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ENG 101 Module 3 Assignment: Project 1 Topic Proposal

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Instructions of ENG 101 Module 3 Assignment: Project 1

Overview and Purpose

Estimated Time: 3-4 hours

Process Step: Invention

Learning Outcomes: Use critical languaging (thinking, reading, and composing) to deepen learning and understanding about a given topic and use composing processes and strategies as a means to invent, discover, and reconsider ideas.

Instructional Materials: Before beginning, review the following:

This assignment will help you choose the business or organization you will be analyzing and begin to research how they are communicating to their target audience. You will clarify the rhetorical situation, multimodal elements, and primary research for your analysis. 


Step 1: List Potential Choices

List at least five small businesses or nonprofit organizations in your local community that you are interested in analyzing for Project 1. Keep in mind the guidelines discussed in the Project 1 project description, as well as any other guidance your instructor has given. Spend at least 10–15 minutes thinking carefully, reflecting, and listing. You can include your list of five choices in your submission, but this is not required.

Step 2: Identify Your Top Choice 

Identify your final choice and include a clickable hyperlink to the website or social media page of the business/organization so your instructor can review it to ensure your choice will work for this project.

Step 3: Initial Research

Spend at least one hour looking at various types of communication produced by your chosen business or organization. Choose 1-2 examples to analyze how the rhetorical concepts are being used. Refer to the project description and learning materials linked above for tips and questions to guide you as you begin your research.

Note: You should take plenty of notes as you begin your research, but you do not need to submit anything for this step of the assignment.

Step 4: Initial Findings and Visual Examples

Reference your initial research notes to compose 1-2 paragraphs totaling at least 300 words discussing the findings of your initial analysis and the visual examples you plan to analyze. Consider the following questions as you compose this paragraph:

  • What is your subject’s rhetorical goal? What is your subject’s target audience?

  • What types of communication did you find and analyze? What, if any, further types of communication do you plan to analyze later in the project?

  • What examples for each of the four rhetorical concepts have you found so far? 

  • What specific visual examples do you plan on including in your analysis? (You may provide them here as part of this assignment, but this is not required.)

  • What is your plan for conducting further research? What other rhetorical concepts do you need to look for? What other visual examples are needed?

Step 5: Thesis Statement

Compose a 1-2 sentence thesis statement introducing the key takeaway/main idea of your analysis. Make sure your thesis statement is clearly indicated/labeled at the end of your submission. Consider the following questions as you create your thesis statement:

  • How is your subject using ethos, pathos, logos, and kairos to persuade the audience to act, think, or believe in a particular way?

  • What is interesting or memorable about your subject’s use of rhetoric that you want to communicate to your readers?

Submission Requirements

In a single Word document or PDF file, include the following three components:

  1. The name of your chosen business/organization with a clickable hyperlink to their website/social media.

    • You can include your list of five choices in your submission, but this is not required.

  2. Your 300-word (1-2 paragraph) discussion of your initial findings and visual examples.

  3. Your 1-2 sentence thesis statement introducing the main idea of your rhetorical analysis.

Submit your assignment to Canvas by clicking Start Assignment and then uploading the correct file. For additional help uploading an assignment, visit the Canvas Guide on how to upload a file as an assignment Links to an external site..

Step-By-Step Guide ENG 101 Module 3 Assignment: Project 1 Topic Proposal

Introduction to ENG 101 Module 3 Assignment

The ENG 101 Module 3 Assignment: Project 1 Topic Proposal involves using critical thinking, reading, and composing skills to analyze how a small business or nonprofit organization communicates with its target audience. With this How-To ENG 101 Guide, you will learn to identify rhetorical situations, multimodal elements, and primary research, which will deepen your understanding of effective communication strategies.

List at least five small businesses or nonprofit organizations in your local community that you want to analyze for Project 1.

List Potential Choices

To start the ENG 101 Module 3 Assignment: Project 1 Topic Proposal, we will first spend 10-15 minutes brainstorming and listing at least five small businesses or nonprofit organizations in our local community.

  • Refer to the Project 1 description and any additional guidance from your instructor.
  • You can include your list in your submission, but it is not mandatory.
  • Choose five local businesses or nonprofits you are interested in.
  • Ensure they fit the project guidelines.
  • Spend adequate time reflecting on your choices.

Identify your final choice and include a clickable hyperlink to the website or social media page of the business/organization so your instructor can review it to ensure your choice will work for this project.

Identify Your Top Choice

For this segment of the ENG 101 Module 3 Assignment: Project 1 Topic Proposal, we will pick the one business or organization we are most interested in analyzing.

  • Provide Hyperlink: Include a clickable hyperlink to their website or social media page for your instructor’s review.
  • Decide on your top choice from the list of five.
  • Insert a clickable hyperlink to their main website or social media page.


I have chosen TOMS Shoes to analyze their communication strategies and rhetorical approaches for this assignment. 

Spend at least one hour looking at various types of communication produced by your chosen business or organization. Choose 1-2 examples to analyze how the rhetorical concepts are being used. Refer to the project description and learning materials for tips and questions to guide you as you begin your research.

Initial Research

Here, we will dedicate at least one hour to examining various types of communication produced by your chosen business or organization.

  • Select 1-2 examples to analyze for rhetorical concepts.
  • Note-taking: Take detailed notes, but do not submit them for this step.
  • Investigate different communication forms used by your chosen organization.
  • Identify examples that demonstrate rhetorical concepts.
  • Document your observations in detail.


In my initial research, I spent an hour exploring various types of communication produced by TOMS Shoes, including their website content, social media posts, and marketing campaigns. TOMS is a well-known small business that creates socially conscious footwear and eyewear. Their rhetorical goal is to persuade consumers to purchase their products by emphasizing the social impact of their “One for One” program, where every purchase contributes to helping those in need. TOMS targets socially conscious consumers who value ethical business practices and social responsibility.

I analyzed their website and social media pages, focusing on their use of ethos, pathos, logos, and kairos. Ethos is evident through their credible partnerships and transparent impact reports, which build trust with their audience. Pathos is effectively used in their emotional storytelling, showcasing real-life beneficiaries of their donations, which evoke empathy and a sense of connection. Logos is present in their clear explanations of how their business model works; providing logical reasons for purchasing TOMS products makes a positive difference. Kairos is utilized through timely campaigns that align with global events and social movements, making their messages relevant and urgent.

The visual examples I plan to include in my analysis are the impactful images and videos on their website and social media. These visuals illustrate the direct impact of their donations, making the abstract concept of social good tangible and relatable. My plan for further research includes examining customer testimonials and reviews to understand the audience’s perception and how TOMS’ communication strategies influence their purchasing decisions.

Reference your initial research notes to compose 1-2 paragraphs totaling at least 300 words discussing the findings of your initial analysis and the visual examples you plan to analyze. Consider the following questions as you compose this paragraph:

Initial Findings and Visual Examples

We will write 1-2 paragraphs (at least 300 words) discussing our initial findings.

  • What is the rhetorical goal and target audience?
  • What types of communication were analyzed?
  • What examples of rhetorical concepts (ethos, pathos, logos, kairos) did you find?
  • What specific visual examples will you include?
  • What is your plan for further research?
  • Use your research notes to draft 1-2 paragraphs about your initial findings.
  • Address the provided questions to guide your analysis.


ENG 101 Module 3 Assignment: Project 1 Topic ProposalENG 101 Module 3 Assignment: Project 1 Topic Proposal

Compose a 1-2 sentence thesis statement introducing your analysis’s key takeaway/main idea. Ensure your thesis statement is indicated/labeled at the end of your submission. 

Thesis Statement

For this section of the ENG 101 Module 3 Assignment: Project 1 Topic Proposal, we will develop a 1-2 sentence thesis statement that summarizes the main idea of our analysis.

  • How are ethos, pathos, logos, and kairos used?
  • What makes the subject’s use of rhetoric exciting or memorable?
  • Reflect on your analysis to formulate a clear, concise thesis statement.
  • Place your thesis at the end of your submission and label it clearly.


TOMS Shoes effectively uses ethos, pathos, logos, and kairos to engage and persuade its audience by highlighting the social impact of its products, making ethical consumerism both appealing and accessible. 


The ENG 101 Module 3 Assignment: Project 1 Topic Proposal aims to enhance your critical thinking and composing skills by analyzing the communication strategies of a local business or nonprofit. By following this How-To Owlisdom Guide, you will better understand how rhetorical concepts are used to engage and persuade target audiences. The critical takeaway is learning to identify and analyze practical communication elements crucial in academic and professional settings.

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