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SCS 100 3-1 Discussion: Advertisement Analysis Process

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Instructions of SCS-100 3-1 Discussion

3-1 Discussion: Advertisement Analysis Process

Each discussion is meant to be a collaborative space for conversation about the course concepts and for learning from your peers’ diverse perspectives. To ensure an interesting discussion, you are encouraged to think creatively about your initial posts and build upon the points made by your peers. It is also important to review the module resources and read the prompts in their entirety before participating in the discussion.

Create one initial post and follow up with at least two response posts.

For your initial post, address the following: 

In the previous module’s activity, you practiced analyzing advertisements by objectively describing individuals and their actions. Reflect on that process.

  1. What challenges did you encounter when analyzing your advertisements? What did you find difficult?
  2. What steps did you take to analyze your advertisements objectively rather than subjectively?
  3. What social science perspectives or approaches did you find successful or helpful when analyzing your advertisements?

For your response posts, address the following:

  1. What did you learn from your peers that you could apply to the analysis of your own advertisements?
  2. If you tried an approach that might help your peer solve a challenge they posted about, share that suggestion.

Remember, this assignment is graded on the quality of your initial post and at least two response posts to your classmates. If you refer to any sources, be sure to include an attribution (or citation) to the resource.

To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric.

Step-By-Step Guide on SCS 100 3-1 Discussion: Advertisement Analysis Process

Introduction to SCS 100 3-1 Discussion

SCS 100 3-1 Discussion: Advertisement Analysis Process Guide provides the required information and guidelines to solve the SCS 100 3-1 Discussion: Advertisement Analysis Process post. This post will discuss the advertisement analysis process in social sciences. I will provide brief and descriptive guidelines to solve this Discussion post and a dummy solution for each section. Let us begin with the steps of the guide.

What challenges did you encounter when analysing your advertisements? What did you find challenging?

Reflecting on Advertisement Analysis

  • Start by recounting your experience with analysing advertisements. 
  • Consider the methods you used to describe actions and individuals objectively.

Identifying and Overcoming Challenges

  • Reflect on any difficulties you faced. Was it hard to ignore personal biases or assumptions about the advertisement’s message or the people in it?
  • Be specific about what made these aspects challenging, aiming to identify common hurdles such as preconceived notions or emotional reactions.


In analysing advertisements, I struggled to separate my biases and emotional responses from an objective content critique. Specifically, ads that utilised stereotypes or evoked strong social and cultural themes challenged my ability to remain neutral. The difficulty lay in suspending my judgments and preconceived notions about the ad’s intent and the depicted individuals. For example, advertisements that portrayed idealised lifestyles or exaggerated outcomes made it challenging to focus solely on their strategic elements without considering their broader societal implications. To mitigate these challenges, I actively practised identifying my initial reactions and setting them aside to focus on the advertisements’ structural and rhetorical strategies. This process of conscious detachment was crucial in achieving a more balanced and objective analysis.

What steps did you take to analyse your advertisements objectively rather than subjectively?

Objective Analysis Steps

  • Share the concrete steps you took to ensure your analysis remained objective. Did you use a checklist, compare your reactions to others, or take notes before forming an opinion?
  • Highlight the importance of distancing personal feelings from the analytical process to maintain objectivity.


I adopted a structured approach to ensure my analysis of advertisements remained objective. First, I created a checklist focusing on the ad’s elements: visuals, language, target audience, and the message’s explicit and implicit components. This helped me dissect the ad systematically rather than relying on initial impressions. I also compared my interpretations with others to expose and understand different perspectives, reducing the risk of personal biases clouding my analysis. Additionally, taking detailed notes before forming any opinions allowed me to separate my observations from my feelings, emphasising the importance of distancing personal reactions to maintain a clear, objective viewpoint on the advertisements’ content and strategies.

What social science perspectives or approaches did you find successful or helpful when analysing your advertisements?

Utilising Social Science Perspectives

  • Discuss which social science theories or perspectives aided your analysis. Did considering cultural, economic, or psychological theories reveal deeper insights?
  • Explain how these perspectives helped you understand the advertisements’ broader implications or targeted message.


I found incorporating cultural, economic, and psychological perspectives particularly enlightening when analysing advertisements. Cultural theories allowed me to understand how ads reflect and shape societal norms and values, revealing more profound layers of messaging intended to resonate with specific demographics. Economic theories provided insights into consumer behaviour and the strategies used to appeal to desires for status or wealth. Psychological approaches helped me decode how advertisements manipulate emotions and desires to create needs. These social science perspectives collectively deepened my analysis by looking at what the ads were selling, why they were designed a certain way, and how they aimed to influence the audience’s perceptions and behaviours.

What did you learn from your peers that you could apply to analyse your advertisements?
Share that suggestion if you tried an approach that might help your peer solve a challenge they posted about.

Engaging in Peer Discussions

  • When responding to peers, mention something new you learned from their analysis that could enhance your own. How did their perspective or method add to your understanding?
  • If you’ve found a solution to a challenge mentioned by a peer, briefly share your approach. Keep your advice concise and supportive.
  • Aim for constructive engagement that fosters learning and exchange of ideas. Recognise the value of diverse perspectives and be open to incorporating them into your analysis.


Hey, Taylor, your use of cultural theory to dissect the ad’s messaging opened my eyes to its more profound societal implications. It made me realise the importance of looking beyond the surface to understand the advertiser’s intent and the potential impact on different audiences. I’ll incorporate this perspective in future analyses. Thanks for the insight!


This Owlisdom guide of SCS 100 3-1 Discussion: Advertisement Analysis Process is structured to help you effectively navigate through analysing advertisements. I hope collaborative discussion and reflection help you enhance your learning experience. Good luck!

In the next module of SCS-100, we will explore the 3-2 Activity on Group and Cultural Representation.

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