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BUS V32 Week 4 Discussion: Recruitment Process and Job Advertisement

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Instructions of BUS V32 Week 4 Discussion: Recruitment Process and Job Advertisement

Week 4: Oct 1-7

Chapter 4

COMPLETE Ch. 4 Discussion

Discussion Post Guidelines:

This is a “post first” forum, which means you must first post your response to the discussion prompt before you can see any other posts (posting a blank response will result in a zero score).

The discussion forums are designed to simulate live class discussions, so please use your own words and give a substantive reply to at least 2 peers to earn full credit.

To earn credit, be certain your discussion responses are directly tied to the material we covered this week – no credit will be given for creative writing or opinion editorials – it must be based on the course material!

After reading Chapter 4, reviewing the posted slides, and watching the posted videos, post a reply to the following discussion prompts:

  1. In your own words, describe the THREE steps in the recruitment process. Provide one sentence for EACH of the steps in the process.  Hint: review Chapter 4 slide 8

  2. Select ONE position you will recruit for at your organization* and develop a 2-sentence description of the job requirements. This job description should be written as the first two sentences of the advertisement for the job opening. *If you are not currently working, use an academic counselor position at Ventura College. Hint: include the criteria in Chapter 4 slides 18 & 22

  3. For the position you selected in part 1, determine if Internal or External recruiting is best for your job and organization and explain WHY. Hint: review Chapter 4 slides 46 & 48

Use your own words – do NOT plagiarize!

The response to questions 1 and 3 must be a minimum of 3 sentences to EACH question.

Respond to at least two peers to earn full credit.

Use the rubric below to construct a response that earns full credit.

This topic is closed for comments.

Student Submission

Michael Aina

The three steps in the recruiting process is

1.Job analysis, a review of job responsibilities that helps ensure the right fit between job and employee

  1. Job specifications, a list of tasks and duties of a job

  2. Job description, which identifies skills and abilities need to be successful at a job.

  3. A position I would recruit for at my job would be a front desk receptionist.

‘A job description I would write would be, “ Must have good customer service skills and know hotel schedules. Also must be punctual and comfortable using computers

  1. I think external recruitment is how I would do my advertisement for this job. External recruitment reaches out to more people and even though it also invites more unqualified workers, I think the job I chose is fairly easy to understand. Internal advertising leads to a less diverse workforce.

Step-By-Step Guide on BUS V32 Week 4 Discussion: Recruitment Process and Job Advertisement

Introduction to BUS V32 Week 4 Discussion

Welcome to BUS V32 Week 4 Discussion: Recruitment Process and Job Advertisement! This week, we will explore the recruitment process and develop effective job advertisements. Understanding these concepts is essential for attracting the right talent to your organisation. This Owlisdom guide will help you navigate the Week 4 discussion and assignments, ensuring you address all necessary components thoroughly.

In your own words, describe the THREE steps in the recruitment process. Provide one sentence for EACH of the steps in the process.  

Three Steps in the Recruitment Process

As mentioned in the BUS V32 Week 4 Discussion: Recruitment Process and Job Advertisement instructions, I must start by understanding and describing three steps that can be used in the recruitment process.  

  • Describe each step in your own words.
  • Ensure clarity and conciseness.


The first step involves recognising a vacancy and determining the qualifications required for the role. The second step is to advertise the job opening through various channels to attract suitable candidates. The final step involves screening applicants, conducting interviews, and selecting the most qualified candidate for the position.

Select ONE position you will recruit for at your organisation* and develop a 2-sentence description of the job requirements.

Job Description

Then, in the BUS V32 Week 4 Discussion: Recruitment Process and Job Advertisement instructions, I will start by selecting any job position, and then I will describe the job requirements in 1-2 words. 

  • First, select a position which you will recruit at your organisation
  • Write a 2-sentence description of the job requirements.
  • Follow the criteria from Chapter 4, slides 18 & 22.


“We are seeking a dynamic Academic Counselor to join Ventura College. The ideal candidate will have a master’s degree in counseling and at least two years of experience in academic advising.”

For the position you selected in part 1, determine if Internal or External recruiting is best for your job and organisation and explain WHY. 

Internal vs. External Recruiting

Finally, in the BUS V32 Week 4 Discussion: Recruitment Process and Job Advertisement instructions, I will analyse the selected position and then discuss whether internal or external recruiting criteria are suitable for it. 

  • Determine the best recruiting method for the selected job.
  • Provide a clear explanation for your choice.


For the Academic Counselor position, external recruiting is best as it allows the organisation to bring in fresh perspectives and expertise from outside the institution. This approach can help in finding candidates with specific experience in academic advising that aligns with Ventura College’s needs.

Please reply to at least TWO other students to earn full credit.

Responding to Peers

Responding to peers is one of the vital parts of BUS V32 Week 4 Discussion: Recruitment Process and Job Advertisement. We need to provide responses to at least two other learners’ posts. I will provide an example post. You can write your peer responses by keeping the below points in mind.

  • Read at least two of your peers’ posts and provide a meaningful response.
  • Offer additional insights, ask questions, or suggest alternative perspectives.
  • Ensure your response is respectful, constructive, and supported by relevant sources where appropriate.


Response 1

Hi Alisa, your description of the recruitment steps is very clear and concise. I agree that attracting candidates through various channels is crucial for finding the right talent. Great job on your job description as well!

Response 2

Hello Ross, I found your explanation for choosing external recruiting very insightful. Bringing in new perspectives can indeed benefit the organisation. Do you think this approach could also help in creating a more diverse work environment? Excellent work!


This How-To guide of BUS V32 Week 4 Discussion: Recruitment Process and Job Advertisement aims to assist you in navigating the Week 4 discussion for BUS V32 effectively. By understanding the recruitment process, developing precise job descriptions, and choosing the appropriate recruiting methods, you will enhance your HRM skills. Engaging in meaningful dialogue with your peers will further enrich your learning experience. Good luck with your discussion!
In the next module of BUS V32, we will explore the week 4 assignment on addressing disparate impact in the selection process.

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