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SOCI-101 Independent Learning Assignment: Film Analysis

Here you can read our ultimate free guide on the SOCI-101 Independent Learning Assignment: Film Analysis and its Solution.

Instructions of SOCI-101 Independent Learning Assignment

Independent Learning Assignment – Film Analysis

  • Due Jun 21, 2023 by 10pm
  • Points 50
  • Submitting a file upload
  • File Types docx, doc, and pdf

Movies are an excellent way to analyze society as they are about people and are a reflection of the era.  Therefore they capture many of the issues that face society such as inequality, race relations, gender issues, deviance, and crime… the list goes on and on.  We can do a great deal of sociological analysis by watching movies.  Check the synopsis before watching to get the most out of this assignment.  DO NOT choose one of your favorites, instead try a new movie.  I have seen the movies listed and will know if students are bluffing their way through based on a trailer.  Please enjoy the movie assignment and choose something interesting.


  • This assignment has several parts:
    1. Select a movie from the approved list
    2. Watch your selected movie
    3. Compose a 2-3 page APA formatted paper


  1. Select a movie from this list of approved moviesLinks to an external site. (view only google doc – don’t ask for access)
    • If you would like to analyze a film that you feel would be appropriate that is not listed, please ask the instructor for permission. 
  2. Watch your move with the list of prompts below and take notes. (notes can help you directly quote the movie)
  3. Compose a 2-3 page APA formatted paper, by including all of the following: 
  1. Social and cultural context
    • Describe the social and cultural context that the movie portrays.  
    • Discuss any social issues and describe the culture that is present in the movie.  
  2. Common or Universal Social/Human Problems
    • To what degree does the movie shed light on common or universal social and human problems?  Explain.  
    • Are the issues addressed respectfully and realistically?
  3. Sociological Theory & Research
    • To what degree does the movie provide evidence for or against sociological theory and research?  
    • Apply one of the following 3 theories studied to the movie: functionalism, symbolic interactionalism, and conflict theory.  
    • Discuss what the movie says about society; do you believe the messages portrayed in the movie are accurate?  
  4. Feedback
    • Compose a few sentences providing feedback about this assignment.  
    • Did you find it to be a worthy learning experience,
    • What (if anything) could be changed to make it more educational or beneficial?  
    • Have you watched a movie that is NOT listed that could be added to benefit students?
  1.  Citation – use APA parenthetical and provide a reference list


Independent Learning Assignment- Film Analysis

Independent Learning Assignment- Film Analysis




 This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSOCI101_06 Analyze social problems from a sociological perspective.

threshold: 8.0 pts

10 pts

Student fully details social problem(s) integrating sociological theories and/or rationales.

8 pts

Student partially details social problem(s) integrating sociological theories and/or rationales.

5 pts

Student incorrectly details social problem(s) or integrates the wrong sociological theories and/or rationales.

0 pts

Student does not detail social problem(s) by integrating sociological theories and/or rationales.

10 pts

 This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSkill_Writing Quality

threshold: 4.0 pts

5 pts

Assignment is free of spelling and grammar issues and is presented neatly. Assignment has fewer than three spelling and/or grammar mistakes. Page requirement is met without reducing margins or increasing font size.

4 pts

Assignment has fewer than 4 spelling and or grammar mistakes. Page requirement is met.

2 pts

Assignment has fewer than 4 spelling and/or grammar mistakes. Page requirement is not met.

0 pts

Assignment has more than 4 spelling and/or grammar mistakes. Page requirement is not met.

5 pts

 This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSkill_Principles and Concepts

threshold: 4.0 pts

5 pts

Student consistently implements relevant concepts, principles, and vocabulary accurately.

4 pts

Student sometimes implements relevant concepts, principles, and vocabulary accurately.

2 pts

Student seldom implements relevant concepts, principles, and vocabulary accurately.

0 pts

Student fails to connect any concepts, principles, or vocabulary.

5 pts

 This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSOCI101_01 Examine sociological theories and their applicability to the study of society

threshold: 8.0 pts

10 pts

Student accurately explains the complex and basic applications of sociological theory to society.

8 pts

Student accurately explains the basic applications of sociological theory to society.

5 pts

Student inaccurately explains the applications of sociological theory to society.

0 pts

Student fails to explain the application of sociological theory to society.

10 pts

 This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSOCI101_02 Identify the basic elements of culture.

threshold: 8.0 pts

10 pts

Student correctly names and elaborates on all of the applicable elements of culture exhibited in a given scenario or situation.

8 pts

Student correctly names most, but does not elaborate on the applicable elements of culture exhibited in a given scenario or situation..

5 pts

Student names few of the applicable elements of culture present, but does not elaborate on any elements exhibited in a given scenario or situation.

0 pts

Student does not name or incorrectly names elements of culture exhibited in a given scenario or situation.

10 pts

 This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSOCI101_04 Apply key aspects of socialization and interaction with others.

threshold: 8.0 pts

10 pts

Student attributes both the direct and indirect social influence(s) to explain most behavior(s).

8 pts

Student attributes either the direct or indirect social influence(s) to explain some behavior(s).

5 pts

Student misattributes either the direct or indirect social influence(s) to explain behavior(s).

0 pts

Student omits attributes to both the direct and indirect social influence(s)(s) to explain behavior(s).

10 pts

Total Points: 50


Extra Credit Opportunity

  • Due Jun 23, 2023 by 10pm
  • Points 0
  • Submitting a file upload

Did you forget a due date?  Or maybe you did not do as well on the exam as you would have liked?  Well, here is an easy opportunity to make up some points.  If you would like to earn 30 extra credit points you can do so by completing an additional film analysis assignment or an additional experiencing diversity assignment (each student may do one or the other, not both).  You will need to select a different film or diversity experience to earn the extra credit.  For example, if you watch the movie Crash for the film analysis assignment you will need to watch a different film on the list and write another analysis in order to earn the extra credit.  Two different papers on the same film is not acceptable.  The same holds true for the experiencing diversity assignment- two different experiences must be completed, and the experience must take place during the current semester, an experience from the past is not acceptable.  Questions?  Please let me know.  The extra credit points will be calculated into the quizzes grading category.  Please see the calendar for the extra credit due date. 

Step-By-Step Guide SOCI-101 Independent Learning Assignment: Film Analysis

Introduction to SOCI-101 Independent Learning Assignment: Film Analysis

Welcome to the SOCI-101 Independent Learning Assignment: Film Analysis. This assignment encourages you to explore and analyse a film from a sociological perspective, understanding how movies reflect and comment on societal issues. Through this task, you will gain insights into various social constructs and problems presented within films, such as inequality, race relations, gender issues, and more. This hands-on approach will not only enhance your analytical skills but also deepen your understanding of the relationship between cinema and societal values.

Select a movie from this list of approved movies and links to an external site. (view only Google doc – don’t ask for access) If you would like to analyse a film that you feel would be appropriate that is not listed, please ask the instructor for permission.

Selecting a Movie

In this section of the SOCI-101 Independent Learning Assignment: Film Analysis, we will focus on Selecting a Movie.

  • Consult the list of approved movies and select one that you have not seen before to ensure a fresh perspective.
  • If interested in a film not on the list, contact the instructor for approval, providing a rationale for why it would be suitable for this assignment.


In this Independent Learning Assignment, I chose to analyze Pride & Prejudice (2005), directed by Joe Wright. This film adaptation of Jane Austen’s novel offers a rich tapestry for exploring the social and cultural contexts of early 19th century England, as well as delving into universal social and human problems through the lens of class distinctions and gender roles.

Watch your move with the list of prompts below and take notes. (notes can help you directly quote the movie)

Watching the Movie

In this section of the SOCI-101 Independent Learning Assignment: Film Analysis, we will discuss Watching the Movie.

  • Before watching, read a brief synopsis to understand the context but avoid extensive spoilers.
  • As you watch, take detailed notes, especially focusing on scenes, dialogues, and elements that relate to the sociological themes of the assignment.
  • Pay close attention to how the film portrays social and cultural contexts, addressing issues like inequality, societal norms, and human behaviours.

Compose a 2-3 page APA formatted paper, by including all of the following: Describe the social and cultural context that the movie portrays.  Discuss any social issues and describe the culture that is present in the movie.  

Composing the Analysis Paper On Social and Cultural Context

  • Describe the setting of the movie and the cultural background of its characters. How does this setting influence the narrative?
  • Identify the social issues highlighted in the film. Discuss how these issues are intertwined with the culture portrayed.
  • Use specific scenes or dialogues to illustrate how cultural elements are woven into the storyline.


Pride & Prejudice portrays the genteel rural society of early 19th century England, where social class and lineage dictate personal interactions and life choices. The setting in various manors and the countryside reflects a society where landownership and inherited wealth determine one’s status. The Bennet family, belonging to the landed gentry yet financially strained, navigates this structured social hierarchy while seeking suitable marriages for the five daughters. The film captures the cultural emphasis on marriage as a social obligation and economic necessity for women, showcasing the cultural backdrop against which the characters’ dramas unfold.

To what degree does the movie shed light on common or universal social and human problems?  Explain.  Are the issues addressed respectfully and realistically?   

Common or Universal Social/Human Problems

In this section of the SOCI-101 Independent Learning Assignment: Film Analysis, we will discuss Common or Universal Social/Human Problems.

  • Discuss how the film addresses issues such as inequality, justice, love, betrayal, or identity. To what extent are these themes developed?
  • Analyse whether these problems are portrayed respectfully and realistically, providing examples to support your assessment.
  • Reflect on how these portrayals impact the audience’s understanding of the issues.


The film sheds light on the timeless issues of class prejudice and gender inequality. It portrays the struggles of the Bennet sisters as they seek respect and love in a society that values status and wealth above individual merit. The issue of marriage as a societal expectation rather than a personal choice particularly highlights the gender constraints of the era. The film addresses these issues respectfully and realistically, using the characters’ nuanced interactions and the plot’s progression to expose the limitations imposed by societal norms and how these norms can be challenged.

To what degree does the movie provide evidence for or against sociological theory and research? Apply one of the following 3 theories studied to the movie: functionalism, symbolic interactionalism, and conflict theory.  Discuss what the movie says about society; do you believe the messages portrayed in the movie are accurate?

Sociological Theory & Research

Now we will discuss about Sociological Theory & Research section of SOCI-101 Independent Learning Assignment: Film Analysis.

  • Choose one of the following theories to apply: functionalism, symbolic interactionism, or conflict theory.
  • Discuss how the movie supports or challenges the selected theory. Use specific instances from the film to illustrate how sociological concepts are depicted.
  • Evaluate the movie’s messages about society. Are these messages a realistic reflection of societal norms and values? Discuss your viewpoint and provide reasoning. 


Applying conflict theory to Pride & Prejudice reveals the ongoing struggle between different social classes. The film illustrates how societal infrastructure maintains class distinctions, depicted through the interactions between characters like Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy (Wright, 2005). Elizabeth’s initial prejudice against Darcy and his pride in his social status represents the class tensions of the time. The movie supports conflict theory by showing that social change is possible through personal transformation and mutual understanding, evidenced by Elizabeth and Darcy’s reconciliation and eventual romantic union (Hasan et al., n.d.). This suggests that societal norms of class can be transcended through personal growth and emotional connection.

Compose a few sentences providing feedback about this assignment.  Did you find it to be a worthy learning experience, What (if anything) could be changed to make it more educational or beneficial?  Have you watched a movie that is NOT listed that could be added to benefit students?

Assignment Feedback

In this section of SOCI-101 Independent Learning Assignment: Film Analysis, we will focus on Assignment Feedback.

  • Reflect on your learning experience throughout the film analysis. Did the assignment deepen your understanding of how films can reflect societal issues?
  • Suggest any improvements that could make this assignment more educational. Are there additional elements or instructions that could enhance the learning outcomes?
  • Recommend any films not on the approved list that would be valuable for future students, explaining why they would be beneficial.


Analysing Pride & Prejudice from a sociological perspective proved to be a highly educational experience. It allowed me to understand more deeply the intricate ways films can reflect and critique societal issues. One suggestion to enhance this assignment’s educational value might be to include comparative analysis with modern adaptations or discussions on how similar themes of class and gender are represented in contemporary settings (Wright, 2005). Additionally, including films like The Help or Parasite could provide a broader range of sociological themes and contexts for future students.

The analysis of “Pride & Prejudice” (2005) through a sociological lens has illuminated the enduring relevance of social and cultural themes such as class division and gender roles in cinema. This film, set against the backdrop of early 19th century England, not only entertains but also serves as a critical tool for examining societal structures and individual agency. By applying conflict theory, the movie’s portrayal of class tensions and resolutions provides deeper insights into the mechanisms of social change and personal development. This assignment has reinforced the value of film as a medium for exploring complex social issues, demonstrating how cinematic narratives can reflect and challenge prevailing societal norms. Overall, the exercise proved to be a profoundly enriching experience, enhancing my appreciation for the power of cinema to shape and reflect cultural discourse and highlighting the importance of diverse perspectives in understanding social dynamics.

Citation – use APA parenthetical citations and provide a reference list


  • Use APA format for citing the film and any academic materials used in your analysis.
  • Ensure accurate and complete references to maintain academic integrity and avoid plagiarism.



Hasan, M. E., Munshi, M. B., Singh, Y., FABONG, H. A., Burelo, E. D. L. C., Hovhannisyan, I., Fayvush, G., Mohammad, I., Hossain, S., & Dolan, R. J. (n.d.). Sakibphobia and its Societal Impact: Applying a Multi-Lens Framework of Structural Functionalism, Symbolic Interactionism, and Conflict Theory, with Insights from Psychiatry in the Context of SM Nazmuz Sakib’s Toxic Comparative Theory.

Wright, J. (Director). (2005). Pride & Prejudice [Drama, Romance].


This SOCI-101 Independent Learning Assignment: Film Analysis guide aims to facilitate your exploration of films as tools for sociological analysis, enhancing your critical thinking and understanding of societal issues. By meticulously analysing films and reflecting on their sociological implications, you contribute to a broader discourse on culture and society. Use this assignment to refine your analytical abilities and broaden your perspective on the social roles that films play in shaping and reflecting societal norms and values. In the Upcoming module of SOCI-101, we will explore Social Issue Paper.

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