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CMRJ-525 Week 8 Final Exam

Here you can read our Ultimate free detailed guide on the CMRJ-525 Week 8 Final Exam.

Instructions of CMRJ-525 Week 8


I have opted to make this an un-timed exam. That said, please remember that this is a graduate-level “essay” exam and I will be looking for well-supported views, and critical thought.

As always, opinion alone is not enough.

Note: A “0” will automatically show once you submit the exam for gradingThe “0” is only a grade holder till the essay questions are hand-scored, i.e., it will change once the exam has been graded, so please don’t be alarmed when you first see a “0”. 

Responses should be at least 500 words each (not counting sources and references) and each should have at least 2 different sources properly cited in accordance with APA.

Again, content and critical thought are key here, but graduate-level writing ability and meeting minimum requirements for length and sources are also included in the overall grade.

Each of the 4 questions is worth 25 points (the exam is worth 25% of your final grade in this course). Points will be given based on the exam essay rubric in the syllabus

This exam covers all the material and readings assigned between Weeks 1 and 8.
Your exam is due Sunday, 11:55 PM EST. Each essay needs to be 500 words, with APA 7th ed citations and references. Do Not Use MLA or any other form of referencing.

Definitions and possible grades for each category of the rubric are provided below:

Formal Written Assignment Final Paper Rubrics CJ Matrix


Quiz Details

Current Time


7:17 AM


Current User


Anthony Davis (username: 4114687)

Time Limit


No time limit (estimated time required: 240 minutes)



Due on May 26, 2024 11:59 PM
Available on Apr 28, 2024 12:05 AM

Step-By-Step Guide on CMRJ-525 Week 8 Final Exam

Introduction of CMRJ-525 Week 8 Final Exam

The CMRJ-525 Week 8 Final Exam Guide by Owlisdom is designed to help you navigate and excel in your CMRJ-525 final exam. This un-timed, graduate-level essay exam requires well-supported views and critical thought. Each response should be at least 500 words and include at least two sources cited in APA format. The exam covers Weeks 1 to 8 material and constitutes 25% of your final grade.

This exam covers all the material and readings assigned between Weeks 1 and 8. Each essay must be 500 words and include APA 7th-ed citations and references.

Understanding the Exam Structure 

We will understand the exam structure in this section of the CMRJ-525 Week 8 Final Exam.

  • Understand the structure, which includes four essay questions worth 25 points each.
  • Familiarize yourself with the exam format and rubric. Each question requires a 500-word response with at least two sources cited in APA format.
  • Importance of Content and Critical Thought: Emphasize the need for well-supported views and critical analysis.
  • Focus on demonstrating a deep understanding and analysis of the topics. Opinion alone is not enough; back up your views with evidence.

This exam covers all the material and readings assigned between Weeks 1 and 8.


  • Review Material and Readings: Revisit all readings and notes from Weeks 1 to 8.
  • Systematically review course materials and highlight key concepts and themes. Summarize essential points from each week.
  • Organize Notes and Resources: Compile all your notes and resources efficiently.
  • Create an organized system for your notes, such as folders or digital documents. Ensure all materials are easy to access during the exam.

Each essay needs 500 words, with APA 7th ed citations and references.

Writing the Essays 

  • Directly address each question with clarity and precision.
  • Read each question carefully and ensure you understand it before writing. Structure your response to address all parts of the question.
  • Incorporating Critical Thought: Provide in-depth analysis and critical perspectives.
  • Go beyond surface-level responses. Analyze the implications, provide examples, and critically assess different viewpoints.
  • Citing Sources Properly: Use at least two sources per essay, cited in APA format.
  • Integrate sources smoothly into your essays. Ensure all citations and references follow APA 7th edition guidelines.

Responses should be at least 500 words each (not counting sources and references), and each should have at least two different sources properly cited by APA.

Formatting and Style 

We will understand the formatting and style in this section of the CMRJ-525 Week 8 Final Exam.

  • Adhere to APA 7th edition formatting rules.
  • Format your document according to APA standards, including title page, headers, in-text citations, and reference list.
  • Graduate-Level Writing: Ensure your writing meets graduate-level standards.
  • Write concisely and formally. Avoid colloquial language and ensure your arguments are logically structured and well-supported.

Submit the exam for grading by the due date. 

Review and Submission 

We will understand the review and submission in this CMRJ-525 Week 8 Final Exam section.

  • Carefully review your essays for errors and clarity.
  • Proofread each essay multiple times. Check for grammatical errors, proper citation, and overall coherence.
  • Submission Process: Submit your exam by the deadline.
  • Ensure your exam is complete and formatted correctly. Submit it through the designated platform before the deadline.
  • Verify APA formatting for in-text citations and references


The CMRJ-525 Week 8 Final Exam requires thorough preparation, critical thinking, and adherence to APA formatting. You can excel in this exam by systematically reviewing course materials, organizing your resources, and carefully crafting your essays. The key takeaway is combining content knowledge with critical analysis and proper academic writing to achieve a high score. You can also read CMRJ-525 complete modules to ace the course!

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