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BMGT-8028 Week 5 Assignment: Practicing Literature Searches and Topic Development

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Instructions of BMGT-8028 Week 5 Assignment

Week 5 Assignment: Practicing Literature Searches and Topic Development

For this assignment, you will begin searching the literature in the general areas of work-life balance and online learning. As you develop your search, you will narrow the focus so that it includes some aspect of your specialization. For example, IT learners will probably want to delve further into literature that addresses the use of technology as it relates to work-life balance and online learning, while business learners may want to incorporate topics such as decision making, planning, and boundary or role theories.

Preparation Steps

To prepare for the assignment:

  1. Review Reviewing the Literature, the library guide for conducting literature reviews.
  2. Fill in the Preliminary Search Action Plan using keywords on the general areas of work-life balance and online learning. Download a PDF copy of your Preliminary Search Action Plan to include with the Week 5 assignment.
  3. Track your search strategy using the Database Search Log and the Scholarly Research Log. Both logs are available on the More Services and Tools page of the Capella University Library. Download both completed logs to include with this assignment.
  4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 using keywords related to work-life balance, online learning, and a topic area you have chosen from your specialization or area of interest.
  5. Use the Search by Methodology guide to search by methodology.

Assignment Instructions

To complete the assignment:

  • Describe the topic area of work-life balance, online learning, and your specialization you selected for this assignment.
  • Identify the key search words you used in your search, including those that were rejected or nonproductive and those that yielded the best results. Evaluate the results from the keywords as they relate to the topic of your search.
  • Develop an annotated bibliography of selected articles that emerged from the results of your search and from the discussions in Weeks 2, 3, 4, and 5. The annotated bibliography should be included in your assignment as an appendix.
  • Discuss the theories, seminal works, and recent research that emerged from the results of your search and from the discussions in Weeks 2, 3, 4, and 5. Include in this section:
    • An outline of a recent literature review article from a peer-reviewed journal.
    • A description (including the theoretical constructs) of two or three theories relevant to your topic.
    • A description of the relevant seminal works.
    • An analysis of the predominate methodology (exploratory/qualitative or theory testing/quantitative) of the most recent research on your topic.
    • An evaluation of the direction and methodology (quantitative or qualitative) of future research on the topic.
  • Summarize your understanding of the existing literature on work-life balance and online learning, including:
    • How your understanding of the relevant theory and state of knowledge on your topic has changed since you began your review of the relevant literature.
    • A possible gap in existing knowledge that emerged for which a research study might make a substantive contribution to the existing knowledge.
  • Reflect on the lessons learned in conducting this review of the literature, and include:
    • A description of the processes and procedures of the literature search and literature review that enhanced your understanding of the structure of scholarly literature.
    • A description of how your understanding of the role of theory, the foundation of seminal work, and the analysis of data-based research has contributed to your development as a PhD researcher.
    • Credits to specific fellow learners whose contributions from course discussions pointed you in a direction you had not considered or gave you an insight or an “aha moment” that clarified an important step you have now incorporated into this assignment.

Review the Practicing Literature Searches and Topic Development Scoring Guide to learn about the criteria by which this assignment will be evaluated. When you have completed your assignment, submit it in the assignment area.

Submission Requirements

Your assignment should meet the following requirements:

  • Written communication: Written communication must be grammatically correct and free of errors that detract from the overall message. Writing should be consistent with graduate-level scholarship.
  • APA format: Resources and citations are formatted according to current Evidence and APALinks to an external site. style and formatting.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
  • Format: Submit four documents—the assignment in .doc or .docx file format, a PDF copy of your Preliminary Search Action Plan, and downloaded copies of the completed Database Search Log and Scholarly Research Log.


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Step-By-Step Guide BMGT-8028 Week 5 Assignment: Practicing Literature Searches and Topic Development

Introduction to Week 5 Assignment: Practicing Literature Searches and Topic Development

Welcome to BMGT-8028 Week 5 Assignment: Practicing Literature Searches and Topic Development guide, designed to assist you in conducting effective literature searches for topics on work-life balance and online learning. This task is crucial for understanding current research trends and identifying gaps in the literature that your own research could address. This BMGT-8028 guide will provide step-by-step instructions to enhance your skills in literature searching, crucial for any doctoral student in business or IT focusing on these pertinent topics.

Describe the topic area of work-life balance, online learning, and your specialization you selected for this assignment.

Describe the Topic Area

  • Contextualize the Issue: Start by defining how work-life balance and online learning intersect with your specific field of specialization, whether it be IT, business, or another area.
  • Relevance to Current Trends: Explain the importance of these topics in today’s academic and professional settings. 


The topic of AI’s potential to improve work-life balance and the associated cybersecurity dangers is both exciting and crucial in today’s technologically evolved world. One approach to using AI to work-life balance is to use it to automate repetitive operations, improve workflow, and provide analytical insights for more effective time management. People can focus on more rewarding activities and possibly increase their job satisfaction with the time saved by an AI application. But these developments also raise a serious worry: possible cybersecurity threats. AI systems are more vulnerable to cyberattacks because they handle and store enormous volumes of sensitive data. These dangers, which call for strong cybersecurity safeguards and ongoing vulnerability monitoring, include data breaches, manipulation of AI systems, and service outages. Because it finds a balance between the benefits of AI in enhancing work-life dynamics and the necessity of maintaining strong cybersecurity measures, this is an extremely interesting area of study. It encapsulates the challenges of modern technology and the necessity of utilizing it to improve human lives while closely observing its risks.

Identify the key search words you used in your search, including those that were rejected or nonproductive and those that yielded the best results. Evaluate the results from the keywords as they relate to the topic of your search.

Identify Key Search Words 

  • Selection and Rejection: List all the keywords used, highlighting which were effective and which were not.
  • Evaluation: Analyze how the successful keywords have shaped the direction of your research, emphasizing the relevance to your topic.


Evaluation of Key Search Words

I utilized a variety of terms to narrow down my search when performing the literature study on AI’s effects on cybersecurity concerns, online learning, and work-life balance. When it came to locating pertinent material, some of these terms worked better than others.

Keywords Used in the Search

o Effective Keywords:

o “AI and work-life balance”: Using this crucial term made it easier to find research on the topic of artificial intelligence’s contribution to work-life balance.

o The phrase “online learning impact on work-life” led me to materials that looked at the effects of remote learning on both personal and professional lives.

o “Cybersecurity in AI”: An essential search term for papers about the security risks associated with AI applications.

o “Artificial intelligence employee productivity”: Research on this topic revealed information regarding how AI affects worker productivity and efficiency.

Less Effective Keywords:

o “AI and job loss”: While this word is pertinent to the wider effects of AI in the workplace, it frequently evokes literature that is more concerned with work-life balance than with job displacement.

o “Effectiveness of digital learning”: This term focused more on the effectiveness of online learning strategies than how well they help people manage their personal and professional lives.

o “Digital learning technology” produced outcomes that were more technical in nature rather than providing insights into the implications for work-life balance.

Keywords That Were Not Useful

The term “remote work technology” typically sparked broader conversations about technologies that support remote work, with little emphasis on AI’s function in finding a work-life balance.

“AI in education”: This phrase was overly general and frequently produced results unrelated to cybersecurity in AI or work-life balance.

Reflection on the Keyword Search Results

The more useful keywords took me straight to relevant research that provided insightful information about the impact of AI technology on work-life balance, the significance of online education, and related cybersecurity issues. Though related, the less beneficial and ineffective keywords frequently deviated from my particular area of interest.

Selecting the appropriate keywords was an essential part of my research procedure. It ensured that I studied literature directly related to my key areas of cybersecurity, AI, work-life balance, and online learning by making my literature search more focused and effective. This procedure emphasized how crucial it is to choose keywords carefully and strategically while performing exhaustive literature research.

Develop an annotated bibliography of selected articles that emerged from the results of your search and from the discussions in Weeks 2, 3, 4, and 5. The annotated bibliography should be included in your assignment as an appendix.

Develop an Annotated Bibliography

  • Selection Criteria: Detail the criteria for choosing the articles included in your bibliography.
  • Annotation: For each source, provide a brief summary, its relevance to your topic, and any critical insights or data points.


This article was selected for its comprehensive meta-analysis of the efficacy of online learning courses in higher education, a topic highly relevant to the exploration of digital education strategies. The criteria for inclusion in this bibliography focused on the article’s publication in a peer-reviewed journal, its recent publication date to ensure current insights, and its specific focus on higher education. Castro and Tumibay (2021) conducted a meta-analysis of various studies to evaluate the effectiveness of online learning in higher education. The article synthesizes findings from multiple sources, revealing that online learning can be as effective as traditional in-person education, provided that course design, instructor presence, and student engagement are adequately addressed. This source is pertinent to the topic as it offers a robust evaluation of online learning’s efficacy, highlighting key factors that contribute to successful outcomes. Critical insights include the importance of interactive elements and the potential for online learning to provide flexible, accessible education options.

(Similarly, write the annotation of other sources used in the paper)

Discuss the theories, seminal works, and recent research that emerged from the results of your search and from the discussions in Weeks 2, 3, 4, and 5. Include in this section: An outline of a recent literature review article from a peer-reviewed journal. A description (including the theoretical constructs) of two or three theories relevant to your topic. A description of the relevant seminal works. An analysis of the predominate methodology (exploratory/qualitative or theory testing/quantitative) of the most recent research on your topic. An evaluation of the direction and methodology (quantitative or qualitative) of future research on the topic.

Discuss Theories and Research

  • Outline Key Theories: Describe two or three theories that are pertinent to your topic, explaining their theoretical constructs.
  • Seminal Works: Identify and describe foundational studies that have significantly influenced current research.
  • Methodology Analysis: Discuss whether the prevailing research methodologies are exploratory/qualitative or theory testing/quantitative, and how they apply to your topic.


To start, the development of AI technology can be examined through the lens of Everett Rogers’ Diffusion of Innovations Theory. According to this hypothesis, adopters are categorized as innovators, early adopters, or the majority, depending on how willing they are to accept new technology. It emphasizes how crucial elements like the perceived advantages of AI, its conformity with current values, and its ease of implementation are in influencing how quickly it is adopted. This hypothesis can explain why different groups within an organization or society adopt AI-driven solutions at different rates and in diverse ways. It can also explain why these groups’ responses to cybersecurity concerns vary as technology becomes more widely available. All of this is essential when talking about AI and work-life harmony.

The second framework explores how people react to perceived dangers and was created by R. W. Rogers. It is called the Protection Motivation Theory (PMT). Despite being first used to health risks, its use has expanded to include behavior analysis in cybersecurity.

Some of the main ideas that support this theory are the effectiveness of preventative measures, a person’s confidence in their ability to carry them out, and the perceived seriousness and likelihood of the threat. When considering AI’s impact on work-life balance, PMT can provide light on people’s perceptions of the cybersecurity threats posed by these technologies as well as the factors that motivate them to follow safe practices. According to PMT, if people believe that cybersecurity threats are real and plausible and that they can implement the necessary security measures, they are more inclined to embrace behaviors that safeguard their data and privacy.

The Diffusion of Innovations Theory and the Protection Motivation Theory when combined offer a comprehensive framework for understanding the complex dynamics surrounding cybersecurity challenges as well as how AI may be utilized to improve work-life balance. They shed light on how different groups use AI technologies and how people perceive and handle the associated security risks.

Seminal Works

When addressing these interconnections, it is imperative to mention seminal works that have shaped our understanding of cybersecurity, work-life balance, and AI. Carl Benedikt Frey and Michael A. Osborne’s 2013 book “The Future of Employment: How Susceptible Are Jobs to Computerization?” is a classic. The impact of automation and artificial intelligence on the workforce was investigated in this study with respect to work-life balance (Frey & Osborne, September). Furthermore, Ajay Agrawal, Joshua Gans, and Avi Goldfarb’s book “AI at Work: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on the Future of Work” (published in 2019) provides a thoughtful analysis of how AI is transforming the nature of work and is required reading for anybody curious about how AI will impact work-life balance (Acemoglu & Restrepo, 2018). 

Two works stand out when it comes to the threats that artificial intelligence poses to cybersecurity. For anyone interested in understanding the evolution of cybersecurity challenges, Nils J. Nilsson’s 2010 book “The Quest for Artificial Intelligence: A History of Ideas and Achievements” is essential reading. It offers a historical perspective on the development of AI (Nilsson, 2009). This is enhanced by the excellent 2016 book “Cybersecurity and Applied Mathematics” by Leigh Metcalf and William Casey, which delves into the technical aspects of protecting AI systems and highlights the intersection between cybersecurity and mathematical applications. When combined, these components offer a strong framework for examining the implications for cybersecurity as well as the current and future uses of AI in the workplace.

Summarize your understanding of the existing literature on work-life balance and online learning, including: How your understanding of the relevant theory and state of knowledge on your topic has changed since you began your review of the relevant literature. A possible gap in existing knowledge that emerged for which a research study might make a substantive contribution to the existing knowledge.

Summarize Literature Understanding

  • Evolution of Understanding: Reflect on how your comprehension of the topic has evolved through the literature review.
  • Identification of Gaps: Highlight any gaps in the literature that your research could potentially fill.


Predominate Methodology

An examination of a popular method in the field’s current research on using AI to enhance work-life balance and the cybersecurity risks associated with it reveals a combination of qualitative and quantitative theory-testing methods.

Analysis of Predominant Methodology in Recent Research

Exploratory/Qualitative Approach

o Work-life balance and AI studies conducted recently frequently use an experimental, qualitative methodology. Because the topic is very new and continually changing due to technology breakthroughs, this approach is common. To get insight into the complex effects of artificial intelligence (AI) on workers’ work-life balance, researchers employ focus groups, interviews, and case studies. They investigate topics such as job satisfaction, stress levels, and the evolving nature of work.

o Qualitative approaches are frequently employed in AI-related cybersecurity research to comprehend human elements, including user behavior, risk perceptions, and attitudes toward security systems. Qualitative evaluations of security occurrences and practices are frequently used in these studies to learn more about vulnerabilities and user reactions.

Theory Testing/Quantitative Approach

Studies that seek to quantify the influence of artificial intelligence (AI) on productivity and job efficiency frequently use quantitative methodologies, such as statistical analysis and surveys. These studies could measure how much time is saved, how efficiently tasks are completed, and how much AI integration improves overall job performance.

Quantitative research in cybersecurity includes data breach incident statistical analysis, cyber threat modeling, and efficacy assessment of security solutions. This method offers factual data to back up the creation of strong AI security protocols.

Evaluation of Future Research Directions and Methodology

Direction and Methodology of Future Research in AI and Work-Life Balance:

Given the benefits of both qualitative and quantitative methodologies, it is likely that future study will continue to combine both. But as the field develops, there might be a shift toward more quantitative approaches that make it possible to gather longitudinal data and evaluate theories regarding AI’s long-term effects on work-life balance.

Direction and Methodology of Future Research in AI and Cybersecurity:

The trend in cybersecurity may be more in line with quantitative research. More complex statistical models and empirical assessments will be required as AI technologies advance in order to identify risks, forecast attacks, and gauge how well security measures are working. To fully comprehend the human aspects of cybersecurity, such as user behavior and company culture, qualitative research will still be crucial.

To sum up, both qualitative and quantitative approaches have proven crucial in expanding our knowledge of AI’s application to cybersecurity and work-life balance. The particular study topics being addressed will determine future research directions; the most thorough insights are obtained by combining the two methods.

Recent Research

Recent studies on the use of AI in work-life balance and the implications for cybersecurity have produced some important results. Research shows that artificial intelligence (AI) greatly increases workplace productivity and efficiency. This is mostly because AI automates repetitive tasks, freeing up individuals to concentrate on more important and rewarding elements of their jobs. AI-driven solutions are also commended for their capacity to offer individualized workload distribution and time management, which promotes a more flexible work environment. Nevertheless, there are drawbacks to this beneficial effect, including worries about growing reliance on AI, possible job displacement, and a blurring of the lines between work and home life. Concerns about privacy and employee autonomy are also prominent topics in these talks.

Research on cybersecurity shows that as AI systems handle and retain vast volumes of private data, they become more susceptible to cyberattacks. There is an immediate need for stronger cybersecurity measures, given the increase in complex AI-driven threats, which include data breaches and system manipulation (Fiata, 2023). These precautions include creating sophisticated security processes, keeping a close eye on security flaws, and building AI systems with security as a top priority from the start. Furthermore, research is beginning to highlight the human element of cybersecurity, highlighting the significance of user education regarding safe practices and comprehending user behavior in reaction to cybersecurity risks.

Although there are substantial cybersecurity dangers associated with AI, the current body of research cautions against using it as a helpful tool to improve work-life balance. It asks for a well-rounded strategy that takes advantage of AI’s advantages while skillfully managing and reducing its security risks, integrating technology advancements, and taking human factors into account while using AI and developing cybersecurity plans.

Outline of Literature Review

This is a suggested framework for a literature study, which is based on the PDF “An Experimental Analysis of Work-Life Balance Among the Employees Using Machine Learning Classifiers” by K. Radha and M. Rohith:

Literature Review Outline: “AI and Work-Life Balance: Opportunities and Security Challenges”

  1. Intro to the Topic

o A brief overview of AI’s benefits for work-life balance.

o The problem of security hazards in AI

o The reasons this review is crucial.

  1. How AI Helps with Work-Life Balance
  2. What Work-Life Balance Means Today

o A brief overview

o What technology means now

  1. AI’s Role

o Improving the efficiency and accessibility of work.

o Assisting with workload and schedule planning.

o A few instances from actual life.

  1. Good and Bad Points

o How it benefits employees.

o Issues such as concerns about privacy.

  1. Security Problems with AI

What Kind of Security Issues?

  • Problems such as data theft.
  • AI is being applied incorrectly.

Stopping Security Problems

  • How to make AI less dangerous.
  • Laws and regulations to assist.

Real Stories about AI and Security

  • Examples of mishaps that occurred.
  • What they can teach us
  1. Balancing AI Benefits and Security
  2. Keeping Things Safe and Useful
  • Ensuring that AI benefits without harming.
  1. What is next?
  • What is possible for the future
  • How can we prepare for upcoming changes?
  1. Wrapping Up
  • Key things to keep in mind.
  • What this implies for companies like ours
  • Suggestions for additional study

Sources Used

From where did all of the information originate?

This study of the literature will explore the various ways that AI might improve work-life balance while also addressing the serious cybersecurity threats that come with implementing it. The review’s objective is to gain a thorough understanding of the state of play, obstacles, and potential paths in this area where cybersecurity and AI applications converge.

Summary of existing literature on work-life balance and online learning.

The body of research on the subject of online learning and work-life balance offers a complex picture of this developing field. Important topics include how online learning’s accessibility and flexibility help students better manage their time and combine their studies with their personal and professional lives. But there are drawbacks to this learning style as well, like the necessity for self-control and efficient time management, which can cause stress and upset the balance, especially for people who have full-time jobs or obligations to their families (Lupu & Ruiz- Castro, 2021).

The literature often discusses technological developments in online learning, including artificial intelligence (AI), interactive platforms, and mobile learning. These developments have improved accessibility and personalization of education, which has major advantages for preserving work-life balance (Sutherland Global 2018). On the other hand, concerns about the digital divide—a situation in which certain students may find it difficult to access technology—are also brought up.The literature also emphasizes the social and psychological aspects of online learning. While flexibility is a benefit of online learning, there is a risk that students will feel less engaged and alone than in traditional classroom environments. In virtual learning environments, the value of social connection and support networks is highlighted as essential to maintaining a good work-life balance and pursuing education.

Attention is also given to support systems and organizational policies. According to the literature, organizations and institutions can be very helpful in assisting students by providing flexible scheduling, time management tools, and rules that take into account the particular difficulties associated with online learning.

The body of research indicates that online learning will probably keep changing in the future. Improving student engagement, better integrating technology, and addressing concerns of equity and access are among the main areas of concentration. Future studies are expected to examine how online learning affects work-life balance over the long term, particularly in light of how quickly work settings are evolving and how far technology has come. This collection of works offers a thorough analysis of the advantages and difficulties of online learning, highlighting its importance in the current educational environment and its effects on people’s work-life balance.

Reflect on the lessons learned in conducting this review of the literature, and include: A description of the processes and procedures of the literature search and literature review that enhanced your understanding of the structure of scholarly literature. A description of how your understanding of the role of theory, the foundation of seminal work, and the analysis of data-based research has contributed to your development as a PhD researcher.

Reflect on the Literature Review Process 

  • Procedural Overview: Describe the steps taken during the literature search and how they enhanced your understanding of the academic landscape.
  • Theoretical and Empirical Insights: Explain how this process has deepened your understanding of theoretical applications and empirical research in your field.


By thinking back on the experience of doing this literature review, I was able to improve both my Ph.D. research abilities and my comprehension of the organization of scholarly literature. The procedure started with a methodical approach to literature search, with an emphasis on finding pertinent databases and publications that offered a whole range of the subjects under consideration, such as cybersecurity, AI, work-life balance, and online learning. In order to ensure accuracy and relevancy during the search process, keyword refinement was essential. Additionally, I used clear inclusion and exclusion criteria, which made it easier to concentrate on the best and most pertinent studies. I now have a greater understanding of the significance of theory in research because to this procedure. Research questions are shaped by theories, which also direct technique and data interpretation. It was informative to interact with basic works in these domains because it gave historical context and demonstrated how contemporary research built upon these core concepts. In addition, the examination of data-driven research enhanced my comprehension of diverse research approaches, the importance of data analysis methods, and the utilization of empirical data to bolster theoretical frameworks.

Another essential step in the process was to critically assess every source. It entailed evaluating the research’s legitimacy, methodology, and conclusions—all of which are critical to comprehending the advantages and disadvantages of the body of current literature. This critical assessment has been invaluable in helping me to strengthen my capacity to carry out ethical and rigorous research.

To sum up, the process of conducting a literature review has been crucial to my development as a PhD researcher. My understanding of how academic literature is organized has improved, and it has highlighted the importance of approaching research methodically, the essential role of theory, and the critical evaluation of data-based research. This encounter has given me the knowledge and comprehension I need to conduct outstanding academic research.

Credits to specific fellow learners whose contributions from course discussions pointed you in a direction you had not considered or gave you an insight or an “aha moment” that clarified an important step you have now incorporated into this assignment.

Credits and Acknowledgments

  • Learner Contributions: Acknowledge specific insights or contributions from peers that have influenced your research direction or provided significant realizations.


When I think back on the thoughtful comments made by my fellow students throughout our class discussions, a few come to me since they had a big influence on how I understood and approached this work:

  1. Vincent Bridges: A game-changer was his analysis of Castro et al.’s 2021 paper regarding online learning in higher education (Castro & Tumibay, 2021). My “aha” moment came during the discussion about using Bloom’s Taxonomy in the study. I became aware of how crucial structured learning development is, particularly in online environments. This realization changed the way I thought about using systematic approaches in my study.
  2. Rachel Mathurin: The article by Yasihiro Kotera and Katia Correa Vione from 2020 that Rachel highlighted was quite informative regarding the psychological elements of new working practices. The necessity of completeness and rigor in research was highlighted by the use of PRISMA criteria covered in her piece, and I have now deliberately included these elements into my assignment.
  3. Darrell Hall: Darrell provided a crucial teaching point when he discussed the value of qualitative research techniques, particularly in business and urban education. The citation of Lisa Given’s work highlighted the significance of individual experiences in comprehending intricate social processes and clarified the breadth of qualitative research (Given, 2012). This has affected how I think about using qualitative approaches in my study.
  4. Michelle Westmore: In her analysis of Furkan Metin’s research on perceived organizational support (POS) and employee retention, she offered a fresh point of view. The relationship between POS and intents to leave, particularly in the IT sector, and the use of social exchange theory—which I’ve now integrated into my own work—have both deepened my understanding of employee-employer dynamics (Metin, 2023).
  5. Boykin-Burnett Ta’Kita: The significant implications of abrupt transitions to online learning settings were brought to light by the study Ta’Kita highlighted on the COVID-19’s effects on college students’ mental health. This study made clear how crucial it is to strike a balance between academic obligations and mental health when learning online, which is something I’ve done with great importance in my assignment.
  6. Nicodemus Quainoo: During the discussion of Dominique M. Curington’s analysis of the work-life balance of African female retail managers, my eyes were awakened to the unique challenges this group faces. This insight has had a significant impact on how I approach inclusivity in research and has made it easier for me to understand the range of experiences that are present in work-life balance studies.
  7. Robbie Allen: A thorough grasp of these dynamics was offered by his investigation of organizational productivity, which focused on the interactions between work-life balance, online learning, and productivity in the workplace. His cited research have greatly influenced my understanding of productivity tactics and staff satisfaction.
  8. Olaide Ariori: Olaide gave a really enlightening talk about feminist approaches to treating mental health in the post-COVID workplace. The holistic perspective on the pandemic’s effects on businesses, particularly in relation to HR administration and corporate governance, has shaped my perception of the difficulties and possibilities presented by this new era.

These recommendations have changed my approach to this work and opened up new possibilities for me. They have clarified crucial processes and concepts and offered me new avenues to explore, which I have now incorporated into my study and writing.


Mastering the art of literature searching is a fundamental skill for any doctoral student, providing a solid foundation for academic success. Through diligent search and analysis, you will enhance your understanding of work-life balance and online learning, contributing valuable insights to your field. Remember, the quality of your literature review significantly influences the credibility and scholarly value of your overall research. This Owlisdom guide is intended to support you through the initial stages of your doctoral research journey, helping you build a robust theoretical and empirical basis for your dissertation.

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