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PHIL-3010 Short Paper Guide Searching and Reviewing the Literature

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Instructions of PHIL-3010 Short Paper Guide Searching and Reviewing the Literature


For this Assignment you will be reading two articles of your choosing from the Journal of Happiness Studies. As you read, think about how each article approaches the topic of happiness and which aspect it focuses on. Ask yourself what the findings of each article are, and how these findings might impact or influence our modern understanding of happiness. When you have finished reading the article, think about different ways in which followers of some of the spiritual traditions you have studied in this course might view these findings. Do you think they could agree with some of the ideas raised by the articles, or would those ideas prove fundamentally contrary to their beliefs?


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.
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To prepare for this Assignment:

  • Select and read two articles that interest you from the Journal of Happiness Studies.
  • Consider how each article approaches the topic of happiness.
  • Reflect on ways in which points raised by each article might conflict with the doctrines of different spiritual traditions.
  • Consider some questions you still have about love and happiness that have not yet been answered in your reading.

The assignment:

  • Compose a 2- to 3-page paper in which you do the following:
    • Briefly summarize the findings of each article.
    • Raise three points where the findings of these articles suggest points of nexus or conflict with one or more religious traditions.
    • Conclude with a question you would like to see answered that has not been addressed by your research thus far.

Questions about this assignment? Post them in the Contact the Instructor area. That way, everyone in the class will see, and benefit from, the Instructor’s response.


Submit your Assignment. In order to receive full credit, all assignments are due on time. Should you encounter an unanticipated and uncontrollable life event that may prevent you from meeting an assignment deadline, contact the Instructor immediately to request an extension. Your Instructor’s contact information is in the Instructor area. For a full description of the late policy, please refer to the “Policies on Late Assignments” section of your Syllabus


Before submitting your final assignment, you can check your draft for authenticity. To check your draft, access the Turnitin Drafts from the Start Here area. 

  1. To submit your completed assignment, save your Assignment as WK2Assgn+LastName+Firstinitial
  2. Then, click on Start Assignment near the top of the page.

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Step By Step Guide PHIL-3010 Short Paper Guide Searching and Reviewing the Literature


This Owlisdom, PHIL-3010 Short Paper Guide assignment involves analyzing two articles from the Journal of Happiness Studies to explore how each article approaches the topic of happiness and how these findings intersect with or challenge spiritual traditions. The aim is to understand diverse perspectives on happiness and identify any remaining questions about the relationship between love and happiness.

To prepare for this Assignment: Select and read two articles that interest you from the Journal of Happiness Studies.

Selection and Review of Articles

  • Select Two Articles:

 Choose two articles from the Journal of Happiness Studies that interest you. Ensure they cover different aspects of happiness. For this guide, we will use:

  • Article 1: “From Soil to Soul: Agro-Product Geographical Indications and the Subjective Well-Being of Rural Residents”
  • Article 2: “Purpose in Life and Associated Cognitive and Affective Mechanisms”

Consider how each article approaches the topic of happiness.

  • Read Thoroughly:

 As you read, note how each article approaches happiness and the specific aspects it focuses on. Pay attention to the methodologies, findings, and conclusions of each study.

Reflect on ways in which points raised by each article might conflict with the doctrines of different spiritual traditions.

Reflection on Articles

  • Analyze Approaches:

 Think critically about how each article defines and measures happiness. Consider whether the focus is on subjective well-being, life satisfaction, or another aspect of happiness.

  • Impact on Understanding:

 Reflect on how the findings from each article might influence or challenge our modern understanding of happiness.

Consider some questions you still have about love and happiness that have not yet been answered in your reading.

Consider Potential Conflicts with Spiritual Traditions

  • Identify Conflicts: Consider how followers of different spiritual traditions might view the findings of each article. Identify at least three points where the findings suggest either a nexus or a conflict with these traditions.
  • Support with Evidence: Use specific examples from the readings and spiritual teachings to support your analysis.

 Formulate Remaining Questions

  • Unanswered Questions: Reflect on any questions about love and happiness that remain unanswered after reading the articles. Consider what aspects you would like to explore further.

The assignment: Compose a 2- to 3-page paper in which you do the following: Briefly summarize the findings of each article.

Writing Your Paper Summarizing the Findings

  • Brief Summaries: Write concise summaries of the key findings from each article. Highlight the main arguments and conclusions drawn by the authors.
    • Article 1 Summary: Discusses the impact of geographical indications (GIs) on the subjective well-being of rural residents, emphasizing the economic, social, and cultural benefits.
    • Article 2 Summary: Explores how having a purpose in life influences cognitive and affective mechanisms, contributing to overall well-being.


The study of happiness is a multifaceted domain, encompassing perspectives from both scientific research and spiritual traditions. This paper analyzes two articles from the Journal of Happiness Studies to explore their approaches to happiness and examine how their findings intersect with or challenge spiritual traditions. The aim of essay is to understand diverse views on happiness, identify potential conflicts or alignments with spiritual beliefs, and highlight remaining questions about the nature of happiness.

Summarizing the Findings

Article 1: “From Soil to Soul: Agro-Product Geographical Indications and the Subjective Well-Being of Rural Residents”

This article investigates the impact of geographical indications (GIs) on the subjective well-being of rural residents. GIs are certifications given to products that come from a specific place and have qualities or reputations stemming from that origin (Wu, 2024). The study emphasizes that GIs contribute to economic benefits, cultural preservation, and community pride, all of which enhance the well-being of rural populations.

The findings reveal that GIs lead to higher product prices and increased demand, which improve the economic stability of rural areas. Additionally, GIs help preserve local traditions and cultural heritage, fostering a sense of identity and belonging among residents. This cultural and social embeddedness significantly boosts the subjective well-being of individuals in these communities.

Article 2: “Purpose in Life and Associated Cognitive and Affective Mechanisms”

The second article explores how having a purpose in life impacts cognitive and affective mechanisms, contributing to overall well-being. The study finds that individuals with a strong sense of purpose exhibit better emotional regulation, enhanced cognitive functioning, and greater life satisfaction.

Specifically, the research highlights that purpose in life is associated with improved mental health outcomes, including lower levels of depression and anxiety. The mechanisms underlying these benefits include enhanced emotional regulation and resilience, which help individuals navigate life’s challenges more effectively (Fang et al., 2024). Additionally, having a clear purpose provides motivation and a framework for setting and achieving personal goals, further contributing to well-being.

Raise three points where the findings of these articles suggest points of nexus or conflict with one or more religious traditions.

Discussing Nexus or Conflict

  • Three Points of Nexus or Conflict: Identify and discuss three points where the findings of the articles suggest either a nexus or conflict with one or more religious traditions. Use specific examples and citations from the articles and course readings.
    • Example 1: The alignment of GIs with spiritual traditions that value connection to the land and community (e.g., Indigenous spiritualities).
    • Example 2: The conflict between material benefits from GIs and spiritual teachings that emphasize detachment from material wealth (e.g., Buddhism).
    • Example 3: The supportive role of having a purpose in life in both psychological well-being and spiritual fulfillment (e.g., Christianity and its emphasis on a higher purpose).

Points of Nexus or Conflict

  1. Inner Peace vs. Material Wealth

Many spiritual traditions, such as Buddhism, emphasize inner peace and detachment from material possessions. The findings of the first article suggest that material benefits from GIs can enhance well-being, which may conflict with these teachings. For instance, Buddhism teaches that true happiness comes from within and is achieved through mindfulness and detachment from worldly desires (Wu, 2024). However, the article argues that economic stability and cultural preservation, facilitated by GIs, also play crucial roles in enhancing subjective well-being. This presents a potential conflict where the pursuit of material benefits could be seen as contrary to spiritual ideals of simplicity and detachment.

  1. Positive Emotions and Spiritual Practices

The second article’s findings on the benefits of having a purpose in life align with spiritual practices that promote purpose and meaning, such as those in Christianity and Islam. These traditions often teach that a life with purpose leads to fulfillment and well-being (Fang et al., 2024). For example, Christian teachings emphasize living a purpose-driven life in service to God and others, which aligns with the study’s findings that a strong sense of purpose enhances emotional regulation and mental health. This nexus supports the idea that spiritual practices and scientific findings can complement each other in promoting overall well-being.

  1. Cultural Preservation and Spirituality

The first article highlights the role of GIs in preserving cultural heritage, which supports Indigenous and other spiritual traditions that value the connection to land and cultural identity (Wu, 2024). For many Indigenous communities, the land is not only a source of livelihood but also a cornerstone of their spiritual and cultural identity. GIs help maintain these connections by promoting traditional farming practices and local products, thereby preserving the community’s heritage and enhancing well-being. This alignment illustrates how economic and cultural initiatives can support spiritual values and contribute to the holistic well-being of rural populations.

Conclude with a question you would like to see answered that has not been addressed by your research thus far.

Concluding with an Unanswered Question

  • Formulate a Question: End your paper with a question that remains unanswered. This question should be based on the gaps or limitations you identified in the articles or your reflections.
    • Example Question: How can modern scientific approaches to happiness be integrated with deep, subjective spiritual experiences to create a holistic understanding of well-being?


Analyzing the findings from the Journal of Happiness Studies reveals both points of nexus and conflict with spiritual traditions. Understanding these intersections helps appreciate the complexity of happiness and encourages a more integrated approach to studying this multifaceted emotion. The economic and cultural benefits of GIs, the significance of having a purpose in life, and the role of spiritual practices all contribute to a broader understanding of well-being. This exploration opens avenues for further research on combining scientific and spiritual perspectives on happiness, ultimately aiming for a holistic view of what it means to live a fulfilling and meaningful life.


Fang, L., Allan, A., & Dickson, J. M. (2024). Purpose in Life and Associated Cognitive and Affective Mechanisms. Journal of Happiness Studies, 25(6), 63. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10902-024-00771-6 

Wu, G. (2024). From Soil to Soul: Agro-Product Geographical Indications and the Subjective Well-Being of Rural Residents. Journal of Happiness Studies, 25(6), 69. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10902-024-00785-0 

Final Submission

Reviewing and Editing

  • Proofread: Carefully review your paper for any grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors.
  • Ensure Clarity: Make sure your arguments are clear and logically structured.

Formatting and Referencing

  • APA Format: Ensure your paper adheres to APA formatting guidelines, including in-text citations and a reference page.

Submitting the Assignment

  • Save and Upload: Save your assignment as WK2Assgn+LastName+FirstInitial and upload it to the course portal before the deadline.
  • Check Turnitin: Optionally, check your draft for authenticity using Turnitin.

Closing Paragraph

This assignment, PHIL-3010 Short Paper Guide, provides an opportunity to critically engage with contemporary happiness research and explore its intersections with spiritual traditions. By analyzing the findings and reflecting on potential conflicts or agreements, students can develop a nuanced understanding of happiness that incorporates both scientific and spiritual perspectives. The next module of  PHIL-3010 revolves around Is Love Chemical Discussion Guide.

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