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ASB 301 Module 5 Assignment 3 – You Design the Research

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Instructions of ASB 301 Module 5 Assignment 3


Congratulations! The university research team you worked with on Assignment 2 was so impressed with your historical document analysis that they’ve decided to give you a promotion. They want you to design a research project for the team studying the global history of infectious disease. To do this, you’ll need to do a bit more background investigation of the disease you chose for Assignment 2 and combine this new information with your conclusions from that assignment to design a research study.

Anticipated Time Required: 4-5 hours


  • 1. Read these instructions to the end. Then return to Step 2 to get started.
    2. Watch the Assignment 3 Introduction lecture. (5 min) PDF of slides

  • Actions
    3. Find the disease you chose for Assignment 2 below and read the provided clinical and paleopathological information about that disease. (1 hour)

  • -Leprosy: Lynnerup and Boldsen 2011, p. 535–549.

  • Actions

  •  – Weblink
    -Malaria: Aufderheide and Rodriguez Martin 1998, p. 228–23

  • Actions
    -Smallpox:  Aufderheide and Rodriguez Martin 1998, p. 201-207

  • Actions
    -Syphilis: Meyer et al. 2002
     Download Meyer et al. 2002-Tuberculosis: Roberts 2011, p. 507–534.

  • Actions
    -Yellow fever: Monath 2001

  • Actions

  • 4. Review your graded Assignment 2 Answer Sheet. Do not worry if your Assignment 2 graded document is not yet available. You will use only your original Assignment 2 answers as you complete Assignment 3. (30 min)

  • 5. Download and fill in the Assignment 3 Answer Sheet

  • Actions

  • . Be sure to view the Assignment 3 Rubric so that you know how points will be assigned. (3-4 hours)

  • 6. Turn in your completed assignment sheet. Title your assignment using LastnameFirstname_Assignment3.doc and ensure your file is in .doc, .docx, .txt, or .pdf format. Click Submit Assignment button above to submit.


  • Assignment 3 Rubric


Step-By-Step Guide ASB 301 Module 5 Assignment 3 – You Design the Research

Introduction to ASB 301 Module 5 Assignment 3

This assignment focuses on designing a research study on global health history, building on insights from previous research on infectious diseases. It involves brainstorming new insights, formulating research questions, and designing a comprehensive study to investigate one of these questions. This ASB 301 guide provides step-by-step instructions on approaching each part of the assignment effectively.

NOTE: We will have an assignment template to solve the ASB 301 Module 5 Assignment 3 – You Design the Research. I am using the ASU template as an example.

Part 1: Brainstorming

Reviewing Previous Work and Materials

  • Step 1: Watch the assignment introduction video to understand the objectives and requirements.
  • Step 2: Read the provided material on your chosen infectious disease from Assignment 2 thoroughly.
  • Step 3: Review your answer sheet from Assignment 2. Use your original answers as the foundation for this assignment, even if it hasn’t been graded yet.


Information #1

The smallpox vaccine was widely used by the early 1800s (p. 206). When I read Livingstone and Livingstone (1865), I didn’t realize the smallpox vaccine was already in use during their expeditions to Africa, where the Makololo people told them about the numerous smallpox deaths among their group. This information altered my previous ideas about the disease by showing that vaccination efforts were more widespread and earlier than I previously understood.

Information #2

The role of trade routes in the spread of the Black Death during the 14th century is highlighted (p. 315). Initially, I believed the disease spread primarily through localized outbreaks. Still, this new information emphasizes the significance of international trade in disseminating the plague, altering my perception of its global impact.

Information #3

Advances in understanding the genetic mutations of the influenza virus have been significant since the early 20th century (p. 147). Previously, I thought that influenza’s historical impact was less understood regarding its genetic evolution. Still, this new insight shows that scientific advancements have provided a deeper understanding of the virus’s history and mutation patterns.

Identifying New Insights

  • Step 4: List three new pieces of information from the provided reading that offer new insights compared to your conclusions in Assignment 2.
  • Step 5: For each piece of information, explain how it changes or adds to your previous understanding. Include the page number for reference.

Formulating New Questions

  • Step 6: Develop one question for each new information about global health history.
  • Step 7: Ensure each question is clear and specific, relating directly to the new insights you identified.


Question #1

When did the smallpox vaccine developed in Europe in the early 19th century first become available in Africa?

Question #2

How did international trade routes influence the spread of the Black Death in the 14th century?

Question #3

What specific genetic mutations in the influenza virus were identified in the early 20th century, and how did these discoveries influence modern virology?

Part 2: Study Design

Choosing a Research Question

  • Step 8: Select one of the three questions you formulated in Part 1 for your research study.

Defining the Geographic Focus

  • Step 9: Determine the geographic area(s) your study will focus on. Explain why this area is relevant to your research question.

Identifying Types of Evidence

  • Step 10: Identify the types of evidence you will need, such as paleopathological data, ancient DNA, historical documents, etc.
  • Step 11: Justify your choice of evidence by explaining how it will help answer your research question.

Collaborating with Experts

  • Step 12: Identify the types of experts (e.g., archaeologists, paleopathologists, historians) you will collaborate with to gather the necessary evidence.
  • Step 13: Explain why these experts are essential for your research.

Comparing Evidence

  • Step 14: Describe your method for comparing different types of evidence. Highlight the importance of a multidisciplinary approach.

Considering Social and Political Factors

  • Step 15: Identify social and political factors relevant to your research. Explain how these factors might influence your findings.

Considering Environmental Factors

  • Step 16: Identify environmental factors to consider in your study. Discuss their potential impact on the health outcomes you are investigating.

Anticipating Results

  • Step 17: Predict the results you expect to find based on your study design. Explain the significance of these anticipated results.


Chosen Question

How did international trade routes influence the spread of the Black Death in the 14th century?

Geographic Focus

The primary geographic focus will be Europe and Asia, specifically areas along the Silk Road and major trade ports like Constantinople and Venice. These regions are chosen for their historical significance as significant trade hubs during the 14th century.

Types of Evidence

The evidence needed includes historical trade records, archaeological findings of plague victims, and genetic studies of Yersinia pestis (the bacterium that causes the plague) from ancient DNA samples. These types of evidence will provide a comprehensive view of how trade routes facilitated the spread of the disease.

Types of Experts

The collaboration will involve historians specializing in medieval trade, archaeologists with expertise in 14th-century Europe and Asia, and geneticists focusing on ancient DNA analysis. These experts are crucial for obtaining and interpreting the multidisciplinary evidence needed for this study.

Comparing Evidence

Different types of evidence will be compared by synthesizing historical records, archaeological findings, and genetic data. This multidisciplinary approach will provide a comprehensive understanding of the spread of the Black Death.

Social and Political Factors

Social factors include population movements, urbanization, and the role of merchants and traders. Political factors encompass the policies of different empires and states controlling trade routes. These factors are essential as they influenced the movement of people and goods, which affected the plague’s spread.

Environmental Factors

Environmental factors such as climate, geography, and rodents and fleas (vectors for the plague) will be considered. These factors played a significant role in the spread and persistence of the disease.

Anticipated Results

The study is anticipated to show a strong correlation between the major trade routes and the spread of the Black Death, highlighting the role of merchants and trade networks in rapidly disseminating the disease. This will underscore the interconnectedness of medieval societies and the impact of global trade on public health.


By following this How-To Owlisdom Guide, you will develop a comprehensive research study on global health history, building on your previous research. The ASB 301 Module 5 Assignment 3 – You Design the Research enhances your understanding of historical health issues and hones your research and analytical skills. Remember to critically evaluate all sources and evidence to ensure a robust and credible study.

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