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PHIL-3010 Week 3: Complexities in Science and Spirit

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Instructions of PHIL-3010 Week 3: Complexities in Science and Spirit

Week 3: Complexities in Science and Spirit


Throughout your readings this week, Dr. Sharpe has raised the notion of “dualism,” in which two concepts are set in contrast with one another with great emphasis placed on their differences. Dr. Sharpe offers four examples of contemporary theorists whose work illuminates the challenges inherent in dualistic thinking. In Arthur Peacocke and John Bowker’s work, Dr. Sharpe shows how the authors maintain the dualisms that exist between scientific and religious traditions. Then, he contrasts this with the work of Phil Hefner and Ted Peters, two theorists who attempt to reconcile scientific and spiritual perspectives into a single, comprehensive whole.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.
Click the weekly resources link to access the resources. 


To prepare for this Discussion:

  • Review this week’s readings in Chapter 6, Interlude 2, and Interlude 3, which focus on on evolutionary psychology and the dualisms about Science and Religion that are inherent in many modern world views.
  • Look at several articles on the Counterbalance Foundation website for additional information on current debates between the scientific and religious communities.
  • Listen to the Radio Laureate Interview with Dr. Kevin Sharpe: “Monisms and Dualisms.”
  • Reflect on some of your own beliefs about the universe and consider the possible dualisms that may have influenced your world view.
  • Ask yourself how your personal life experiences have shaped your view of Science and Religion as either separate entities or two sides of the same coin.

With these thoughts in mind:


Post a 2- to 3-paragraph response explaining whether or not you believe science and spirituality will always have a dualistic relationship. Support your assertions by making at least 2 references, in proper APA format, to your course readings and from your own knowledge and experience.

Be sure to support your ideas by connecting them to the week’s Learning Resources, or something you have read, heard, seen, or experienced.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ postings.


Respond to at least one of your colleagues’ postings in one or more of the following ways:

  • Ask a probing question.
  • Share an insight from having read your colleague’s posting.
  • Offer and support an opinion.
  • Validate an idea with your own experience.
  • Make a suggestion.
  • Expand on your colleague’s posting.

Return to this Discussion in a few days to read the responses to your initial posting. Note what you have learned and/or any insights you have gained as a result of the comments your colleagues made.

STEP BY STEP GUIDE | Week 3: Complexities in Science and Spirit


This Owlisdom, PHIL-3010 Week 3: Complexities in Science and Spirit assignment explores the relationship between science and spirituality, focusing on whether they will always maintain a dualistic nature. You will review relevant readings, listen to an expert interview, and reflect on your own beliefs to engage in a discussion about this topic. The aim is to critically analyse and articulate your stance on the dualism between science and spirituality.

Post a 2- to 3-paragraph response explaining whether or not you believe science and spirituality will always have a dualistic relationship. Support your assertions by making at least two references, in proper APA format, to your course readings and from your own knowledge and experience. Be sure to support your ideas by connecting them to the week’s Learning Resources or something you have read, heard, seen, or experienced.

Preparation for the Discussion Review the Readings

Chapter 6, Interlude 2, and Interlude 3

Understand the PHIL-3010 Week 3: Complexities in Science and Spirit concepts of evolutionary psychology and the inherent dualisms in modern worldviews regarding science and religion. Focus on key arguments and perspectives presented in these chapters.

Explore Additional Resources

Counterbalance Foundation Website

Review several articles to gain additional insights into the current debates between the scientific and religious communities. Note important points that support or challenge the dualistic perspective.

Listen to the Interview

Radio Laureate Interview with Dr. Kevin Sharpe: “Monisms and Dualisms”

Pay attention to key points and insights shared by Dr. Sharpe about the interplay between monistic and dualistic views.

Reflect on Personal Beliefs


Reflect on your own beliefs about the universe and consider how dualisms may have influenced your worldview. Think about how your personal experiences have shaped your perspective on science and religion as either separate entities or interconnected aspects.

Writing Your Initial Post (By Day 3) Discussing Dualistic Relationship

Introduction: Briefly introduce your stance on whether science and spirituality will always have a dualistic relationship. Body Paragraphs: Provide a detailed explanation of your viewpoint. Support with References: Use at least two references from the course readings or additional resources to support your assertions (Sharpe, 2024; Counterbalance Foundation, n.d.). Personal Insights: Connect your ideas to personal experiences or reflections that illustrate your point of view.


The relationship between science and spirituality has long been characterised by dualistic perspectives, often viewing these domains as fundamentally separate and at odds. This discussion aims to explore whether this dualistic relationship is inevitable or if there is potential for a more integrated understanding. The dualistic view posits that science and spirituality address different aspects of human experience and, therefore, remain inherently distinct. Science focuses on empirical evidence and rationality, while spirituality deals with beliefs, values, and the metaphysical. This separation can be seen in how evolutionary psychology explains behaviours and traits through natural selection, contrasting with spiritual explanations that attribute these phenomena to a higher purpose or divine intervention (Sharpe, 2024). For instance, evolutionary psychology might explain altruistic behaviour as a trait that evolved for the survival of the species, whereas many religious traditions view altruism as a moral duty inspired by spiritual teachings. However, there are significant arguments and movements towards a more integrated perspective. Monistic views, which see science and spirituality as two sides of the same coin, suggest that both can coexist and complement each other. The Counterbalance Foundation highlights current debates that bridge scientific and religious thought, demonstrating that many contemporary scholars are working towards integrating these perspectives (Counterbalance Foundation, n.d.). For example, some scientists argue that understanding the complexity of the universe through physics can inspire a sense of wonder and spirituality, suggesting that scientific discoveries can enhance spiritual experiences rather than detract from them. In conclusion, while the dualistic relationship between science and spirituality has historical roots, there is growing evidence and support for a more integrated approach. By recognising the value of both empirical evidence and spiritual insight, a holistic understanding of human existence can be achieved. This integration not only enriches our knowledge but also deepens our appreciation of the mysteries of life.


Counterbalance Foundation. (n.d.). Retrieved from Counterbalance Foundation Sharpe, K. J. (2024). Monisms and Dualisms. Radio Laureate Interview.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ postings. Respond to at least one of your colleagues’ postings in one or more of the following ways:

Ask a probing question. Share an insight from having read your colleague’s posting. Offer and support an opinion. Validate an idea with your own experience. Make a suggestion. Expand on your colleague’s posting.

Engaging with Colleagues (By Day 5) Respond to a Colleague’s Post

Probing Question: Ask a thoughtful question that encourages deeper exploration of the topic. Insight Sharing: Share a new perspective or insight gained from the colleague’s post. Opinion Offering: Present your own viewpoint, supported by evidence or personal experience. Idea Validation: Agree with the colleague’s point and support it with additional evidence or examples. Suggestion Making: Provide constructive feedback or suggestions for further consideration. Expansion: Build on the colleague’s ideas to further the discussion.

Final Reflection Summarize Key Takeaways

Reflect on Learning: Summarize what you have learned from the discussion and the responses received. Integrate Perspectives: Consider the importance of integrating scientific and spiritual perspectives to gain a holistic understanding of complex issues.

Response to Peer

Hi (Peer name), Your post provides a compelling argument for the dualistic nature of science and spirituality, emphasizing their distinct approaches to understanding reality. I particularly appreciate your point about how science’s empirical focus contrasts with the metaphysical nature of spirituality. However, I’d like to expand on your discussion by highlighting how these seemingly disparate perspectives can actually complement each other. For example, the concept of mindfulness, rooted in Buddhist spirituality, has been extensively studied and validated by scientific research for its mental health benefits (Sharpe, 2024). This shows that spiritual practices can have measurable, positive effects that science can explain and validate. Do you think that as scientific methods evolve, they might uncover more phenomena that were traditionally considered spiritual, thus further integrating these fields? This question could open up new discussions about how we perceive the boundaries between science and spirituality and whether they are as rigid as traditionally thought.


Counterbalance Foundation. (n.d.). Retrieved from Counterbalance Foundation Sharpe, K. J. (2024). Monisms and Dualisms. Radio Laureate Interview.

Closing Paragraph

This PHIL-3010 Week 3: Complexities in Science and Spirit assignment provides an opportunity to critically engage with the ongoing debate between science and spirituality. By examining personal beliefs and supporting them with academic resources, students can develop a nuanced understanding of the potential for integrating these perspectives. Reflecting on this integration can lead to a more comprehensive worldview that appreciates the contributions of both science and spirituality. The next module of  PHIL-3010 revolves around FINAL PROJECT DRAFT.

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