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Instructions of BIOS 150 8-1 Reflection 1

Week #8: Reflection #1

  • Due Jul 31, 2023 by 12pm
  • Points 5
  • Submitting a text entry box
  • Available until Jul 31, 2023 at 12:05pm

This assignment was locked Jul 31, 2023 at 12:05pm.


The purpose of this assignment is reflect on what you have learned about the application of scientific literacy to vaccinations.  


Complete a reflection that completely and thoroughly addresses the reflection questions below in complete sentences.  


  1. Read the British Medical JournalLinks to an external site. article that investigated the Wakefield study
  2. Read the Kaiser Family FoundationLinks to an external site. analysis regarding changes in COVID-19 perception
  3. Write a reflection that addresses the following in complete sentences:
    • When we look at the types of scientific studies that allow us to draw the strongest conclusions (systematic reviews, randomized control studies, large scale quasi-experimental studies) we see a consensus regarding the safety and efficacy of childhood vaccination.  In addition, despite the serious concerns about the Wakefield study leading to its retraction, a 2020 studyLinks to an external site.  revealed that as many as 16.5% of caregivers for children with autism believed vaccinations caused autism.  Why do you think these beliefs persist despite rigorous scientific evidence that indicates the opposite?
    • Reflecting on the Kaiser Family Foundation reading, thinking about your future career in healthcare, what do you see as the role and responsibilities for healthcare providers when it comes to helping the general public make decisions about vaccination?

Grading Criteria:

This assignment is graded Complete/Incomplete.

Assignments that are submitted on time, written in complete sentences, and thoroughly address all of the prompt questions will receive full credit.  If a submitted asignment does not meet those criteria it will receive a grade of incomplete. 

Step-By-Step Guide BIOS 150 8-1 Reflection 1


BIOS 150 8-1 Reflection 1 assignment involves reflecting on the persistence of the belief that vaccinations cause autism despite strong scientific evidence to the contrary. You will analyze the reasons behind these enduring beliefs and consider the role and responsibilities of healthcare providers in addressing vaccination decisions. This Owlisdom BIOS 150 8-1 Reflection 1 guide will help you structure your reflection effectively.

When we look at the types of scientific studies that allow us to draw the strongest conclusions (systematic reviews, randomized control studies, large scale quasi-experimental studies) we see a consensus regarding the safety and efficacy of childhood vaccination.  In addition, despite the serious concerns about the Wakefield study leading to its retraction, a 2020 studyLinks to an external site.  revealed that as many as 16.5% of caregivers for children with autism believed vaccinations caused autism.  Why do you think these beliefs persist despite rigorous scientific evidence that indicates the opposite?


  • Reflect on why the belief that vaccinations cause autism persists despite substantial scientific evidence disproving it. 
  • Consider factors such as cognitive biases, misinformation, and the impact of social media.


The persistence of the belief that vaccinations cause autism, despite substantial scientific evidence to the contrary, is a significant public health issue. The belief continues mainly due to the enduring impact of the retracted Wakefield study, which has been debunked repeatedly by rigorous scientific research. For instance, systematic reviews and large-scale studies consistently affirm the safety and efficacy of childhood vaccinations. However, a study indicates that 16.5% of caregivers for children with autism still believe in a causal relationship between vaccines and autism (Charron et al., 2020). The dichotomy can be attributed to several factors, including cognitive biases, misinformation, the influence of social media, and the tendency of human psychology to favor anecdotal information over statistical data.

Cognitive biases, such as confirmation bias, where individuals favor information that confirms their preexisting beliefs, play a crucial role. It is exacerbated by the echo chambers within social media platforms where misinformation can spread unchecked. The initial allegations made by Wakefield were highly publicized and created a narrative that has been difficult to dismantle despite his subsequent disgrace and the retraction of his paper. The phenomenon indicates the stickiness of first impressions and the public’s propensity to cling to simpler, more sensational explanations over more complex, mundane truths (Deer, 2011).

Reflecting on the Kaiser Family Foundation reading, thinking about your future career in healthcare, what do you see as the role and responsibilities for healthcare providers when it comes to helping the general public make decisions about vaccination?


  • Reflect on the role and responsibilities of healthcare providers in helping the public make informed decisions about vaccinations. 
  • Consider the insights from the Kaiser Family Foundation analysis.


In considering the role of healthcare providers in addressing vaccination hesitancy, as highlighted in the Kaiser Family Foundation’s analysis, it becomes evident that providers are crucial in guiding public opinion and decision-making regarding vaccinations (Kirzinger et al., 2021). Healthcare providers are trusted sources of medical information and play a pivotal role in influencing personal health decisions through direct interaction with patients. They must be equipped to discuss the benefits and risks of vaccines understandably, providing evidence-based responses to concerns about side effects and efficacy. Moreover, they should actively debunk myths and misinformation, reinforcing the importance of vaccines in preventing disease.

Healthcare providers must also utilize empathetic communication strategies to connect with patients who may be hesitant about vaccines. Understanding the roots of their hesitancy, whether fear, misinformation, or cultural beliefs, is essential for effectively addressing their concerns. Providers should also be proactive in their communities, leading by example and using their positions to advocate for vaccinations as a critical component of public health.

Additionally, providers can leverage their influence by participating in or initiating public health campaigns that utilize clear, concise, and accurate messaging about the importance of vaccines. Collaborating with community leaders and influencers who can help amplify these messages can also extend their reach, ensuring that accurate information is more pervasive and accessible.


By following these guidelines for BIOS 150 8-1 Reflection 1, you will be able to effectively reflect on the persistence of vaccine myths and the critical role of healthcare providers in combating misinformation and promoting evidence-based care. You can also read BIOS 150 complete modules to ace the course!


Charron, J., Gautier, A., & Jestin, C. (2020). Influence of information sources on vaccine hesitancy and practices. Medecine et Maladies Infectieuses, 50(8), 727–733.

Deer, B. (2011). How the case against the MMR vaccine was fixed. BMJ, 342, c5347. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmj.c5347 

Kirzinger, A., Sparks, G., & Published, M. B. (2021, July 13). KFF COVID-19 Vaccine Monitor: In Their Own Words, Six Months Later. KFF. https://www.kff.org/coronavirus-covid-19/poll-finding/kff-covid-19-vaccine-monitor-in-their-own-words-six-months-later/ 

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