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ENG 101 WEEK 4 Assignment: Narrative Essay: Rough Draft

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Instructions of ENG 101 WEEK 4 Assignment


In this assignment, you will write your narrative essay rough draft. You will use the same topic you chose in Week Two, write your essay introductory paragraph with a working thesis (which goes at the end of your introduction), three body paragraphs, and  a conclusion.

Using what you learned this week about developing your introduction paragraph, develop your thesis (moral) of your narrative and include three supporting sub-points you will cover in the body of your narrative.

Your three body paragraphs should clearly follow your thesis. Finally, your conclusion should clearly and concisely summarize your main points, provide a call to action, and restate your thesis in a new way.

Assignment Details:

Perform the following tasks:

  • Complete the reading assignment and the interactive lecture before attempting this assignment.

  • To complete this assignment:

    • Refer to your e-book for the introduction, body paragraphs, conclusion, and drafting.

    • You may also want to revisit the narrative section from last week.

    • Include descriptive devices such as metaphor, similes, and/or personification.

    • Write a substantive draft with a minimum of 500 – 800 words, with each paragraph being approximately 5 – 7 sentences or more.

    • Demonstrate that all aspects of your topic have been considered.

    • Use the plagiarism tool to check your summary against unintended plagiarism.

    • Spell-check your essay and submit it via Canvas.

  • Use the proper naming convention when saving your assignment:

    • ENG101_wk4_assn_jsmith_mmddyyy

  • Submit the Week 4 Assignment.

Download the Assignment Worksheet Download Assignment Worksheet to complete this assignment.

Refer to the guidelines below to complete each phase of your essay following the required APA format:

  • APA (7th edition) Formatting and Style GuideLinks to an external site.

  • APA (7th edition) Student Sample PaperLinks to an external site.

Step-By-Step Guide ENG 101 WEEK 4 Assignment: Narrative Essay: Rough Draft


Previously in ENG 101 Week 3, we discussed Adding a Description for the Narrative. We introduced the concept of description; we picked our favourite food and wrote a few sentences passage describing it in detail.

Introduction to ENG 101 Week 4 Assignment

This How-To Guide is designed to assist students in drafting a narrative essay based on the topic chosen in the second week of their course. The ENG 101 WEEK 4 Assignment: Narrative Essay: Rough Draft will include an introductory paragraph with a working thesis, three body paragraphs aligned with the thesis, and a conclusion that encapsulates the main points and provides a call to action. The guide aims to help students structure their essays effectively, integrating descriptive devices and ensuring a coherent narrative flow.


  • Complete Required Readings and Interactive Lecture: Ensure that you have a solid understanding of the narrative form and essay structure. Prioritize completing all assigned readings and participating fully in any interactive lectures provided.
  • Review Previous Materials on Narrative Writing: Revisit your notes and any provided materials from last week focusing on narrative writing. This will refresh your understanding and help in applying these concepts to your draft.

Introduction Paragraph

  • Crafting the Introductory Paragraph: Start with a hook to engage your reader, followed by a brief introduction to the topic. Set the scene for your narrative and lead smoothly into your thesis.
  • Developing a Working Thesis: Your thesis should clearly state the moral or main message of your essay. It typically appears at the end of the introduction and should seamlessly integrate into the narrative flow.


Introduction Standing before a crowd, my hands shook, and my heart pounded with the familiar drum of anxiety. Public speaking had always been my Achilles’ heel, yet there I was at my first debate competition, ready to confront this fear head-on. The challenge ahead was not merely about proving my knowledge or wit but about overcoming a personal hurdle that had long overshadowed my academic endeavors. As I prepared to speak, the scene was set for a transformative journey—one that would teach me the invaluable lessons of preparation and self-confidence. This experience promised to reshape my dread of public speaking into an enthusiastic pursuit, marking a pivotal moment in both my personal and academic life. This narrative explores that journey, revealing how embracing challenges can lead to unexpected growth and new passions.

Body Paragraphs

  • Establishing Three Supporting Sub-Points: Outline three key points that will substantiate your thesis. Each point should be distinct and transition logically between paragraphs.
  • Writing Clear and Cohesive Body Paragraphs: Develop each point thoroughly with examples and details. Ensure each paragraph ties back to your thesis and the narrative’s progression.
  • Using Metaphors, Similes, and Personification: Enhance your narrative by integrating these devices to create vivid imagery and deeper emotional connections with your readers.


Body Paragraph 1: Preparation for the Competition In the weeks leading up to the competition, my preparation was intense and thorough. I delved deeply into each topic, gathering facts and constructing solid arguments. My evenings were spent in libraries and online forums, seeking out every piece of relevant information. To manage my anxiety, I practiced controlled breathing techniques and engaged in numerous mock debates with my peers. This preparation went beyond mere academic readiness; it was about building a mental and emotional fortress. As I fortified my knowledge, my confidence grew proportionally. This methodical preparation ensured that when the day of the competition arrived, I was not just ready to compete but ready to excel. Body Paragraph 2: Experiencing the Challenge The competition day arrived with a mix of excitement and trepidation. As I made my first statement, my voice trembled, mirroring the shaking of my hands. However, as the debate continued, the countless hours of preparation began to show their effect. With each passing moment and each argument articulated, my confidence solidified. The environment was charged with the intensity of the competition, yet the support from mentors and the encouragement from peers provided a backbone of strength. This dynamic helped transform my initial nervous energy into a compelling force, allowing me to navigate through the debate with increasing assurance and effectiveness. Body Paragraph 3: Reflecting on the Outcome After the final words of the debate were spoken, I felt an overwhelming sense of relief mixed with pride. The judges and my peers provided constructive feedback, much of which highlighted my depth of preparation and noticeable boost in confidence. This affirmation was incredibly gratifying, serving as a testament to my hard work and growth. The experience was transformative, sparking a deep and abiding interest in public speaking. It was a profound realization that facing and overcoming my fears not only enhanced my speaking skills but also broadened my academic and career horizons, making me realize the limitless possibilities that come with stepping out of one’s comfort zone.


  • Summarizing Main Points: Concisely recap the narrative and the insights or lessons derived from it.
  • Providing a Call to Action: Encourage the reader to think or act differently based on the narrative.
  • Restating the Thesis: Reformulate your thesis in a new way to reinforce the message and provide closure.


My first debate competition was more than just an academic challenge; it was a journey of self-discovery and growth. By stepping out of my comfort zone and embracing the rigorous demands of preparation, I transformed my fear into a tool for personal and professional development. For anyone struggling with fear, remember that it is not an insurmountable barrier but a doorway to new opportunities. Let my story be a testament to the power of facing our fears with determination and preparedness. This narrative aims to inspire others facing similar fears, demonstrating that with preparation and resilience, overcoming them is not only possible but can also open doors to new passions and opportunities. The lessons I learned from my first debate competition have shaped my approach to challenges, reminding me that growth often comes from the most daunting experiences.


In completing the COM 205 Week 4 Assignment, focus on creating a compelling and well-structured narrative essay that clearly communicates your intended moral or message. Utilize descriptive techniques to enhance your storytelling and ensure each section of your essay contributes towards a cohesive whole. By following ENG 101 WEEK 4 Assignment: Narrative Essay: Rough Draft How-To Guide, you will be able to draft a narrative that not only meets academic standards but also engages and impacts your readers effectively.

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