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SOCI-101 “The Children’s March” Discussion

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Instructions of SOCI-101 "The Children's March" Discussion

Step 1: “Children’s March” Watch & Discuss – Group Discussion – Discussion Group 1

From SOCI101

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  • Watch the linked video below
  • Create an original post
  • Respond to 2 peers


  1. Watch the entirety of “The Children’s March” (41min) before continuing


  1. Then, create an original post by responding to the following prompts: 
  1. Summarize your reaction to the film
  2. What does this film teach us about society?
  3. The march participants experienced many aspects of discrimination and racism.  How do these experiences relate to current events?  Do you see maltreatment of people today based on similar reasons?
  4. Who do you feel is responsible for the existence and elimination of racism in our society? The school? Your parents? Religious leaders? The government? The heads of major corporations? The legal system? You? Defend your position.
  5. Do you think younger students should learn more about racism?  Defend your answer.
  1. Citation:
  • Cite from at least 1 assigned resource from this week
  • Use both parenthetical and a full APA reference list
  1. Lastly, respond to 3 peers

Step-By-Step Guide SOCI-101 “The Children’s March” Discussion

Introduction to SOCI-101 “The Children’s March” Discussion

This SOCI-101 “The Children’s March” Discussion assignment revolves around the historical event known as “The Children’s March,” which took place in Birmingham, Alabama, in 1963. This pivotal moment in the Civil Rights Movement, led predominantly by children, showcased the profound impact of non-violent protest against racial segregation. Through watching a documentary and engaging in structured discussions, you will explore the significance of this event, its societal implications, and its relevance to contemporary issues of racism and discrimination.

Watch the entirety of “The Children’s March” (41min) before continuing. 

Children’s March” Watch  

In this section of SOCI-101 “The Children’s March” Discussion, we will focus on the Children’s March” Watch.

  • Access the documentary through the provided link: Children’s March Documentary.
  • Ensure a quiet environment to attentively watch and take notes if necessary, focusing on key events and participant testimonies.

Summarise your reaction to the film

Summarise Your Reaction

In this section of SOCI-101 “The Children’s March” Discussion, we will focus on  Summarize Your Reaction.

  • Describe your initial emotional response upon viewing the documentary.
  • Mention specific scenes or statements that evoked a strong reaction and explain why.


Watching “The Children’s March” documentary was profoundly moving, illustrating the bravery and strategic acumen of young civil rights activists in Birmingham, 1963. The resilience displayed by these children, facing brutal resistance with non-violent protest, evoked a deep emotional response, especially during scenes where their peaceful marches were met with undue force.

What does this film teach us about society?

Societal Lessons

In this SOCI-101 “The Children’s March” Discussion section, we will understand Societal Lessons.

  • Reflect on the lessons about societal behaviour and attitudes towards civil rights as depicted in the film.
  • Discuss how the film illustrates the power of collective action and the impact of social movements on societal change.


The film offers critical lessons about societal behaviours towards civil rights. It underscores the power of collective action and how organised movements can catalyse significant societal changes, challenging deeply entrenched discriminatory practices and promoting equality.

The march participants experienced many aspects of discrimination and racism.  How do these experiences relate to current events?

Historical and Current Context  

In this section of SOCI-101 “The Children’s March” Discussion, we will discuss the Historical and Current Context.

  • Compare the discrimination depicted in the film with recent events to draw parallels between past and present issues.
  • Evaluate how the nature of discrimination and racism may have changed or persisted over time.


Drawing parallels between historical and current events, the marchers’ experiences resonate strongly with today’s movements against racial injustice. The persistence of systemic racism, mirrored in recent public demonstrations, shows that while forms have evolved, the essence of racial discrimination remains distressingly similar.

Do you see maltreatment of people today based on similar reasons?

Maltreatment Based on Historical and Current Reasons  

  • Identify instances where similar forms of maltreatment, based on race or other factors, continue in today’s society.
  • Offer analysis on why these issues continue and how they are being addressed or overlooked.


Today, instances of maltreatment based on race continue, highlighting ongoing societal issues that are often manifestations of historical prejudices. These challenges are often addressed superficially, without tackling their systemic roots.

Who do you feel is responsible for the existence and elimination of racism in our society? The school? Your parents? Religious leaders? The government? The heads of major corporations? The legal system? You? Defend your position.

Responsibility for Racism in Society

Now we will discuss the Responsibility for Racism in Society section of SOCI-101 “The Children’s March” Discussion.

  • Examine the role of various societal institutions and individuals in perpetuating or resolving racism.
  • Argue who should be most responsible for dismantling racism and provide reasons for your choices.


Responsibility for eradicating racism lies with all societal sectors—including educational institutions, governments, and individuals. Schools, especially, play a crucial role by educating young minds about racism, and fostering a generation that is aware and proactive against injustices.

Do you think younger students should learn more about racism?  Defend your answer.

Education on Racism for Younger Students

In this SOCI-101 “The Children’s March” Discussion section, we will cover  Education on Racism for Younger Students.

  • State your stance on the importance of integrating racism education into the curriculum for younger students.
  • Support your position with arguments concerning the potential impact on societal attitudes and the development of young minds.


I advocate strongly for integrating racism education into younger students’ curricula. Early education on such critical issues can cultivate empathy and understanding, equipping future leaders with the knowledge and sensitivity to champion equality and justice. This foundational education is essential for creating a society that actively resists discrimination and values diversity.

Cite from at least 1 assigned resource from this week, Use both parenthetical and a full APA reference list.


  • Use citations from assigned readings to substantiate your discussions.
  • Ensure that all references are accurately cited in APA format within your post.



Extinction Rebellion (XR) UK (Director). (2020, June 25). The Children’s March | 1963. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5enZRwbnISQ 

Comment on the post and use the person’s name.  Your response should blend/add what you have learned on this theory with what your peer has posted.

Peer Responses

  • Read and engage with at least three classmates’ posts.
  • Offer constructive comments or questions that deepen the dialogue. You might agree or disagree with their points, but always provide a rationale for your perspectives, enhancing the discussion with additional examples or contrasting views.


Peer Response 1

Hi Sarah,

Thank you for your insightful analysis. I particularly agree with your point about the power of collective action demonstrated in “The Children’s March” and its relevance to today’s movements against racial injustice. Your emphasis on the role of education in combating racism is compelling. It’s critical that we start anti-racism education early to cultivate a more empathetic and informed future generation. I believe integrating these teachings can indeed transform societal attitudes fundamentally, making it less likely for discrimination to persist. Your post adds a valuable perspective to our discussion.

Peer Response 2

For your second response, continue engaging thoughtfully by adding new perspectives or examples to another peer’s post, enhancing the ongoing discussion.


After Completing SOCI-101 “The Children’s March” Discussion, you will gain a deeper understanding of the historical and ongoing impact of racism, the importance of collective action and the role of education in fostering societal change. In the upcoming module of SOCI-101, we will explore “The Children’s March” Final Conclusions.

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