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MGMT 415 Module 1 Discussion: Personal Experiences with the Six Aims

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Instructions of MGMT 415 Module 1 Discussion

Personal Experiences with the Six Aims Discussion

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In this discussion, you will consider an experience that you, a family member, or a friend has had with healthcare in light of the six aims of healthcare quality. 

Discussion Directions

In your initial post,

  • Briefly describe the healthcare encounter. (Comply with HIPAA privacy laws by not revealing personally identifiable information.) 
  • Compare the experience with each of the six aims of healthcare.
  • Explain how care quality could have been improved based on what you have learned about the six aims of healthcare.

Your initial post is due by the discussion due date. 

Peer Responses

Respond to two peers before the discussion closing date (see the Canvas calendar). Peer responses must further the discussion. For example, you may think of additional ways that their experience could relate to the six aims of healthcare. You could also discuss the merits of their ideas for improvement or offer ideas they may not have considered. 

To view the rubric for a discussion in Canvas, click the dropdown menu (three vertical dots near the discussion title) and select “Show Rubric.”

Step-By-Step Guide MGMT 415 Module 1 Discussion: Personal Experiences with the Six Aims

Introduction to MGTM 415 Module One Discussion

This How-To MGMT 415 guide provides a step-by-step approach to analyzing a healthcare experience in light of the six aims of healthcare quality: safety, effectiveness, patient-centeredness, timeliness, efficiency, and equity. You will learn how to describe a healthcare encounter while maintaining privacy, compare the experience against the six aims, suggest improvements, and engage in peer discussions to deepen the analysis.

Briefly describe the healthcare encounter. (Comply with HIPAA privacy laws by not revealing personally identifiable information.)

Describing the Healthcare Encounter

To start the MGMT 415 Module 1 Discussion: Personal Experiences with the Six Aims, we will discuss describing the healthcare encounter.

  • Avoid using names, specific dates, or locations.
  • Generalize details that might identify individuals (e.g., “a relative” instead of “my grandmother”).
  • Begin with the context: briefly explain the situation and the type of care received.
  • Highlight key aspects of the encounter: what happened, the interactions with healthcare professionals, and the outcome.

Compare the experience with each of the six aims of healthcare.

Comparing the Experience with the Six Aims of Healthcare

For this section of the MGMT 415 Module 1 Discussion: Personal Experiences with the Six Aims, we will, for each aim, provide a brief comparison of how the healthcare experience is measured.


  • Assess whether the care provided avoided harm to the patient.
  • Consider if there were any safety protocols in place and if they were followed.


  • Evaluate if the care delivered was based on scientific knowledge and evidence.
  • Reflect on the outcomes: did the treatment achieve its intended results?


  • Determine if the care respected the patient’s preferences, needs, and values.
  • Note any efforts made to involve the patient in decision-making.


  • Assess if the care was provided promptly.
  • Identify any delays in treatment or long waiting times.


  • Consider how well resources were used in providing care.
  • Look for signs of waste or duplication of services.


  • Evaluate if the care was provided fairly and without bias.
  • Reflect on whether all individuals had equal access to the care needed.

Explain how care quality could have been improved based on what you have learned about the six aims of healthcare.

Explaining Improvements Based on Six Aims

Here, we will explain the improvements based on the Six Aims.

  • Compare your experience against each aim to identify areas where the care fell short.
  • Provide practical recommendations for how care could have been better aligned with the six aims.
  • Use evidence from your learning to support your suggestions.

Respond to two peers before the discussion closing date (see the Canvas calendar). Peer responses must further the discussion. For example, you may think of additional ways that their experience could relate to the six aims of healthcare. You could also discuss the merits of their ideas for improvement or offer ideas they may not have considered.

Peer Responses

According to the instructions of MGMT 415 Module 1 Discussion: Personal Experiences with the Six Aims, we are supposed to write two peer responses. I have addressed the given instructions in one response. Following these instructions, you can write your peer responses to Module 1 Discussion without a hassle.

  • Read your peers’ descriptions and analyses carefully.
  • Think critically about how their experiences relate to the six aims.
  • Assess the merits of their improvement ideas.
  • Offer constructive feedback on their analyses.
  • Suggest additional ways their healthcare experiences could be improved.

Response 01

Your detailed analysis of the healthcare encounter is insightful. To further improve patient-centeredness, consider implementing post-visit patient feedback surveys to tailor future care. Additionally, enhancing timeliness by adopting telemedicine for initial consultations can reduce ER wait times. Your suggestion for continuous training on medical advancements is crucial for maintaining effectiveness.

Response 02

Responding to peers is one of the vital parts of the MGMT 415 1-1 Discussion posts. We need to provide at least two peer responses. I will provide one example post. You can write your peer responses by keeping the above points in mind.


By following this How-To Owlisdom Guide, you will be able to critically analyze healthcare experiences and provide well-supported recommendations for improving care quality based on the six aims of healthcare. Engaging in peer discussions will further enhance your understanding and contribute to a richer learning experience.

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