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SCS 100 5-1 Discussion: Ethics in Advertising and Media

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Instructions of SCS-100 5-1 Discussion

5-1 Discussion: Ethics in Advertising and Media

Each discussion is meant to be a collaborative space for conversation about the course concepts and for learning from your peers’ diverse perspectives. To ensure an interesting discussion, you are encouraged to think creatively about your initial posts and build upon the points made by your peers. It is also important to review the module resources and read the prompts in their entirety before participating in the discussion.

Discussing challenges that face our world often means investigating opinions and ideas different from your own. Remember to remain thoughtful and respectful towards your peers and instructor in your discussion post and replies.

Create one initial post and follow up with at least two response posts. 

For your initial post, address the following: 

  1. Choose a case study from the “Ethics Case Studies” resource, which is located in the module resources section. Share a link to your chosen case study so your peers and instructor can view it.
  2. Briefly describe the ethical issue, challenge, or dilemma in the case study.
  3. Each case study presents a question. Answer the question and support your response with details from the case and/or course resources.

For your response posts, address the following: 

  1. Select two peers and review their case study analysis. What other perspectives might you offer regarding the case study? How might you interpret the case in another way or answer the question differently?
  2. Discuss whether we should hold advertisers, journalists, and social scientists to different ethical standards. For example, should social scientists follow stricter ethical guidelines than advertisers?

Remember, this assignment is graded on the quality of your initial post and at least two response posts to your classmates. If you refer to any sources, be sure to include an attribution (or citation) to the resource.

To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric.

Step-By-Step Guide on SCS 100 5-1 Discussion: Ethics in Advertising and Media

Introduction to SCS 100 5-1 Discussion

This Owlisdom How-To Guide is designed to assist students in effectively analyzing and discussing ethics case studies, particularly in advertising, journalism, and social sciences. The SCS 100 5-1 Discussion: Ethics in Advertising and Media identifies ethical dilemmas and articulates reasoned arguments in response to these challenges.

Note that I am choosing the Naming Victims of Sex Crimes. (SPJ, n.d.) From the Ethics Case Study.

Choose a case study from the “Ethics Case Studies” resource in the module resources section. Please share a link to your chosen case study so your peers and instructor can view it.

Selecting a Case Study

To start the SCS 100 5-1 Discussion: Ethics in Advertising and Media, we first must choose a case study from Ethics Case Studies

  • Explore the “Ethics Case Studies” resource linked above. 
  • Select a case that resonates with your interests or field of study. 
  • Share the specific case study link in your assignment submission to ensure accessibility for peers and instructors.


For my assignment, I have selected a case from the Naming Victims of Sex Crimes. (SPJ, n.d.). This case resonates with my interest in media ethics, particularly how ethical considerations in journalism evolve with societal changes. The study prompts reflection on the evolving definition of liberal arts, highlighting its expansion beyond classical studies to include modern interdisciplinary approaches influenced by increased societal awareness and technological integration.

Briefly describe the case study’s ethical issue, challenge, or dilemma.

Describing the Ethical Issue

This section of SCS 100 5-1 Discussion: Ethics in Advertising and Media will briefly discuss the ethical issues mentioned in the selected case study.

  • Summarize the central ethical dilemma presented in the case study. 
  • Keep your description concise yet thorough enough to capture the essence of the ethical issues involved.


The ethical dilemma in the case study revolves around the journalist’s responsibility to maintain objectivity and balance when reporting on politically sensitive issues. The core issue is whether journalists should prioritize delivering balanced viewpoints or give more weight to expert opinions that might lean towards one side of the debate (Merkley, 2020). This challenge reflects the broader ethical concern in journalism about achieving true neutrality, especially in divisive topics yet significant to public understanding. As the liberal arts field broadens to encompass a broader range of disciplines and perspectives, the journalist’s role evolves, requiring a deeper understanding of diverse viewpoints and the impact of their reporting on public discourse and perception (Whipple, 2023).

Each case study presents a question. Answer the question and support your response with details from the case and course resources. Question: Should children who are thought to be the victims of sexual abuse ever be named in the media? What should be done about the continued use of names of kidnap victims who are later found to be sexual assault victims? Should the use of their names be discontinued at that point?

Answering Case Study Questions

Next, in SCS 100 5-1 Discussion: Ethics in Advertising and Media. We will answer the question given in the selected case study.

  • Read the question at the end of the case study carefully. 
  • Formulate your answer based on evidence from the case and relevant course resources. 
  • Support your arguments with clear examples and references.


Children who are victims of sexual abuse should not be named in the media to protect their privacy and prevent further trauma. The Society of Professional Journalists’ Code of Ethics advises avoiding identifying juvenile victims of sex crimes (Döring & Walter, 2020). Similarly, once kidnap victims are found to be sexual assault victims, the use of their names should be discontinued to respect their dignity and aid in their recovery. This approach aligns with evolving ethical standards prioritizing individuals’ well-being and rights, reflecting a more profound understanding within the liberal arts of the societal implications of information dissemination and the media’s role in shaping public perception and individual lives.

Select two peers and review their case study analysis. What other perspectives might you offer regarding the case study? How might you interpret the case in another way or answer the question differently? Discuss whether we should hold advertisers, journalists, and social scientists to different ethical standards. For example, should social scientists follow stricter ethical guidelines than advertisers?

Peer Responses

Responding to peers is one of the vital parts of the SCS 100 5-1 Discussion: Ethics in Advertising and Media posts. We need to provide at least two peer responses. I will provide one example post. You can write your peer responses by keeping the below points in mind.

  • Review the analyses provided by two of your peers. 
  • Offer alternative perspectives or interpretations that might differ from their analyses. 
  • Suggest other ways the ethical question could be answered.

Response 01

Excellent analysis of the ethical dilemma in your chosen case study. While I agree with most of your points, considering the broader societal impact might offer another layer of insight. Also, regarding ethical standards, I think that while all professions should maintain high moral standards, social scientists have a particular responsibility, given their direct influence on human subjects and societal norms.


The SCS 100 5-1 Discussion: Ethics in Advertising and Media enhances your ability to critically analyze ethical dilemmas in professional contexts. This How-To Guide helps improve your ethical reasoning skills and prepares you to engage thoughtfully in discussions about professional conduct across various fields. In the next module of  SCS-100, we will explore the 5-2 Activity: Finalizing Your Research Question


Döring, N., & Walter, R. (2020). Media Coverage of Child Sexual Abuse: A Framework of Issue-Specific Quality Criteria. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 29(4), 393–412. https://doi.org/10.1080/10538712.2019.1675841 

Merkley, E. (2020). Are Experts (News)Worthy? Balance, Conflict, and Mass Media Coverage of Expert Consensus. Political Communication, 37(4), 530–549. https://doi.org/10.1080/10584609.2020.1713269 

SPJ. (n.d.). Ethics Case Studies—Society of Professional Journalists. Retrieved April 17, 2024, from https://www.spj.org/ecs11.asp 

Whipple, K. (2023). Contextualizing the Art and the Artist: How U.S. Arts and Culture Journalists Perceive the Impact of Cancel Culture Practices and Discourses. Journalism Practice, 0(0), 1–19. https://doi.org/10.1080/17512786.2023.2180653 

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