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COM 205 Week 4 Discussion: Listening and Critical Thinking

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Instructions of COM 205 WEEK 4 Discussion


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Respond to at least two of your fellow students’ posts by Sunday night at 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time.

Listening and Critical Thinking

Communication is a two-way process, and to be an effective communicator you also need to know how to receive and interpret communications. What are a few of the active listening techniques you use in your daily interactions? How do you know if the person or groups that you communicate with have received the purpose of your message?

Response Posts: In addition to your original post, be sure to provide a meaningful response to at least two of your peers’ posts by the end of the week. In your response to your peers, you might offer some additional insights on their examples.

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Step-By-Step Guide COM 205 Week 4 Discussion: Listening and Critical Thinking


In the previous week’s discussion, we explored ways and types of Non-Verbal Communication.

We also discussed a life experience where we used non-verbal communication techniques.

Introduction to COM 205 Week 4 Discussion

The COM 205 Week 4 Discussion: Listening and Critical Thinking delves into the vital listening and critical thinking skills, essential components of effective communication. Understanding how to receive and interpret messages is as important as conveying them. By following this How-To Owlisdom Guide, you will explore active listening techniques that enhance understanding in daily interactions and methods to verify the effectiveness of your communication with others.

What are a few of the active listening techniques you use in your daily interactions?

Identifying Active Listening Techniques

To solve the COM 205 Week 4 Discussion: Listening and Critical Thinking, we will discuss how we use active listening daily.

  • Reflect on the active listening techniques you use regularly. 
  • Consider techniques such as nodding, maintaining eye contact, paraphrasing, and asking clarifying questions to show engagement and understanding.
  • Describe each technique briefly and explain how it helps you understand better and connect with the speaker in your daily interactions.


I employ several active listening techniques that significantly enhance communication effectiveness in my daily interactions. Firstly, I practice the art of mirroring, where I subtly mimic the speaker’s body language. This shows engagement and builds a rapport that encourages openness and honesty in conversations. Additionally, I make a conscious effort to maintain eye contact, which signals to the speaker that they have my full attention, fostering a deeper connection and understanding.

Another crucial technique is paraphrasing what the speaker has said. By restating their words in my language, I confirm my understanding of their message and clarify any potential misunderstandings immediately. This approach is instrumental in complex discussions where precise comprehension is necessary. I also ask open-ended questions to invite elaboration, which provides a clearer picture of the speaker’s thoughts and feelings. This deepens my understanding and shows the speaker that I value their perspective, enhancing communication.

How do you know if the person or groups that you communicate with have received the purpose of your message?

Assessing Communication Effectiveness

Next, we will discuss the effectiveness of the communication type, i.e., verbal vs. non-verbal communication.

  • Discuss how you gauge whether your message has been understood as intended. This might include observing the listener’s verbal and non-verbal responses or asking for feedback to confirm understanding.
  • Explain the importance of feedback loops in communication, such as follow-up questions or summaries by the listener, which can signify whether the message’s purpose was effectively communicated.


To assess whether my communication has been effective and the intended message has been received, I observe the listener’s responses both verbally and through their body language. If the listener asks relevant questions or provides feedback that aligns with the message’s purpose, it indicates a successful transmission of ideas. Additionally, non-verbal cues such as nodding, maintaining eye contact, or expressions of emotion are reliable indicators of effective communication. In professional settings, I also look for actionable responses after meetings or presentations, such as task initiation or follow-up queries, which further validate that my message was understood and taken seriously.

Mastering these active listening techniques and continuously assessing communication effectiveness is pivotal in ensuring my interactions are heard and understood. This rigorous approach enhances my capability as a communicator. It empowers the individuals I interact with, creating a dynamic of mutual respect and understanding that is essential for any successful personal or professional relationship.

In addition to your original post, be sure to provide a meaningful response to at least two of your peers’ posts by the end of the week. You might offer additional insights on their examples in your response to your peers.

Peer Responses

Responding to peers is one of the vital parts of the COM 205 discussion posts. We need to provide at least two peer responses. I will provide one example post. You can write your peer responses by keeping the below points in mind.

  • Provide constructive feedback or additional insights to enhance their understanding of active listening or improve their communication assessments.

Response 01

Excellent post, Sam! Your use of mirroring and eye contact as active listening techniques is impressive, as these methods establish rapport and engagement. Perhaps incorporating summaries periodically during conversations could enhance clarity, ensuring all parties are aligned before moving forward. This might add another layer to your effective communication strategy, fostering greater understanding and collaboration.

Response 02

According to the COM 205 Week 4 Discussion: Listening and Critical Thinking instructions, we are supposed to write two peer responses. I have addressed the given instructions in one response. Following these instructions, you can quickly write your peer responses to the Week 4 Discussion without a hassle.


Mastering listening and critical thinking significantly bolsters communication efficiency. Following this How-To Owlisdom Guide ensures you fully comprehend the messages received, fostering more meaningful and productive interactions. Assessing the effectiveness of your communication allows for adjustments and improvements, ensuring your messages are delivered and understood as intended. The COM 205 Week 4 Discussion: Listening and Critical Thinking assignment encourages you to refine these skills vital for personal and professional growth.

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