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ASB 462 Module 1: Discussion

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Instructions of ASB 462 Module 1


1. What is your major and where are you from?

2. What type of career do you see yourself in after you are finished with your education?  (Note: It is okay not to be sure at this point, but for the exercise please present one possibility.)

3. How might issues related to medical anthropology play into your chosen career path? (Note: We will be discussing in this module the breadth of the field of medical anthropology, though for this post we do not expect students to have a fully-formed understanding of this broad topic. Rather, we want to get an insight into how you perceive issues related to medical anthropology– and how they affect our lives– before beginning this course.)

Directions and Grading Criteria:

Post #1 (10 points): In response to the prompt students will make one Discussion Post (around 50-300 words).

  • This post should be in its thread.

  • To earn full points, posts must (1) adhere to the word limits and (2) be relevant to the discussion topic.

Posts #2 and #3 (10 points total): Students must post a response to two other classmates’ initial posts that are around 50-100 words and engage in critical or substantive ways with the initial post (e.g., exemplar, critique, question).

  • These responses are graded on a pass/fail basis.

  • To pass and earn full points responses must (1) adhere to the word limit and (2) engage critically or substantively with the initial post it is responding to.

Module 1: Paper Project Assignment: Research Question & Bibliography 

New Attempt

  • Due Mar 22, 2022, by 11:59 pm

  • Points 20

  • Submitting a file upload

  • File Types pdf, doc, docx, and txt.


The purpose of this first step in your Anatomy of a Paper Project is to identify a topic and define a research question you would like to investigate for your paper project to identify bibliographic sources that provide relevant information pertaining to your research question. 

Your research question will serve as the guiding question that you will investigate and answer through your research. Once you’ve decided on your research question, it’s time to start investigating! 


(1) Read through these instructions to the end before you get started.

(2) Review the ASU Library Tutorial Developing a Research or Guiding Question. An additional optional guide with further information is available here links to an external site. 

(3) Review the ASU Library Tutorials Finding and Using Different Article Types and Evaluating Resources. Additional tutorials that may be helpful are available here.

(4) Download and complete the Module 1 Paper Project Answer Sheet


. Turn in the completed assignment sheet. Title your assignment using LastnameFirstname_Module1PaperAssignment.doc and ensure your file is a .doc, .docx, .txt, or .pdf. Click the Submit Assignment button above to submit.

Lets Start ASB 462 Module 1 Discussion 1

 This How-To ASB 462 Guide is about you and your knowledge of the field of medical anthropology and its place in your desired career. Let’s begin with ASB 462 Module 1 Discussion. I will give some brief and descriptive guidelines to solve the Module 1 Discussion post and a dummy solution for each section. In this Owlisdom How-To Guide, we’ll provide you with guidelines on how to face all the queries of the ASB 462 Module 1.  Let us begin with the guide.

What is your major, and where are you from?

Introduction to Major and Origin

First you will begin with your introduction:

  • Understanding Your Academic Path: Briefly state your major. Include if it’s a double major or if you have minors. Keep it brief, but informative.
  • Reflecting on Your Background: Share where you are from. You can say the country, state or city. Giving cultural or geographical context to your background is what it is about.


I’m from Boston, Massachusetts and I’m a medical anthropology major with a public health minor. I have a keen interest in global health perspectives and the ways in which culture and healthcare practices vary all over the world.

What career do you see yourself in after you finish your education?

Future Career Prospects

The next section of ASB 462 discuss the desired future career prospects.

  • Envisioning Your Career Post-Education: Describe one potential career path you see for yourself after your studies. If you are uncertain, choose a career that interests you or aligns with your major.
  • Flexibility in Career Goals: Acknowledge that your career path may change, but emphasize the importance of having a direction or goal.


After graduation, my goal is to be able to secure a job in global health where I will be specifically involved with policy and advancement of functioning health systems inšekere populations across the globe. For this reason, although my goal is specific, I welcome any opportunities within public health and policy analysis since health problems are dynamic in the current global society, and the skills need should reflect the same. These goals will be realized through my Medical Anthropology and Public Health education, and enable me to make constructive input into improvements in global health.

How might issues related to medical anthropology play into your chosen career path?

The Role of Medical Anthropology in Your Career

Next, explore the issues related to medical anthropology that may affect your career.  

  • Identifying Medical Anthropology Issues: Think through how medical anthropology might relate to the future occupation you will pursue. Topics can be related to global health and medicine or cultural approaches to healing or access to health care.
  • Integrating Medical Anthropology into Your Career Path: Begin with a short discussion of how knowledge of medical anthropology might be useful in your field of work. For instance, the realization that different cultures have different practices could be extremely relevant if you are in the healthcare business.


In the field of global health which I want to be in career wise, the principles of medical anthropology are very important in managing some of the health challenges that people face. As long as I get to understand various roles that cultural beliefs, different people’s socioeconomic statuses, and unjust past systems play in determining people’s health and their ability to access proper care, I will be helping in development of proper health interventions and policies that will work while respecting cultural differences. It should therefore remain an important strategy in the elimination of health inequalities and attainment of comparable health for all across the world. Including medical anthropology into my curriculum vitae will enable me to move across and harmonise the theories of global health and their practice by considering the cultures and contexts in which they are being practiced.

Students must post a response to two other classmates’ initial posts that are around 50-100 words and engage in critical or substantive ways with the initial post.

Peer Responses

Responding to Two peers is one of the vital parts of the ASB 462 Module 1: discussion posts.  I will provide one example post. 

Response 1

Great insights, Jordan. I thank you for your view regarding the probable future profession in this sector. Honestly, I have never come across a need for cultural competence in medical practice that has not struck a chord with me. It illustrates one of the critical areas of medical anthropology; the explanation of how cultural factors affect health. They have raised questions on how the integration of anthropological ideas into healthcare frameworks will improve patient relations.


This How-To Guide  for ASB 462 Module 1: Discussion will help you approach your Module 1 Discussion with a clearer understanding and structure. Remember, the goal is to reflect on how medical anthropology intersects with your academic and future professional life. Good Luck!

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