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Instructions of PSY-4030 Multicultural Psychology Week Four Discussion

Discussion Topic

 Due June 20 at 11:59 PM


Part 1

David Matsumoto, author of Culture & Psychology, has written an article, “Culture, Psychology, and Education.” In the article, he discusses his research on adjustment. A factor analysis on data from 2,500 individuals indicates that there are key factors or variables that play a role in adjustment. Of these variables, emotion regulation is the most important.

Matsumoto (2002) states that emotion regulation “is always the most consistent and strongest predictor of all adjustment indices measured in our studies.” Matsumoto considers this to be a universal component of adjustment. He even goes so far as to assert that educators have a responsibility to not only focus on the subject matter when teaching but also teach values-based education with the end goal of increasing emotional regulation. This would equip students to manage in a multicultural and increasingly diverse society (Matsumoto, 2002).

In your response, address the following:

  • Define emotional regulation. Explain how you regulate your emotions when faced with extreme stress. Explain whether you believe that emotional regulation will better equip you to live with more diversity.
  • Some Eastern cultures start teaching their children about emotional regulation when they first enter school. Is it possible for students to learn emotional regulation in college or should this teaching start earlier? Research, analyze, and describe the concept of emotional regulation in Eastern cultures. How do Eastern cultures, such as the Chinese, teach their children emotional regulation?
  • Explore studies on longevity or aging and emotional regulation. What trends did you discover? Does emotional regulation increase with time? If so, explain why this might occur.


Matsumoto, D. (2002). Culture, psychology, and education. In W. J. Lonner, D. L. Dinnel, S. A. Hayes, & D. N. Sattler (Eds.), Online readings in psychology and culture (Unit 2, Chapter 5). Bellingham, WA: Center for Cross-Cultural Research, Western Washington University.

Part 2

Gender Differences and Society 

Numerous societies have clear gender differences. There are some societies that place women in a subservient position. Furthermore, some women are devalued as their family honor is more important than their lives. This is often the case in honor killings. There was a publicized case of a woman from Iraq who escaped to a US military base because her family was going to kill her. She had disgraced them by talking to a young man on a cell phone. Using the Internet, the South University Online Library, and other sources, conduct research on honor killings.

In your response, address the following:

  • Why do some cultures engage in honor killings?
  • Do nongroup members have the right to interfere with other cultures when it comes to long-standing cultural practices? What happens to the culture when others interfere?

Most cultural groups developed their cultural practices in relative isolation, and as mentioned in the lectures, these practices often served a practical role. When cultural groups have maintained radical or “harmful” practices that have not evolved, how might the members of the group be impacted? State some examples of “harmful” practices. Do the antiquated practices impact the members of the group when there is little outside influence?

Submission Details:

  • Post your response to the Discussion Area by the due date assigned. Respond to at least two posts by the end of the week.


Introduction to PSY-4030 Week Four Discussion

The Owlisdom, PSY-4030 Multicultural Psychology Week Four Discussion involves analysing how different environments influence the creation of cultural objects. You will research three cultural groups from distinct geographical areas, compare three objective elements of their cultures, and analyse how the environment shaped these elements. This how-to guide aims to enhance your understanding of the relationship between environment and culture.

Define emotional regulation. Explain how you regulate your emotions when faced with extreme stress. Explain whether emotional regulation will better equip you to live with more diversity.

Emotional Regulation

To begin the PSY-4030 Multicultural Psychology Week Four Discussion, we will first address question 1 of part 1 of the discussion about emotion.

  • Research and provide a clear definition of emotional regulation.
  • Reflect on personal strategies for managing extreme stress.
  • Describe techniques such as mindfulness, breathing exercises, or cognitive reappraisal.
  • Consider how emotional regulation aids in adapting to diverse social settings.
  • Discuss the importance of empathy, tolerance, and resilience.


Emotional regulation is managing and responding to one’s emotional experiences effectively and appropriately. This involves recognising emotions, understanding their impact, and employing strategies to maintain emotional balance. When faced with extreme stress, I utilise techniques such as mindfulness and cognitive reappraisal. Mindfulness helps me stay present and focused, reducing anxiety, while cognitive reappraisal allows me to reframe negative thoughts into more positive or neutral ones.

Some Eastern cultures start teaching their children about emotional regulation when they first enter school. Is it possible for students to learn emotional regulation in college, or should this teaching start earlier?

Teaching Emotional Regulation

In this section of PSY-4030 Multicultural Psychology Week Four Discussion, we will discuss Teaching Emotional Regulation.
    • Research the benefits and challenges of teaching emotional regulation at different educational stages.
    • Compare early education approaches with those in higher education.


    In many Eastern cultures, emotional regulation is taught from a young age, often starting in early childhood education. For example, in Chinese culture, children are taught to manage their emotions through practices emphasising self-discipline, respect, and harmony.

    Research, analyse, and describe the concept of emotional regulation in Eastern cultures. How do Eastern cultures, such as the Chinese, teach their children emotional regulation?

    Emotional Regulation in Eastern Cultures

    In this section of PSY-4030 Multicultural Psychology Week Four Discussion, we will discuss emotional regulation in eastern cultures.
    • Research on how Eastern cultures, mainly Chinese, teach emotional regulation.
    • Discuss cultural practices, values, and educational methods.
    • Use scholarly articles to provide detailed descriptions of these practices.

    Explore studies on longevity or ageing and emotional regulation. What trends did you discover? Does emotional regulation increase with time? If so, explain why this might occur.

     Longevity, Aging, and Emotional Regulation 

    In this section of PSY-4030 Multicultural Psychology Week Four Discussion, we will discuss Longevity, Aging, and Emotional Regulation.
      • Review studies on the relationship between ageing and emotional regulation.
      • Identify trends such as increased emotional stability with age.
      • Explain these trends, such as accumulated life experiences or changes in cognitive processes.


      Research on ageing and emotional regulation indicates that emotional stability increases (Matsumoto, 2002). Older adults generally exhibit better emotional control and less emotional reactivity than younger individuals.

      Why do some cultures engage in honour killings? Do nongroup members have the right to interfere with other cultures regarding long-standing cultural practices? What happens to the culture when others interfere?

       Gender Differences and Society

      In this section of PSY-4030 Multicultural Psychology Week Four Discussion, we will discuss Gender Differences and Society.
        • Explore cultural, social, and historical reasons behind honour practice.
        • Provide specific examples from different cultures.
        • Research and discuss the ethical considerations of interfering with other cultures’ practices.
        • Provide arguments for and against interference.
        • Discuss the potential consequences of such interference on cultural preservation and change.
        • Discuss how such interference can lead to resistance, adaptation, or transformation of practices.


        Honour killings are a practice rooted in cultural beliefs, and these killings occur when a woman is perceived to have disgraced her family through actions such as talking to a man, refusing an arranged marriage, or being a victim of sexual assault. The practice is prevalent in some Middle Eastern and South Asian cultures, where traditional values and patriarchal norms dominate.  Whether non-group members have the right to interfere with other cultures’ long-standing practices is complex.

        Most cultural groups developed their artistic practices in relative isolation, and as mentioned in the lectures, these practices often served a practical role. When cultural groups have maintained radical or “harmful” practices that have not evolved, how might the members of the group be impacted? State some examples of “harmful” practices. Do the antiquated practices impact the members of the group when there is little outside influence?

        Maintaining Radical or Harmful Practices

        • Identify and describe radical or harmful cultural practices maintained in isolation.
        • Discuss the practical roles these practices served historically.
        • Analyse on the impact of these practices on group members, especially in the absence of outside influence.
        • Provide examples such as female genital mutilation, child marriage, or other harmful traditions.


        Many harmful cultural practices, such as female genital mutilation (FGM) and child marriage, have persisted due to cultural isolation. These practices often originated for practical reasons, such as controlling women’s sexuality or ensuring economic stability through marriage alliances. In isolated communities, lack of exposure to alternative perspectives and external influences can result in the continued perpetuation of these harmful traditions.

        Please respond to at least two other students. 

        Peer Response

        • Ask open-ended questions that encourage further discussion and critical thinking.
        • Highlight strengths in your peers’ posts and suggest areas for improvement backed by specific examples.
        • Be courteous and constructive in your responses, avoiding any language that could be perceived as disrespectful.

        Response 01

        Hey Max! I found your analysis on emotional regulation highly engaging, especially how mindfulness and cognitive reappraisal can manage extreme stress. The discussion on Eastern cultures teaching emotional regulation from a young age was insightful and highlighted the benefits of early education in fostering emotional stability. Your exploration of the relationship between ageing and emotional regulation, noting increased emotional stability due to life experiences, was compelling. It’s reassuring to see how emotional wisdom grows over time. Your examination of honour killings and harmful cultural practices was thought-provoking. Balancing respect for cultural diversity with the need to address human rights violations is indeed complex.

        Response 02

        Responding to peers is vital to the PSY 4030 Week four Discussion posts. We need to provide at least two peer responses. I have provided one example post. You can write your peer responses keeping the above points in mind.


        Through this PSY-4030 Multicultural Psychology Week Four Discussion, students will delve into the complexities of emotional regulation and its critical role in individual adjustment and multicultural education. Additionally, they will explore the challenging ethical issues surrounding gender differences and honour killings in various cultures.

        In the following guide, the PSY-4030 MULTICULTURAL PSYCHOLOGY WEEK four project will be explained step by step to let student know how to effectively do the article analysis and learn about how some cultures are more expressive (e.g., hugging, kissing, and laughing boisterously) and others are more reserved.

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