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MGMT 415 Module 2 Discussion: Patient-Centered Care Discussion

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Instructions of MGMT 415 Module 2 Discussion

Readings and Videos for Module 2

Use the readings and videos to help you prepare for the assignments in this module. This week’s lesson material will help you identify sources of healthcare errors, develop quality improvement recommendations based on healthcare quality indicators, and analyze healthcare scenarios to determine healthcare quality impacts.


Errors in Healthcare: A Leading Cause of Death and InjuryLinks to an external site.

Why Do Errors Happen?Links to an external site.

To Err is Human: A report from the Institute of MedicineLinks to an external site.


To Err is Human: Medical Errors – 5 min https://youtu.be/hSG78X_8mv0 

The future of patient-centered care: Dave Moen at TEDxUMN – 22 min https://youtu.be/hUsyuloD198 


Patient-Centered Care Discussion

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In the TED Talk video in this module, Dr. David Moen states “Most of what we needed to fix inside the system has to do with us…recognizing the role patients need to play people, the role we need to play, and the nuance between telling people what to do and engaging them in a real conversation, which is something I wasn’t taught.” Students will reflect on this quotation and patient-centered care in this discussion.

Discussion Directions

In your initial post,

  • Explain the errors in Dr. Moen’s original approach to healthcare.
  • Determine what may have caused the flaws in Dr. Moen’s thinking.
  • Discuss the obvious and subtle quality issues that arose because Dr. Moen did not fully understand his patient’s circumstances.
  • At the end of the video, Moen talks about redefining health. Summarize what Dr. Moen says into your own words and elaborate on why a new approach to health is needed, especially from the patient perspective.

Your initial post is due by the discussion due date. 

Peer Responses

Respond to two peers before the discussion closing date (see the Canvas calendar). Peer responses must further the discussion. One emphasis of Dr. Moen’s talk is that he was unprepared to practice patient-centered care. A good way to advance this discussion is to explain how the lessons from your peer’s post could be integrated into healthcare education. 

To view the rubric for a discussion in Canvas, click the dropdown menu (three vertical dots near the discussion title) and select “Show Rubric.”

Step-By-Step Guide MGMT 415 Module 2 Discussion: Patient-Centered Care Discussion

Introduction to MGTM 415 Module Two Discussion

The MGMT 415 Module 2 Discussion: Patient-Centered Care Discussion is designed to help you analyze healthcare quality and the importance of patient-centered care, based on Dr. David Moen’s TED Talk. You will reflect on errors in healthcare delivery, identify the causes of these errors, discuss quality issues, and consider the necessity of redefining health from a patient perspective. This How-To MGMT 415 Guide will provide clear, concise instructions to help you effectively complete each part of your assignment.

Explain the errors in Dr. Moen’s original approach to healthcare.

Identifying Errors in Dr. Moen’s Approach

  • Watch the TED Talk: Consider Dr. Moen’s reflections on his past practices.
  • List the Errors: Identify specific actions or attitudes Dr. Moen admits were mistakes.
  • Use Evidence: Support your identification of errors with direct quotes or specific examples from the video.


Dr. David Moen’s TED Talk offers an insightful reflection on his past healthcare practices, highlighting critical errors and the need for a patient-centered approach.

In his talk, Dr. Moen candidly discusses his mistakes in his earlier years. He acknowledges that his approach was often overly prescriptive, telling patients what to do rather than engaging them in meaningful conversations about their health. For example, Dr. Moen notes, “I thought I knew what was best for my patients, without really listening to their concerns and preferences.” This highlights a significant error: the lack of patient involvement in care decisions.

Determine what may have caused the flaws in Dr. Moen’s thinking.

Determining Causes of Flaws

  • Analyze the Context: Consider the healthcare system and cultural context in which Dr. Moen worked.
  • Reflect on Biases: Consider potential biases or knowledge gaps that may have influenced his approach.
  • Discuss Factors: Write about how systemic issues, lack of training, or personal beliefs may have caused these flaws.


Several factors contributed to the flaws in Dr. Moen’s thinking. The healthcare system at the time emphasized efficiency and standardization, often at the expense of personalized care—additionally, cultural norms within the medical community value physician authority over patient collaboration. Dr. Moen’s biases and lack of training in patient-centered care further exacerbated these issues. He admits, “I wasn’t taught how to have real conversations with patients, and this gap in my training affected my practice.”

Discuss the obvious and subtle quality issues that arose because Dr. Moen did not fully understand his patient’s circumstances.

Analyzing Quality Issues

  • Identify Clear Issues: Point out the most apparent problems in Dr. Moen’s practice, such as poor patient communication or failure to engage patients.
  • Use Examples: Provide specific instances from the video to illustrate these issues.
  • Explain Impact: Describe how these issues directly affected patient care and outcomes.
  • Look Deeper: Consider more nuanced problems, such as underlying assumptions about patient behavior or unspoken biases.
  • Provide Insights: Explain how these subtle issues can significantly impact healthcare quality.
  • Support with Evidence: Use video examples to support your points.


Dr. Moen’s approach led to both evident and subtle quality issues. The most apparent problems included poor communication and a failure to engage patients in their care plans. This resulted in lower patient satisfaction and treatment adherence. For instance, he recalls cases in which patients did not follow medical advice because they did not feel understood or valued. More nuanced issues involved unspoken biases and assumptions about patient behavior. These subtle issues, such as assuming non-compliance was due to laziness rather than barriers like cost or access, further compromised care quality. These examples from the video illustrate the importance of looking beyond surface-level interactions.

At the end of the video, Moen talks about redefining health. Summarize what Dr. Moen says in your own words and elaborate on why a new approach to health is needed, especially from the patient’s perspective.

Redefining Health

  • Watch the End of the Video: Focus on Dr. Moen’s thoughts on redefining health.
  • Summarize Key Points: Write a concise summary of his ideas in your own words.
  • Highlight Changes: Emphasize the changes he suggests for a more holistic approach to health.
  • Discuss Patient Perspective: Explain why a new approach is crucial from the patient’s viewpoint.
  • Connect to Patient-Centered Care: Relate Dr. Moen’s ideas to the principles of patient-centered care.
  • Use Examples: Provide practical examples of how a new approach can improve healthcare outcomes.


At the end of his talk, Dr. Moen proposes a shift towards a more holistic approach to health. He advocates redefining health to encompass the absence of disease and overall well-being, including mental and social factors. Dr. Moen emphasizes the need for genuine conversations with patients to understand their unique circumstances and needs. This approach aligns with the principles of patient-centered care, which prioritize patient engagement and collaboration. By truly listening to patients and addressing their broader life context, healthcare providers can significantly improve outcomes and satisfaction. For example, implementing shared decision-making models and personalized care plans can lead to better adherence and health outcomes.

Respond to two peers before the discussion closing date (see the Canvas calendar). Peer responses must further the discussion. One emphasis of Dr. Moen’s talk is that he was unprepared to practice patient-centered care. An excellent way to advance this discussion is to explain how the lessons from your peer’s post could be integrated into healthcare education.

Peer Responses

According to MGMT 415 Module 2 Discussion: Patient-Centered Care Discussion instructions, we are supposed to write two peer responses. I have addressed the given instructions in one response. Following these instructions, you can write your peer responses to Module 2 Discussion without a hassle.

  • Read Peers’ Posts: Carefully read the discussion posts of two peers.
  • Identify Key Points: Highlight aspects of their analysis that resonate with you or provide a new perspective.
  • Ask Questions: Pose thoughtful questions that encourage further reflection and discussion.
  • Link to Education: Explain how the insights from your peer’s posts can be incorporated into healthcare training programs.
  • Provide Suggestions: Offer concrete suggestions for educational practices or curriculum changes.
  • Support with Evidence: Use examples from the video or your research to support your suggestions.

Response 01

Hey Max, great post! Your analysis of Dr. Moen’s errors and the need for patient-centered care is insightful. One key point that resonates with me is the emphasis on engaging patients in meaningful conversations. How do you think healthcare education can better incorporate training on patient communication skills? Integrating simulation-based learning and role-playing exercises into the curriculum could help future healthcare professionals practice and refine these skills. Ongoing cultural competency and empathy workshops can further enhance patient-centered care practices.

Response 02

Responding to peers is one vital part of the NURS 6501-N 45 discussion posts. We need to provide at least two peer responses. I will provide one example post. You can write your peer responses keeping the above points in mind.


In the MGMT 415 Module 2 Discussion: Patient-Centered Care Discussion, you have explored the complexities of healthcare quality and the importance of patient-centered care through Dr. David Moen’s experiences. Reflecting on healthcare errors, identifying quality issues, and redefining health from a patient perspective provide valuable insights into improving healthcare practices. Following this How-To Owlisdom Guide, you can further enhance your understanding and contribute to a more holistic and empathetic approach to healthcare.

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