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SOCI-101 Deviance and Crime Discussion

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Instructions of SOCI-101 Deviance and Crime Discussion

Deviance and Crime Discussion

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Task: Create an original post following the prompts below, then respond to 2 peers.  


  • Provide an example of an action that is deviant but not criminal. 
  1. Avoid using examples from the textbook
  2. Think of one that you have experienced on some level
  3. Explain why it fits the definition of deviance but is not a crime.
  • The text discusses the social problem of overcrowding in the prison system.  Using sociological concepts and terms from this chapter, discuss possible ways to address this social problem.  
  • Lastly, think of your future work as a healthcare provider. 
  1. Consider how you might respond to caring for an individual that is a former or current inmate. 
  2. Discuss how this might change your interactions with this patient and how you would feel about caring for such a patient.  
  • Citation:
  1. Cite from at least 1 assigned resource from this week
  2. Use both parenthetical and a full APA reference list
  • Peer Response
  1. Respond to 2 peers
  2. Comment on the post and use the person’s name. 
  3. Discuss whether or not you agree or disagree with their idea to address overcrowding of prisons and why you feel this way. 

Step-By-Step Guide on SOCI-101 Deviance and Crime Discussion

Introduction to SOCI-101 Deviance and Crime Discussion

This SOCI-101 Deviance and Crime Discussion discussion delves into the nuanced understanding of deviance and crime within societal contexts. The task encourages students to differentiate between deviant behavior that is not criminal and explore the impact of such behaviors on social norms. Additionally, it addresses the pressing social issue of prison overcrowding, integrating sociological theories to propose solutions. This SOCI-101 assignment of SOCI-101 Deviance and Crime Discussion also extends into the realm of healthcare, asking students to consider the implications of their future roles in treating individuals who have experienced incarceration.

Provide an example of an action that is deviant but not criminal. Avoid using examples from the textbook; think of one that you have experienced on some level; explain why it fits the definition of deviance but is not a crime.  

Understanding Deviance

In this section of SOCI-101 Deviance and Crime Discussion, we will focus on Understanding Deviance.

  • Watch the two provided videos carefully.
  • Summarise at least two key concepts or facts from the videos that enhanced your understanding of social stratification in the U.S.


In considering deviant but not criminal behavior, I reflect on the action of skipping school among teenagers. While not violating criminal law, this behavior deviates from societal expectations of student conduct and responsibility. Skipping school disrupts the educational process and often correlates with further academic disengagement, yet it remains a non-criminal act unless it breaches specific legal truancy statutes.

The text discusses the social problem of overcrowding in the prison system.  Using sociological concepts and terms from this chapter, discuss possible ways to address this social problem.

Addressing Prison Overcrowding 

This section of SOCI-101 Deviance and Crime Discussion will discuss Addressing Prison Overcrowding.

  • Utilizing concepts from the chapter, discuss potential sociological strategies to alleviate the problem of overcrowding in prisons. Consider reforms in sentencing, rehabilitation programs, and alternatives to incarceration.


Addressing prison overcrowding necessitates a multifaceted approach, integrating sociological insights with practical reforms. Alternatives to incarceration for non-violent offenses, such as community service or rehabilitation programs, could alleviate the strain on the prison system. Moreover, revising sentencing guidelines to emphasize rehabilitation over punitive measures could foster a more sustainable correctional system, reducing recidivism and promoting societal reintegration for inmates.

Lastly, think of your future work as a healthcare provider. Consider how you might respond to caring for an individual who is a former or current inmate. Discuss how this might change your interactions with this patient and how you would feel about caring for such a patient.

Healthcare Considerations for Former Inmates

In this SOCI-101 Deviance and Crime Discussion section, we will understand Healthcare Considerations for Former Inmates.

  • Reflect on your future role as a healthcare provider. Consider how you might approach caring for a patient who is a former or current inmate.
  • Discuss how this might affect your interactions and any personal feelings or professional responsibilities you might have towards such patients.


As a future healthcare provider, treating former inmates with impartiality and professionalism will be crucial. Understanding the social stigmas and unique health challenges they face is essential for providing equitable care, regardless of a patient’s background.

Cite from at least one assigned resource from this week.


  • Ensure to cite at least one resource from this week’s assigned reading or any additional scholarly source to support your analysis.
  • Use APA style for both in-text citations and the full reference list at the end of your post.



Ritzer, G., & Murphy, W. W. (2019). Introduction to sociology. SAGE Publications.

Respond to 2 peers. Comment on the post and use the person’s name.  Your response should blend/add what you have learned on this theory with what your peer has posted. You can do this by adding to their post by using examples and/or relating how your post compares/contrasts to theirs.

Peer Responses

  • Respond to two peers by commenting on their posts. Focus particularly on their strategies for addressing prison overcrowding.
  • Use the peer’s name, agree or disagree with their views, and support your position with evidence or additional examples.


Peer Response 1

Thank you for your insightful analysis. I particularly appreciate how you connected the theoretical frameworks to real-world implications of wealth inequality. Your point about Conflict Theory resonates strongly with the visible social disparities highlighted in the videos, underscoring the urgent need for structural changes.

Peer Response 2

For your second response, continue engaging thoughtfully by adding new perspectives or examples to another peer’s post, enhancing the ongoing discussion.


Through the SOCI-101 Deviance and Crime Discussion, you are not only learning to analyze and differentiate between deviance and crime but also exploring broader societal implications and solutions to related issues. This Owlisdom exercise enhances your understanding of social dynamics and prepares you for thoughtful engagement in future professional scenarios, particularly in healthcare settings. Utilize this guide to structure your analysis and responses effectively, ensuring depth, clarity, and scholarly rigor in your discourse. In the next module of SOCI-101, we will explore Race Discussion.

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