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COM 205 Week 7 Discussion: Effective Group Communication

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Instructions of COM 205 Week 7 Discussion


Due: Post your initial response by Wednesday night at 11:59pm Pacific Time.

Respond to at least two of your fellow students’ posts by Sunday night at 11:59pm Pacific Time.

Effective Group Communication

Other than your online discussions in your various classes, perhaps one of the most significant examples of the importance of effective group communication comes in jury deliberations where a consensus is not immediately obtained. Whether or not you have served on a jury, what do you think are some difficulties you might encounter that could prevent a consensus? What are some strategies you or the group could employ to overcome these difficulties and reach agreement on a verdict? How could the same strategies apply to a small work group that cannot reach agreement?

Response Posts:  In addition to your original post, be sure to provide a meaningful response to at least two of your peers’ posts by the end of the week. In your responses to your peers, consider critically assessing your peers’ solutions to the deadlock in jury deliberations and/or to the lack of agreement among members of the work group, if applicable. Can you identify situations when their solutions may not be successful? Maybe you can describe alternate strategies for reaching agreement.

Select Reply to join the discussion. For grading details, select the three dots above [] to see the rubric.

Step-By-Step Guide COM 205 Week 7 Discussion: Effective Group Communication


Last week revolved around discussing Interpersonal Relationships, and we chose a topic for a persuasive speech. 

Introduction to COM 205 Week 7 Discussion

The COM 205 Week 7 Discussion: Effective Group Communication focuses on the dynamics of effective group communication, particularly in high-stakes environments such as jury deliberations and workplace team discussions. You will explore potential challenges that can prevent a group from reaching a consensus and propose strategies to overcome these difficulties. The insights gained here are applicable to various group settings, emphasizing the importance of strategic communication and collaboration.

Whether or not you have served on a jury, what do you think are some difficulties you might encounter that could prevent a consensus?

Identifying Difficulties in Reaching Consensus

To start the COM 205 Week 7 Discussion: Effective Group Communication, we will discuss difficulties in reaching a consensus.
  • Reflect on common challenges that might arise during group discussions, such as conflicting personalities, diverse viewpoints, or a lack of clear information. 
  • Consider how these factors could impact decision-making in a jury setting or any collaborative group environment.
  • Analyze specific scenarios where these challenges could prevent consensus, using hypothetical examples or drawing from general knowledge of group dynamics.


In group discussions, especially in settings as critical as jury deliberations, several challenges can impede consensus. Predominantly, conflicting personalities within the group can lead to friction and resistance against unanimous decisions. Additionally, the diversity of viewpoints, which is typically beneficial, can sometimes complicate consensus if not properly managed, as individuals may hold strong, differing opinions based on their backgrounds and experiences. Another significant hurdle is the lack of clear, comprehensive information, which can leave jurors or group members uncertain and unable to make a decision confidently. For example, in a jury, if the evidence presented is ambiguous or incomplete, it may lead to prolonged discussions and difficulty in reaching a verdict. Similarly, in a corporate setting, unclear project objectives can result in misaligned team efforts and failed consensus.

What are some strategies you or the group could employ to overcome these difficulties and reach an agreement on a verdict?

Strategies for Achieving Group Consensus

Next, we will explore strategies to overcome the difficulties of reaching an agreement on a verdict.
  • Discuss effective communication strategies that could facilitate consensus-building, such as active listening, mediation techniques, or structured decision-making processes like voting or ranking choices.
  • Outline how each strategy could be implemented in a jury deliberation to address and overcome the identified difficulties. Provide a step-by-step approach to applying these techniques in group discussions.


Several strategies can be effectively employed to navigate the complexities of group consensus. Active listening is fundamental; by ensuring that every member’s viewpoints are heard and considered, the group can prevent misunderstandings and foster a respectful discussion environment. Introducing mediation techniques can also be beneficial, particularly when conflicts escalate. A neutral third party or a designated mediator within the group can help reconcile differing viewpoints by focusing on common goals rather than individual interests. Structured decision-making processes such as anonymous voting or ranking choices can also facilitate consensus by allowing members to express their opinions without pressure, potentially leading to a more agreeable outcome for all involved. In a jury setting, these strategies could be sequentially applied: starting with a round of active listening, moving to mediated discussion if needed, and finally employing a vote to conclude the deliberation decisively.

How could the same strategies apply to a small workgroup that cannot reach an agreement?

Applying Strategies to Work Group Scenarios

For this segment of COM 205 Week 7 Discussion: Effective Group Communication, we will explore how to apply strategies to small groups that cannot reach an agreement.
  • Translate the strategies used in jury deliberations to a small workgroup context. 
  • Explain how these methods can be adapted to help work teams overcome disagreements and reach a unified decision.
  • Highlight the benefits of these strategies in fostering a cooperative and productive work environment.


The strategies effective in jury deliberations are equally applicable to small workgroup scenarios. For instance, in a project team unable to agree on the next phase of development, employing structured decision-making processes can clarify the team’s priorities. Implementing active listening ensures that each team member’s professional insight and personal concerns are acknowledged, which can transform a conflicted discussion into a constructive dialogue. Additionally, mediation techniques can help manage interpersonal conflicts that might arise due to stress or high stakes, ensuring that the team remains focused on the collective goal rather than individual disagreements. The benefits of these strategies are manifold: they not only promote a more harmonious work environment but also enhance the productivity and decision-making quality of the team, ensuring that projects are completed efficiently and to the satisfaction of all involved. By understanding and implementing these strategies, groups in any context can improve their ability to reach consensus, fostering environments where diverse viewpoints are seen as strengths rather than obstacles. This approach not only improves the outcomes of specific discussions but also enhances the overall communication and collaboration skills of all participants.

In addition to your original post, be sure to provide a meaningful response to at least two of your peers’ posts by the end of the week. In your responses to your peers, consider critically assessing your peers’ solutions to the deadlock in jury deliberations and to the lack of agreement among members of the workgroup, if applicable. Can you identify situations when their solutions may not be successful? Maybe you can describe alternate strategies for reaching an agreement.

Peer Responses

Engage with at least two peers’ posts by critically assessing their proposed solutions to communication deadlock. 
  • Consider the feasibility and potential pitfalls of their approaches.
  • Offer constructive feedback or alternative strategies, providing brief explanations on when and why these might be more effective.

Response 01

Hey Max, nice post! You have outlined key strategies like active listening and structured decision-making, which are vital for resolving group conflicts. However, one potential pitfall might be the group’s reliance on a mediator, which could lead to dependency rather than fostering individual problem-solving skills. As an alternative, promoting skill-building workshops in conflict resolution and negotiation could empower team members to manage disputes independently, ensuring long-term effectiveness in reaching consensus without external mediation. This proactive approach can enhance team dynamics and ensure sustainable problem-solving capabilities within the group.

Response 02

We are supposed to write two peer responses. I have addressed the given instructions in one response. Following these instructions, you can write your peer responses to the Week 7 Discussion without a hassle.


Understanding and implementing effective communication strategies in group settings are crucial for achieving consensus and ensuring productive outcomes. The COM 205 Week 7 Discussion: Effective Group Communication not only enhances your ability to function within a team but also equips you with the tools to lead and facilitate discussions, essential skills in both professional and personal contexts. By following this How-To COM 205 Guide, you can significantly improve group dynamics and decision-making processes, leading to more successful and harmonious collaborations.


Next week, we will discuss Professional Communication. We will explore the techniques of professional communication.

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