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SOCI-101 Families Discussion

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Instructions of SOCI-101 Families Discussion

Families Discussion

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Task: This discussion has several steps. Create an original post following the prompts below, then respond to 2 peers.

  1. Look back at the notes that you wrote down regarding family.  Keeping in mind the definition of family given in the text is very broad,  respond to the following prompts:
  • Explain how your personal definition of family differs from the definition in the text. 
  • How did the thoughts and images that came to mind influence your definition?
  1. Choose one of the following theories that you feel relates most to your personal definition of family, then explain how it relates and why you selected the theory you did. 
  • Functional structural theory
  • Symbolic interactionism theory
  • Conflict theory
  1. Lastly, watch this 16 min video of a young man that was raised by a same-sex couple. Then answer the following prompts: 
  • Discuss your thoughts on Zack’s views of the family.  
  • Do you agree or disagree with his stance?  Please explain your position 
  1. Citation
  • Cite from at least 1 assigned resource from this week
  • Use both parenthetical and a full APA reference list
  1. Peer review
  • Respond to 2 peers
  • Comment on the post and use the person’s name.  
  • Pick one of their responses to the questions above and discuss if you agree or disagree with that question and give support/reasons for your answers.

Step-By-Step Guide SOCI-101 Families Discussion

Introduction to SOCI-101 Families Discussion

Welcome to the SOCI-101 Families Discussion, a comprehensive exploration of varied family structures and the theories that elucidate their functions and dynamics. This SOCI-101 assignment invites you to reflect on personal views, compare them with academic perspectives, and engage with multimedia content to enrich your understanding. By participating, you will develop a nuanced view of what constitutes a family and how sociological theories can be applied to understand its impact on society.

Explain how your personal definition of family differs from the definition in the text.

Personal and Textual Definitions of Family

In this section of the SOCI-101 Families Discussion, we will understand the Personal and Textual Definitions of Family.

  • Reflect on the definition of family as outlined in your course materials, noting its breadth and inclusivity.
  • Contrast this with your own definition, identifying key differences or similarities. Discuss any unique or traditional aspects that your personal definition includes.


In reflecting upon the broad definition of family as presented in our textbook, I find that my personal definition tends to be more traditional, focusing primarily on biological ties and long-standing familial bonds. This difference stems largely from my cultural background, which emphasizes blood relations as the core of family structures, often excluding non-traditional configurations that are increasingly recognized in contemporary sociology.

How did the thoughts and images that came to mind influence your definition?

Influence of Personal Thoughts and Images

In this section of the SOCI-101 Families Discussion, we will cover the Influence of Personal Thoughts and Images.

  • Reflect on the thoughts and images that come to mind when you think of family. How have these shaped or modified your understanding?
  • Consider cultural, social, and emotional factors that influence your perception and elaborate on how these elements inform your definition.


The images and ideas that come to my mind when I think of family—gatherings, mutual obligations, and emotional support—reinforce a view of the family as a primary social unit that nurtures and supports its members (Ritzer, 2020). This perspective is influenced by my experiences within a close-knit community where family roles are clearly defined and deeply valued.

Choose one of the following theories that you feel relates most to your personal definition of family, then explain how it relates and why you selected the theory you did. Functional structural theory, Symbolic interactionism theory, Conflict theory 

Theoretical Application

In this section of the SOCI-101 Families Discussion, we will discuss Theoretical Application.

  • Functional Structural Theory: If you choose this, explain how your view of family aligns with the notion of family as a structure fulfilling specific societal functions.
  • Symbolic Interactionism Theory: Opt for this theory if you see family primarily through the lens of interpersonal relationships and daily interactions.
  • Conflict Theory: Use this theory to discuss the family in terms of inequality, power dynamics, and conflict within the familial structure.
  • Provide a rationale for choosing the specific theory and discuss how it enhances your understanding of family roles and interactions.


Among the sociological theories we’ve studied, Symbolic Interactionism resonates most with my view of family. This theory emphasizes the roles that individuals play within the family and how these roles are continuously shaped through interpersonal interactions and shared understanding (Barker et al., 2020). Applying this theory helps to explain the dynamic nature of family relationships and how family members negotiate their roles, thus maintaining the structural integrity of the family unit over time.

Lastly, watch this 16 min video of a young man that was raised by a same-sex couple. Then answer the following prompts: Discuss your thoughts on Zack’s views of the family.  

Multimedia Analysis

In this section of the SOCI-101 Families Discussion, we will understand Multimedia Analysis.

  • Watch the video attentively and take notes on significant points or themes discussed regarding family dynamics and societal perceptions.
  • Consider the personal experiences shared in the video and how they might align or contrast with societal norms and your personal views.


The video of a young man raised by a same-sex couple offered a profound insight into how diverse family structures can fulfill similar functional roles as traditional families. Zack’s reflections on the love and support he received challenge the conventional understanding of family compositions.

Do you agree or disagree with his stance?  Please explain your position

Agreement or Disagreement with Perspectives

Now we will discuss the Agreement or Disagreement with Perspectives section of SOCI-101 Families Discussion.

  • Articulate your position regarding the speaker’s stance on family. Are his views reflective of broader societal changes, or do they challenge conventional norms?
  • Support your agreement or disagreement with reasons, possibly integrating sociological theories or other academic resources to substantiate your views.


While I agree with Zack’s positive portrayal of his family dynamics, it also prompts a broader reflection on how societal norms influence our perception of what constitutes a ‘normal’ family.

In conclusion, engaging with both traditional and non-traditional family definitions through the lens of Symbolic Interactionism not only broadens our understanding but also fosters a more inclusive view of what family can mean in diverse societal contexts. This approach underscores the significance of adaptability and communication within any family structure, highlighting the universal need for belonging and emotional support.

Cite from at least 1 assigned resource from this week, Use both parenthetical and a full APA reference list


  • Use APA format for both in-text citations and the reference list.
  • Include at least one citation from the assigned readings or other credible academic sources to support your analysis.



Barker, D., Nyberg, G., & Larsson, H. (2020). Joy, fear, and resignation: Investigating emotions in physical education using a symbolic interactionist approach. Sport, Education and Society, 25(8), 872–888.

Ritzer, G., & Murphy, W.W. (2020). Introduction to sociology. SAGE Publications, Inc.

Respond to 2 peers, Comment on the post, and use the person’s name.  Pick one of their responses to the questions above and discuss if you agree or disagree with that question and give support/reasons for your answers.

Peer Review

  • Provide constructive feedback or differing viewpoints on their interpretations of family or their responses to the video.
  • Personalize your responses by addressing your peers by name and specifically referencing parts of their posts to foster a thoughtful discussion.


Peer Reply 1

Your post offers a thoughtful reflection on the traditional and symbolic aspects of family, especially emphasizing the role of cultural background in shaping our perceptions. I appreciate your application of Symbolic Interactionism to explain family dynamics, highlighting the importance of roles and interactions. It’s intriguing how you connected these theories to Zack’s experiences, suggesting a broader societal acceptance of diverse family structures. This discussion enriches our understanding of family as a complex, adaptive social institution capable of encompassing a wide range of forms while maintaining its core functions. Your insights provoke further consideration of how evolving societal norms impact family perceptions.

Peer Reply 2

For your second response, continue engaging thoughtfully by adding new perspectives or examples to another peer’s post, enhancing the ongoing discussion.


In this SOCI-101 Families Discussion, you are invited to bridge personal insights with academic theories to form a comprehensive understanding of family dynamics. This task is pivotal in enhancing your analytical skills and ability to engage in meaningful discussions about social structures. Use this guide to navigate through the assignment systematically, ensuring your contributions are insightful, well-supported, and pertinent to the broader discussion on families. In the next module of SOCI-101, we will explore Education and Religion Discussion.

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