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MGMT 415 Module 6 Discussion: Just Culture

Explore our free detailed guide of MGMT 415 Module 6 Discussion: Just Culture.

Instructions of MGMT 415 Module 6 Discussion

Readings and Videos for Module 6

Use the readings and videos to help you prepare for the assignments in this module. This week’s lesson material related to the Just Culture Discussion will help you analyze healthcare scenarios to determine healthcare quality impacts and develop healthcare quality improvement recommendations. The material related to the Wrong Site Surgery Assignment will help you identify sources of errors and interpret recommended healthcare quality practices to propose implementation solutions.

Read for the Discussion:

Healthcare Quality Book: Vision, Strategy, and Tools TextbookLinks to an external site. 253-276

“The 4Es of a reporting culture” Links to an external site.

View for the Discussion:

CUSP: Understand “Just Culture” – 5.5 mins. https://youtu.be/P2a69klu37k 

Annie’s Story: How a System’s Approach Can Change Safety Culture – 5.5 mins. https://youtu.be/zeldVu-3DpM 

Read for the Wrong Site Surgery Assignment:

“Patient safety workshop: Wrong site surgery example”Links to an external site.

The Joint Commission “The universal protocol for preventing wrong site, wrong procedure, and wrong person surgery”Links to an external site.

“5 traits of high reliability organizations: How to hardwire each in your organization”Links to an external site. (note: hardwiring means putting systems in place to make sure a particular value or process is performed consistently)-Once you click on the link, you will need to register your email address.  It is a free site and does not cost to register.

View for the Wrong Site Surgery Assignment:

What is a High Reliability Organization? – 12.53 mins. https://youtu.be/INWJytX27uw 

Identifying error Swiss Cheese Model – 3 mins. https://youtu.be/JRCMxfBULB4 

Just Culture Discussion

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Begin this discussion after reviewing the readings and videos for Module 6, especially Just Culture, 4Es of Reporting Culture, and Annie’s Story. In this discussion, students will contrast a just culture, which seeks to address issues by focusing on the system from a blame culture, which blames individuals when mistakes occur.

Discussion Directions

  • Discuss how healthcare leaders can distinguish between legitimate mistakes and at-risk or reckless behavior. 
  • Compare the impacts of a blame culture versus the impacts of a just culture on healthcare quality.
  • Give practical advice for healthcare organizations that are interested in adopting a just culture. (Start with resources from the module, but then expand the discussion with your own ideas about how to implement these resources in practice).

Your initial post is due by the discussion due date. 

Peer Responses

Respond to two peers before the discussion closing date (see the Canvas calendar). Peer responses must further the discussion. Some ideas for advancing this discussion include probing further with regard to mistakes, reacting to your peers’ conceptualization of blame vs. just culture, adding to your peers’ recommendations (without duplicating advice from your original post), etc.

To view the rubric for a discussion in Canvas, click the dropdown menu (three vertical dots near the discussion title) and select “Show Rubric.”


Wrong Site Surgery Case Study

Start Assignment

  • Due Jun 14 by 11:59pm
  • Points 35
  • Submitting a file upload

This module’s videos highlight two contrasting concepts:

  • The Swiss Cheese Model explains how safety systems can fail.
  • High Reliability Organizations have excellent safety outcomes, despite operating in complex, high risk environments with the potential for error.

In this activity, students will study system failures that aligned like swiss cheese and led to a patient error. Then you will generate ideas for how to put practices in place that create a reliable organization in which errors are prevented.  

You will also be using a new tool that can help improve quality and be the basis for organizing ideas: the SBAR. The letters in SBAR stand for S=Situation, B=Background, A=Assessment, and R=Recommendation.

Assignment Directions

You will need to reference the “Patient Safety Workshop Wrong Site Surgery Example” and the Joint Commission “Universal Protocol” from the module readings for this assignment.  Your submission should be organized as follows:

S = Situation

Summarize what happened in the case example. 

B = Background

Summarize what should have happened based on the Joint Commission protocols.

A = Assessment

  • Identify 2 Joint Commission protocols that were followed in the case example*
  • Identify 3 Joint Commission protocols that were not followed in the case example*
  • Explain how not following the protocols resulted in the wrong site surgery error

*When identifying examples and protocols, be as exact as possible. Match precise details from the case with the specific protocol that was or was not followed.

R = Recommendation

Propose at least 2 ways that the hospital could consistently implement the protocols in order to improve quality, helping to prevent errors in the future. In other words, how can they become a more reliable organization? Be sure to explain why your ideas would work in a practice setting. [Hint: You might find the reading “5 traits of high reliability organizations” to be helpful in generating ideas.]


Wrong Site Surgery Case Study Rubric

Wrong Site Surgery Case Study Rubric




 This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMGMT415_3.00 Identify sources of errors

threshold: 8.5 pts

10 pts

Student discusses complex links between errors and their causes.

8.5 pts

Student discusses basic links between errors and their causes.

7 pts

Student incorrectly discusses basic links between errors and their causes.

0 pts

Student is unable to identify links between errors and their causes.

10 pts

 This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMGMT415_7.00 Interpret recommended healthcare quality practices to propose implementation strategies

threshold: 8.5 pts

10 pts

Student analyzes healthcare quality practices and offers implementation strategies supported by justification.

8.5 pts

Student analyzes healthcare quality practices and offers implementation strategies but lacks justification.

7 pts

Student describes healthcare quality practices but does not offer implementation strategies.

0 pts

Student does not describe healthcare quality practices and does not offer implementation strategies.

10 pts

 This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSkill: Written Quality

threshold: 8.5 pts

10 pts

The submission contain few or no writing errors. Formulation of the submission elicites or creates a deeper understanding for others.

8.5 pts

The submission contained some writing errors. Formulation of the submission raises new points of understanding for the reader with a few distracting inaccuracies or ambiguities.

7 pts

The submission contained many errors. Formulation of the submission causes confusion for the reader.

0 pts

The submission contained many errors, and it included irrelevant information. Formulation of the submission causes misunderstanding for the reader.

10 pts

 This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSkill: Timeliness

threshold: 5.0 pts

5 pts

All components of the activity were turned in on time.

3.5 pts

Some components of the activity were turned in on time.

0 pts

No components of the assignment were turned in on time.

5 pts

Total Points: 35


PDSA Status Update 3: Act

Start Assignment

  • Due Jun 14 by 11:59pm
  • Points 25
  • Submitting a file upload

This assignment is designed as a continuation of the PDSA project. 


Students will continue using a Google Template to complete this assignment.

  • Access the Google Drive account associated with your Bryan College of Health Sciences e-mail account. 
  • Find the PDSA Template document that you began in the PDSA Proposal Assignment (Hint: Search your Google Drive for PDSA)
  • Check for instructor feedback on the “Study” section (aka the PDSA Status Update 2: Study) and modify the plan as needed.
  • Complete the “Act” section of the document.
  • Take out any remaining instructions or stop sign images.
  • Submit your work (see the guide for Google Drive Direct to Canvas Submissions)
  • If you encounter any errors, try sharing the file publicly or downloading the file and uploading (see the guide for resolving submission errors)


Complete all items in the assigned section of the template. See the rubric for the grading criteria. 


PDSA Status Update Rubric

PDSA Status Update Rubric




 This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMGMT415_4.00 Describe tools and models used to improve healthcare quality

threshold: 8.5 pts

10 pts

Student skillfully interprets or applies dimensions of healthcare quality tools/models.

8.5 pts

Student adequately interprets or applies dimensions of healthcare quality tools/models.

7 pts

Student vaguely interprets or applies dimensions of healthcare quality tools/models.

0 pts

Student misinterprets or misapplies dimensions of healthcare quality tools/models.

10 pts

 This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSkill: Written Quality

threshold: 8.5 pts

10 pts

The submission contain few or no writing errors. Formulation of the submission elicites or creates a deeper understanding for others.

8.5 pts

The submission contained some writing errors. Formulation of the submission raises new points of understanding for the reader with a few distracting inaccuracies or ambiguities.

7 pts

The submission contained many errors. Formulation of the submission causes confusion for the reader.

0 pts

The submission contained many errors, and it included irrelevant information. Formulation of the submission causes misunderstanding for the reader.

10 pts

 This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSkill: Timeliness

threshold: 5.0 pts

5 pts

All components of the activity were turned in on time.

3.5 pts

Some components of the activity were turned in on time.

0 pts

No components of the assignment were turned in on time.

5 pts

Total Points: 25

Step-By-Step Guide MGMT 415 Module 6 Discussion: Just Culture

Introduction to MGTM 415 Module Six Discussion

The MGMT 415 Module 6 Discussion: Just Culture. aims to help students explore how healthcare leaders can differentiate between legitimate mistakes and at-risk or reckless behaviour, compare the impacts of these cultures on healthcare quality, and offer practical advice for adopting a Just Culture in healthcare organizations. This Owlisdom How-To Guide provides a structured approach for students to understand and discuss key concepts related to healthcare quality, mainly focusing on Just Culture versus Blame Culture.

Understanding Just Culture vs. Blame Culture

To start the MGMT 415 Module 6 Discussion: Just Culture. , we will briefly discuss the culture vs. blame culture.

  • Defining Just Culture: Start by summarizing the concept of Just Culture. Use the module readings and videos to explain how Just Culture emphasizes learning and system improvement over individual blame.
  • Defining Blame Culture: Contrast this with Blame Culture, which focuses on punishing individuals for mistakes. Highlight the key differences and the focus on systemic issues in Just Culture.


Just Culture is a framework in healthcare that emphasizes learning and continuous improvement over individual blame. It seeks to create an environment where staff feel safe reporting errors and near misses, understanding that most mistakes result from flawed systems rather than individual negligence. According to the module readings, Just Culture focuses on identifying and rectifying systemic issues, promoting transparency, and encouraging open communication. It prioritizes understanding the root causes of errors and implementing changes to prevent recurrence, enhancing overall safety and quality of care.

In contrast, Blame Culture centers on assigning fault to individuals when mistakes occur. This punitive approach discourages reporting errors due to fear of punishment, leading to a culture of secrecy and blame. Blame Culture fails to address the underlying systemic issues, resulting in repeated mistakes and diminished morale among healthcare staff. The focus remains on punishing the individual rather than understanding and rectifying the factors contributing to the error.

Discuss how healthcare leaders can distinguish between legitimate mistakes and at-risk or reckless behaviour. 

Distinguishing Between Legitimate Mistakes and At-Risk or Reckless Behavior

Here in MGMT 415 Module 6 Discussion: Just Culture., we will distinguish between legitimate mistakes and at-risk mistakes.

  • Criteria for Identifying Legitimate Mistakes: Discuss the characteristics of legitimate mistakes, such as human error that occurs despite following procedures. Refer to module resources to define these clearly.
  • Criteria for Identifying At-Risk Behavior: Explain at-risk behavior as actions that increase risk, often unknowingly, due to flawed processes or lack of awareness. Use examples from the readings to illustrate.
  • Criteria for Identifying Reckless Behavior: Describe reckless behavior as conscious disregard for substantial risks. Provide examples from healthcare settings to clarify.


Healthcare leaders must differentiate between legitimate mistakes, at-risk behavior, and reckless behavior to foster a Just Culture.

Legitimate Mistakes are unintentional errors that occur despite following procedures. For instance, a nurse may administer the wrong medication dosage due to a calculation error. These mistakes highlight the need for better training and support systems.

At-risk behavior involves actions that increase risk, often unknowingly, due to flawed processes or a lack of awareness. An example is a doctor bypassing a safety protocol to save time, not realizing the potential for harm. Addressing at-risk behavior involves educating staff and improving system processes to reduce risk.

Reckless Behavior is a conscious disregard for substantial risks. An example is a surgeon operating under the influence of alcohol. Such behavior requires disciplinary action due to the deliberate nature of the risk.

Compare the impacts of a blame culture versus a just culture on healthcare quality.

Impacts of Just Culture and Blame Culture on Healthcare Quality

This section of the MGMT 415 Module 6 Discussion: Just Culture. revolves around the impacts of blame culture on healthcare quality.

  • Negative Outcomes of Blame Culture: Explain how blame culture can lead to fear, decreased reporting of errors, and poor morale. Use case studies from the module to support your points.
  • Case Studies and Examples: Include specific examples from the readings or personal experiences highlighting blame culture’s detrimental effects.
  • Positive Outcomes of Just Culture: Discuss how Just Culture fosters a safe environment for reporting errors, continuous learning, and system improvements. Cite specific examples from the module.
  • Case Studies and Examples: Use case studies provided in the module to illustrate the benefits of Just Culture.


Blame Culture leads to adverse outcomes such as fear, decreased error reporting, and poor morale. Case studies from the module illustrate that in environments where staff fear punishment, errors are hidden, preventing opportunities for learning and improvement. For example, a study showed that hospitals with a blame culture had higher rates of adverse events because staff were reluctant to report errors.

On the other hand, Just Culture fosters a safe environment for reporting errors, leading to continuous learning and system improvements. For instance, a hospital that implemented Just Culture saw a significant increase in error reporting and a subsequent reduction in adverse events. Staff felt empowered to speak up about safety concerns, leading to proactive changes and enhanced patient safety.

Give practical advice for healthcare organizations interested in adopting a just culture. (Start with resources from the module, but then expand the discussion with your ideas about implementing these resources in practice.)

Practical Advice for Adopting a Just Culture

Now in this section MGMT 415 Module 6 Discussion: Just Culture., we will discuss the practical advice for adopting a just culture.

  • Initial Steps and Resources: Suggest steps healthcare organizations can take to adopt Just Culture, such as training programs and policy changes. Refer to the module resources for initial guidance.
  • Strategies for Implementation: Provide detailed strategies for implementing Just Culture, including leadership commitment, employee engagement, and regular feedback mechanisms.
  • Continuous Improvement and Monitoring: Emphasize the importance of ongoing monitoring and improvement, using data and feedback to refine processes.


To adopt a Just Culture, healthcare organizations can follow several initial steps:

  • Initial Steps and Resources: Begin with comprehensive training programs to educate staff about Just Culture principles. Implement policy changes that support non-punitive error reporting. Use module resources as a starting point for developing these initiatives.
  • Strategies for Implementation: Leadership commitment is crucial. Leaders should model Just Culture behaviors and ensure that all levels of the organization are engaged. Encourage employee involvement in identifying and addressing safety issues. Regular feedback mechanisms like safety huddles and anonymous reporting systems can support ongoing communication.
  • Continuous Improvement and Monitoring: Establish systems for continuous monitoring and improvement. Use data from error reports to identify trends and implement changes. Regularly review and refine processes based on feedback and outcomes to ensure sustained improvements in safety and quality.

By following these steps, healthcare organizations can create an environment prioritizing safety, learning, and continuous improvement, ultimately enhancing patient care quality.

Respond to two peers before the discussion closing date (see the Canvas calendar). Peer responses must further the discussion. Some ideas for advancing this discussion include probing further about mistakes, reacting to your peers’ conceptualization of blame vs. just culture, adding to your peers’ recommendations (without duplicating advice from your original post), etc.

Peer Responses

According to MGMT 415 Module 6 Discussion: Just Culture., we are supposed to write two peer responses. I have addressed the given instructions in one response. Following these instructions, you can write your peer responses to Module 6 Discussion without a hassle.

  • Effective Engagement Strategies: Guide students on engaging effectively with peers, focusing on respectful, constructive feedback.
  • Adding Value to Discussions: Encourage students to build on their peers’ posts by providing additional insights, questions, and alternative perspectives without repeating the content of their original posts.

Response 01

Hey Max, great post! Your explanation of distinguishing between legitimate mistakes and reckless behavior is insightful. Implementing regular training sessions can significantly reduce at-risk behaviors by continuously educating staff on safety protocols. Additionally, your suggestion to enhance transparency through anonymous reporting systems can build trust among staff, fostering a more open and proactive environment. Your practical strategies are crucial for promoting a Just Culture in healthcare.

Response 02

Responding to peers is vital to the MGMT 415 Module 6 Discussion: Just Culture. posts. We need to provide at least two peer responses. I have provided one example post. You can write your peer responses keeping the above points in mind.


In  MGMT-415 Module 6 Discussion: Just Culture is understanding organizational culture’s significant impact on healthcare quality. By differentiating between types of behaviors and adopting a Just Culture, healthcare leaders can foster an environment that prioritizes safety, learning, and continuous improvement. Engaging in thoughtful discussions with peers will further enhance your understanding and application of these critical concepts in real-world settings. In the next module of MGMT 415 Module 7 Guide. , we will explore the 8-1 Discussion: Making Connections.

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