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BUSN 1001 Week 1 Discussion: Primary and Secondary Sources

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Instructions of BUSN 1001 Week 1 Discussion: Primary and Secondary Sources

Week 1: Primary and Secondary Sources


Welcome to our online world.

For this introductory post, please begin a new thread and introduce yourself. 

1. Provide a summary of your educational and prior work experience and explain what motivated you to get started in the field, and your plans for after completing your education. Let us know what you expect to gain from this course. If you have made any contacts or networking in the industry, share that as well (if you do not mind).

2. Let us know some hobbies, activities you enjoy, or any information you would like to share to break the ice and help us get to know you.

  1. And what you not like to have for breakfast? Yes, this question does relate to this course. If you figure it out, let me know. 🙂

Dr. Oliver Hedgepeth

  1. Do read the following as well. Pay attention to the rubric for counting your replies, which are not the  same as your initial posting —  that is an initial thread. 

Instructions: Your first post in this discussion must be 250 words. It must be made in the first week of class by 11:59 pm ET on Sunday. It is used to confirm your entry into the course. Please respond to more than 2 other students. Responses should be a minimum of 100 words and include direct questions. If you do not write a 250 word first post in this discussion within the first week, you will be dropped from the course.

,,///’W1: Differentiate between primary and secondary sources

This week you need to explain the difference between primary and secondary sources in research. Discuss any personal experience you have with primary or secondary sources. Consider how many online polls or surveys that you have responded to.  

Step-By-Step Guide on BUSN 1001 Week 1 Discussion: Primary and Secondary Sources

Introduction to Class 

Hello everyone! My name is [Your Name], and I’m excited to be part of this course. I have a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from XYZ University and have spent the past five years working as a Marketing Manager at ABC Corp. My interest in business was sparked by a college project, and after completing my education, I plan to advance into a senior management role. Through this course, I hope to deepen my understanding of critical thinking and digital literacy. I enjoy hiking, painting, and reading in my free time. Something I do not like to have for breakfast is oatmeal. Looking forward to a great semester with all of you!

Introduction to BUSN 1001 Week 1 Discussion: Primary and Secondary Sources

Welcome to BUSN 1001 Week 1 Discussion: Primary and Secondary Sources! This week focuses on understanding the difference between primary and secondary sources, which is crucial for conducting effective research. By distinguishing these types of sources, you’ll be better equipped to gather and analyze information accurately. This Owlisdom How-To guide will help you navigate the Week 1 discussion, ensuring you address all necessary components thoroughly.

Explain the difference between primary and secondary sources in research.

Differentiate Between Primary and Secondary Sources

As mentioned in the Critical Thinking and Digital Literacy BUSN 1001 Week 1 Discussion: Primary and Secondary Sources instructions, we must start this by analyzing various sources given in week 1 and explaining the difference between primary and secondary sources in the research field. 

  • Define what primary sources are and provide examples.
  • Define what secondary sources are and provide examples.


Primary sources are the raw materials of research – original documents and objects created at the time under study. Examples include diaries, photographs, and direct survey results. These sources provide direct evidence or firsthand accounts of events or conditions.

Secondary sources, on the other hand, analyze, interpret, or summarize primary sources. They often provide second-hand accounts and are one step removed from the original events or experiences. Examples include textbooks, articles that review previous research, and critical essays. These sources are valuable for gaining an overview of a topic and understanding the context and significance of primary data.

Discuss any personal experience you have with primary or secondary sources.

Personal Experience with Primary or Secondary Sources

Then, in the next section of the course BUSN 1001 Week 1 Discussion: Primary and Secondary Sources, I will discuss any personal experience that I had regarding primary or secondary sources.  

  • Share an experience where you used primary sources, such as conducting a survey or interview.
  • Discuss an experience with secondary sources, like using textbooks or review articles for research.


In a previous research project, I conducted a series of interviews with industry experts to gather insights on emerging market trends. These interviews served as primary sources because they provided direct, unfiltered information relevant to my study. The firsthand accounts were invaluable in understanding the current market dynamics.

Conversely, I often rely on secondary sources for literature reviews. For example, during a project on consumer behavior, I utilized journal articles that synthesized existing research on the topic. These secondary sources helped me understand broader trends and contextualize my findings within the larger body of academic work.

Consider how many online polls or surveys that you have responded to.

Online Polls or Surveys

Finally, in the BUSN 1001 Week 1 Discussion: Primary and Secondary Sources course, I will analyze the number of online pools and surveys I have responded to regarding the field of research.  

  • Reflect on how many online polls or surveys you have participated in.
  • Consider the nature of these polls and surveys – are they primary or secondary sources?


I frequently participate in online surveys, such as feedback forms from services I use or opinion polls on social media. These surveys are primary sources because they collect original data from respondents, which is then used to generate insights or inform decisions.

Reflecting on these experiences, I realize the importance of distinguishing between primary and secondary sources to ensure the reliability and relevance of the information used in research. Each type of source plays a crucial role in building a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.

Please respond to at least two other students. Responses should be a minimum of 100 words and include direct questions.

Responding to Peers

Responding to peers is one of the vital parts of BUSN 1001 Week 1 Discussion: Primary and Secondary Sources. We need to respond to at least two other learners’ posts. I will provide an example post. You can write your peer responses by keeping the below points in mind.

  • Engage with at least two peer’s posts by providing a thoughtful and meaningful response.
  • Enhance the discussion by contributing additional insights, posing questions, or offering alternative viewpoints.
  • Ensure your response is courteous, constructive, and backed by relevant scholarly sources where appropriate.


Response 1

Hi Jess, I found your explanation of primary and secondary sources very clear and informative. Your personal experience with conducting primary research through surveys was particularly interesting. Have you found any challenges in differentiating between primary and secondary sources in your research? Great job!

Response 2

Hi Alex, I appreciated your detailed explanation of primary and secondary sources. Your example of using journal articles for literature reviews was relatable. Do you think there’s a particular field of study where distinguishing between primary and secondary sources is especially challenging? I’d love to hear your thoughts. Excellent work!


This How-To guide of BUSN 1001 Week 1 Discussion: Primary and Secondary Sources aims to assist you in navigating the Week 1 discussion for BUSN1001 I001 effectively. By understanding the differences between primary and secondary sources and reflecting on personal experiences, you will strengthen your research skills. Engaging in meaningful dialogue with your peers will further enhance your learning experience. Good luck with your discussion!
In the next module of BUSN 1001, we will explore the week 2 discussion: technology used to access and organize information.

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