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ENG 122 7-2 Project One: Critical Analysis Essay

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Instructions of ENG 122 7-2 Project One


Course Outcomes

In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:

  • Identify main ideas, supporting evidence, and conclusions through critical analysis for utilizing these components in one’s own writing

  • Integrate appropriate and qualified evidence into one’s own composition through effective research


The project for this course is the creation of a critical analysis essay. Writing is a craft that allows people to express themselves in various ways. The ability to articulate a message through writing is essential in any career. The writing process can be very intimidating; however, the more you work with it, the more comfortable the process becomes.

You developed a thesis about the information presented in the article you selected, and now, you will support that thesis through a critical analysis essay.


In this project, you will follow the writing process to revise your critical analysis essay draft from previous assignments. Once your thesis is established, you will use evidence from the reading to support it throughout your essay.

There is no right or wrong thesis—it is how you support your thesis that makes your essay effective. To thoroughly revise the work, be sure to refer to your instructor’s feedback. Finally, proofread your final draft and correct any errors you may find. This assignment will be submitted in Brightspace.

Specifically, you must address the following rubric criteria:

  1. Introduction: This paragraph is where readers will have a chance to get an idea of what your essay will be about. Do not give all your information away here. Instead, give readers a sample of what is to come and what points you will be supporting with evidence in the essay’s body.

    1. Provide an overview of the work you have analyzed by briefly describing the main points and your thoughts about the writing.

    2. Compose a thesis that you will support with evidence throughout the essay. This statement will give direction to your essay and should be well thought out.

  2. Body: The body is your opportunity to describe and support your thesis in-depth. Ensure that your thoughts and evidence are clear and organized in a way that is easy for readers to follow and understand.

    1. Be sure to write organized paragraphs that clearly state their main idea and move logically from one to the other.

    2. Your body paragraphs should support your thesis by combining thoughts and ideas with evidence. There is no such thing as a right or wrong evaluation; the key is how well your thesis is supported and the quality of the evidence used.

  3. Conclusion: Think of the conclusion as a review of your analysis. Use this section to restate your thesis and remind readers of your supporting evidence. Think of this paragraph as the last chance to prove your point.

    1. Briefly summarize the main points that helped form your analysis. This section should consist of a brief review of your main ideas.

    2. Draw conclusions based on your evidence.

      1. Use evidence that you have found to wrap up the essay in a meaningful way that relates to your audience.

What to Submit

Submit your project as a 3- to 4-page Microsoft Word document (plus a cover page and references) with double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Use at least three sources from your selected reading. Follow APA or MLA citation guidelines when citing sources both throughout and at the end of your paper. 

Step-By-Step Guide on ENG 122 7-2 Project One: Critical Analysis Essay

Introduction to ENG 122 7-2 Project One

The 7-2 Project One revolves around critically analyzing the essay we drafted in ENG 122 5-2 Assignment. I will provide brief and descriptive guidelines to solve the ENG 122 7-2 Project One: Critical Analysis Essay and a dummy solution for each section. This Owlisdom How-To Guide will equip you with guidelines to tackle all the queries related to the ENG 122 7-2 Project One. Let us begin with the guide.

Provide an overview of the work you have analyzed by briefly describing the main points and your thoughts about the writing. Compose a thesis that you will support with evidence throughout the essay. This statement will guide your essay and should be well thought out.


To start ENG 122 7-2 Project One: Critical Analysis Essay, we will evaluate a brief introduction to our essay.

  • Start with a hook to grab the reader’s attention. Briefly introduce the article you analyzed, including its main points and your initial thoughts. This sets the stage for your analysis without revealing all the details upfront.
  • End your introduction with a well-crafted thesis statement. This should encapsulate your main argument or critique of the article and outline the points you’ll support with evidence. It serves as a roadmap for your essay.


In the enlightening study by Neupane (2023), the intricacies of error analysis in the English compositions of basic learners are meticulously unveiled, showcasing the pivotal role of identifying and rectifying linguistic mistakes for enhancing language acquisition. Through a detailed categorization of errors into grammatical, syntactical, and semantic types, Neupane argues for targeted feedback’s transformative power on student learning outcomes. Initially skeptical, I found myself convinced by the compelling evidence and thoughtful methodology presented. Thus, my thesis posits that Neupane’s advocacy for a systematic approach to error analysis not only substantiates its necessity in educational settings but also significantly elevates the efficacy of English language teaching, a stance I will support with critical analysis and evidence from the text.

Be sure to write organized paragraphs that clearly state their main idea and move logically from one to the other. Your body paragraphs should support your thesis by combining thoughts and ideas with evidence. There is no such thing as a right or wrong evaluation; the key is how well your thesis is supported and the quality of the evidence used.


Next, for the ENG 122 7-2 Project One: Critical Analysis Essay, we will compose the essay’s body.

  • Begin each paragraph with a clear topic sentence related to your thesis. This ensures your essay remains focused and all parts contribute to your overall argument.
  • Use evidence from the article to support your thesis, including quotes, paraphrases, and summaries. Discuss how this evidence backs up your points. Make sure to analyze and critique the evidence rather than present it.
  • Ensure your ideas are organized logically, making your argument easy to follow. Transition smoothly between paragraphs to maintain flow and coherence.


Neupane’s (2023) meticulous categorization of errors in student compositions underpin the thesis that systematic error analysis is fundamental to enhancing English language education. By delineating errors into grammatical, syntactical, and semantic categories, Neupane provides a blueprint for educators to tailor their instruction, ensuring targeted interventions. This structured approach validates the necessity of error analysis and demonstrates its direct impact on improving student outcomes. This critical point strengthens the argument for its adoption in educational practices.

Furthermore, the study presents compelling evidence of the effectiveness of targeted feedback, highlighting significant improvements in students’ subsequent compositions. As Neupane illustrates, this feedback mechanism is pivotal for student development, offering personalized guidance that addresses specific errors. Such an approach resonates deeply with the thesis, affirming that the strategic application of error analysis and feedback can significantly refine teaching methodologies and foster a conducive learning environment for language acquisition.

Briefly summarise the main points that helped form your analysis. This section should consist of a brief review of your main ideas. Draw conclusions based on your evidence. Use evidence that you have found to wrap up the essay in a meaningful way that relates to your audience.


For the last section of the ENG 122 7-2 Project One: Critical Analysis Essay, we will summarise our analysis and briefly discuss the key takeaways.

  • Begin your conclusion by restating your thesis in a new way. This reminds readers of your main argument and the lens through which you’ve analyzed the article.
  • Briefly recap the main points that support your thesis, highlighting how they contribute to your overall argument. This reinforces the strength of your analysis.
  • Drawing Conclusions
  • End with a strong closing statement reflecting your argument’s or analysis’s implications. Suggest broader conclusions from your essay, making a final appeal to your readers’ understanding or emotions.


Neupane’s (2023) exploration into error analysis fundamentally shifts the pedagogical approach to English language teaching, underscoring the thesis that systematic error identification and targeted feedback are essential for educational advancement. This analysis is bolstered by Neupane’s categorization of errors and the demonstrable success of personalized feedback in student improvement. The evidence presented supports the thesis and advocates for a nuanced teaching strategy that prioritises understanding over rote learning. In conclusion, adopting Neupane’s methodologies can significantly enhance the effectiveness of language education, urging educators to embrace a more analytical and responsive approach to teaching that resonates with the evolving needs of learners.


Following these guidelines, you can master writing a critical analysis essay. By following the above instructions, I hope you ace the ENG 122 7-2 Project One: Critical Analysis Essay. Good luck!

In the next module of ENG 122, we will explore the 8-1 Discussion on Persuasive Writing.


Neupane, R. N. (2023). Error Analysis of Written English Composition: A Case of Basic Level Students. Tribhuvan Journal, 1(1), 101–109.

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