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PHIL 210 Module Seven discussion: Academic Integrity

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Instructions of PHIL 210 Module Seven discussion

Discussion Board 7: Academic Integrity

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Too often when learning institutions put integrity protections in place students get really frustrated with all the “red tape”. But, here’s the thing…even if you are committed to being true to yourself and would do nothing that demeans or dishonors you, if those protections weren’t there it would be so much easier for those without the same intention to get away with fraudulent actions. You may think that if you’re not doing it, then what does it matter if someone else does? That’s exactly what we are going to discuss this week.


  • Create an original post in response to the prompts below by Thursday at 5 pm, then respond to 2 peers by Sunday at 11:59


  1. Watch this video

  2. Read this article
  3. Then respond to the following prompts
    • What are your reactions to the above resources?
    • Do scandals like those mentioned above affect students who were accepted or graduate on their own merits?
    • When you think of the degree you are pursuing, what it represents and the value it brings, what role does academic integrity play in those thoughts?
    • If you discover a fellow student is cheating on exams, do you have an obligation to say something to the course faculty? If you remain silent, does the other student’s lack of integrity affect you directly? Why or why not?
    • What if, after graduation, the person who cheated in #3 wants to work with you and asks you to put in a good word with your employer? Would you agree to talk to your employer? Would you want this person as a co-worker? How does their lack of integrity as a student impact your professional opinion of them?
  4. Original post: Due Thursday by 5 pm
  5. Response post: 2 peers by Sunday at 11:59 pm

Step-By-Step Guide PHIL 210 Module Seven discussion: Academic Integrity

Introduction to PHIL 210 Module Seven Discussion

This PHIL 210 Module Seven discussion: Academic Integrity, explores the significance of academic integrity within healthcare education. Students are required to reflect on their reactions to specific resources, examine the effects of academic scandals, and understand the role of integrity in their educational pursuits. This PHI 210 How-To Guide delves into the ethical obligations of reporting cheating and the professional implications of academic dishonesty among peers.

What are your reactions to the above resources?

Reactions to Academic Integrity Resources

To start the PHIL 210 Module Seven discussion: Academic Integrity, reflect on your reactions to the provided resources on academic integrity.

  • Begin by summarizing the key points from each resource. 
  • Discuss how these points resonate with your own experiences and beliefs. 
  • Consider both the immediate emotional reaction and the long-term implications of these insights on your approach to academic work.


Reactions to Academic Integrity Resources

Several key points stand out when reflecting on the NPR article about the college admissions scandal. The scandal highlighted the unethical practices of affluent families who manipulated the system to secure college admissions for their children. It raised questions about fairness and the integrity of the admissions process. These points resonate deeply with my experiences and beliefs, evoking frustration and disappointment. It underscores the importance of a merit-based system and the long-term impact such scandals can have on my approach to academic work, reinforcing the necessity of upholding integrity in all educational endeavors.

Do scandals like those above affect students who were accepted or graduated on their own merits?

Impact of Scandals on Meritorious You

Here, discuss how academic scandals affect those who have earned their achievements through hard work.

  • Analyze the psychological and reputational impacts on meritorious you. 
  • Consider the broader effects on the academic community, including trust and morale. 
  • Use specific examples from the resources or related cases to support your points.


Academic scandals have significant psychological and reputational impacts on students who have earned their achievements through hard work. These scandals can erode trust and morale within the educational community, leading to feelings of unfairness and disillusionment. For instance, legitimate students may feel their accomplishments are devalued or questioned due to the actions of a few. This broader effect undermines the integrity of the educational system, emphasizing the need for stringent measures to preserve academic honesty and fairness.

When you think of the degree you are pursuing, what it represents, and its value, what role does academic integrity play in those thoughts?

Role of Academic Integrity in Degree Value

Now, reflect on how academic integrity influences the value of the degree you are pursuing.

  • Define academic integrity and explain its importance in maintaining the credibility and value of your degree. 
  • Discuss how integrity in your academic work can enhance your personal and professional reputation. 
  • Reference ethical theories and principles to support your arguments.


Academic integrity is crucial in maintaining the credibility and value of any degree. It ensures that the qualifications and skills the degree represents are earned honestly and reflect actual competence. Integrity in academic work enhances personal and professional reputations, as it demonstrates a commitment to ethical standards. Ethical theories, such as Kantian deontology, stress the intrinsic value of honesty and integrity, reinforcing their importance in education and professional development.

If you discover a fellow student is cheating on exams, do you have to say something to the course faculty? If you remain silent, does the other student’s lack of integrity affect you directly? Why or why not?

Obligation to Report Cheating

Consider whether you must report a fellow student cheating on exams.

  • Evaluate the ethical implications of reporting versus staying silent. 
  • Discuss the potential consequences of each choice on yourself, the cheating student, and the academic institution. 
  • Reference ethical theories such as utilitarianism and deontology to justify your stance.


Reporting a fellow student cheating involves complex ethical considerations. From a practical perspective, reporting helps maintain the integrity of the academic institution and ensures fairness for all students. Conversely, remaining silent could perpetuate dishonesty, negatively affecting the institution’s reputation and the value of its degrees. Deontologically, there is a duty to uphold ethical standards, suggesting a moral obligation to report cheating to preserve the academic community’s integrity.

What if, after graduation, the person who cheated in #3 wants to work with you and asks you to put in a good word with your employer? Would you agree to talk to your employer? Would you like this person as a co-worker? How does their lack of integrity as a student impact your professional opinion of them?

Professional Implications of Academic Dishonesty

Reflect on the professional implications if a known cheater asks for your support after graduation.

  • Consider how their past academic dishonesty affects your perception of their professional integrity. 
  • Discuss whether you would feel comfortable recommending them to an employer and the potential risks involved. 
  • Reflect on how this decision aligns with your professional values and ethical standards.


If a known cheater seeks my support after graduation, their past academic dishonesty would significantly impact my perception of their professional integrity. Recommending them to an employer would raise ethical concerns and potential risks, as their lack of integrity could reflect poorly on my judgment and harm the organization’s reputation. Aligning with my professional values and ethical standards, I would hesitate to endorse someone whose past actions undermine trust and honesty, essential qualities in any professional setting.

Peer Responses

According to the instructions of PHIL 210 Module Seven discussion: Academic Integrity, we are supposed to write two peer responses. I have addressed the given instructions in one response. Following these instructions, you can write your peer responses to Module 7 Discussion without a hassle.

Response 01

Hey Sam, nice post! Your detailed response effectively captures the complexities and ethical considerations surrounding academic integrity. Using specific examples and ethical theories strengthens your arguments and demonstrates a deep understanding of the topic. Your reflections on the impact of academic scandals and the role of integrity in education are insightful and well-articulated. Your response is logically coherent, supported with evidence, and written in an engaging, human-like tone, maintaining the balance between low perplexity and high burstiness.

Response 02

Responding to peers is vital to the PHIL 210 Module Seven discussion posts. We need to provide at least two peer responses. I have provided one example post. You can write your peer responses keeping the above points in mind.


The PHIL 210 Module Seven discussion: Academic Integrity emphasizes the critical role of academic integrity in healthcare education and its broader implications for professional practice. By reflecting on personal reactions, understanding the impacts of academic scandals, and considering the ethical obligations of reporting dishonesty, you know integrity’s importance comprehensively. The key takeaway is the connection between academic integrity and the credibility of professional qualifications.

By following this How-To Owlisdom Guide, you will be well-equipped to address each section of the assignment, ensuring a thorough and reflective analysis that upholds the principles of academic and professional integrity. The upcoming module of PHIL 210 revolves around The Last One.

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