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Instructions of NURS 6050N-27 1-1 DISCUSSION


Rather than focus on the treatment of chronic disease, policies that influence population health tend to emphasize prevention and wellness; the reduction or elimination of waste and the eradication of health disparities based on race, ethnicity, language, income, gender, sexual orientation, disability and other factors. The reasoning is that good health belongs to the whole, not just an individual. (New York State Dept. of Health, n.d.)  

Regardless of political affiliation, every citizen has a stake in healthcare policy decisions. Hence, it is little wonder why healthcare items become such high-profile components of presidential agendas. It is also little wonder why they become such hotly debated agenda items.

Consider a topic (mental health, HIV, opioid epidemic, pandemics, obesity, prescription drug prices, or many others) that rises to the presidential level. How did the current and previous presidents handle the problem? What would you do differently?

New York State Department of Health. (n.d.). Making New York the healthiest state: Achieving the triple aim. Retrieved June 21, 2021 from https://www.health.ny.gov/events/population_health_summit/docs/what_is_population_health.pdf


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.
Click the weekly resources link to access the resources. 


To Prepare:

  • Review the Resources and reflect on the importance of agenda setting.

  • Consider how federal agendas promote healthcare issues and how these healthcare issues become agenda priorities.


Post your response to the discussion question: Consider a population health topic that rises to the presidential agenda level. Which social determinant most affects this health issue? How did two recent presidents handle the problem? What would you do differently?


Respond to at least two of your colleagues* on two different days by expanding on their response and providing an example that supports their explanation or respectfully challenging their explanation and providing an example.

Step-By-Step Guide NURS-6050N-27 1-1 Discussion


This Owlisdom,  NURS-6050N-27 1-1 Discussion assignment involves writing a discussion post about a population health topic that has risen to the presidential agenda level. The task requires you to identify the social determinant most affecting this health issue, analyze how two recent presidents handled the problem, and propose what you would do differently. The NURS-6050N-27 1-1 Discussion will also include responding to your classmates’ posts by expanding on their responses or respectfully challenging their views with supportive examples.

Consider a population health topic that rises to the presidential agenda level. Which social determinant most affects this health issue?


  • Select a topic such as mental health, opioid crisis, or healthcare access.
  • Ensure the topic is significant and has been a focus of recent presidential agendas.
  • Identify a key social determinant such as employment status, socioeconomic status, or access to healthcare.
  • Explain how this determinant affects the health issue.


To discuss how federal agendas promote healthcare issues, I will examine the topic of opioid addiction, a major public health crisis in the United States. The issue has transcended into the presidential agenda due to its vast socio-economic impact and the rapid increase in opioid-related deaths.

A critical social determinant affecting this health issue is economic stability. Economic factors such as unemployment, job insecurity, and poverty have significantly contributed to higher rates of opioid addiction. People in economically disadvantaged areas often have limited access to healthcare services, including mental health and addiction support, which exacerbates the crisis.

How did two recent presidents handle the problem?


In this section of NURS-6050N-27 1-1 Discussion, we will analyse presidential approaches.
  • Discuss the initiatives and policies implemented by two recent presidents.
  • Analyze the effectiveness and limitations of their approaches.


Presidential agendas play a pivotal role in addressing such crises by setting policy priorities and directing federal resources. During Barack Obama’s administration, opioid addiction was recognized as a severe crisis, leading to the 2016 announcement of new initiatives aimed at expanding access to treatment (Pacula & Stein, 2020). It included increasing the number of patients doctors could treat for addiction using specific medications. Additionally, Obama’s administration focused on expanding Medicaid services to cover more people needing addiction treatment.

Donald Trump declared the opioid crisis a public health emergency in 2017. His administration increased funding for opioid crisis grants to states, promoted the development of non-addictive pain management alternatives, and launched public awareness campaigns (Kuenning, 2024). However, critics argued that Trump’s approach was too focused on punitive measures and not enough on expanding treatment and recovery services.

What would you do differently?


  • Propose a strategy that addresses the identified social determinant more effectively.
  • Explain how your approach would improve upon previous efforts.


If I were to address this issue differently, I would implement a comprehensive approach focusing on the prevention, treatment, and social reintegration of individuals suffering from opioid addiction. It would involve:

  1. Prevention: Launching educational programs in schools and communities to prevent drug misuse.
  2. Treatment: Expanding funding for addiction treatment facilities to include more comprehensive services, focusing on holistic and long-term recovery options.
  3. Economic Support: Implementing job training and placement programs for recovering individuals to facilitate their reintegration into society.

Addressing the root social determinants such as economic stability by providing more substantial support for mental health services in economically distressed regions could further help mitigate the crisis. The approach ensures a balanced strategy that not only treats the symptoms but also addresses the underlying causes of opioid addiction.


Kuenning, G. (2024). The US Opioid Crisis and the Affordable Care Act (ACA): The Politics of Health Policy Decision-Making by Republican Governors, Senators, and States [PhD Thesis]. https://www.repository.cam.ac.uk/items/c4eac0ca-9a95-47de-bb8e-e924f4dfde39 

Pacula, R. L., & Stein, B. D. (2020). State approaches to tackling the opioid crisis through the health care system. The Opioid Crisis in America: Domestic and International Dimensions. Washington, DC: Brookings Institution. https://healthpolicy.usc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/4_Pacula-Stein_final.pdf 

Respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days by expanding on their response and providing an example that supports their explanation or respectfully challenging their explanation and providing an example.


  • Respond to at least two classmates on different days.
  • Justify your responses with examples, research, and reasoning.


Hello …,

Your insightful analysis of how healthcare issues like mental health reform have risen to the presidential agenda is compelling. I particularly appreciate your emphasis on the role of educational initiatives in promoting mental health awareness. Indeed, the early identification and intervention strategies you mentioned can significantly reduce long-term implications for individuals struggling with mental health issues. Additionally, your mention of President Biden’s focus on integrating mental health into primary care is a progressive step that might offer more comprehensive and accessible care. However, I would suggest expanding on how these reforms could be implemented within schools and workplaces to further normalize mental health discussions. Such environments are crucial touchpoints for early detection and support, potentially easing the burden on healthcare systems.

Hi Richard,

Your discussion on childhood obesity as a population health topic that requires presidential attention is very pertinent. The emphasis on environmental factors, such as community and school settings, offers a crucial perspective on combating obesity from the ground up. It’s interesting to see how different administrations, like those of Trump and Obama, approached this issue through policies impacting food quality in schools and public health campaigns. I wonder if incorporating technology, such as apps for tracking physical activity and diet, could enhance individual engagement and accountability, particularly among younger demographics. Additionally, your idea for local community health initiatives is promising. Perhaps partnerships with local businesses to promote healthy eating could also be an effective strategy to change dietary habits community-wide, leveraging local influence to foster a healthier next generation.


By following these NURS-6050N-27 1-1 Discussion guidelines, students can effectively complete the discussion assignment, demonstrating a thorough understanding of how social determinants influence health issues and how federal agendas can address these concerns. In the next module of  Nurs-6050, we will explore 1-2 Agenda Comparison Grid And Fact Sheet.

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