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Explore our Ultimate FREE detailed guide on the PSY-4600 5-2 Project – Literature Review On Owlisdom.

Instructions of PSY-4600 5-2 Project

Week 5 Final Project


 Due July 1 at 11:59 PM


This final project assignment is associated with the non-completion failure (NCF) grade. Failure to complete this assignment will result in the issuance of a grade of NCF if the course average would result in a failing grade in the course. Students should contact their Academic Counselor or Program Director if they have any questions regarding the NCF grade and its implications.

Supporting Lectures:

In Week 3, you conducted an annotated bibliography based on the topic you chose. For this week, you will take that information and incorporate it into a final paper.

  • The final paper will begin with an introduction of the topic you chose, using what you learned from the course to support your writing.
  • The next section will be the literature review. The literature review is taking what you wrote for Week 3 Project with editing to fit into the essay (i.e., paragraph) format. Remember, the article references are now moved from the top of each article to the reference page.
    • Please remember that all journal articles selected must relate to the course and must be relevant to anxiety and/or mood disorders. For example, if you choose suicide as the topic for your position paper and annotated bibliography, the selected journal articles must relate to suicide and anxiety and/or mood disorders. It is not sufficient to merely discuss suicide in general. You must link suicide with an analysis of anxiety and/or mood disorders. If you choose to discuss comorbidity, your journal articles and analysis must relate back to anxiety and/or mood disorders. It is not sufficient to analyze comorbidity in general. The journal articles and analysis must be relevant to the course, anxiety and/or mood disorders
  • The next section will be the conclusion. The conclusion is basically a synthesis of what you learned from the literature review on your topic. What should also be included is what you learned throughout the course as it relates to your topic.
  • Finally, there is the reference page. Make sure to follow APA format for all references.

Your paper should adhere to the following guidelines:

For the main sections, it should have:

  • A title page
  • An abstract (not more than 250 words)
  • An introduction (the introduction not to be included as a heading)
  • A literature review
  • Conclusions
  • References

Submission Details:

  • Save your file as SU_PSY4600_W5_Project_LastName_FirstName.

By the due date assigned, submit it to the Submissions Area.

Step-By-Step Guide PSY-4600 5-2 Project – Literature Review


This Owlisdom assignment of PSY-4600 5-2 Project – Literature Review requires you to synthesize information from your Week 3 annotated bibliography into a comprehensive paper on the management of comorbid substance use and mood or anxiety disorders. You will provide an introduction to the topic, incorporate a detailed literature review, and conclude with a synthesis of your findings and what you have learned throughout the course.

The final paper will begin with an introduction of the topic you chose, using what you learned from the course to support your writing.


In this section of PSY-4600 5-2 Project – Literature Review, we will Introduce the topic.
  • Introduce the topic of comorbidity between substance use disorders (SUDs) and mood or anxiety disorders.


Comorbidity, the simultaneous presence of two or more disorders in an individual, is a critical concern in mental health research and clinical practice. Specifically, the coexistence of substance use disorders (SUDs) with mood and anxiety disorders presents unique challenges in diagnosis, treatment, and management. These comorbidities often lead to more severe clinical presentations, poorer treatment outcomes, and higher rates of relapse, making effective management a complex task. Understanding the intricate interactions between these conditions is essential for developing integrated treatment approaches that address the multifaceted needs of individuals with dual diagnoses. This paper explores the prevalence, impact, and treatment strategies for comorbid SUDs and mood or anxiety disorders, drawing on recent research to highlight the importance of comprehensive and personalized care models. The thesis of this paper is that integrated treatment approaches are crucial for effectively managing comorbid substance use and mood or anxiety disorders, and ongoing research is needed to refine these strategies.

The next section will be the literature review. The literature review is taking what you wrote for Week 3 Project with editing to fit into the essay (i.e., paragraph) format.


In this section of PSY-4600 5-2 Project – Literature Review, we will Explore Literature Review.
    • Summarize and analyze the key findings from the articles you reviewed in Week 3.

    Comorbidity and Treatment Outcomes

    • Discuss the findings of Davis et al. (2023) regarding treatment outcomes in patients with psychiatric comorbidities undergoing detoxification.


    The study by Davis et al. (2023) analyzed 456 cases of patients undergoing short-term inpatient detoxification for substance misuse in Sydney, Australia, focusing on the role of psychiatric comorbidities in treatment outcomes. Despite high rates of psychiatric conditions like depression, PTSD, anxiety, and bipolar affective disorders among the patients, the findings suggested that such comorbidities did not significantly influence the primary treatment outcomes, such as length of stay, discharge against medical advice, and readmission rates. Instead, medication non-compliance and the type of substance misuse were more significant predictors of extended hospital stays and increased likelihood of discharge against medical advice. The study challenges traditional expectations about the impact of psychiatric comorbidities on substance misuse treatment and underscores the need for targeted research to better understand and manage these dual diagnoses (Davis et al., 2023).

    Further analysis reveals that the complexity of managing dual diagnoses often leads to discrepancies in treatment adherence, particularly among patients with severe psychiatric symptoms. The heterogeneity in patient responses necessitates a tailored approach, considering individual patient histories and the specific interactions between the types of substances misused and the psychiatric conditions present. The nuanced understanding can inform more effective treatment protocols and improve patient outcomes.

    Diagnostic and Treatment Challenges

    In this section of PSY-4600 5-2 Project – Literature Review, we will Explore Diagnostic and Treatment Challenges.
      • Summarize Bahji (2024) on the diagnostic and treatment challenges of co-occurring SUDs and psychiatric conditions.


      Bahji (2024) provides a comprehensive review of the co-occurrence of SUDs and psychiatric conditions, emphasizing the diagnostic and treatment challenges these comorbidities present. The narrative review underscores the need for a thorough understanding of the dynamic interactions between SUDs and psychiatric disorders due to their profound implications for clinical practice, research, and policymaking. The review highlights the importance of integrated care models and calls for ongoing research to refine treatment approaches, offering valuable insights for clinicians, researchers, and policymakers. The review stresses the necessity of comprehensive treatment models that address both psychiatric and substance use issues.

      Moreover, the review discusses the diagnostic challenges posed by the overlapping symptoms of SUDs and psychiatric disorders, which can complicate the identification of the primary disorder. The importance of accurate diagnosis is further highlighted by the potential for misdiagnosis to lead to ineffective treatment plans, exacerbating patient outcomes. Enhanced diagnostic criteria and improved training for healthcare professionals are critical steps towards addressing these challenges.

      Integrated Treatment Approaches

      In this section of PSY-4600 5-2 Project – Literature Review, we will Explore Integrated Treatment Approaches.
        • Review Yule and Kelly (2019) on the complexities of treating individuals with co-occurring AUD and mental health conditions.


        The article by Yule and Kelly (2019) delves into the complexities of treating individuals with co-occurring alcohol use disorder (AUD) and mental health conditions (MHCs), stressing the necessity of integrated treatment approaches due to the significant morbidity linked to these comorbidities. The review discusses the heterogeneity among patients and highlights the importance of considering factors such as symptom type, severity, chronicity, and recovery resources when designing treatment plans. It also explores innovative technological solutions to enhance education and treatment delivery for these disorders, acknowledging systemic barriers to providing integrated care across different treatment settings. The insights provided are crucial for advancing the management of comorbid conditions in clinical settings.

        In addition, the article emphasizes the role of patient-centered care in improving treatment adherence and outcomes. By integrating mental health and substance use treatments, healthcare providers can address the full spectrum of patient needs, potentially reducing the high relapse rates observed in comorbid patients. The integration of technology, such as telehealth and mobile health applications, is highlighted as a promising avenue for overcoming logistical barriers and expanding access to comprehensive care.

        Substance-Induced Mood Disorders

        In this section of PSY-4600 5-2 Project – Literature Review, we will expore Substance-Induced Mood Disorders.
          • Summarize Kivlichan et al. (2024) on the differentiation between SIMDs and independent mood disorders with comorbid SUDs.


          Kivlichan et al. (2024) address the understudied topic of Substance-Induced Mood Disorders (SIMDs) by examining existing literature to differentiate between SIMDs and independent mood disorders with comorbid SUDs. The review highlights that while certain risk factors and symptoms for SIMDs were identified, particularly with alcohol and opioids, the findings were inconsistent due to confounding factors and heterogeneity in the studies. The review concludes with a call for further research through well-controlled, experimental, and longitudinal studies to clarify the differences between SIMDs and mood disorders that co-occur with SUDs. The article underscores the complexity of diagnosing and treating dual diagnoses.

          The inconsistencies in findings point to the need for standardized diagnostic criteria and research methodologies. Understanding the distinct pathways through which substances induce mood disorders versus when they coexist with independent mood disorders can lead to more precise treatment strategies. Such differentiation is critical for developing targeted interventions that address the specific needs of individuals with SIMDs, improving overall treatment efficacy.

          Self-Medication Hypothesis

          In this section of PSY-4600 5-2 Project – Literature Review, we will explore Self-Medication Hypothesis.
            • Review Turner et al. (2018) on the prevalence and correlates of self-medication in individuals with mood or anxiety disorders.


            Turner et al. (2018) review the comorbidity of mood and anxiety disorders (MD and AD) with SUDs through the lens of the self-medication hypothesis, which suggests that individuals with MD or AD use substances to manage their symptoms, potentially leading to the development of an independent SUD over time. The review assesses the prevalence and correlates of self-medication (SM) with alcohol and drugs among individuals with MD or AD using cross-sectional and longitudinal data from 22 studies. The findings indicate that 21.9% to 24.1% of individuals with MD or AD engage in SM with alcohol or drugs, with factors such as male sex, younger age, and being Caucasian associated with higher rates of SM. The review advocates for alternative coping strategies to reduce SM and its associated risks, supporting the concurrent treatment model as the “gold standard” (Turner et al., 2018).

            The self-medication hypothesis underscores the importance of addressing underlying psychiatric conditions to prevent the onset of SUD. By identifying specific demographic factors associated with higher SM rates, healthcare providers can develop targeted interventions to reduce reliance on substances for coping with mood and anxiety symptoms. Implementing alternative coping strategies, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy and stress management techniques, can significantly mitigate the risk of developing SUDs among vulnerable populations.

            Bidirectional Relationship Between SUDs and Anxiety Disorders

            • Summarize Goldfield et al. (2024) on the bidirectional relationship between SUDs and anxiety disorders.


            Goldfield et al. (2024) evaluate the relationship between SUDs and anxiety disorders (ADs), investigating whether this relationship is unidirectional or bidirectional. Using PRISMA guidelines and scoping review methodology, 25 articles were analyzed, revealing strong associations between substance use and ADs, particularly with alcohol and cannabis. Preliminary findings suggest a potential bidirectional relationship, where substance use can exacerbate anxiety disorders and vice versa. The study highlights that individuals with comorbid ADs and SUDs experience greater symptom severity, poorer treatment responses, and higher relapse rates compared to those with only one disorder. The review underscores the necessity for integrated treatment approaches to manage these comorbid conditions effectively (Goldfield et al., 2024).

            The identification of bidirectional influences between substance use and anxiety disorders highlights the complexity of these interactions and the need for comprehensive treatment strategies. Effective management of comorbid ADs and SUDs requires addressing both disorders simultaneously, with a focus on reducing symptom severity and improving treatment responses. The approach can lead to better patient outcomes and lower relapse rates, emphasizing the importance of integrated care models.

            The next section will be the conclusion. The conclusion is basically a synthesis of what you learned from the literature review on your topic. What should also be included is what you learned throughout the course as it relates to your topic.


            • Summarize your findings and reflect on what you have learned throughout the course.


            The literature reviewed provides comprehensive insights into the complexities of comorbid substance use and mood or anxiety disorders. The studies highlight the prevalence, diagnostic challenges, and the need for integrated treatment approaches to address these dual diagnoses effectively. Davis et al. (2023) and Bahji (2024) underscore the importance of understanding the dynamic interactions between SUDs and psychiatric disorders, emphasizing the need for comprehensive and personalized treatment plans. Yule and Kelly (2019) and Kivlichan et al. (2024) advocate for the use of precise screening tools and innovative technologies to enhance treatment delivery and address the unique needs of individuals with comorbid conditions. Turner et al. (2018) and Goldfield et al. (2024) emphasize the significance of addressing underlying psychiatric conditions and the potential bidirectional relationship between substance use and anxiety disorders.


            By following these guidelines for PSY-4600 5-2 Project – Literature Review, students can effectively complete the assignment, demonstrating a thorough understanding of the comprehensive management of comorbid substance use and mood or anxiety disorders. You can also read PSY-4600 complete modules to ace the course!


            Bahji, A. (2024). Navigating the Complex Intersection of Substance Use and Psychiatric Disorders: A Comprehensive Review. Journal of Clinical Medicine, 13(4), 999. https://doi.org/10.3390/jcm13040999 

            Davis, A., McMaster, P., Christie, D. C., Yang, A., Kruk, J. S., & Fisher, K. A. (2023). Psychiatric Comorbidities of Substance Use Disorders: Does Dual Diagnosis Predict Inpatient Detoxification Treatment Outcomes? International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 21(6), 3785–3799. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11469-022-00821-1 

            Goldfield, D., Zhang, M., & George, T. P. (2024). Substance Use and Anxiety Disorders: A Scoping Review. Current Addiction Reports, 11(2), 352–370. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40429-024-00541-7 

            Kivlichan, A. E., Praecht, A., Wang, C., & George, T. P. (2024). Substance-Induced Mood Disorders: A Scoping Review. Current Addiction Reports, 11(1), 1–18. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40429-023-00533-z 

            Turner, S., Mota, N., Bolton, J., & Sareen, J. (2018). Self-medication with alcohol or drugs for mood and anxiety disorders: A narrative review of the epidemiological literature. Depression and Anxiety, 35(9), 851–860. https://doi.org/10.1002/da.22771 

            Yule, A. M., & Kelly, J. F. (2019). Integrating Treatment for Co-Occurring Mental Health Conditions. Alcohol Research : Current Reviews, 40(1), arcr.v40.1.07. https://doi.org/10.35946/arcr.v40.1.07

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