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POLS 210 WEEK 5 ASSIGNMENT: Current Events and Second Essay

Read our FREE Guide on POLS 210 Week 5 Assignment: Current Events and Second Essay and its solution as well.

Instructions of POLS 210 Week 5 Assignment

What’s of interest in the political world this week? Also, like the previous essay, here’s a place to ask questions and discuss concerns about the second essay.

Second Essay: The Federal System and National Security Policy


The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate knowledge of how the federal system of government works. Examine what the different branches and layers of government do to address a policy using a current issue to illustrate it. It is NOT to give your personal opinions on the issue.

Complete a research essay on how the federal government creates national security policy.

National security is always and issue in the United States. Here are the aspects and questions to address for this essay:

  1. Identify a current policy problem for American national security, and then state a preferred policy solution to it and why it’s preferred (This is your thesis statement).

  2. Briefly explain two competing solutions to this problem while addressing the responsibilities of each level of government (federal, state, and local) and the three branches of the federal government (executive, legislative, and judicial).

  3. Build the argument for why your chosen solution is preferable, what critics say about the solution, and finally why the critics are wrong.


  • 750 word target length (about three pages), not including references listed at the end or footnotes if used.

  • Incorporation of concepts and terms from the required readings.

  • Inclusion of facts from a recent news article about the topic/solution.

  • Correct spelling, grammar, and formatting, whether it’s APA, MLA, or Chicago/Turabian.

  • See the essay rubric for further details on grading.

Writing tips:

1) Write concisely! More is not necessarily better if the required points from the rubric are missed.

2) Essays should be written in the third person perspective. (Avoid using “I, me, my, mine, we, us, our, you, your”).

Step-By-Step Guide POLS 210 Week 5 Assignment: Current Events and Second Essay


Previously, we discussed The President, the Congress, and the Economy. We used news articles to support our stance. 

Introduction to POLS 210 Week 5 Assignment

POLS 210 Week 5 Assignment: Current Events and Second Essay has two parts. We will discuss how to solve both parts in detail.

Part One

This part of the POLS 210 Week 5 Assignment: Current Events and Second Essay involves staying informed about the latest developments in the political landscape. By examining current news, we can engage more deeply with ongoing political debates and discussions.

I am choosing the News Article by the New York Times to discuss the latest political developments.


The recent news regarding Rudy Giuliani’s bankruptcy filing underscores significant political developments and challenges public figures face in managing personal and public scrutiny (Sullivan, 2024). Giuliani once celebrated as “America’s Mayor” and later as a legal advisor to former President Donald Trump, is facing financial strain, which exemplifies how political careers can fluctuate dramatically. His legal expenditures, partly due to his involvement in contentious political matters, highlight the intertwined nature of personal actions and public roles.

This scenario reflects the broader political climate in the U.S., where political affiliations and actions significantly impact individuals’ careers and financial stability. The article likely touches on the implications of Giuliani’s economic woes for the Republican Party, considering his close ties with former President Trump and his role in various legal challenges associated with the 2020 election controversies. Such developments are pivotal in understanding the current political dynamics, especially as the U.S. approaches another election cycle (Sullivan, 2024).

Giuliani’s situation could serve as a focal point for discussions on the accountability and consequences that political figures face, emphasizing the ongoing debates over the legal and ethical responsibilities of those in the public eye. This case also may influence public opinion, potentially affecting how voters perceive associated political figures and policies.

In summary, Giuliani’s bankruptcy highlights personal downfall. It reflects the broader narrative of political endurance and vulnerability in the U.S., providing a rich context for analyzing current and future political developments.

Part Two

The POLS 210 Week 5 Assignment: Current Events and Second Essay focuses on understanding how the federal system in the U.S. addresses national security policy. We will explore the roles of various government branches and levels in shaping these policies through the lens of a current issue.

Identify a current policy problem for American national security, then state a preferred policy solution and why it is preferred (This is your thesis statement).

Identifying Current Policy Problems

For POLS 210 Essay Two, we will look for a credible source to gather information about security issues impacting the US.

  • Research Current Issues: Identify a significant national security issue impacting the United States. Use credible sources to gather information on this topic.
  • Formulate a Thesis Statement: State a preferred policy solution to the identified problem and explain why this solution is favorable. This will serve as your thesis for the essay.


In national security, the continuous evolution of threats necessitates adaptive and robust policy responses. This essay examines a significant national security issue confronting the United States—cybersecurity threats, specifically related to infrastructure—and proposes an effective policy solution. It further analyzes competing solutions, delineates governmental responsibilities, and addresses critiques of the proposed policy.

Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities in Critical Infrastructure: A National Security Concern

The United States’ critical infrastructure, including energy grids, water supplies, and telecommunications systems, increasingly faces sophisticated cyber threats. According to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), cyber-attacks on these essential services threaten economic stability and national security (Homeland Security, 2024). The interconnectivity of these systems with the internet and other networks amplifies their vulnerability, making them prime targets for national and international cybercriminals and state actors.

Thesis Statement: Enhancing Public-Private Cybersecurity Partnerships

The preferred policy solution to address the cybersecurity vulnerabilities in U.S. critical infrastructure is the enhancement of public-private partnerships (Homeland Security, 2024). This approach is favorable because it leverages the expertise and resources of both sectors to develop more robust defensive measures and rapid response strategies. This collaborative effort is essential in a landscape where technology and threats evolve faster than traditional governmental policy can adapt.

Briefly explain two competing solutions to this problem while addressing the responsibilities of each level of government (federal, state, and local) and the three branches of the federal government (executive, legislative, and judicial).

Analysis of Competing Solutions

Next, we will analyze the competing solutions to this problem while addressing the responsibilities of the Government.

  • Describe Competing Solutions: Outline two alternative solutions to the national security issue. Detail how each solution proposes to address the problem.
  • Government Responsibilities: Discuss the role of different government levels—federal, state, and local—in these solutions, as well as the specific functions of the executive, legislative, and judicial branches.


Analysis of Competing Solutions

Two alternative solutions have been proposed to address this issue: nationalizing cybersecurity defenses for critical infrastructure and mandatory cybersecurity standards enforced by fines and penalties.

  • Nationalization of Cybersecurity Defenses: This approach would centralize the cybersecurity defenses under federal authority, aiming for a unified and standardized defense system across all critical infrastructure sectors. While this method may ensure comprehensive coverage and control, it lacks flexibility and may stifle innovation due to bureaucratic delays.
  • Mandatory Standards with Penalties: Under this solution, the government would set detailed cybersecurity standards for private companies managing critical infrastructure, enforcing compliance through fines and penalties. Although this could raise the security baseline, it risks significant pushback from the industry due to the potential costs and rigidity of government-imposed standards.

Government Responsibilities

The implementation of enhanced public-private partnerships would involve all levels of government:

Federal: Develop overarching national cybersecurity strategies and facilitate intelligence sharing between government agencies and private entities.

State and Local: Implement and tailor federal guidelines to local circumstances, providing additional support and resources to smaller companies.

Judicial: Uphold laws and regulations supporting cybersecurity initiatives and resolving privacy and data protection disputes.

Build the argument for why your chosen solution is preferable, what critics say about the solution, and finally, why the critics are wrong.

Building the Argument for Preferred Solution

For the last segment of POLS 210 Week 5 Assignment: Current Events and Second Essay, we will build an argument for our chosen solution to be preferable.

  • Justify Preferred Solution: Expand on why your solution is the best option. Include benefits, feasibility, and alignment with current government priorities.
  • Address Criticisms: Analyze common criticisms of your preferred solution. Provide counterarguments to demonstrate why these criticisms may be misguided or incomplete.


Building the Argument for Preferred Solution

Enhancing public-private partnerships is the most pragmatic approach to improving cybersecurity in critical infrastructure. It allows agility and innovation, adapting to new threats more quickly than centralized governmental programs. This solution also encourages ongoing investment in cybersecurity from the private sector, which might otherwise be disincentivized by rigid regulations or the prospect of penalties.

Critics of this approach argue that it places too much trust in private companies, which may prioritize profit over security. However, these criticisms overlook the regulatory frameworks that can shape these partnerships, ensuring that security and commercial interests align with national security priorities.

Key Takeaways

For the last paragraph of the Week 5 Essay, we will conclude our essay by summarizing all the key points.

  • Conclude by summarizing the main points of your essay. 
  • Highlight how your analysis supports the preferred national security policy solution and reflect on the importance of understanding the federal system’s role in addressing such critical issues.


Key Takeaways

In conclusion, enhancing public-private partnerships is the most effective policy solution to cybersecurity threats to the United States’ critical infrastructure. This strategy promotes a collaborative approach that is both flexible and innovative, essential for keeping pace with the rapidly evolving cyber threat landscape. The analysis underscores the importance of a federal system capable of integrating diverse resources and expertise from various governmental levels and the private sector. This holistic approach fortifies national security and supports the resilience of the nation’s critical infrastructure against future threats.


Following this How-To POLS 210 Guide, you can effectively engage with current political topics and deeply analyze how the U.S. federal system manages national security policy. This approach enhances your understanding and prepares you to evaluate and discuss complex governmental functions critically.


The upcoming week’s discussion will explore The Federal Bureaucracy, Courts, and National Security. We will choose one topic that fits our understanding and write a detailed discussion post.

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