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BMGT 8412 WEEK Nine discussion: The Workplace of the Future

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Instructions of BMGT 8412 WEEK Nine discussion: The Workplace of the Future

Week 9 Discussion: Change for the Future

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Workplace change is happening fast. Even within the span of the last five years, there are new issues and challenges for the HR professional.

In your Week 1 discussion post, you identified the types of skills, competencies, and resources human resource professionals will need to address future challenges. Now that you are near to completing this course, how has your answer changed in relation to the skills, competencies, and resources for the HR professional? What would you add? What would you change? What would you keep the same?

Response Guidelines

Respond to at least two other learners. What might you add to each list, and why would you make your competency, skill, or resource a priority?

Step-By-Step Guide BMGT 8412 WEEK Nine discussion: The Workplace of the Future

Introduction to BMGT 8412 Week Nine Discussion

The BMGT 8412 WEEK Nine discussion: The Workplace of the Future involves reassessing the skills, competencies, and resources human resource professionals will need to address future challenges. Reflecting on what you identified in Week 1, you will discuss how your answers have changed, what new elements you would add, what you would modify, and what you would keep the same. Additionally, you will respond to your peers’ posts, suggesting additional competencies, skills, or resources and explaining why they should be a priority.

Workplace change is happening fast. Even within the span of the last five years, there are new issues and challenges for the HR professional. In your Week 1 discussion post, you identified the types of skills, competencies, and resources human resource professionals will need to address future challenges. Now that you are near to completing this course, how has your answer changed in relation to the skills, competencies, and resources for the HR professional? 

Reevaluating Skills, Competencies, and Resources

To start the BMGT 8412 WEEK Nine discussion: The Workplace of the Future, we will reflect on the skills, competencies, and resources we identified in Week 1.

  • Review your initial discussion post. 
  • Consider how the course content and current trends have influenced your understanding of what HR professionals need to succeed. 
  • Note any shifts in your perspective.


In Week 1, I identified critical skills for HR professionals, such as adaptability, technological proficiency, and strong communication skills. Through this course, my perspective has evolved, highlighting the increased importance of continuous learning and advanced data analytics. As businesses face rapid changes, these competencies have become essential for HR effectiveness.

What would you add?

Adding New Skills, Competencies, and Resources

In this section of BMGT 8412 WEEK Nine discussion: The Workplace of the Future, we will identify new skills, competencies, and resources that have become important.

  • Based on the course content and recent developments in the HR field, suggest new skills, competencies, or resources that HR professionals should acquire. 
  • These might include technological literacy, data analytics, or advanced interpersonal skills
  • Provide evidence from the course materials or current HR trends to support your additions.


A crucial addition is expertise in data analytics. As Apple and other organisations increasingly rely on data-driven decisions, HR must be proficient in analysing workforce data to identify trends, improve hiring processes, and enhance employee engagement. Additionally, proficiency in remote work technologies is essential due to the ongoing shift toward hybrid and remote work models. This includes familiarity with collaboration tools, virtual meeting platforms, and remote performance management systems.

What would you change?

Changing Existing Skills, Competencies, and Resources

Now, in BMGT 8412 WEEK Nine discussion: The Workplace of the Future, we will determine which skills, competencies, and resources need modification.

  • Consider which of your initial suggestions may need to be updated or revised. 
  • Explain why these changes are necessary, incorporating insights from the course and recent HR developments. 
  • Provide specific examples to illustrate your points.


Technological proficiency now needs to encompass managing digital transformation. This includes understanding the implementation and optimisation of HR technology systems like Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS) and performance management software. The course has underscored that managing these systems effectively is critical for modern HR practices.

What would you keep the same?

Keeping Existing Skills, Competencies, and Resources

Now, identify which skills, competencies, and resources remain relevant and should be kept the same.

  • Reflect on the skills, competencies, and resources that are still critical for HR professionals. 
  • Using evidence from the course and current HR practices, justify why these elements are still relevant. 
  • Highlight their ongoing importance in addressing future challenges.


Adaptability remains a fundamental competency. The ability to navigate change and lead others through transitions is more important than ever. This skill is crucial for Apple’s HR professionals to manage organisational changes such as restructuring, technological adoption, and evolving workforce expectations.

The evolving HR landscape requires continuous reassessment of essential skills, competencies, and resources. By adding new elements like data analytics and remote work technologies, updating existing skills to include digital transformation, and maintaining critical competencies like adaptability, HR professionals can better address future challenges. Engaging with peers’ insights further enhances our collective understanding and prepares us to foster adaptive and innovative workplaces.

Respond to at least two other learners. What might you add to each list, and why would you make your competency, skill, or resource a priority?

Peer Responses

According to BMGT 8412 WEEK Nine discussion: The Workplace of the Future, we are supposed to write two peer responses. I have addressed the given instructions in one response. Following these instructions, you can write your peer responses to the Week Nine Discussion without a hassle.

  • Read your peers’ responses carefully. 
  • Provide thoughtful feedback, suggesting additional elements that could enhance their lists. 
  • Use evidence from the course or your understanding to support your suggestions.


Response 01

Hey Alan, nice post! I agree with your emphasis on data analytics and remote work technologies. To further enhance your list, consider adding conflict resolution skills, which are crucial for maintaining a harmonious work environment, especially in hybrid settings. Additionally, incorporating knowledge of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) practices can help foster a more inclusive workplace. Research shows that DEI initiatives significantly boost employee engagement and productivity.

Response 02

Responding to peers is vital to the BMGT 8412 Week 9 Discussion posts. We need to provide at least two peer responses. I have provided one example post. You can write your peer responses keeping the above points in mind.


The BMGT 8412 WEEK Nine discussion: The Workplace of the Future aims to deepen your understanding of the evolving skills, competencies, and resources needed by HR professionals. By reassessing your initial ideas, adding new elements, and engaging with peers’ insights, you will develop a comprehensive approach to preparing HR professionals for future challenges. Reflecting on these changes and engaging in thoughtful discussions will enhance your ability to foster adaptive and innovative workplaces. In the Upcoming module of BMGT-8412, we will explore Where to From Here?

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