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ENG 122 3-2 Assignment: Writing Plan

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Instructions of ENG 122 3-2 Assignment


To complete this assignment, do an active reading of your selected reading using the reviewed analysis techniques. Be sure to take notes. Next, you will make a plan for writing your critical analysis essay, which will guide you through the first steps of drafting the critical analysis essay due in Module 7.

As you work on the Writing Plan, remember to refer to the assignment guidelines and rubric below to make certain you fulfill each aspect of the assignment.


For this Writing Plan, you will analyze your selected reading and state an opinion or evaluation about the author’s claim. You will then use evidence or key points from the selected reading to back up your evaluation.

Note: Remember to cite any works you use in your assignment. You will not be graded on the citations; the purpose is just to make certain you are practicing using citations.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  • What is the author’s claim in the selected reading? In other words, what do you believe the author wants their audience to learn or understand better once they have finished reading?
  • Have you identified key points that the author uses to support their claim in the selected reading? If so, include them here. 
  • Describe the author’s target audience: what group or groups of people is the author trying to reach with their message?
  • What choices does the author make within their writing to connect with this target audience?
  • Explain your evaluation of the author’s claim: is the claim strong or weak? What evidence or key points from the writing best support the author’s claim? If you found the claim to be weak, explain why the evidence or key points provided did not effectively support the author’s claim.

Guidelines for Submission

Save your work in a Word document and include a page with references. It must be written in MLA or APA format. Use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins.

Step-By-Step Guide on ENG 122 3-2 Assignment: Writing Plan

Introduction to ENG 122 3-2 Assignment

This How-To Guide revolves around your understanding of the 3-2 Assignment Writing Plan. I will provide brief and descriptive guidelines to solve the ENG 122 3-2 Assignment: Writing Plan and a dummy solution for each section. This Owlisdom How-To Guide will equip you with guidelines to tackle all the queries related to the 3-2 Assignment. Let us begin with the guide.

Selecting a Reading

As I have already selected Error Analysis of Written English Composition (Neupane, 2023) in 2-5 Assignment as my reading article, I will be providing a solution according to this article. 

What is the author’s claim in the selected reading? In other words, what do you believe the author wants their audience to learn or understand better after reading?

Analyzing the Author’s Claim

In this ENG 122 3-2 Assignment: Writing Plan section we will discuss the author’s claim and the selected audience.

  • Identifying: Read the introduction and conclusion carefully to understand the author’s main argument. What is the author trying to convey?
  • Understanding: Consider why the author feels this message is important for the audience.


In R. N. Neupane’s study, “Error Analysis of Written English Composition: A Case of Basic Level Students” (2023), the author’s primary claim is the crucial role of identifying and understanding common errors in enhancing English language teaching methodologies for basic learners. Neupane underscores the significance of this analysis for educators to develop targeted teaching strategies to elevate students’ language proficiency. The emphasis on error analysis is a pivotal tool for educators, suggesting that a detailed understanding of errors can lead to more effective instruction and learning outcomes.

Have you identified key points that the author uses to support their claim in the selected reading? If so, include them here.

Identifying Key Points

We will discuss the key points in the next section of ENG 122 3-2 Assignment: Writing Plan

  • Finding Evidence: As you read, identify the key points or evidence the author uses to support their claim. Use the margins to note these points.
  • Note-taking: Organize your notes by themes or arguments for easy reference during writing.


Neupane’s article leverages several key points to support the argument for the importance of error analysis in teaching English to basic learners. Firstly, classifying errors into grammatical, syntactical, and semantic categories highlights the areas needing focused instruction. Secondly, the correlation between specific error types and students’ learning challenges provides insight into targeted teaching strategies. Lastly, Neupane emphasizes the positive impact of feedback on student corrections, showing that understanding errors can significantly improve language acquisition. These points collectively argue for a nuanced approach to teaching English grounded in error analysis.

Describe the author’s target audience: what group or groups of people is the author trying to reach with their message? What choices does the author make within their writing to connect with this target audience?

Understanding the Target Audience

In this section of ENG 122 3-2 Assignment: Writing Plan, we will analyze how the author targeted the audience for effective reach of the message of the selected article.

  • Determining: Who is this article written for? Consider the language, examples, and references used.
  • Analyzing: How does the author’s choice of content and style aim to engage this audience?


  1. N. Neupane targets educators, linguists, and curriculum developers engaged in English language teaching at the basic level in “Error Analysis of Written English Composition: A Case of Basic Level Students” (2023). Using detailed error categorizations and examples from student compositions, Neupane strategically connects with this audience, offering practical insights and strategies for addressing common language errors. The choice of academic yet accessible language and the focus on actionable teaching methodologies are designed to resonate with professionals seeking to enhance their pedagogical approaches, emphasizing a direct application to classroom settings.

Explain your evaluation of the author’s claim: is the claim strong or weak? What evidence or key points from the writing best support the author’s claim? If you found the claim weak, explain why the evidence or key points did not effectively support the author’s claim.

Evaluating the Author’s Writing Choices

For this ENG 122 3-2 Assignment: Writing Plan, we will evaluate the author’s claim and analyze the key points.

  • Examining: Look at the author’s use of language, structure, and examples. How do these choices connect with the target audience?
  • Assessing: Decide if these techniques effectively support the author’s claim and engage the audience.


Neupane’s claim in the article “Error Analysis of Written English Composition: A Case of Basic Level Students” is compelling and strongly supported by systematic error categorization and the positive outcomes of feedback on student corrections. The use of clear, academic language and structured examples directly appeals to the intended audience of educators and linguists, providing them with practical insights. The evidence, particularly the detailed analysis of error types and their implications for teaching, solidifies the argument for the importance of error analysis in enhancing English language teaching methodologies, making the claim robust and convincing.


This ENG 122 3-2 Assignment: Writing Plan guide should equip you with the tools to write a nuanced and well-supported critical analysis essay. Remember, the goal is to engage deeply with the text and provide a clear, evidence-backed evaluation of the author’s argument.

In the next module of ENG 122, we will explore the 4-3 Assignment on Identifying your Thesis Statement


Neupane, R. N. (2023). Error Analysis of Written English Composition: A Case of Basic Level Students. Tribhuvan Journal, 1(1), 101–109.

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