must address the following:

  1. Financial Responsibilities: Describe the responsibilities of a financial analyst.

    1. Write five to seven bullet points outlining the responsibilities a financial analyst has. Use complete sentences.

  2. Financial Management Decisions: Discuss the importance of analyzing and managing finances to help make business decisions. Give examples to support your claims.

    1. Consider the bullet points you outlined in the previous section. Then write a brief paragraph that answers the following questions. Use examples to support your claims.

      1. How do those responsibilities help inform management decisions?

      2. What would happen if management didn’t have this information?

  3. Accounting Principles: Explain how to use accounting principles to analyze a business’s financial health. Give examples to support your claims.

    1. Write a brief paragraph that explains how financial analysts use accounting principles to analyze a business’s financial health. In your paragraph, also answer the following questions:

      1. What accounting information do financial analysts use?

      2. What would happen if that information was not available or was not accurate?

  4. Financial Statements: Describe how to use financial statements to help businesses make finance-related decisions. Give examples to support your claims.

    1. Think about how financial analysts identify the information contained in financial statements. Then write a brief paragraph that answers the following questions. Use examples to support your claims.

      1. What do financial analysts need to do their job?

      2. What types of finance-related business decisions would this information help businesses to make?

  5. Financial Terminology: Explain how a financial analyst uses key financial terms every day. Make sure your response is clear and easy to understand.

    1. Define each term listed below. Then, for each term, write one or two sentences showing how a financial analyst might use the term. In your response, imagine the analyst is communicating with management, helping them make an important decision.

      1. Financial statement

      2. Liquidity

      3. Working capital

      4. Diversification

      5. Time value of money

Welcome to  3-2 Project one: Financial Analyst Job Aid

In the How-To Guide, FIN 320 3-2 project one: Financial Analyst Job Aid, general and descriptive instructions, and a dummy solution for each section of the Fin 320 project will apply. The present Owlisdom How-To Guide will help you establish ways to address all the questions regarding the final Fin 320 project. Let us begin with the guide.

1. Financial Responsibilities: Describe the responsibilities of a financial analyst.
A. Write five to seven bullet points outlining a financial analyst’s responsibilities. Use complete sentences.

Financial Responsibilities

We will discuss the responsibilities of a financial analyst at the beginning of the FIN 320 3-2 project one: Financial Analyst Job Aid.


  1. Analyze Financial Data: A financial analyst scrutinizes features of people’s finances, past patterns, future possibilities, and potential investments.
  2. Evaluate Financial Statements: They analyze certain companies’ financial statements to establish their solvency, profitability, and liquidity.
  3. Support Budgeting Process: Through budgeting, financial analysts complement the development of financial plans used in different organizations to facilitate the allocation of funds. Some cost units are given an authorized amount of cash within which they can spend money without further approval.
  4. Conduct Risk Analysis: They undertake prospective and audit risks to assess the stakes of prospective ventures and business decisions.
  5. Provide Investment Recommendations: Financial analysts make suggestions about investment prospects that suit a particular company’s goals and plans.
  6. Prepare Financial Reports: They produce reports that summarize financial information, analyze results, and make recommendations that will be helpful to management and shareholders.
  7. Collaborate with Team Members: Financial analysts cooperate with other team members across organizational divisions and departments to enhance the efficient implementation of financial strategies that enhance a company’s performance.

2. Financial Management Decisions: Discuss the importance of analyzing and managing finances to help make business decisions. Give examples to support your claims.

A. Consider the bullet points you outlined in the previous section. Then, write a brief paragraph that answers the following questions. Use examples to support your claims.
i. How do those responsibilities help inform management decisions?
ii. What would happen if management did not have this information?

Financial Management Decisions

In this section of FIN 320 3-2 project one, we will examine a financial analyst’s financial management decisions as we develop the financial analyst Job aid.

  • Show how analysis, which includes trend analysis and risk evaluation, impacts strategic planning and decision-making directly by feeding the decision-making process with facts.
  • Describe how poor or inadequate financial information may lead to wrong investment decisions and resource utilization, resulting in financial problems and lost opportunities.


Consultants of financial analysis make recommendations when making decisions concerning firms’ financial performances. They help the management make the necessary forecasts and suitable investments at the right time. For example, the information they glean from financial statements can inform issues related to the expansion of markets or alert decision-makers to certain risks. With such insights, management may make better investment decisions, compromise on financial stability, or overlook growth prospects. As a result, these financial analysts work towards ensuring that decisions are well-researched and that these decisions are long-term oriented.

3. Accounting Principles: Explain how to use accounting principles to analyze a business’s financial health. Give examples to support your claims.
A: Write a brief paragraph that explains how financial analysts use accounting principles to analyze a business’s financial health. In your paragraph, also answer the following questions:
i. What accounting information do financial analysts use?
ii. What would happen if that information was not available or accurate?

Accounting Principles in FIN 3-2 project one: financial analyst job aid

Then, the accounting principles will be described in the example to explain how these concepts influence understanding the business’s financial state.

  • Explain the application of at least three core documents by financial analysts to assess the financial difficulty of a business; the documents include balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements.
  • Explain the risks and prospective negative consequences of decisions made without or with incorrect accounting data, like financial mismanagement or loss of investors’ confidence.


Accounting standards and fundamental file formats, including balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements, are used by financial analysts to analyze the financial situation of a business entity. These documents provide information about financial strength, solidity, financial performance, rationality, and financial flexibility to make the right decisions. For instance, balance sheets indicate an organization’s financial stability and solvency, income statements measure business performance in terms of profits, and cash flow statements measure the sustainability of the business operations. More accurate data flow must be needed to avoid incorrect conclusions, financial misuse, and adverse effects on investors. Hence, it is essential to have accurate financial information regarding practical application and planning in organizations.

4. Financial Statements: Describe how to use financial statements to help businesses make finance-related decisions. Give examples to support your claims.
A: Consider how financial analysts identify the information in financial statements. Then, write a brief paragraph that answers the following questions. Use examples to support your claims.
i. What do financial analysts need to do their job?
ii. What types of finance-related business decisions would this information help businesses to make?

Financial Statements

This section of the FIN 320 3-2 project one: Financial Analyst Job Aid, the subsequent section will highlight the use of financial statements in a Financial Analyst’s Job.

  • Emphasize financial analysts’ utilization capabilities regarding diverse and detailed financial statements for analysis and decision-making.
  • Discuss how the information in financial statements can be used to make strategic business decisions such as investment options, cost-saving measures, and resource management.

Accounting Principles in Analyzing Financial Health

Accounting, as applied by financial analysts, is used to examine a business’s financial position with diligence with the help of primary accounting statements of balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements. The balance sheets of these documents provide the onlooker ideas on a company’s prosperity, solvency, and standard. Analysts must use innovative acc, urate, fiscal, and timely records to evaluate performance and solvency. Indeed, the absence or inaccuracy of such information entails wrong financial planning and control, misplaced investment decisions, and likely loss of investors’ confidence, majoring in the business’ functional and strategic management decisions.

Utilizing Financial Statements for Business Decisions

Financial analysts need to have a full view of a company’s statements when performing their duties. It also allows them to acquire important information about the firm’s operating profit and loss statement, balance sheet, and cash flow ratio. Based on this information, analysts can help the business make decisions regarding the company’s finances, such as the best investment and profitable financial projects, cost-cutting measures, and the most effective use of financial resources. Financial statements are essential to providing information that helps a company manage its resources to achieve financial health and growth while avoiding excessive investment risk.

5. Financial Terminology: Explain how a financial analyst uses key financial terms daily. Make sure your response is clear and easy to understand. A: Define each term listed below. Then, for each term, write one or two sentences showing how a financial analyst might use the term. In your response, imagine the analyst communicating with management, helping them make an important decision. 1. Financial statement 2. Liquidity 3. Working capital 4. Diversification 5. Time value of money

Financial Terminology

The last section of FIN 320 3-2 project one, Financial Analyst Job Aid, will examine how a financial analyst uses vital financial terms to make his response clear and comprehencive.

  • Exploring what the term means and using an example from practice to explain how it provides the starting point for applying financial analysis and discussing decisions and strategy with management.
  • Define liquidity and discuss how the concept evaluates a firm’s capacity to pay its near-term debts.
  • Working capital is explained, and its use in assessing business operational performance and financial strength is demonstrated.
  • Define diversification and show how it works in risk mitigation plans that you present to management.
  • Explain what value the concept has to investment decisions and in conversations about financial planning.


A large number of financial terms are used daily by financial analysts to explain financial information that is easily understandable by third parties. For instance, when referring to a “financial statement,” the listener or reader learns about the business’s financial position. Liquidity is a situation whereby an individual or company can be in a position to sell his or her assets easily should there be a need to ensure that specific responsibilities are met within the shortest time possible. “Working capital” measures business performance for efficiency, while “Diversification ” refers to investing to minimize risk. The concept of “present value” determines the current value of money and investments to aid decision-making.

Key Terms Explained

  • Financial Statement: An account that gives information on a business’s financial transactions and affairs. Managers and analysts utilize them to explain the viability of a company to the management.
  • Liquidity shows how easily assets can be converted into cash. Analysts evaluate liquidity to check whether the business can meet short-term requirements within its grasp.
  • Working Capital: Current assets and current liabilities. It compares the company’s record with its operational efficiency and short-term financial performance.
  • Diversification is investing in different securities to minimize risk as much as possible. Consultants will likely suggest production to lessen possible risks in a volatile environment.
  • Time Value of Money: A theoretical view is that cash available at present is far superior to the same Amount in the future because of its interest rate. This principle assists analysts in valuing investments and identifying a project’s break-even point.


This How-To Guide teaches you about a financial analyst’s roles and duties in meeting the organization’s needs. It also helps you analyze the FIN 320 3-2 project one: Financial Analyst Job Aid by summarizing each section. So, with the help of the guidelines, you may solve FIN 320 3-2 project like a professional one. Good luck! with our upcoming FIN 320 first module, 1-1 Discussion: Financial Management’s Role in Business.

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