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POLS 210 W4: The President, the Congress, and the Economy

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Instructions of POLS 210 W4

Respond to one of the two following prompts:

Explain how the president and Congress interact to affect the economy. Find a recent news article from the last eight weeks that demonstrates where the president and Congress have cooperated or conflicted over an economic issue. Analyze how the separation of powers disallows either side to unilaterally take control on that issue. Be sure to apply concepts from the text book and/or weekly content.


Presidents play many roles.  Using a news article from the last eight weeks, demonstrate which is most important and why.  Be sure to apply concepts from the text book and/or weekly content.

Step-By-Step Guide POLS 210 W4: The President, the Congress, and the Economy


In the previous POLS 210 W3: The Federal System and Healthcare Policy, we explored the US policy problems and crafted an essay focusing on understanding the U.S. federal system’s operation through the lens of healthcare policy making.

This week, we will focus on the President, the Congress, and the Economy.

Introduction to POLS 210 Week 4 Assignment

POLS 210 W4: The President, the Congress, and the Economy consists of two parts. We have to select one that fits our understanding better and write an essay. I will be providing the guidelines and sample solutions for both parts. 

Part 1: Interaction of the President and Congress in Economic Policy

This part of the POLS 210 W4: The President, the Congress, and the Economy focuses on understanding the dynamic relationship between the President and Congress in shaping economic policy. We are expected to identify a recent instance where this interaction is evident, analyze the role of the separation of powers, and apply theoretical concepts to this real-world example.

Explain how the president and Congress interact to affect the economy. Find a recent news article from the last eight weeks that demonstrates where the president and Congress have cooperated or conflicted over an economic issue. Analyze how the separation of powers disallows either side to take control of that issue unilaterally. Be sure to apply concepts from the textbook and weekly content.

Finding a Relevant News Article

To start the POLS 210 W4: The President, the Congress, and the Economy, we will look into some credible news sources and select an article to analyze and write the essay.

  • Search for articles from credible news sources published within the last eight weeks.
  • Choose an article that specifically discusses a recent economic issue involving both the President and Congress.

Explaining Interaction Between the President and Congress

  • Outline how the President and Congress have either cooperated or conflicted over the economic issue mentioned in the article.
  • Provide a summary of the economic issue at hand.

Analysis of Separation of Powers

  • Discuss how the separation of powers framework prevents either the President or Congress from unilaterally controlling the economic issue.
  • Include examples from the article to illustrate points of cooperation or conflict.

Application of Textbook Concepts

  • Integrate relevant concepts from your textbook or weekly content to deepen the analysis.
  • Highlight specific theories or principles that explain the interactions observed.

Conclusion for Part 1

  • Summarize key insights on the interaction between the President and Congress in economic policymaking. 
  • Reflect on the importance of checks and balances in preventing unilateral action.

Example for part 1

In the intricate dance of governance that characterizes the American federal system, the relationship between the President and Congress is pivotal, especially in economic matters. This essay examines a recent interaction over a foreign aid package, as reported by The Epoch Times, highlighting the complexities of their relationship and the checks and balances provided by the separation of powers.

The article “Senate to Take Up House-Passed Foreign Aid Package” describes a scenario where the President and Congress have engaged in both cooperation and conflict (The Epoch Times, 2024). The House of Representatives passed a significant foreign aid package, which then moved to the Senate for approval. This legislative journey underscores the procedural interdependence that characterizes the economic policymaking process. The President, while supportive of the package, relies on Congress to formulate and pass the legislation that will authorize and allocate the necessary funds.

The interaction between the President and Congress in this scenario is a classic example of the American system of checks and balances at work. The President cannot unilaterally decide on foreign aid disbursements; such actions require legislative approval that originates in Congress (The Epoch Times, 2024). This requirement ensures that no single branch of government holds absolute power over national economic decisions, thus preventing autocratic governance and encouraging a more balanced approach to policymaking.

This separation of powers is evident in the article’s depiction of the Senate’s role. After the House passes the aid package, the Senate must also agree to make it law. This two-tiered approval process is crucial because it subjects the President’s economic policies to further scrutiny and consensus-building, reflecting the framers’ intent to foster a government of checks and balances.

The theoretical underpinning of this process can be linked to concepts from American government textbooks, such as the notion of “divided government” and “bipartisan cooperation.” These concepts suggest that effective governance often requires collaboration and compromise between the President and different congressional factions, regardless of their political affiliations. The case of the foreign aid package exemplifies this, as it likely involves negotiations and concessions between different political parties and the President to address national and international economic concerns effectively (The Epoch Times, 2024).

In conclusion, the passage of the foreign aid package, as covered in the article, is a testament to the dynamic and sometimes contentious interaction between the President and Congress in economic policymaking. This interaction, structured by the Constitution’s separation of powers, ensures that significant economic decisions benefit from diverse inputs and rigorous debate, enhancing the democratic fabric of the United States. This case study not only illustrates the practical application of governmental principles but also highlights the ongoing relevance of these foundational checks and balances in contemporary American politics.

Part 2: Analyzing the Roles of the President

This part of the POLS 210 W4: The President, the Congress, and the Economy requires us to explore the multifaceted roles of the President, using a recent news article as a reference. The task is to identify which of these roles is most significant in the current political landscape and justify the choice with academic concepts.

Finding a Relevant News Article

  • Locate a recent article that highlights various roles played by the President.
  • Ensure the article is current, ideally within the last eight weeks, and offers a clear example of the President acting in a specific role.

Identifying Presidential Roles

  • From the article, list the roles demonstrated by the President.
  • Focus on the role that is featured most prominently in the article.

Evaluating the Most Important Role

  • Argue why the identified role is currently the most important.
  • Support your argument with examples from the article and the impact of the President’s actions in this role.

Application of Textbook Concepts

  • Apply theories and concepts from your textbook or course materials that correlate with the identified role.
  • Use these academic resources to strengthen your analysis and provide a theoretical basis for your argument.

Conclusion for Part 2

  • Conclude with a reflection on the significance of understanding presidential roles in contemporary politics. 
  • Highlight how the chosen role influences both domestic and international spheres.

Example For Part 2

The multifaceted roles of the American President have evolved significantly over time, reflecting the changing needs and expectations of the country. An analysis of the article “Changing Role of American President” from WTTW News provides a compelling look into these transformations, particularly emphasizing the President’s role as a global leader (WTTW News, 2020). This essay argues that among the various roles the President assumes, the role of global leader is currently the most crucial, especially given today’s interconnected global environment.

Historically, the Presidency was envisioned primarily as a limited, domestically focused role. However, as the United States emerged as a global superpower, the presidential role expanded correspondingly. The article illustrates how modern Presidents are often judged on their ability to manage international relations and their effectiveness in global diplomacy and policy. This shift is significant as it influences global economic policies, international alliances, and global peacekeeping efforts, which are critical in today’s geopolitical climate.

The role of the President as a global leader is highlighted by their power to negotiate treaties, their ability to engage with other global leaders directly, and their command over the largest military in the world. These capabilities place the President at a unique juncture to influence global affairs directly (WTTW News, 2020). For instance, decisions made in the Oval Office can affect international trade agreements, which in turn have profound effects on global markets and domestic economies. The President’s ability to respond to international crises, whether they be economic, humanitarian, or military, further underscores the significance of their role on the world stage.

Moreover, by applying concepts from American government textbooks, such as “executive power in foreign policy,” it becomes clear that the president’s role as a global leader is built into the very structure of the office. This role is supported by both constitutional powers, such as the ability to negotiate treaties and command the armed forces, and by legislative powers, through which Congress often gives the President considerable leeway in foreign affairs. The theoretical framework of “soft power” — the ability to attract and co-opt rather than coerce — is also a critical aspect of the presidential global leadership role (WTTW News, 2020). This concept, which involves influencing others through cultural or ideological means, has become an essential tool for modern Presidents in shaping international opinions and policies.

In conclusion, while the President of the United States assumes multiple roles, the role of global leader is currently the most pivotal. In an era where global dynamics significantly influence national outcomes, the President’s ability to effectively manage these relationships is paramount. The insights from the article reinforce this notion, highlighting how presidential effectiveness in this role can lead to substantial impacts not only on the United States but also on the global stage. Thus, understanding and evaluating the President’s performance in this role is crucial for assessing their overall effectiveness and legacy.


By following this How-To POLS 210 Guide, you can methodically approach the POLS 210 W4: The President, the Congress, and the Economy and ensure a comprehensive analysis backed by academic resources and current events.


In the upcoming Week 5, we will explore Current Events of the US government. We will write our Second Essay.


The Epoch Times. (2024). Senate Passes $95 Billion Foreign Aid Package, Sending It to Biden. The Epoch Times. https://www.theepochtimes.com/us/senate-to-take-up-house-passed-foreign-aid-package-5634876 

WTTW News. (2020). The Changing Role of the American President. WTTW News. https://news.wttw.com/2020/02/17/changing-role-american-president

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