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PSYC 2002 2-1 Discussion: Language Development

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Instructions of PSYC 2002 2-1 Discussion


Language is a method of human communication that consists of a lexicon structured in a conventional way and expressed through speech and writing. While the process of language development may seem magical, it does have a few logical explanations that apply to typical human beings.

As you recall from your textbook, according to the learning theory approach, language acquisition follows the basic principles of reinforcement (Feldman, 2022). Children are reinforced by parents and caregivers when they make sounds that are similar to words within the parents’ lexicon. However, there are other theoretical approaches that attempt to further explain language acquisition. You will also study the nativist and the interactionist approaches. As you engage in this week’s Learning Resources and Discussion, you will consider what approach makes the most sense to you.

For this week’s Discussion, you will analyze language development, examine the parent’s role in language development, consider infant-directed speech, and summarize your own view of the language acquisition process.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this Discussion.

Required Readings

Required Media

Optional Resources

To prepare:

  • Review this week’s Learning Resources, paying particular attention to the learning theory, and the nativist and interactionist approaches.

  • Consider the learning theory, nativist, and interactionist theoretical approaches. Ask yourself, “What role does the parent play?” If the parent believes in the learning theory or nativist approach, how might the parent behave?

  • Review this week’s required media resources. Consider the interactions between the infants and their caregivers.

  • Think about your own experiences interacting with a baby and/or young child. How did you respond? What was your own theoretical inclination? If you do not have much experience interacting with children, try to imagine yourself in these types of interactions.


With these thoughts in mind, post an analysis of language development. Summarize the parent’s role from the point of view of each of the following theoretical views: You will assess language development from the learning theory, nativist, and interactionist theoretical approaches. How does the concept of infant-directed speech apply to the parent’s reactions to the infant and young child’s language development? Then, summarize your own view of the language acquisition process. Which theoretical approach makes the most sense to you, and why?

Note: Support your initial post with evidence from at least one Learning Resource. You may state your opinion and/or provide personal examples; however, you must also back up your assertions with evidence, including in-text citation(s) and reference(s) in APA style.


Respond to at least one of your colleagues’ postings by explaining what your point of view is, and then share why it is important for your colleague to consider. Alternatively, you could respond to your colleague’s ideas by offering additional insights that you think could be helpful for your colleague to consider. For example, if your colleague defined infant directed speech but did not discuss it further, you could describe how you may have used infant directed speech with your own children and support your experience with research from the Week 2 Learning Resources.

Note: Your responses to colleagues should be substantial (200–300 words), supported with scholarly evidence from your research and/or the Learning Resources, and properly cited in APA style. Personal anecdotes are acceptable within meaningful responses but cannot stand alone as a response. Responses should enrich the initial post by supporting and/or adding a fresh viewpoint and be constructive, enhancing the learning for all students.

Note: For this Discussion, you are required to complete your initial post before you will be able to view and respond to your colleagues’ postings. Begin by clicking on the Reply button to complete your initial post. Remember, once you click on Post Reply, you cannot delete or edit your own posts and you cannot post anonymously. Please check your post carefully before clicking on Post Reply!   

Step-By-Step Guide on PSYC 2002 2-1 Discussion

INTRODUCTION TO PSYC 2002 2-1 Discussion

This Owlisdom How-To guide of PSYC 2002 2-1 Discussion involves analyzing language development in children by summarizing the parent’s role from three theoretical perspectives: learning theory, nativist approach, and interactionist approach. Additionally, it explores the concept of infant-directed speech and its application in language development. Finally, you will reflect on your view of the language acquisition process and respond to a peer’s perspective.

Summarize the parent’s role from the point of view of each of the following theoretical views: You will assess language development from the learning theory, nativist, and interactionist theoretical approaches.


Summarizing the parent’s role from different theoretical views in PSYC 2002 2-1 Discussion.

Learning Theory

  • Summarize how the learning theory explains language acquisition through rewards and reinforcement. 
  • Emphasize the parent’s role in providing positive feedback to encourage language development.

Language development in humans is a complex interplay of biological predisposition and environmental input, which is why it has been explained through various theoretical lenses, including the learning theory, nativist, and interactionist approaches. Each offers a unique perspective on the role of the parent in facilitating language acquisition.

The learning theory posits that language acquisition is driven primarily by operant conditioning—children learn to speak through rewards and reinforcement. Parents play a crucial role by rewarding speech attempts and encouraging further vocalizations that resemble the correct speech patterns. Under this theory, parents who consistently respond positively to their child’s attempts at speech can expect quicker and more accurate language development. The approach suggests that parents actively shape their child’s language skills by providing specific feedback on language use.

Nativist Approach

  • Explain the nativist approach, focusing on the concept of the language acquisition device (LAD) and the innate biological mechanisms for language learning. 
  • Highlight the parent’s role in providing a language-rich environment.

In contrast, the nativist approach, as proposed by Noam Chomsky, argues that the ability to learn language is hard-wired into the brain. The theory introduces the concept of a ‘language acquisition device’ (LAD), an innate biological mechanism that holds the grammatical universals inherent to all human languages (Feldman, 2022). From this perspective, the parent’s role is less about reinforcement and more about providing an environment that allows this natural linguistic ability to unfold. Parents who subscribe to this theory might focus more on engaging in everyday speech around their children, assuming that exposure to language is enough to trigger the child’s intrinsic language learning capabilities.

Interactionist Approach

  • Describe the interactionist approach, which combines biological predispositions and social interactions. 
  • Discuss the parent’s role in engaging in meaningful communication and using infant-directed speech.

The interactionist approach synthesizes aspects of learning and nativist theories, proposing that language development results from biological predispositions and language-rich social interactions (Khazri, 2024). Here, the parent’s role is integral in providing reinforcement or exposure and engaging in meaningful communication that supports the structure and function of language learning. The theory emphasizes the importance of infant-directed speech, also known as ‘parentese,’ which involves exaggerated sounds, high pitch, and slow tempos to grab the infant’s attention and aid in linguistic processing.

How does the concept of infant-directed speech apply to the parent’s reactions to the infant and young child’s language development?


In this section of PSYC 2002 2-1 Discussion, we will discuss infant-directed speech.

  • Define infant-directed speech and explain its significance in language development. 
  • Provide examples of how parents use this type of speech.


Infant-directed speech plays a pivotal role across these theories but is most emphasized within the interactionist approach. This type of speech involves modifying tone, pitch, and rhythm, which seems to aid language learning (Nencheva & Lew-Williams, 2022). It helps maintain infants’ attention and convey linguistic structures more clearly. Parents instinctively use parentese to communicate more effectively with their infants and foster an emotional connection, which is essential for social and emotional development alongside language skills.

Then, summarize your own view of the language acquisition process. Which theoretical approach makes the most sense to you, and why?


In this section of PSYC 2002 2-1 Discussion, we will discuss personal views.

  • Reflect on your perspective of the language acquisition process. 
  • Identify which theoretical approach you find most convincing and explain why.


The interactionist approach resonates the most with me. It acknowledges the innate abilities that children bring into their language learning journey while emphasizing the critical role of social interaction in stimulating and shaping linguistic development. The theory aligns with my observations and experiences, where children’s language capabilities flourish in environments rich in verbal engagement and emotional responsiveness.


Feldman, R. S. (2022). Child development (9th ed.). Pearson.

Khazri, M. (2024). Exploring Language Development in Children: Insights from Theory and Practice. https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mahfoudh-Khazri/publication/379083611_Exploring_Language_Development_in_Children_Insights_from_Theory_and_Practice/links/65fa93d5a4857c796260f750/Exploring-Language-Development-in-Children-Insights-from-Theory-and-Practice.pdf 

Nencheva, M. L., & Lew-Williams, C. (2022). Understanding why infant-directed speech supports learning: A dynamic attention perspective. Developmental Review, 66, 101047.

Respond to at least one of your colleagues’ postings by explaining what your point of view is, and then share why it is important for your colleague to consider.


  • Respond to a colleague’s post by explaining your perspective and suggesting additional insights. 
  • Focus on societal or environmental factors that may complement their analysis.


Greetings Chelsea,

Your discussion offers a valuable perspective on language acquisition theories, particularly highlighting the benefits of the nativist approach. I appreciate your focus on the biological predispositions that facilitate children’s natural unfolding of language capabilities. However, I would like to elaborate further on the significance of interactionist elements in language development, which might enrich your understanding and application of language acquisition concepts.

The interactionist approach emphasizes the synergy between innate linguistic capabilities and caregivers’ enriched linguistic environment (Feldman, 2022). While the nativist perspective rightly underscores the inbuilt capacity for language learning, the interactionist viewpoint suggests that this potential is maximally realized through active engagement and responsive communication from parents and caregivers.

For example, the practice of infant-directed speech, which you touched upon, is more than just a tool for maintaining an infant’s attention—it actively shapes the child’s understanding of linguistic structures. Studies have shown that exaggerated phonetic contrasts and the slower pace of parentese help infants discern phonetic building blocks more effectively, which is crucial for language development.

Incorporating this perspective could provide a more holistic approach to supporting language acquisition in children. By acknowledging the role of biological predispositions and the quality of social interactions, parents and educators can create a more dynamic and supportive learning environment (Barreto-Zarza & Arranz-Freijo, 2022). The approach accelerates linguistic development and enhances cognitive and emotional development, interlinked with language skills.

Therefore, while the nativist approach provides a foundational understanding of language acquisition, the interactionist approach could offer practical strategies for actively fostering language development in educational and home settings. The perspective encourages parents to play a more active and engaging role, which is crucial for optimizing the language learning environment for children.


Barreto-Zarza, F., & Arranz-Freijo, E. B. (2022). Family context, parenting, and child development: An epigenetic approach. Social Sciences, 11(3), 113.

Feldman, R. S. (2022). Child development (9th ed.). Pearson.


By following these guidelines of PSYC 2002 2-1 Discussion, you will be able to effectively analyze language development from multiple theoretical perspectives, understand the role of infant-directed speech, and articulate your view on the language acquisition process. Additionally, you will provide constructive feedback to your peers, enriching the discussion on language development. In the next module of PSYC 2002, we will explore 2-2 Attachment and Temperament.

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